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Again the Phoenix Shall Rise


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A man wearing a dark cape on top of an old Shillan Imperial uniform marched through the halls of the nearly empty Imperial Palace. His very presence commanded an attention that only one had done in the history of the Empire. The few who had come out of the Imperial bunker below the building quickly scurried out of his way as six stony faced guards followed him bearing traditional swords and M14 special ops assault rifles. The man swept through the palace quickly and found his way to the door of the bunker.

Four guardsmen standing outside were somewhat relaxed and did not notice his presence until they had been filled with bullets from his two pistols. Holstering them, the man stepped up and found the access panel for the thick sealed door in no time. Within moments, the door opened to reveal a dusty corridor to the bunker. He waved to two of his guards to stay there while he led the rest down a number of flights of stairs to another guarded door. The guards outside of them did not survive much longer as they quickly found themselves headless after a few quick slices.

Reaching over to the door access panel, the man entered in an all access code that had been hardwired to the system--there was nothing in the Empire that would not do what he wanted. The door hissed open to reveal the backs of a number of Shilla--now Korea's--leaders. The guards quickly filed into the room with rifles at ready. The confused leaders began to raise their hands when the man stepped through the door into the dusty light that shone from the lamp above the door.

Almost everyone in the room gasped. Some began cursing softly and a few made the sign of the cross on their forehead and chest.

The man grinned.

Death had not stopped him before. And by the grace of God it wasn't going to stop him now.

Emperor Kim Kee Hyuk was back.


SINN Radio

We have a special report from the Imperial office. The Emperor shall address the nation and the world tonight.

Edited by MercyFallout
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*Shillan Imperial News Network Radio Theme Song plays*

"Ladies and gentlemen, it is now time for the State of the Empire. We encourage for all listeners--both domestic and foreign--to pay special attention to this important address by the Emperor to the nation and to the world."

A few second of pause and bit of static as the microphone changes over to the Emperor. A very familiar voice is heard but it is not the voice of Emperor Seho.

"To the citizens of Korea and to the World, I suppose many of you believed me to be dead. Dead in a bloody coup d'etat attempt that engulfed this nation not so long ago and destroyed much of the Imperial District of Taipei. Of course, this is not the first time I have been assumed dead. It would seem that I have more lives than a cat if you go by the number of "deaths" that I have experienced. Of course, I am here only by the grace of God Almighty in Heaven above and it is by His grace that I am able to speak to you now. I am very much alive and very much well. And this is the message I am here to tell the world. Just as I have risen after falling, just as our Lord Jesus Christ rose from the dead, so shall the Empire. Though the Empire may be in shambles now, we shall--like a phoenix--rise from the ashes in a grand display of fire and of strength never seen before on this good Earth. I swear this shall be true so long as my name is Kee Hyuk and so long there is a Kim on the throne of Korea.

For a new Korea, let us move forward with the grace of God!"

*National Anthem of Korea begins to play*

"That, ladies and gentlemen, was the recently recrowned Emperor Kim Kee Hyuk. The SINN will be replaying....."

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OOC: Oh man, another leader back from the grave, eh? :D Nicely done, BTW.
OOC: Steal MY thunder, will he? :P:awesome:

OOC: This is all very funny, because Fermi and Egorov are coming back sometime this week two :awesome:

IC: *Private*

"Well, another one...uhh... un-bites the dust..." Baggs paused for a moment, "Jokes like that are why I need liquor."

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OOC: Didn'tcha know? Radiation makes dead people spring out of holes in the ground.

IC: The Emperor has sent out a wide spread request for aid in rebuilding the Empire.

OOC: hah ha, good one... :lol:

IC: Promised Land is quite astounded to se another leader return from what was thought to be their grave. What form of aid does Shilla require the most?

OOC: Assume that once you reply with the type of things needed, a moderate amount gets sent. I may not be able to post again tomorrow.

OOC: Hehehehe....maybe Kelikark will come back from the grave? :awesome:

Besides, well-done, Mercy! :D

OOC: I hope not! Or maybe I do...it would make for an interesting trial.

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OOC: Didn'tcha know? Radiation makes dead people spring out of holes in the ground.

IC: The Emperor has sent out a wide spread request for aid in rebuilding the Empire.

"And one more returns from the grave.

Hopefully, he was mummified properly, otherwise it would smell."

Saboria would be sending quite generous help to rebuild the high-tech sectors quickly and the other sectors at a moderate speed.

