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A Presidential Ultimatum from the United States of China


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The forces associated with the Communist International Movement have 24 hours to leave China. There will be no negotiation with the United States of China on this matter. The United States will stand with our Japanese allies in the Anti-Comintern Pact and other friends both at home and abroad. A red star will never fly over Beijing.

In years past my predecessors have neglected the Chinese of the North. That was a mistake. However, I will not allow for a failed ideology, which has only served to exacerbate suffering of the poor and down trodden world wide to rise due to my predecessors mistakes. I am prepared to meet with all political leaders at any time, however, I will not cede the North to a global conspiracy which is exactly what Comintern is.

To the foreign agents of Comintern, you have 24 hours to begin the process of leaving China. I suggest you comply before I order my army to remove you.


Kun Triyun, President of the United States of China

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**Internal Message to the Comintern Central Committee**

Comrades: I strongly urge you to keep your military presence in Northern China; I know that the NAAC will. If we withdraw now we will be betraying the people of China and giving a clear sign to the world that we will allow statist, capitalist, imperialist, and fascist scum to push us around. We will not and we can not give the world such a sign - we are the People, and the People cannot be defeated!

If war must come, let the reactionaries make the first attack so it may be known to all that we are innocent parties. Continue protecting the border and sending convoys of supplies to the North Soviet. Our armies are strong, our people are bold, and the USC is making claims they could never hope to support.

Not one step back!

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An Official Response From the General Council of the Socialist Tribal Confederacy of Mongol-Sweden:

When this governmental body first took power over the then-free territories of the former Republic of Mongolia, we made a declaration that we would respect the sovereignty and self-determination of all of our East Asian brothers and sisters, regardless of what banner they rallied under, regardless of their creed or clan. It was in the spirit of peace and prosperity that we endorsed your very own Good Neighbor Doctrine, in the hopes that this was a mutual effort to reduce tensions in the region that have manifested as a result of the significant difference in creeds that the diverse East Asian peoples have expressed, as they should be free to do so.

What we see unfolding now has, initially, confused us. Where has the spirit of sovereignty gone, where the peoples of this proud corner of the world that took a first great step for peace and prosperity declared that we would stand united in the spirit of respecting the rights of each and every country to determine their own course?

This threat of violence against a country that has decided to fulfill its own destiny as its own people have determined saddens us, but we will remain firm believers in the spirit of sovereignty. The General Council will motion to honor our treaties. We will uphold the Comintern and the sovereign right of each of its members to remain free from the intervention of chauvinist forces who would seek to support a reactionary policy of violence against a rightful popular revolution. We firmly state to the United States of China, and any other force in East Asia who would threaten the sovereignty of the peoples of The Northern Soviet, that they must choose between their honor of respecting the independence of these peoples, or ally themselves firmly with the forces of imperialist hegemony.

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The Government of the Azerbaijani Republic beleives all nations have the right to self determination an self governance, the United States of China have no right to force a people out of its territory. Tought considering the military and technologic strenght of the Comintern, i'm pretty sure an armed conflict would be a disastrous campaign for China.

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What we see unfolding now has, initially, confused us. Where has the spirit of sovereignty gone, where the peoples of this proud corner of the world that took a first great step for peace and prosperity declared that we would stand united in the spirit of respecting the rights of each and every country to determine their own course?

Where has it gone indeed? We have no problem with a socialist government in the North. What we have a problem with is Comintern which subordinates state sovereignty to a global conspiratorial movement. Who is seeking Hegemony in Asia. The United States has opposed the expansion of other states, however the Comintern has sought to do just that. You may say that the Mongol and Ming states are different, but the way you practice suggests that they and the American communist states are in fact the same entity.

We thank the Indians for their support and hope they will support a united nationalist front in Asia.

Edited by Triyun
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Official Announcement from the Republic of India

India has always stood for peace and prosperity. More so the stability of Asia was most important. But in the recent past we have seen some "Foreigners" trying to colonize in Asia with puppet states. The Republic of India will not stand for "foreigners" trying to colonize Asia and as such we declare support in any means possible to USC to deal with this Communist threat from the east.


President-Tommy Lee Jones

Prime Minister- Naveen Karthik

Parliament of India

*Private to USC*

Our navy is pretty small but well trained. If you need help blockading ports in the east please do ask. Also 20,000 men are ready and mobilized and shall move east easily.

Edited by Sir Keshav IV
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Sr. General Minh Kong, Chairman of the State Peace and Development Council and Head of State and Government was quoted today in an official statement regarding the situation:

"Burma supports both India and the United States of China in their statements concerning the Northern Soviet, formerly known as the Ming Dynasty. While we cannot promise physical support at this time, our Asian neighbors do have our political, moral, and spiritual support.

