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Joint Statement

Mergerberger II

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The Military High Command Center

Constantinople, Byzantium

Inside the room, a figure sighed deeply. The nukes had already been launched, and the satellites are pinpointing their progress on the many LCD screens around the darkened room. Aides, operators, and assistants were scurrying around in frenzied activity as they did their job.

Unmistakably, there was an overwhelming sensation of fear in the room…the fear of death from the inevitable nuclear reiteration that was surely to come. The man sighed deeply again as he surveyed the screens again. The nuclear missiles, portrayed as points, had just left their silos and were currently up in the air over Byzantium. In minutes, they would reach their targets in the Rebel Army.

Only minutes.

Only minutes.

That thought repeated itself in the man’s head. Minutes before…what? Death? Destruction? Catastrophe? What? Would it be the last time he see his wife and seven-years old daughter, whom he’d recently saw off to school that very morning? Would he let his life, family, everything that he’d worked for all his life…just go away in an instant?

And all because of that…that man? Because of John Kelikark? The man who had staged a coup, of which he’d taken part in, for the interests of peace. Now that had been turned around, cruelly.

In his eyes, John Kelikark had become a traitor, a selfish demagogue who had just begun the countdown to Byzantium’s destruction, the very nation that he’d loved.

James Kiel felt himself tightening in resolve. Byzantium was going to be destroyed, but not if…if…he had something to do about it? Surely that would be high treason, but at least…Byzantium would be safe. And he would die anyway, but this time with the knowledge that he did the right thing.

As he watched the missiles streak toward the Rebel Army, and knowing he had only minutes, if not seconds, to spare, Kiel grabbed the telephone and barked into it for a few seconds. Hanging the phone up, Kiel stood up and walked out to the center of the room.

Seeing the operators and aides look up at them, with the same terrified, fearful expression on their faces, Kiel took in a huge breath as he was about to commit high treason. But these operators and aides…they had the same fear of inevitable death. This further hardened Kiel’s resolve.

Alright, ladies and gentlemen! I’ve decided upon a course of action.” Looking around at the operators, Kiel nodded. “Initiate Emergency Protocol 77.

There was a stunned silence as everyone mused over the order. “D-does that m-mean…?” One of them spoke out.

Kiel turned to him and nodded his head. “Yes, Emergency Protocol 77. Cancel all nukes ongoing to the Rebel Army. Deactivate them, right now! I’ve ordered other command centers to do the same. Do it!

Yes, sir.” The room was once again teeming with activity as everyone pressed the proper buttons and switches, deactivating the nuclear missiles. It seems that the tension in the room had deflated somewhat. Everyone had a somewhat relieved expression on their faces. Perhaps they would be saved…?

Kirk heaved a long and heavy sigh. This was it, he’d committed high treason. Kelikark would surely be very furious, but he wouldn‘t be able to do anything about it. It was now only a matter of time…


Meanwhile, the missiles, flying over the Byzantine-Rebel Army border, suddenly deactivated. They toppled to the ground, landing harmlessly in RA territory. Byzantium now had no nukes, but at least, the Rebel Army was saved from destruction. All of this was because of one man with a conscience.

On the land and air, the soldiers, tanks, and aircrafts suddenly stopped and turned around. The soldiers began to retreat to the border fortifications. Bombers, fighters, and interceptors turned around and flew back to their bases. The ships, in the Black Sea, suddenly turned around and sailed to their respective bases. The ships in the Mediterranean halted their advance and began turning around.

Emergency Protocol 77 was an extraordinary, if rarely used, resolution devised in the Byzantine armed forces, a reset button, so to say. Implemented under the old regime, the protocol allowed the Military High Command to cancel any military operations at any time in an instant. This usually required the Leader’s permission, but James Kiel issued the Protocol under Kelikark’s name, without the Leader’s permission.

