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Mea Culpas

Duncan King

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Agreed!! Its very hard to bite your tung when you are telling the truth, yet the lies keep flowing.

Besides if there is one person in CN that says they have not voiced their opinion or side, rather right or wrong, on OWF.......I'll tell them they are lying.

You simply can't be faulted for telling the truth or losing control every now and then over the truth.

As always, you guys are a class act no matter what anyone says!!

You are misinformed as well, and you aren't all that subtle either. <_<

DK, this means a lot, Thanks.

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You are misinformed.

Also, Thank you to the govt of Zenith, as you continue to be easy to work with.

Perhaps you wish to inform me then?

I thought not.

The OWF is supposed to be the free exchange of ideas, if someone posts their ideas and you call them "misinformed" without informing them, it ceases to be a free exchange. On the world stage, having and argument with evidence will always outweigh the argument that they are "misinformed".

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Perhaps you wish to inform me then?

I thought not.

The OWF is supposed to be the free exchange of ideas, if someone posts their ideas and you call them "misinformed" without informing them, it ceases to be a free exchange. On the world stage, having and argument with evidence will always outweigh the argument that they are "misinformed".

As opposed to the opinion you have now which was formed after balancing lots of evidence you were provided with... or because everyone likes believing the worst because it provides them with their daily does of drama.

DK was frustrated and lashed out, for which she has quite admirably apologized. The thing is, when you lash out, you generally try to make the person or people you are lashing out sound as bad as possible. That's what lashing out means. You don't have to accept anyone telling you that you're misinformed if you don't want to, but unless you're tapped into the situation somehow, I don't see how anything you believe to be true is based on anything particularly more substantial.

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As opposed to the opinion you have now which was formed after balancing lots of evidence you were provided with... or because everyone likes believing the worst because it provides them with their daily does of drama.

DK was frustrated and lashed out, for which she has quite admirably apologized. The thing is, when you lash out, you generally try to make the person or people you are lashing out sound as bad as possible. That's what lashing out means. You don't have to accept anyone telling you that you're misinformed if you don't want to, but unless you're tapped into the situation somehow, I don't see how anything you believe to be true is based on anything particularly more substantial.

You formulate opinions based on evidence given you. When evidence is withheld, it is irrelevant to the opinion being formulated. Using the fact that evidence is withheld is NOT a valid argument, but a cop-out. A more "informed" Planet Bob as a whole would be a better thing and more discourse needs to be put on the OWF.

In all of my arguments, I use the information I have available to form an argument. If more information comes out, I adjust my opinion accordingly and keep arguing if necessary, that's how this thing works.

Now that I am "informed" on this subject, I can say it may have been an overreaction, but the precedent dictates that alliance members are allowed to express a certain outrage about their members being seemingly picked off by other alliances.

The line between "poaching" and just leaving because of friendship or otherwise is blurry and the subject of another thread.

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Perhaps you wish to inform me then?

I thought not.

The OWF is supposed to be the free exchange of ideas, if someone posts their ideas and you call them "misinformed" without informing them, it ceases to be a free exchange. On the world stage, having and argument with evidence will always outweigh the argument that they are "misinformed".

Are you a member of the government of Zenith or Ragnarok?

I thought not. Move along then.

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Rest assured, I'm only apologizing for Zenith's actions in ONE's thread, nothing else. Due to its conduct, Zenith isn't blameless but that doesn't mean ONE is blameless, either. However, that situation has been resolved privately. I apologize for it for being less exciting for you, but it is what it is.

Edited by Duncan King
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