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While publicly for awhile the Imperium has maintained its composure and position of indifference in regard to the actions of Commintern we can no longer continue to ignore the threat they pose. The Imperium is it self not entirely devoid of socialist ideals, we invest heavily in public works, maintain laws which protect all of our people from exploitation, and have social programs which ensure the general welfare of the people we rule in essence we have sought to absorb the positive aspects of leftist advocacy while still maintaining the structure and other aspects which have worked are are established within our society already. As such we have been somewhat sympathetic of the reactionist position of communism and find it understandable that the exploited of a nation would act as they do. We have tolerated to this point the actions of these nations to this point knowing that as the system became more established and time progressed the extremists would die off and moderates would take their place. However have come to the conclusion that there may not be enough time for that. Ignoring the reasons and simply looking at the actions of this bloc we have realized that the ideologies of communism and its economic aspect of socialism are themselves convenient as they reject the sovereignty of any nation as well as advocate an internationalist position of spreading the doctrine and thus the influence of system itself. Like an evangelist religion we understand now that the subordinates of the leftist nations truly believe that they must expand the power of their nation as it is the only means to true liberation. Meanwhile the leadership of these nations though only seeming to be elected representatives are allowing the public to press them for violently imperialistic policies (couping governments ect) and illegal actions. Rather than have to justify controversial actions to their people these leaders have simply devised a way to be asked to do so. The truth, regardless of whatever excuse they may offer is that the communist international is forming a hegemony. They have conqured the west, and have begun to march in the east.

That said the Imperium continues to support the USC, the east must be shielded from this ever expanding empire and the domination it seeks to impose.

Edited by iamthey
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Yuktobania shall oppose the USC's policy of political cleansing. The Chinese should have every right to free political ideologies.

There is a diffrence though, by choosing a communist ideology they instantly expand the influence of commieintern into the region; which means down the line the other nations sovereignty in the region will be threatened, and we will be prevented from freely following our own political ideologies and systems. While they can hide behind the value of self determinism now, they will ultimately end up just trying to convert or destroy those who remain. Their actions and movements now are essentially just a philosophical word game forcing us to contradict ourselves and seem imperialistic even though ultimately they are the ones who are being expansionist. And its really not even the expansionism the Imperium has a problem with its the fact that they are threatening nations that are already established, and forcing their ideology down our throats.

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The Bolshevik Federation is baffled at the rediculous conspiracy created and spread by the aggresive USC. We once held the USC high, as a respectible nation and possible friend, but now it has become too obviouse that they merely seek to expand and further their own goals by using the Comintern as a scape-goat when there is no evidence of the Comintern as a "global conspiracy". The only obviouse conspiracy are those set forth and made-up but the USC itself.

We hope for a peaceful resolution to this matter, with the USC looking to matters of their own state rather then trying to force the fate of another. Also note that we are bound by the constitution of the Comintern and will thus be forced to enter any conflict that arrises between the Comintern and anyother nation and/or pact. We hope the USC will reconsider its aggressive stance against Communism, that clearly is not a failed idiology but a fully functioning and successful pne as is being proven by the creation of the Comintern and continued rise of the working class in Asia.

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The Great Lakes Council Republic, though formally unaligned in this world, believes that in the interest of the peace of the world and the lives of its people it can ill afford not to tender its opinion. Other nations are free to disregard it, but we should earn blame if our objections to what we consider the misconduct of the United States of China were not voiced. We can only hope that openminded souls will listen. In the view of the Great Lakes Council Republic, the United States of China has overstepped its bounds in two regards. The first is that it has declared its intention to contravene the will of the people of another state, who have chosen a way to govern themselves. The second is that it has essentially taken it upon itself to decide what sort of pacts nations may or may not negotiate between themselves.

Other states have weighed in on both these issues already, but the treatment of especially the first question has been sadly lacking. It can, after all, be argued that the United States of China has demanded only that Comintern soldiery vacate the territory of the Northern Soviet. No doubt the Chinese have argued this in various embassies over the globe; they have not deemed us worthy of that particular honor, so we do not know. Certainly it would be in their interests to make their demand seem as mild as possible, so as to cultivate support among the easily deceived for their effrontery to international common law and the rights of nations and peoples. Upon analysis of the United States of China’s original diplomatic release, we in the Great Lakes Council Republic believe that their have stated quite clearly their intent to affect regime change in the Northern Soviet. Mr. Kun states that “a red star will never fly over Beijing”. He would do well to realize that such a situation currently exists, despite his posturing. The Northern Soviet may or may not have a red star as its symbol; our most recent information regarding their flag comes from the days of the New Ming Empire (the Comintern's symbol is a gold hammer and sickle). However, the fact remains that it is people of the Northern Soviet who have the right to determine the government under which they shall live, and it would appear they have chosen a form of socialism. Mr. Kun may consider their choice of a “failed ideology” which will only serve to “exacerbate their suffering” (interesting implication that the common people were suffering even under the New Ming Empire), but it was their choice, not his, to make. An attempt at regime change by the United States of China, in our opinion, goes against the rights of the people of the Northern Soviet to choose their government, and will be frowned upon by the Great Lakes Council Republic on principle.

