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directed at Logan

Right, what do you mean?

Buying infra above 15k is basically pointless, as once you are to 14,000 and can get the SDC that's basically the extent to which buying infra is currently valuable. After 15k and the bill increase it becomes worthless unless you care about your ranking.

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I mean get the infra to be above 14k. He is sitting at 8k or so if I remember correctly.

Also, I think the infra limit has changed.

I was at 16400 infra, I bought 10 just now...

My bills increased 17577.60, my income increased 19696.16.

2k increase in daily income is not too bad.(of course this is different for trades, enviroments, wonders etc)

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Return for cost is not everything; and ultimately, after I get my last eco wonder, buying infra at my level is the only way to increase net daily income.

When your ROI is nearly 1,000 it might even be possible land is a better investment.

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When your ROI is nearly 1,000 it might even be possible land is a better investment.

1 mile of land is half the cost of 1 level of infra for me. No, land is no where close even with agri. wonder, esp with no environment pen. for me.

Even if you don't buy infra because of ROI argument, work out a donation deal or just donate is good. Nothing is going to give you +40k of daily income cheaper.

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1 mile of land is half the cost of 1 level of infra for me. No, land is no where close even with agri. wonder, esp with no environment pen. for me.

You sure about that? Just some back of the napkin calculations here (let me know if anything looks off)...

Lets say your individual income is $500 (a conservative estimate), meaning 150 bucks taxes. 10 miles of land, after all modifiers, should bring it about 10 citizens for you. 10 * 150 = 1500. 10 infra (as you stated) is 2k. So you can pay half as much for 1.5k (which is a very conservative estimate) extra income, or get 2k. It is looking like land is more profitable.

Also, with more land you could dump a border wall, which would help a bit.

Edited by raskull
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First, GET THE MP!!! One nuke would knock you out of the top 5%, and it is not easy to get back up there. Also, from my knowledge, extra income becomes meaningless after 15k-odd infra, as your warchest will quickly exceed CN$ 1 Billion, and the vast majority of that would be spent to rebuild after a war. So that 2k extra a day MIGHT mean 1 extra infra level rebuilt. Buying infra, tech and land at that size should follow a simple formula. "Buying tech" means organically, maximum tech importation and monthly donations are a must as well. This applies to all other nation aspects, use dinations and aid slots fully.

Buy Tech if it is less than 5/3 the cost of infra, per level, plus a small number to factor in infra's income.

Buy Land if it is less than 1/2 the cost of infra per modified level*, factoring in resources, ect, minus a small amount, to factor in infra's greater income bonus.

Buy Infra if it is between 3/5 the cost per level of tech and twice the cost of land* (including land modifiers).

If both the tech buying and land buying conditions are satisfied, buy tech if its cost is less than 10/3 the cost per modified level of land*.

*Since purchased land is considerably less than actual land, multiply your actual land cost by (Purchased Land/(Total land-growth) when using the calculations.

At extreme sizes maintaining a full military, excepting tanks and soldiers above efficiency=60% population, is a must to maintain war preparation and to have the maximum possible NS.

I might be wrong, if I am please post and tell me so I can learn more about CN's mechanics.

Edited by Maxwell
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always do tech deals, no matter what your tech/infra level is when you are large. that is how you win wars.

there are a point when additional tech does not help you any more in income but it does not matter. increase tech always.

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always do tech deals, no matter what your tech/infra level is when you are large. that is how you win wars.

there are a point when additional tech does not help you any more in income but it does not matter. increase tech always.

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I meant that, my calculations were for buying it with your own money directly, for hundreds of thousands a level most likely. Try for 600 tech a month at your size, the most possible is 900, if you get it all for free from your alliance.

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the most possible is 900, if you get it all for free from your alliance.

Slightly off topic, but do you know how common this is? I always figured guys like Matt Miller got their tech for free, but how far down the ranks does it go? Does your average ~100k NS nation get free tech in some alliances?

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Slightly off topic, but do you know how common this is? I always figured guys like Matt Miller got their tech for free, but how far down the ranks does it go? Does your average ~100k NS nation get free tech in some alliances?

I don't think any of them get their tech for "free," because I think admin counts that as aid abuse, feeding one nation continuously for months. I think the top nations in an alliance probebly do 3m/900 or 3m/1000. 3m/850 is 1 3m out every month for 17 tech slots in. Whether or not a 100k ns nation would get that depends on the alliance. Smallish alliances, with 100-200 members, and with only one or two people, would probably do that, while GRE or TOP most likely not.

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I don't think any of them get their tech for "free," because I think admin counts that as aid abuse, feeding one nation continuously for months. I think the top nations in an alliance probebly do 3m/900 or 3m/1000. 3m/850 is 1 3m out every month for 17 tech slots in. Whether or not a 100k ns nation would get that depends on the alliance. Smallish alliances, with 100-200 members, and with only one or two people, would probably do that, while GRE or TOP most likely not.

Why would it be considered aid abuse?

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