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Joint Statement

Mergerberger II

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OOC: For the time being I'll RP New-Zurich as hit with lavo's strike. Also having 25 nuclear weapons in game, and it being 3 days since the original nuclear strike (where I launched twenty of them) I now have eight existing weapons ready to be deployed.

IC: Now sitting in a bunker similar to that of the agenda eleven facilities forced to evacuate from the surface in response to RA counter attacks, Michael Devereaux continued to execute the war. They were presently in a concrete box one of many rooms within the much larger nuclear hardened bunker. Two of the walls facing one another had large field based monitors displaying a number of strategy relevant information feeds. The other set of walls on the other hand was divided into much smaller monitors. In the center was an oval board room style table with six plush leather arm chairs around it. Looking to his right Regent Devereaux made eye contact with his Minister of Defense. He had just finished reading the briefing concerning the war and had settled on a set of decisions. "I want you to split our remaining nuclear force. With four of our warheads I want you to target Jerusalem; with the remaining four I would like you to target the remaining nuclear factories of Gebiv, that will cripple their war efforts. Finally have our forces at FPB press northward into federacion de iberiana (200k soldiers, 5k Tanks) utilize the air force to suppress any resistance. This coupled with the attacks of Whigington, and the UFE will likely force them to split their force and fight on two fronts weakening them over all, or cede to one front and be flanked on the other in either case our victory is assured."

"Orders will be drawn up." Kaine, left the conference room.

In eastern Imperium missile silos launched a second set of strikes. Two MIRV equipped missiles (Four per missile) launched and achieved low orbit. One was following a northern trajectory, the other an eastern moving toward Jerusalem. Internal mechanisms split the missiles deploying their independently targeting war heads which proceeds to slowly arc inward toward their destined targets. With any luck the capital of rebel army would soon be a field of glass, and the nuclear capacity of Mannelig all but non-existent. Meanwhile the divided squadrons of the Imperial Air Force pressed into the federacion d iberiana; each assigned a major city. As they came within range the tactical bombers within each squadron deployed a single missile. Dropping for a moment its engines flared and the missile pressed ahead of the pack. Upon reaching a fixed set of coordinates the midsection and tip of the missile shattered revealing hundreds of smaller gps guided pods. These spread out and flared as well each destined for a unique set of coordinates determined by wind direction and physical obstructions on the ground. Upon reaching their locations they would themselves shatter deploying with them a cloud of Low Impact High Lethality Nerve Agent. The cloud would remain for approximately twenty minutes and clear if correctly done the city's human capital would be decimated, and at the very least its ability to resist inbound Imperium ground forces would be crippled.

OOC: Name Fixes

Edited by iamthey
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At this, the new Government ordered any UFE forces (soldiers, aircrafts, and the like) to leave the country, starting immediately. Byzantium shall not serve as a base for any hostile attacks upon the Rebel Army or its allies. We will use force if necessary to protect our current interests. In addition, we proclaim international neutrality (but our current treaties shall remain in effect) as to ensure a smooth transition of power.

OOC: The forces that were repositioned in my last post were they.

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IC: Now sitting in a bunker similar to that of the agenda eleven facilities forced to evacuate from the surface in response to RA counter attacks, Michael Devereaux continued to execute the war. They were presently in a concrete box one of many rooms within the much larger nuclear hardened bunker. Two of the walls facing one another had large field based monitors displaying a number of strategy relevant information feeds. The other set of walls on the other hand was divided into much smaller monitors. In the center was an oval board room style table with six plush leather arm chairs around it. Looking to his right Regent Devereaux made eye contact with his Minister of Defense. He had just finished reading the briefing concerning the war and had settled on a set of decisions. "I want you to split our remaining nuclear force. With four of our warheads I want you to target Jerusalem; with the remaining four I would like you to target the remaining nuclear factories of Gebiv, that will cripple their war efforts. Finally have our forces at FPB press northward into federacion de iberiana (200k soldiers, 5k Tanks) utilize the air force to suppress any resistance. This coupled with the attacks of Whigington, and the UFE will likely force them to split their force and fight on two fronts weakening them over all, or cede to one front and be flanked on the other in either case our victory is assured."

"Orders will be drawn up." Kaine, left the conference room.

In eastern Imperium missile silos launched a second set of strikes. Two MIRV equipped missiles (Four per missile) launched and achieved low orbit. One was following a northern trajectory, the other an eastern moving toward Jerusalem. Internal mechanisms split the missiles deploying their independently targeting war heads which proceeds to slowly arc inward toward their destined targets. With any luck the capital of rebel army would soon be a field of glass, and the nuclear capacity of Kaiser Martens all but non-existent. Meanwhile the divided squadrons of the Imperial Air Force pressed into the federacion d iberiana; each assigned a major city. As they came within range the tactical bombers within each squadron deployed a single missile. Dropping for a moment its engines flared and the missile pressed ahead of the pack. Upon reaching a fixed set of coordinates the midsection and tip of the missile shattered revealing hundreds of smaller gps guided pods. These spread out and flared as well each destined for a unique set of coordinates determined by wind direction and physical obstructions on the ground. Upon reaching their locations they would themselves shatter deploying with them a cloud of Low Impact High Lethality Nerve Agent. The cloud would remain for approximately twenty minutes and clear if correctly done the city's human capital would be decimated, and at the very least its ability to resist inbound Imperium ground forces would be crippled.

OOC: You might want to re-phrase that. it's NOT Kaiser Martens the character in control...it's Mannelig.

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OOC: Than may I suggest you re-read my first paragraph.

