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Nukeless Initiative

KaiserMelech Mikhail

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We in the Marscurian Empire are sick of nations throwing nuclear missiles around like baseballs, and not caring about the consequences that it causes the world. That is why we present the following treaty to end the destructive practice.

Article 1: Non-spread

Members of this treaty agree to not build, transfer, sell, or give knowledge required to build nuclear missiles and other nuclear explosives

Article 2: Dismantling

Members of this treaty will dismantle their nuclear arsenals. Necessary components will be destroyed, and the nuclear material will be properly disposed of.

Article 3: Peaceful Use

Members of this treaty maintain the right to pursue nuclear technology for energy production (including powering nuclear submarines and aircraft carriers). An Internation Nuclear Monitering Team (INMT) will moniter nation's nuclear programs to ensure that weaponization is not an issue. To assure non-bias, the INMT will contain inspectors from every signatory.

It is the purpose of this treaty to ensure a safer and healthier world for all inhabitants.

Signed for the Marscurian Empire

KaiserMelech Mikhail

Signed for the Republic of Indochina

Chairman Kao Wei

Signed for Andonia

Cardith Lorda, Glorious Leader

Signed for the Federacion Iberiana,

Juan Esparrago

President, Federacion Iberiana

Edited by KaiserMelech Mikhail I
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Any potential signatories of this treaty are only setting themselves up for an easy kill by the nuclear powers that won't sign the treaty.

Even when many nations have them, they are still useful as a deterrent.


Edited by Vedran
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I think that this treaty lacks teeth.

I propose a different idea.

Several nuclear nations that want peace agree to nuke anyone who fires the first nuke in future.

This will make an aggressive nuclear first strike guarantee the destruction of the one who launched it.

The realistic threat of total destruction and the capacity to carry out that threat will make most leaders think twice about nuclear weapons and eliminate the few who don't.

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Nuclear weapons just should not exist. No one wins. Only the attacked suffer a small bit more. Standerd non-nuclear weapons also kill, but (unless in the hands of idiots) not the innocent.

There is no reason to have weapons that doom humanity... The End of all Things.

We expect a responce to this.

International Corperation of Gadget Technology Industries

Jerrey Rough, CEO

Edited by JerreyRough
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This treaty does not have the proper protection that such a non-proliferation treaty would require of its members. It also does not have the proper wording, no deadlines for the requirements, and we feel it is not strong enough to actually encourage the nations of the world to begin dismantling their nukes and attempt to refrain from use thereof. Any treaty of this magnitude would require long discussion and accurate measurements, as well as defense requirements for each nation involved, etc.

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I think that this treaty lacks teeth.

I propose a different idea.

Several nuclear nations that want peace agree to nuke anyone who fires the first nuke in future.

This will make an aggressive nuclear first strike guarantee the destruction of the one who launched it.

The realistic threat of total destruction and the capacity to carry out that threat will make most leaders think twice about nuclear weapons and eliminate the few who don't.

This is an excellent suggestion. Such an idea would actually have teeth.

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While we in the Federacion Iberiana agree that this treaty may be overly idealistic, we feel it is an important symbolic step which must be made by a few brave nations before further action can be taken. We hereby declare our wish to accede to this Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty.

Signed for the Federacion Iberiana,

Juan Esparrago

President, Federacion Iberiana

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