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IC: Promised Land is quite astounded to se another leader return from what was thought to be their grave. What form of aid does Shilla require the most?

At the moment, the most urgent needs are power generators (preferably using a renewable energy source such as the sun) and nonperishable foodstuffs as well as medicine. We are more than willing to pay in Korean (Not Shillan) wons or in gold.

"And one more returns from the grave.

Hopefully, he was mummified properly, otherwise it would smell."

Saboria would be sending quite generous help to rebuild the high-tech sectors quickly and the other sectors at a moderate speed.

The Empire thanks Saboria for its most generous offer and has declared that Saborian aid would most likely save the Korean economy and the Korean people.

Meanwhile, Korean technogiants Samsung, LG, and Hyundai have begun bidding for ownership of factories overseas in order to keep up their production and to produce necessary electronics for Korean usage.

Edited by MercyFallout
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The Empire thanks Saboria for its most generous offer and has declared that Saborian aid would most likely save the Korean economy and the Korean people.

Not a problem at all. With the space elevator finished, we can send more resources to nations that need them.

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At the moment, the most urgent needs are power generators (preferably using a renewable energy source such as the sun) and nonperishable foodstuffs as well as medicine. We are more than willing to pay in Korean (Not Shillan) wons or in gold.

OOC: D'oh! I did it again! Sorry, I MEANT to say Korean...I really did... :blush:

IC: Medicine and food will be on the first shipment out.

Also, we are quite proficient at harnessing and using solar energy. We will send the materials to build the necessary facilities. If you wish, we can send you technicians to help you build the power plants in the most efficient manner possible.

No money is necessary, but if you feel you must pay, you will be charged at cost, and no more.

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Promised Land is quite astounded to se another leader return from what was thought to be their grave. What form of aid does Shilla require the most?
Feigning death to avoid retribution is entirely legitimate, as Generalissimo has been left for dead at least three times.

Whatever our previous differences, it is good to see a familiar face.

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Feigning death to avoid retribution is entirely legitimate, as Generalissimo has been left for dead at least three times.

Whatever our previous differences, it is good to see a familiar face.

Three times, eh? Generalissimo must have quite a few stories to tell. He'll have to visit our nation (Promised Land) some time.

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Not a problem at all. With the space elevator finished, we can send more resources to nations that need them.

We are in your debt.

OOC: D'oh! I did it again! Sorry, I MEANT to say Korean...I really did... :blush:

IC: Medicine and food will be on the first shipment out.

Also, we are quite proficient at harnessing and using solar energy. We will send the materials to build the necessary facilities. If you wish, we can send you technicians to help you build the power plants in the most efficient manner possible.

No money is necessary, but if you feel you must pay, you will be charged at cost, and no more.


IC: Korea thanks you for your generous offer. We have begun to resume normal-like operations in the port city of Busan in the South East and in Taipei. All aid will have to be directed there. Promised Land technicians have been issued special visas that will allow them to bring in what materials they need in order to assist in the production of these solar power plants.

The Empire will pay the cost of what it receives. For years, we built our reserves. If we do not spend it now, then there is no use for it.

Edited by MercyFallout
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IC: Korea thanks you for your generous offer. We have begun to resume normal-like operations in the port city of Busan in the South East and in Taipei. All aid will have to be directed there. Promised Land technicians have been issued special visas that will allow them to bring in what materials they need in order to assist in the production of these solar power plants.

The Empire will pay the cost of what it receives. For years, we built our reserves. If we do not spend it now, then there is no use for it.

*Upon receipt of the reply, the first shipment would be sent by sea. It would not take long to reach Korea... Approximately two dozen technicians would be flown by helicopter in advance of the ship, to assess the best sites for the power plants.*

Understood. The first shipment is on its way, and a flight of helicopters is bringing the technicians.

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*Upon receipt of the reply, the first shipment would be sent by sea. It would not take long to reach Korea... Approximately two dozen technicians would be flown by helicopter in advance of the ship, to assess the best sites for the power plants.*

Understood. The first shipment is on its way, and a flight of helicopters is bringing the technicians.

The ships have arrived in Korea's only functioning city--Busan.

The laying down of a preliminary power grid and communication lines has been completed and Promised Land/Canadian technicians and aid is flowing throughout the country.

The Emperor has ordered for the recently scuttled Korean fleet (OOC: Never got around to RPing getting rid of my RP navy after new RP rules) to be dismantled and for the AEGIS missile cells to be salvaged for the creation of a missile platform defense network in Korean waters.

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