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The Pax Pacifica.


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Novus Nicae is looking to purchase some land in Indonesia that is held as a Pax Pacifica protectorate along with the sovereign rights over that land.

We were once a peaceful and stable resident in this region and we would like to re-enter the region again and establish an industrial centre in the region to provide manufactured goods to Pax Pacifica at reasonable prices.

We would be a politically neutral nation and not involve ourselves in regional conflicts unless we are directly threatened as this would be counter-productive to our goals to maximise our profits and wars are notoriously unprofitable.

We will require only a few of the islands of your choosing that are held as a protectorate so we can establish an industrial city and some additional space for farmland to provide raw materials for our food manufacturing plants.

The Olympic Corporation will pay for this land with a offer to provide the Pax nations with a 33% share of the profits from this regional division for the next 15 years, this 33% may be divided anyway that Pax Pacifica sees fit to share it among its member states, on top of this offer the government of Novus Niciae is willing to wave import and export duties for Pax Nations wishing to trade with us and the use of our ports as a place to transship goods on civilian freighters.

We ask that you consider our offer as a potential source of regional economic growth that will benefit all the nations in the region.

Edited by Prime minister Johns
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Annihilation sees no problem with this request. The Olympic Corporation could provide economic growth and stability to the people of the Phillippines, and as you are requesting a Pax Pacifica protectorate, you would be automatically entitled Central Nation status.

We have to ask, however... How prepared are you to promote and maintain peace in the region?

We shall have our cartographers map out the islands according to your request immediately (OOC: SoI lol)

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I would like to found The Nation of Selenarctos in the Pax Pacifica Protectorate of the Philippines. I will, of course, sign and uphold all 5 clauses of the Pax Pacifica treaty.

Glorious Aotearoa would be more than willing to ced the protectorate region to this local rising government. We feel this claim should take precedence over other claims to this area, on the basis it is a local government from the people.

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Do you not already hold land in the gulf of persia?

"From what we know, they indeed hold the island Socotra, which is in the Persian gulf, or at least nearby.

I would like to found The Nation of Selenarctos in the Pax Pacifica Protectorate of the Philippines. I will, of course, sign and uphold all 5 clauses of the Pax Pacifica treaty.

"Singapore would not be opposed to this, on the same basis as Aotearoa. This is would be a local government, not a foreign nation taking control."

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Then it is settled. Unanimous vote in favour of Selenarctos and against the Olympic Corporation.

So: let it be known the the remainder of the Philippines Protectorate is to be given to Selenarctos, while no land is to be given to the Olympic Corporation. Futhermore, let it be known that Selenarctos is considered to be a signatory in the means of a Pacific Central Nation, and we are awaiting signatures.

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Then I shall open my offer to any pacific nation with a pacific protectorate.

Allow me to purchase sovereign rights to that land and I will provide a stable regional government and a 33% share of any profits gathered from that region for a period of fifteen years. This is an open offer for any pacific nation or pacific holding nation to consider.

Edited by Prime minister Johns
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Then I shall open my offer to any pacific nation with a pacific protectorate.

Allow me to purchase sovereign rights to that land and I will provide a stable regional government and a 33% share of any profits gathered from that region for a period of fifteen years. This is an open offer for any pacific nation or pacific holding nation to consider.


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Then I shall open my offer to any pacific nation with a pacific protectorate.

Allow me to purchase sovereign rights to that land and I will provide a stable regional government and a 33% share of any profits gathered from that region for a period of fifteen years. This is an open offer for any pacific nation or pacific holding nation to consider.

Exploitive manipulation like this shall not be tolerated. Be warned, Glorious Aotearoa will not stand for an arab based nation meddling in our backyard.

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Exploitive manipulation like this shall not be tolerated. Be warned, Glorious Aotearoa will not stand for an arab based nation meddling in our backyard.

The pacific is our home, the original Nicians and Olympians were natives of this region so we are not Arab based. We consider ourselves to be pacific nation in exile since we were forced to flee from various disasters that struck us.

We shall withdraw this offer under protest, but we shall always consider ourselves to be a nation of pacific origin.

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Signed for The Hansiatic Commonwealth:

Sarah Tintagyl, Lady Protector of the Hansa

OOC: Slight misspelling of Hanseatic.

IC: The Nation of Selenarctos obtains with regard to Yamato's entrance into Pax Pacifica.

Edited by iKrolm
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Your attitude has been noted to have been cooled, as recent events have showed, and you have a stable and self reliant nation. Glorious Aotearoa will have to put past dealing aside, and vote for the acceptance of Yamato into this pact.

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Promised Land wishes to apply. We realize we cannot be a Pacific Central Nation, but we wish to apply as a Pacific Holding Nation.

Glorious Aotearoa sees no reason to deny this.

We also call upon the other members of this pact to vote on the three applicants.

Yamato: 2 Yay

Palintine: 1 Yay

Promised Land: 1 Yay.

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