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Joint Statement

Mergerberger II

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OOC: Quick question, didn't you get EMPed? Because that would usually disable the missiles, unless there is some other defense in place, which there may well be, but I have yet seen...

Not to nag or anything

OOC: Lavos attack was voided by HK-47, if he wishes to nuke us he needs to repost.

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OOC: Terra: Buried/silo'd missiles are almost never affected by EMP. The ground itself shields their components.

OOC: I will say that that would not necessarily guarantee that the missiles were safe, especially if they were in their silos or above ground. I don't know.


OOC: Lavos attack was voided by HK-47, if he wishes to nuke us he needs to repost.

I think that that only applied to the nukes, not the earlier EMPs

Edited by Il Terra Di Agea
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OOC: I will say that that would not necessarily guarantee that the missiles were safe, especially if they were in their silos or above ground. I don't know.


I think that that only applied to the nukes, not the earlier EMPs

OOC: The other EMPs only applied to a small portion of his country.

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OOC: Yes he did get EMPd. And the 100k reinforcements are the ones Merger is bringing in...that's why the victory is short lived, soon we'll get invaded by 100k more troops. At least what I can have is 15k of mostly Militia troops, and that's pushing it.

OOC: Oh.

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As the hydrogen bombs exploded over Rome and Naples, the forward line of the Eastern UFE army fired off hundreds of chemical rocket weapons. These weapons would detonate about 50 miles into the supply lines of the Gebivian forces, however, the massive surges in heat from the nuclear weapons would create low pressure in central Italy.

This would then create winds into the center of the country blowing the weapons down into the Italian penninsula. Militia forces would have much more trouble against these weapons then formal armies equipped with full NBC gear.

Meanwhile the UFE-Wightong Joint Strike Force in the Mediterranian continued its massive bombardment of the Gebivian forces. F-47s and F-60 aircraft would drop cluster bombs down on militia forces as they attempted to organize, while remaining industrial centers in Northern Italy would come under attack by SLBMs carrying massive ordinance penetrators on well armored targets while VLMS would target and unleash kinetic missiles on the more conventional factories to do them in.

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As the hydrogen bombs exploded over Rome and Naples, the forward line of the Eastern UFE army fired off hundreds of chemical rocket weapons. These weapons would detonate about 50 miles into the supply lines of the Gebivian forces, however, the massive surges in heat from the nuclear weapons would create low pressure in central Italy.

This would then create winds into the center of the country blowing the weapons down into the Italian penninsula. Militia forces would have much more trouble against these weapons then formal armies equipped with full NBC gear.

Meanwhile the UFE-Wightong Joint Strike Force in the Mediterranian continued its massive bombardment of the Gebivian forces. F-47s and F-60 aircraft would drop cluster bombs down on militia forces as they attempted to organize, while remaining industrial centers in Northern Italy would come under attack by SLBMs carrying massive ordinance penetrators on well armored targets while VLMS would target and unleash kinetic missiles on the more conventional factories to do them in.

On the ground, almost no resistance whatsoever was met, it was unclear if people were simply hidden in bunkers or if they had all died already. Truth be told, there was nowhere to run. Now and then an improvised small rocket would be fired, sometimes antitank discardable rockets, the occational autoturret. There was no real resistance on the land, but there were these annoyances that caused casualties little by little, sometimes suicidal fighters with machineguns, it was to each their own to battle, or so it seemed. Cars and civilian vehicles, sometimes civilian aircrafts were sometimes improvised to respectively mount guns onto it or simply crash into enemy formations, adding up to the chaos. The only reason why Military Casualties caused by this attack were not high, was because they didn't TRY to fight and mostly remained...somewhere. There were however extremely massive civilian casualties, it was definately a holocaust. There was only room in the bunkers for so many, and not all bunkers could withstand nuclear strikes.

The next Nuke was built, and from the remains of Naples a short ranged high speed 20MT Nuclear Missile, distinct from an ICBM was launched towards the invading Eastern Army, it would explode brutally once it was within range, this was the only somewhat-effective means for a comeback that the Gebivians seemed to have.