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OOC: Jed, if you want me to RP helping in a coup and putting the Constantine brothers back in power...just say the word. ;)

OOC: Ah, thanks. But I've got quite something planned in mind, and one that involves a military interim government (but nothing bad, though). But you can RP flying the brothers back to Constantinople. ;)

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The following post was cancelled by me due to misunderstandings, but I left it here cause I like how it's written.


Gebivian Battles: The Resolution

It had been some tough battles, but in this mess, even the ones who would win would still not get a taste of victory. At an enormous cost, the invasion forces had been repelled. Over in the East, the Soviet Hordes were pushed back not by the Gebivian Regular Army alone, but rather the Gebivian Militia had done most of the job, combined with the horrible mountain terrain. Suffering great casualties in both sides, the invasion force was repelled, and the fate of the enemy was sealed when their population were forced to receive Lavo's Poison. It was all over. As there was no time to bury the corpses, the mountains would be left alone littered with them, and their people went back to their defensive positions undisturbed. Reinforcements had arrived, containing both further troops and humanitarian aid.

Over in the North and the West, battles had also been fought, the remainder of the German Invasion Army would be destined to meet either bullets or uranium. The Dutch were nowhere to be seen, as they had decided to go after Iberia instead. Gebiv proper had resisted so far the enemy forces, but was it all worth it?

Venice and Naples were nuked, plus two more cities which were where the German and Dutch armies had been also nuked. Four nuclear detonations, four pools of radioactivity and death that were not going to go away anytime soon.


"For Wodan. Hm."

Now the question that Mannelig and the General Staff asked themselves was a complicated matter, should they try counter-invasions against the enemy? Or would it be too risky? Wouldn't the remains of the army be needed in humanitarian projects in Gebiv proper? Indeed, but the war was far from over. News of the German Collapse had reached Rome and Martenshaven fast, as well as Mannelig's Bunker. The Dutch seemed more healthy, but this couldn't be expected to last. Where to go?

The Dutch were still too strong, and if they tried to invade again would be guaranteed more WMDs. At this rate, they'd end up being targetted by non-Gebivian WMDs one way or the other. The Soviet Land was uninvadable, as everyone was contaminated. Soon the borders were strictly locked. The Germans seemed to be in anarchy.

"Vir fahrun zi Dyskland." Mannelig spoke.



The Operation For The Liberation Of The German People

Winter was settling in, but it was yet unclear if it was the normal seasonal winter, or a Nuclear one. The war wasn't over, although the Gebivians would love to simply start to rebuild and survive in relative peace, this was not an option, and the Northern Efforts needed some help. The creation of an Alpenfestung was not acceptable. This operation would consist of a single Army Group, Army Group LifÞrasir, which consisted of a grouping of the surviving parts of the Regular Army. Defense of Gebiv Proper would be left in the hands of mostly the Militia, which was led by proper Officers, and very few Regular Army Units, concealed. Either way it was widely accepted that new Invasion Forces into Gebiv, would face another radioactive shell in the face.

The first movements were against the German Territory of Österreich, Austria, it would be preceeded by Heavy Bombings - However, the contents of the Bombings were Propaganda. Army Group Lifthrasir would cross carefully into Austria and then steadily march towards Wien, artillery also joining in - but again, shooting "Propaganda Rounds".

Mannelig himself was second only in popularity to Martens, as he had re-unified the German Reich. He was a war hero, and since he was the leader of Gebiv, he was used thoroughly.

Now in German Territory, in a relatively scattered formation - just in case that WMDs may be used - advance continued. It'd have to be seen whether if there'd be proper resistance.


Deutsche Brüder! Nordlandir!

This is General Mannelig addressing you from Italia. I have watched with awful concern the gravity of the situation, as your new leader has pitted you against your own brothers in a fight, backstabbed us, attacking both the Gebivians proper who have been our allies for many many years without a Reason for War, and even attacking the Gebivian Nordlandic Territory in a war that costed us and the world millions! This is against the wishes of The German People as well as the Nordlandic Peoples as a whole, I am disgusted to see this, and this is against all the teachings of Kaiser Martens. As he predicted in the !@#$%*, we would only fall and fail if we fought each other, and this was proven right.

