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United Foundation Announcement

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Greetings Planet Bob,

Today is a very proud and yet very sad day for me. One year ago, my first alliance, New Horizon Network, disbanded. It was a very tough decision for us to merge into FEAR on that day, but our leader, king dog of Dracula felt it was best for the members of the alliance. I respect him for this swift decision and helping to keep my fellow allies in NHN safe. FEAR was not the place for me though, which led me to First United Council. Millhouse, a friend of mine from Allied Defense Network (a pre-merger form of NHN), offered me the position of Secretary of State after NHN disbanded. Millhouse issued a statement regarding the disbanding of NHN:

I wish to echo Kyle’s sentiments in saying welcome and congratulations to the new members of our government. It was a sad day when NHN disbanded a year ago. I remember, the alliance I had built and was currently the President of, First United Council, watched a good friend and ally in NHN go away. I thank FEAR for looking after their new members, but I am glad that some of them came to FUC and then followed us into the United Foundation. It is because of their help that we have gotten to where we are today.

Here is to remembering our fallen allies and pushing forward with the one’s that remain.


Secretary General

United Foundation

I graciously accepted that position and one year, including a merge, later I am proud to announce the new government for United Foundation. Congratulations those elected and selected to lead.

President: Kyle Smith

Secretary General: Millhouse

Secretary of State: Kyle Smith (filling this position for the time being)

Secretary of Defense: pjk11

Secretary of the Treasury: King Aladar

Secretary of Alliance Development: Karfka

Supreme Court Justices:




I’m very proud to lead this alliance into the future and I hope that you’ll stop by our forums to hang out with us.

Special thanks goes out to our protector TPF and the members of OPP for working with us through the merger and re-accepting us into OPP post merge.

o/ UF

o/ TPF

o/ OPP

and for the last time…

o/ NHN

Kyle Smith


United Foundation

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o/ President Kyle Smith of the United Foundation

Hail United Foundation

I am excited at the chance to work with such a fine group of players from CN. I would like to thank my friend pjk11 for his outstanding friendship and for inviting me to the UF.

As Secretary of the Treasury I will work hard with every nation within our network and reach out to all our allies in order to see that Aid slots are flowing with cash and tech for aid chains.

Secretary of the Treasury

-King Aladar

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Wow, NHN, I remember them. Must catch up with King Dog at some time.

Congrat's to those elected and good luck for the future. :)

sup mayzie i am still around :)

Congrats UF nice gov, wait i am in UF, we rock!


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Thank you, kyle and Millhouse, for allowing me once more to serve as the Secretary of alliance Development. I have a few new ideas I hope to get going, and I fell honored to have this opportunity. I promise to do my best to improve the United Foundation and make sure it reaches it's full potential.

~Karfka of Dectubech

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