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The Edinburgh Council

Mergerberger II

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The following message was sent out to: France, Spain, Germany, Slovenia, White Russia, Ardoria, Confederate States of America, Rebel Virginia, Brunswick, California, North Pacific Federation, Gran Columbia Nuevo, Viniland, The Phoenix Empire, Transvaal, Alaska, Switzerland, and Slavo-Hungary.


To whom it may concern:

Leader, the world has come to a point where it is divided among two major factions. There are the Communists, followers of a failed ideology which has in its past killed over 60 million people through its harsh styles and shoot-first policies. Then, there are the rest of us.

We are the nations of The Americas, Europe, and Africa. We have long lived apart, with little more than formal relations between us. There are treaties now and then, however for the most part we exist without major treaties between us. Why, I ask you. Why would we do this when we could be living together in a great brotherhood of the nations who do see that there are better ways than Communism? the answer is that we, I believe, have never formally had the opportunity to come together as separate, sovereign entities and discuss how we may prosper together, sharing our technology and our ways amongst our brothers.

But I believe that we can, and we will come together as one and form a great organisation for the purpose of the coprosperity of all nations of the West. We can come together to spread the ideas that help us all to prosper and do so well in the world: human rights, good governance, the rule of law, individual liberty, egalitarianism, free trade, multilateralism, and world peace.

I invite you to attend a conference of 18 nations in the great Scottish city of Edinburgh, where we may discuss these matters formally.




Edited by Mergerberger II
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OOC: Oh, I see how it is. You're too cool to invite me to your party.

OOC: The whole point of it is to create an Anti-Communist treaty, so of course we're not going to invite a communist nation. :P


Secretary of State Steven Wardell will attend on behalf of the United Republic of Ardoria and President Nathan Briar.

Edited by Raritan
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OOC: The whole point of it is to create an Anti-Communist treaty, so of course we're not going to invite a communist nation. :P


Secretary of State Steven Wardell will attend on behalf of the United Republic of Ardoria and President Nathan Briar.

OOC: Well, not trying to rid the world of commies, just there are so many, and we don't need more of them!

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The North Pacific Federation will pass on the invitation. While mutual cooperation between nations is indeed an admirable goal, this council seems to be built counter to the ideal of the self-determination of peoples, and their right to decide their own government. Since the Federation has no desire to make global interventions to impose our own sense of right and wrong on foreign peoples, we see no need to attend.

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We would like to formally begin this council.

I would like to apologize if the invitation sent out seemed harshly anti-communist, it was not intended to be so, and those responsible for it have been sacked.

Now, there are several points I would like to bring up. Firstly, economic prosperity.

We are a collection of many nations which are fairly open and free nations, living in areas that are very accessible by the other nations here in attendance. Despite this, we do not have a formal agreement concerning the economic coprosperity we could be bringing to our nations. I would like to open the floor to discussion regarding the matters of Open Borders, Free Trade, the end of Tariffs, and the cooperation of our state treasuries, that is, if one of us becomes deeply in a state of recession or depression, or otherwise in need of financial aid, others will come to their aid.

Secondly, I would like to bring to the table the prospect of Mutual Defence.

The many nations here in attendance are mostly, as shown by your mere coming to this meeting, committed to the same goals, which were outlined in the invitation, that is, human rights, good governance, the rule of law, individual liberty, egalitarianism, free trade, multilateralism, and world peace. I believe that if we come together in a pact of mutual defence, we can certainly accomplish these goals. If we come together and establish formal relations through economic prosperity, we can help our nations achieve these goals, and with mutual defence, we can protect these goals with the full forces of our militaries.

I have spoken to the Ardorians previous to this council, and they have agreed to draw up a treaty focusing on these points. Would you care to present it, representative?

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Thank you, sir. The Ardorian Department of State has drafted a treaty, which we've tentatively called the "Western Treaty Organization." Feel free to propose additions, removals, edits, anything. We can always rework various parts so that everyone is satisfied.

Article I - Sovereignty

Each of the nations bearing a signature on this treaty hereby declares that they will uphold the values and honor of said signatories’ sovereignty. They agree not to invade, interfere in internal affairs, or oppress the other signatory that partakes in this treaty.

Article II - Intelligence

Each signatory of this treaty agree to share any relevant intelligence amongst one another if said information pertains a possible threat to the sovereignty of any signatory. The information is to be shared privately unless the signatories with whom the intelligence has been shared with agree to release the information to the public.

Article III - Economic Assistance

Each signatory agrees to provide economic assistance to the other signatories should it ever be needed. All signatory ports are open to military and civilian vessels of the other signatories during peace time and during war. To promote commerce and trade each signatory agrees to lower or eliminate tariffs on specific goods.

Article IV - Mutual Defense

The signatories of this treaty agree that in the event of a foreign party actively pursuing hostile actions against any signatory, the other signatories will be obligated to defend the attacked signatory with full military support.

Article V - Optional Military Assistance

In the event one of the signatories of this treaty actively uses military actions against a third party, the other signatory has the option to assist the signatory military, logistically, and diplomatically.

Article VI - Withdrawal

If any of the signatories decide that they wish to leave the alliance created by this treaty they must give the other signatories a 24-hour (OOC: RL Time) notice beforehand of their leaving, and then publicly declare that they are no longer bound by this treaty. After the 24-hour period elapses, the signatory will no longer be bound by this treaty.

Article VII - Admission of New Members

Should a nation wish to join Western Treaty Organization, it must first meet the following requirements:

  1. Must not currently be at war
  2. Must lie within the continents of North America, South America, Europe, or Africa.

If the nation meets these requirements, they may submit an application to the Western Treaty Organization. The application will be voted upon by all members within the pact. If all members vote "Yes" and approve of the application, the nation will be admitted and their signature affixed to the treaty. All applications must be passed within one week (OOC: RL Time) of its first vote or will be denied. If any members disapprove of the application, the application will be denied.

Article VIII - Expulsion

Should any member of the Western Treaty organization feel that another member is detrimental to the integrity of the treaty, the said member may call a vote for the expulsion of the member. If a majority (defined as any number of votes greater than 50% of the number of members) vote "Yes" and approve of the expulsion, the member in question will be expelled from the treaty and their signature removed. All expulsions votes must pass within one week (OOC: RL Time) of its first vote or the member will not be expelled.

Article IX - Amendments

If a member wishes to add, change, a remove any part of this treaty, they may propose an amendment. The amendment will be voted upon by the members. A supermajority (defined as any number of votes greater than or equal to 75% of the number of members) is required for the amendment to pass. If the amendment passes, it will be added to the treaty and must then be abided by all members.

Edited by Raritan
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I do not think that an abstention should count as a 'no,' which then bars someone from the treaty. Someone could go inactive.

OOC: Forgot tags? Merger brought up the point a nation not wanting to fight for someone they didn't vote for. If somebody doesn't vote, then they could legitimately say that they won't fight because they didn't vote for a certain nation.

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OOC: Forgot tags? Merger brought up the point a nation not wanting to fight for someone they didn't vote for. If somebody doesn't vote, then they could legitimately say that they won't fight because they didn't vote for a certain nation.

OOC: why wouldn't they just vote no then?

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