The second issue is more narrow, and has been treated in more depth by other statesmen, but it would be churlish of us to weigh in on one issue and to ignore the other. It relates, essentially, to the freedom of states, rather than the freedom of peoples. To allow the United States of China to essentially dictate what pacts or alliances its neighbors may or may not sign, or what nations it allows to station troops on its territory sets an extremely dangerous precedent. The precedent is made worse by the fact that there has been no credible evidence put forward by the United States of China that the Comintern troops in the Northern Soviet (which are outnumbered by native soldiers by all accounts) pose either a foreseeable or an intrinsic threat to the territorial integrity of the United States of China. There has been no evidence put forward that plans exist to invade China, to interdict Chinese goods, to raid Chinese land, or to take any other conceivable action that would be harmful to China. The only charge China has to bring here is that these troops may be hostile because they’re Comintern troops and China is a member of the Anti-Comintern Pact. If this is China’s attitude, it has nobody to blame but itself; it chose to involve itself in the Anti-Comintern Pact, and if this is China’s only justification for the potential danger these Comintern troops pose to it, it is China’s own actions which have brought upon its own hardly substantiated feelings of insecurity. I’m not denying the United States of China the right to join the Anti-Comintern Pact, merely stating that actions have consequences, and China, having made its call, should have the maturity and responsibility to accept those consequences rather than crying for a “do-over”. Back to precedent: if states can intervene in their neighbors’ foreign affairs, this undermines the very principle of the sovereignty of states, makes it subordinate to the whims of the mighty.

If states value their own sovereignty, their latitude to make political choices for themselves, they will withhold support from the United States of China. If they value the rights of their people, they will withhold support from the United States of China. If they do not value either, well, that is a sad commentary on the sort of states China can count among its allies.

The Great Lakes Council Republic would like to remind everyone again of its policy of noninvolvement in this conflict, and that it has made this declaration upon principle alone. Any attempts, however, to widen this conflict to the North American continent will be met with the sternest of force.

Sincerely yours,

Ron White, Commissioner for Foreign Affairs

Edited by Sovyet Gelibolu
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"Burma does not see a problem with communism here. What we do see is a problem with Comintern. The organization is spreading its fingers into every corner of the world, and we suspect them of fostering these ideals within sovereign nations borders.

Communism has failed in the past, but we have yet to see how the contemporary communist and socialist nations will fair. I believe that communism is an avenue to utopia, but it is not possible to realize that dream on this planet. Not by me, and not by any other person.

However, communism has quickly become synonymous with Comintern. Only a select few communist states, the U.S.S.R. being the only one that comes to mind, are not in this organization. It is an attempt at hegemony. They claim to bring freedom to the people, liberate them from our evils. No. Their hegemony is a direct contradiction to their ideology. They speak of destroying corruption. I destroyed corruption in my nation. I routed it from our borders. I did that without communism.

Comintern, yours is not the only way."

-Sr. General Minh Kong

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"Burma does not see a problem with communism here. What we do see is a problem with Comintern. The organization is spreading its fingers into every corner of the world, and we suspect them of fostering these ideals within sovereign nations borders.

Communism has failed in the past, but we have yet to see how the contemporary communist and socialist nations will fair. I believe that communism is an avenue to utopia, but it is not possible to realize that dream on this planet. Not by me, and not by any other person.

However, communism has quickly become synonymous with Comintern. Only a select few communist states, the U.S.S.R. being the only one that comes to mind, are not in this organization. It is an attempt at hegemony. They claim to bring freedom to the people, liberate them from our evils. No. Their hegemony is a direct contradiction to their ideology. They speak of destroying corruption. I destroyed corruption in my nation. I routed it from our borders. I did that without communism.

Comintern, yours is not the only way."

-Sr. General Minh Kong

It is strange how 1 man can peer into the minds of all and know that such a path is impossible. Also, it was never stated that the Comintern was the only way for a nation, or a people to for example rid themselves of corruption. The Commintern was made to create a more capable force to aid Communist, Socialist, and Anarchist nations that have signed. We do not look to spread our influence by force. We did not force the Northern Soviet to join, it was their decision and in light of USC aggression we must defend our ally. NOT to invade Asia or carry out any other rediculous conspiracy, but simply carrying out the obligation that we have agreed to by signing the pact. And that is to defend Comintern signatories. Please let us put this..idiocy to rest.