Army Group Lifthrasir, named after the only surviving man after Ragnarök, is approaching your positoions. We are not here to invade, we are here to liberate you, and we come to support your fight against the unfair government that has forced you into fraticidal war. We are bringing weapons to aid you, to give to you, so you may make a stand for what you believe in. We will go to Wien first, then to the East, and so systematically we'll liberate all the German lands until we get to Berlin. You must no longer be a slave to your government, and so I swear to protect both Gebivian, Italian, German and Nordlandic interests of you all. I have led you into many, many victories. I ask you to join me again against your current Masters in the battlefield. Protect the Gains of the Silver Revolution, and if so, let it start anew to purify the Land of ours from corruption and betrayal! In the end, we will only survive if we are together. Lady Germania has been idle for too long, it is her time to fight back. Your Leader has betrayed Martencist Principles and Germanic values, and for that, the Valkyries shall engrave it on their soul!

Komm met mej, vir kämpfun för Nordland, Gebiv ok Dyskland!

Komm mit mir, wir kämpfen für Nordland, Gebiv und Deutschland!

Schlachtun Fjänd! Deutschland Über Alles!

Even cities not directly in the path of the Army would be sent that.

Edited by Kaiser Martens
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OOC: This has been standard RP policy for a very long time. Also, HK47 and crew have already said that CNRP is in the hands of the GMs and the populace. Not theirs.

You will deal with it. I understand what the point of a RL SDI is. I understand how they work. I am telling you how they work in CNRP.

I'd appreciate meatbags not putting my name to things I have not done. Your job is to largely be a fair mediating force and to generally assist in maintaining the community. Not to ban MIRVs or dictate the method of how SDI's work

(although I tend to agree SDI's should at best only protect one nation at a time and switching should not be done at whim. Or simply just protecting the owner would work too).

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OOC: I move that this thread be put on hold till HK 47 can give a ruling on the results of the strikes. Certainly Kaiser Martens should not be advancing against an army many times his size, especially considering his Western Flank has yet to respond to the massive UFE/Wighton Counter attack on it.

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OOC: LOL YEAH RIGHT. You're forgetting my invasion through Slovenia into Italy. But I guess you don't read. btw, learn how to RP properly and stop rping for me. I'd appreciate it. I will have a proper IC response later tonight as I've been busy with other things. And an encirclement in the Alps? yeah..right? That'd be hard to do..Pushing into Germany? Are you serious?

Edited by Malatose
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I'd appreciate meatbags not putting my name to things I have not done. Your job is to largely be a fair mediating force and to generally assist in maintaining the community. Not to ban MIRVs or dictate the method of how SDI's work

(although I tend to agree SDI's should at best only protect one nation at a time and switching should not be done at whim. Or simply just protecting the owner would work too).

Perhaps I mistook you for Serverus Snape.

IT is possible. :v

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OOC: LOL YEAH RIGHT. You're forgetting my invasion through Slovenia into Italy. But I guess you don't read. btw, learn how to RP properly and stop rping for me. I'd appreciate it. I will have a proper IC response later tonight as I've been busy with other things. And an encirclement in the Alps? yeah..right? That'd be hard to do..Pushing into Germany? Are you serious?

You must have forgotten the part where I basically nuked the !@#$ out of your army and afterwards mopped up the rest preventing you from sending them new supplies.

Edit: I modified the old most a little bit anyway.

Edited by Kaiser Martens
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OOC: The UESR army is still a force to be reckoned with in Macedonia (Well, for Gebiv at least). My army was mostly untouched by the attacks on me (except my vehicles still in my territory). I have always RPed Hazardous environment suit properties on my standard infantry armor.

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OOC: Oh fine, I'll rectify the post. Thar it goes.


