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The Beijing Doctrine

Sir Keshav IV

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Beijing Corp has formulated this doctrine following their recent build up of Weapons of Mass Destruction.

Article 1- They are weapons not items to be marveled at-

If any nation attacks us we have the right to use nuclear weapons as a first strike weapon whether the would is pleased or not. The Nuclear Weapon or any ICBM shall be launched only after the staff vote on allowing it to be launched. If majority say no the weapon shall not be launched.

Article 2- Nuclear Defense-

Someone nukes us, say goodbye to infrastructure and say hi to radiation. We don't give a damn which nation that is we will nuke back whether our company likes it or not.

Article 3- Opinion on world wide build up of WMD-

All you nations who cry when a nation builds a nuclear weapon are just hypocrites. We promote the build up of such weapons and will certainly not care if another nation builds WMD's unless the world cries foul.

Article 4- Cancellation of this Doctrine-

It can be canceled by the CEO whenever he pleases.


CEO Keshav

We are not to be a pushover nation. While many might laugh at us we shall take it lightly and continue living our way of life. If anyone wishes to sign this as well you may as its a completely open document.


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While we understand Beijing Corp's right to use their nuclear weapons, we hope that they are aware of the consequences using such weaponry would pose and use them responsibly. Should a nuclear weapon launched from Beijing Corp, or the fallout produced from such a weapon affect Vaule or any territory administered by the government of Vaule, we will be holding the government of the Beijing Corp fully accountable, and we will respond accordingly.

Edited by Imperator Azenquor
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"We will remind the Beijing Corporation that several nations in the world have nuclear weapons that are much more potent than the Corp's... and are much better prepared towards nuclear war (ergo, they have a Strategic Defense Initiative and a comprehensive shelter system). Promising nuclear war upon any kind of belligerence while not being able to damage as much through such kind of warfare as a potential opponent... or even defend itself against nuclear attacks... may result in an irreparable backfire."

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The Beijing Corp. is merely flexing arms, trying to look intimidating.

However, they end up looking incredibly silly and apparently know nothing of diplomatic protocols.

Until this status ends, Canada will end all contact with the Beijing Corp and refuse to accept any goods coming from there.

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It is certainly their right to impliment this doctrine, but we echo the statement of Vaule. Should we be directly affected by fallout from any use of these weapons that is not in direct retaliation for a nuclear strike on Beijing Corporation, we reserve the right to take whatever measures we deem necessary.

Edited by Subtleknifewielder
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Beijing Corp has grown quite arrogant lately. For a country that supposedly doesn’t have the weaponry capable of attacking the Northern Empire we’re surprised you can build ICBM’s with nuclear warheads.

Please read Article 1 again. We cannot have attacked Northern Empire because of Article 1. Maybe if you read actually you would understand.

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Please read Article 1 again. We cannot have attacked Northern Empire because of Article 1. Maybe if you read actually you would understand.

Perhaps it's time Beijing Corp dulled down the attitude, and returned to reality, before someone brings reality to you.

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Beijing Corp has grown quite arrogant lately. For a country that supposedly doesn't have the weaponry capable of attacking the Northern Empire we're surprised you can build ICBM's with nuclear warheads.
Please read Article 1 again. We cannot have attacked Northern Empire because of Article 1. Maybe if you read actually you would understand.

Please review the Slavorussian Statement. They did not say you did have such weapons, only that they find it ironic that you could build these, in light of your claims to not have any.

Frankly, so do we.

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