12 more to go, if production continued without problems.

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OOC: !@#$%*ing about us using large warheads and then using a 20 MT one?

Also I do believe my forces are in position with Vektor's SDI shield. Plus I did mention I have my anti ballistic missile frigates in theatre as part of my SDI shield. And yes, SDIs are on ships also.

Edit: Also, if most of your people are dead, how are you producing nukes, regardless Iamthey nuked your nuke facilities a few pages back.

Edited by Triyun
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The F-60's continued to pound Slovenia into submission in concert with the Tu-160's and ground artillery.

Soviet forces began slowly and cautiously moving around Ljubljana, choosing to instead stick to the forests and remain spread out so as to durastically reduce the effetiveness of nuclear strikes. The Soviets chose to instead bombard the city with artillery and ICBM's.

20 ICBM's, armed with conventional explosives, launched one after another, all targetting the Slovene capital.

On the ground, casualties were small, as civilian militia fighters were routed from the forests.

The mechanized troops and tanks rolled on towards the Italian border.

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OOC: I used 20MT because someone had complained that my Artillery Nukes were "Low Yield". If one RP nuke is always 1MT, I'll ask Sargun when he's online and then edit my post accordingly.

Also I believe that you cannot be covered by SDI's because one SDI is ment to protect only one country, since you're invading my country, then my SDI would be the only one to theoretically be able to protect you, which of course it won't.

And as for how I have nukes, I keep buying them ingame anyway, if you have em ingame you have it here.

Once we figure out the power I'm ment to use for the weapon, I guess the post right above this will have to be edited in order for Cody to decide how many of his guys were nuked, too. I'll edit this post with the right info as soon as I speak to Herr Sargun.

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OOC: I used 20MT because someone had complained that my Artillery Nukes were "Low Yield". If one RP nuke is always 1MT, I'll ask Sargun when he's online and then edit my post accordingly.

Also I believe that you cannot be covered by SDI's because one SDI is ment to protect only one country, since you're invading my country, then my SDI would be the only one to theoretically be able to protect you, which of course it won't.

And as for how I have nukes, I keep buying them ingame anyway, if you have em ingame you have it here.

Once we figure out the power I'm ment to use for the weapon, I guess the post right above this will have to be edited in order for Cody to decide how many of his guys were nuked, too. I'll edit this post with the right info as soon as I speak to Herr Sargun.

OOC: I'm going to have to say, if you're still using the cannon thing, it will not be feasible to use it on my troops. I have roving air superiority, specifically targetting artillery cannons. A 315mm will be slow and a large target, and also exactly what I'm looking for.

Plus, they are way spread out. Honestly, you're wasting a nuke if you shot it at me, but be my guest to try.

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OOC: I already did shoot it, it was a non-ICBM missile, since the rules seem to have changed I suppose it is 1MT. Your troops may be spread out, but it's still a nuke, so...don't try to pretend it's not gonna kill anything. Heh. This nuke is expected to hurt the German Troops too, for I shot it while both were invading the Slovenian sector, towards it. Since the 1MT thing is also mentioned in the other thread I'll begin saying all nukes from here onwards, this included, are 1MT, right?

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OOC: I already did shoot it, it was a non-ICBM missile, since the rules seem to have changed I suppose it is 1MT. Your troops may be spread out, but it's still a nuke, so...don't try to pretend it's not gonna kill anything. Heh. This nuke is expected to hurt the German Troops too, for I shot it while both were invading the Slovenian sector, towards it. Since the 1MT thing is also mentioned in the other thread I'll begin saying all nukes from here onwards, this included, are 1MT, right?

OOC: Yes, I'll lose some, but not anything significant. I am intentionally attempting to minimize the effetiveness of nuclear strikes on my troops, and that should be reflected. I'm staying out of major cities. Provided you have any intel at all on where my people are at, you won't be able to take out enough soldiers to halt my advance.

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