In the east, where the Soviets had invaded, the core of the Gebivian Army had been used, which was barely able to stand up against the larger numbers of the incoming enemy force. Yet they succeeded in delaying them long enough. A 315mm Heavy Artillery piece pulled over within the vicinity of the battlefield, and a newly-obtained Nuclear Round was fired at the battle. The few remaining Gebivian Troops would be eliminated, as well as with the remainder of the forces the Soviets had sent into battle.

Again, success at a terrible cost.

Nor far from there in Slovenia the Germans were enjoying success, but the rest of the Gebivian Army was used, combined with militia, to delay them a little bit. Another Heavy Artillery Piece arrived and finished off the German Invasion Force, same as it had been done with the Alps Force. Edited: This was also a nuclear attack

The Gebivians, for now, had one nuke left, and there was no longer proper fighting in Gebivian soil. The next issue to deal with were the forces which had invaded Iberia, but since that land wasn't Gebiv proper, Mannelig felt that it would not be alright to nuke them.

Using reservists and militia, in each city and town more "Armies" were mustered and gathered, but these were scattered and of lesser quality. Maybe the enemies would get the point and not try to commit further acts of aggression against Gebiv. With the professional army almost completely gone, the economy destroyed and most regions radioactive, Mannelig had little means of fighting: Nuking and nuking until the resources for producing them ran out. Cruise missiles were used to "clean up" whatever may have been by chance surviving the nukes.

"Everything quiet in the Front...will this end..."

Winter was coming.

Edited by Kaiser Martens
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OOC: Woah, god mod. You threw the bulk of your forces into the balkans because of my invasion, which came later on soil that was merely a protectorate while the Germans and Dutch invaded your homeland?

Also, could have sworn the gun had been nixed earlier in the thread.

Edited by Cody Seb
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OOC: You not getting to dictate how SDIs work, mean exactly that Mercy. You not getting to dictate how SDIs work.

Not to ban MIRVs or dictate the method of how SDI's work

I would like to request that HK-47 give us a ruling on how SDIs do work in this war. It makes no sense that the guy facing 120 ICBMs coming at him has the same interception odds as people facing a half dozen at most.

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OOC: Woah, god mod. You threw the bulk of your forces into the balkans because of my invasion, which came later on soil that was merely a protectorate while the Germans and Dutch invaded your homeland?

Uhm, no, I just tossed the forces at you to delay you until I could purchase the nuke...then I launched it, killing whatever was left of mine and your forces. Then I separately nuked the German forces.

This is a 315mm gun, not the 813mm gun (BIG difference)...315mm is normal Heavy Artillery (For me)

210mm is considered medium, and 155mm is considered light along with rocket-based artillery.

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The Final Push

Scolar Visari has ordered the final push to begin immediantly. In the Alps, the German Army was busy holding off the advance of the Gebevian Forces, using the battered and destroyed terrain to their advantage. In the skies, the outdated Gebevian Airforce was no match for the German Built MF-1 and MF-2 Fighters, which were equipped with the latest weapon's technology. However, they still took significant losses, but were somewhat replaced quickly, as Military engineers worked around the clock replacing the valuable avionics in each fighter. With these developments, the German Army felt it was time to deliver the final blow.


General Josef Lente looked over the tactical maps of the area. So far his army of three hundred thousand troops were in better shape than forces in the Alps and they were steadily being re-supplied with National Defense Reservist. His plan was simple, he would cross the Slovenian Border in a rapid attack with the few available IFVs and Tanks they had. In the skies, the German Airforce could assemble about two hundred fighters and dozens of bombers altogether. This would be an attack that would wipe out a remainder of the enemy forces and push the Greater German Reich to victory.

Opening Attack

"Approaching target area"

"..Let em have it!"

The GLI-Ankriats and other aircraft flew over the border in a lose formation to avoid enemy air attacks. Their goal: The total destruction of RADAR systems in the area. Hundreds of Anti-Radiational Missiles were now airbourne to targets all over Italy, just across from Slovenia. The next attack would see dozens of ground attack and multi-role fighters attack targets, softening them up for the next attack. After these coordinated attacks, which would last about two hours each, the massive artillery barrage opened. This artillery was a massively coordinated effort, launching millions of shells into Italy. In the end, ordnance delivered by artillery during the battle would be greater than the tonnage dropped by the Western Allied bombers on the city of Germany, during WWII.