Edited by General Orlov
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"Do you know the definition or the goal and aims of communism Russkiy? I have heard many of the nations of Comintern make public speeches and announcements speaking of defeating corruption. Have you read Karl Marx? It is communism's ultimate goal to take over the world. It is the only way for there to be true communism.

You do not even know your own goals or points. I can say that communism is impossible in this world because of psychology and philosophy. Surely you do not believe every citizen of yours is satisfied with your doctrine. And there it is, not true communism."

-Sr. General Minh Kong

OOC: No, really, it's true.

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It is the feeling of this General Council that a diplomatic solution can best be achieved by the voluntary removal of Comintern forces that are not native to East Asia, provided that the United States of China would agree to rescind its threats of violence and to agree not to meddle in the affairs of the Northern Soviet, apart from the unbiased humanitarian relief and aid that human decency compels humanity to provide.

What we are proposing is for a joint East Asian humanitarian relief effort to be carried out only by East Asian peoples, for all foreign powers beyond the region to lift their blockades and other damaging policies that only serve to starve the human population as a means of violent coercion, and for diplomacy to reign, rather than allow our rivers to run red with the blood of anymore innocent victims of politicians, pundits, and bureaucrats playing geopolitical board games with human lives.

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It is the feeling of this General Council that a diplomatic solution can best be achieved by the voluntary removal of Comintern forces that are not native to East Asia, provided that the United States of China would agree to rescind its threats of violence and to agree not to meddle in the affairs of the Northern Soviet, apart from the unbiased humanitarian relief and aid that human decency compels humanity to provide.

What we are proposing is for a joint East Asian humanitarian relief effort to be carried out only by East Asian peoples, for all foreign powers beyond the region to lift their blockades and other damaging policies that only serve to starve the human population as a means of violent coercion, and for diplomacy to reign, rather than allow our rivers to run red with the blood of anymore innocent victims of politicians, pundits, and bureaucrats playing geopolitical board games with human lives.

"A rather agreeable statement."

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"Do you know the definition or the goal and aims of communism Russkiy? I have heard many of the nations of Comintern make public speeches and announcements speaking of defeating corruption. Have you read Karl Marx? It is communism's ultimate goal to take over the world. It is the only way for there to be true communism.

You do not even know your own goals or points. I can say that communism is impossible in this world because of psychology and philosophy. Surely you do not believe every citizen of yours is satisfied with your doctrine. And there it is, not true communism."

-Sr. General Minh Kong

OOC: No, really, it's true.

Take over the world? No. Communism, like abolitionism and every other progressive movement, seeks to liberate, free, and educate the world. Our governments are elected. Democracy is the central pillar to our political system.

It is the feeling of this General Council that a diplomatic solution can best be achieved by the voluntary removal of Comintern forces that are not native to East Asia, provided that the United States of China would agree to rescind its threats of violence and to agree not to meddle in the affairs of the Northern Soviet, apart from the unbiased humanitarian relief and aid that human decency compels humanity to provide.

What we are proposing is for a joint East Asian humanitarian relief effort to be carried out only by East Asian peoples, for all foreign powers beyond the region to lift their blockades and other damaging policies that only serve to starve the human population as a means of violent coercion, and for diplomacy to reign, rather than allow our rivers to run red with the blood of anymore innocent victims of politicians, pundits, and bureaucrats playing geopolitical board games with human lives.

The NAAC would agree to these terms. Our forces in the region are there to protect the Northern Soviet revolution from those who would gain from crushing it and restoring the Ming Empire. If the USC stands its forces down and agrees that neither it nor its neighbors will interfere with the Northern Soviet we will withdraw our forces.

Edited by mastab
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Take over the world? No. Communism, like abolitionism and every other progressive movement, seeks to liberate, free, and educate the world. Our governments are elected. Democracy is the central pillar to our political system.

In Berlin, both the Kaiser and Chancellor facepalmed at this.

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Take over the world? No. Communism, like abolitionism and every other progressive movement, seeks to liberate, free, and educate the world. Our governments are elected. Democracy is the central pillar to our political system.

Your idea of democracy is a failed single-party system in which the election will always go to whoever is the head of the Communist Party, as it is the only legal party. Freedom and Socialism do not go together. Under Communist policies, the people are oppressed, we have seen it many times before. Freedom and Liberty go hand-in-hand with Democracy and Liberalism, not Socialism and Communism.

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