After this substained bombardment, the main German attack would advance. Troops would head towards Venice and Milan, then head directly south to take over the entire country, in a quick and rapid attack. However, before these troops would advance, the German's fired a lone Nuclear Artillery Shell, with a yield of 40KT, towards enemy fortifications and positions. The German Troops, in their full Battlesuits, would then advance forward after the initial explosion ended.

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OOC: Oh, I see. Aso, I misread that post a little, my eyes are tired at the moment. [Edit-clarified.]



A second mustering was occuring on the Bulgarian Border. Surviving APC's and tanks (though few) rolled into position just out of sight behind the mountains. 90,000 more troops awaited to move in, another 20,000 being routed from the interior after they finished their 'containment' missions.

Little did the Gebivians know, they had only killed a third of the Great Soviet Army, sacrificing most of theirs. The Soviets did not want land, nor the deaths of the Rebels, but the silencing of this rather arrogant state, and the defeat of their armies.

OOC: Also, I have 50,000 more men with Malatose in Slovenia.

Edited by Cody Seb
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OOC: You not getting to dictate how SDIs work, mean exactly that Mercy. You not getting to dictate how SDIs work.

I would like to request that HK-47 give us a ruling on how SDIs do work in this war. It makes no sense that the guy facing 120 ICBMs coming at him has the same interception odds as people facing a half dozen at most.

OOC: We're not dictating how SDIs work. In-game says 60% rating, so we applied the 60% rating to the missiles. It's not without precedent.

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The Final Push

Scolar Visari has ordered the final push to begin immediantly. In the Alps, the German Army was busy holding off the advance of the Gebevian Forces, using the battered and destroyed terrain to their advantage. In the skies, the outdated Gebevian Airforce was no match for the German Built MF-1 and MF-2 Fighters, which were equipped with the latest weapon's technology. However, they still took significant losses, but were somewhat replaced quickly, as Military engineers worked around the clock replacing the valuable avionics in each fighter. With these developments, the German Army felt it was time to deliver the final blow.

Dude, I nuked your Alps army. Its EMP hit the planes too. It doesn't exist.


General Josef Lente looked over the tactical maps of the area. So far his army of three hundred thousand troops were in better shape than forces in the Alps and they were steadily being re-supplied with National Defense Reservist. His plan was simple, he would cross the Slovenian Border in a rapid attack with the few available IFVs and Tanks they had. In the skies, the German Airforce could assemble about two hundred fighters and dozens of bombers altogether. This would be an attack that would wipe out a remainder of the enemy forces and push the Greater German Reich to victory.

Opening Attack

"Approaching target area"

"..Let em have it!"

The GLI-Ankriats and other aircraft flew over the border in a lose formation to avoid enemy air attacks. Their goal: The total destruction of RADAR systems in the area. Hundreds of Anti-Radiational Missiles were now airbourne to targets all over Italy, just across from Slovenia. The next attack would see dozens of ground attack and multi-role fighters attack targets, softening them up for the next attack. After these coordinated attacks, which would last about two hours each, the massive artillery barrage opened. This artillery was a massively coordinated effort, launching millions of shells into Italy. In the end, ordnance delivered by artillery during the battle would be greater than the tonnage dropped by the Western Allied bombers on the city of Germany, during WWII.

After this substained bombardment, the main German attack would advance. Troops would head towards Venice and Milan, then head directly south to take over the entire country, in a quick and rapid attack. However, before these troops would advance, the German's fired a lone Nuclear Artillery Shell, with a yield of 40KT, towards enemy fortifications and positions. The German Troops, in their full Battlesuits, would then advance forward after the initial explosion ended.

I also nuked these, just in the post above.

You have no more invasion forces unless you bring new ones.

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