With UFE troops repositioned now on the border of the Balkans and Italy, as well as punching through the Spanish flank in the west, the operation would enter into its next phase. The loss of a two hundred and fifty million was the long term estimate, that was bad, but the UFE forces had never been targeted themselves unlike the Rebel Army. Most of its fighting force was still entirely intact.
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With the new army group now mustered, the remaining generals initiated a march to the Northwest, through Evokerstan. They entered into Bosnia, and made sure to stay very split up at random intervals, so that any more nuclear attacks would be far less devastating, nigh negligible in fact.

They continued their march, this army supported with every available remaining APC, tank, and Helicopter.

The Black Sea

The Soviet Navy idled off the coast of the UESR. [OOC: I had my navy deployed into the Black Sea as part of another operation. I can't find the thread, I think it still may be in the News Reports]

The ships sailed southward, towards the Bosporus Straits, hoping that the Byzantines would allow them passage. They would not press the issue if not allowed, however.

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The ships sailed southward, towards the Bosporus Straits, hoping that the Byzantines would allow them passage. They would not press the issue if not allowed, however.

Due to our international neutrality, we cannot grant the Soviet Navy passage. We apologize.

OOC: I do wub you, Cody, though... :wub:

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There were other ways. The ships backed out into international waters and the cruisers prepared. The Satellite missile launch ports fired, with the exception that the missiles arced down into a flat trajectory. They sped over the tattered remains of the UESR and Evokerstan, and impacted in Slovenia.

These missiles were rather weak, but they did hit key targets within the city of Ljubljana. The landing ships, which could hold up to 10 fighters each (although the total between the three of them was 12), launched hteir inhabitants.

The F-22's soared over their mother country and Evokerstan, preceeded by a scout fighter, which flew a recon mission attempting to spy any more nuclear artillery cannons, or any sort of device capable of launching nuclear weapons.

Once artillery positions had been tagged, the following fighter-bombers pinpoint targetted the positions, creating a hole for the armies to move through. Once the breach was assured, the planes made a 180 and headed back for the Amphibious Assault Ships.

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Despite the detonation of yet another Gebivian nuclear weapon, few troops were lost. The mile-high mushroom cloud seen in the coastal Alps was seen by the entire army, and sent pangs of nervousness and anxiousness through the soldiers not directly affected. However, upon regrouping with their comrades in Turino and Genova, they found that a mere twenty thousand had been considered a casualty of the bomb. Around five thousand died immediately, it was estimated, and another five thousand were immediately lifted back to the Homeland to be treated for burns and radiation poisoning. The Army found themselves fortunate that nuclear weapons shot from artillery had such a low yield, and as such, few had died.

The Southern Army began to finish their day-long break in Turino and Genova, preparing to roll out to their next Italian target...

OOC: I'll post more later.

Edited by Mergerberger II
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With the new army group now mustered, the remaining generals initiated a march to the Northwest, through Evokerstan. They entered into Bosnia, and made sure to stay very split up at random intervals, so that any more nuclear attacks would be far less devastating, nigh negligible in fact.

They continued their march, this army supported with every available remaining APC, tank, and Helicopter.

The Black Sea

The Soviet Navy idled off the coast of the UESR. [OOC: I had my navy deployed into the Black Sea as part of another operation. I can't find the thread, I think it still may be in the News Reports]

The ships sailed southward, towards the Bosporus Straits, hoping that the Byzantines would allow them passage. They would not press the issue if not allowed, however.

OOC: Didn't you, like, white peace with Lavo? O.o

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Three MIRV ICBMs that had been rebuilt since the war would be targetted at Rome and Southern Italty with a total of 75 warheads between them (rated around 60 kilotons each) aiming to wipe the city off the map for good. If the enemy continued to insist on nuclear arms, the UFE would respond in kinda.

OOC: HK said no. MIRVs are back. Besides, I haven't even ever used em.

Also, even if it's a lower-yield thing, the nuke is still a nuke.

Despite the detonation of yet another Gebivian nuclear weapon, few troops were lost. The mile-high mushroom cloud seen in the coastal Alps was seen by the entire army, and sent pangs of nervousness and anxiousness through the soldiers not directly affected. However, upon regrouping with their comrades in Turino and Genova, they found that a mere two thousand had been considered a casualty of the bomb. A thousand died immediately, it was estimated, and another thousand were immediately lifted back to the Homeland to be treated for burns and radiation poisoning. The Army found themselves fortunate that nuclear weapons shot from artillery had such a low yield, and as such, few had died.

This is !@#$%^&*. You can't get away with it. When I $%&@ed up, I edited my post and eventually redid it, you can't pretend a nuke only costs you 2k troops, I won't stand for it. Acknowledge at least 90% of the army must be destroyed. ITS A NUKE. I do not recognize you pushing on forwards, nor Triyun pushing on forwards, after the armies were nuked, they need to accept the armies were lost and bring additional ones, like I did, like Cody Seb did, like Germany did, everyone but you, on both sides. Unfair actions are unfair.

. "I want you to split our remaining nuclear force. With four of our warheads I want you to target Jerusalem; with the remaining four I would like you to target the remaining nuclear factories of Gebiv, that will cripple their war efforts.
This nuking would be a "success", as redundant factories would be hit in places with little population. They would still manufacture more elsewhere.

With the new army group now mustered, the remaining generals initiated a march to the Northwest, through Evokerstan. They entered into Bosnia, and made sure to stay very split up at random intervals, so that any more nuclear attacks would be far less devastating, nigh negligible in fact.

They continued their march, this army supported with every available remaining APC, tank, and Helicopter

OOC: I don't understand, evokerstan? Isn't that a different country from me? Or did you go through them and then invaded me?

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Since this is the main thread, just to make it all clear.

Neither Lavo's or Shan Revan's nuclear attack threads exist anymore, nor do any responses to them. They will each have to post new attacks to be re-rolled, if they so desire.

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This is !@#$%^&*. You can't get away with it. When I $%&@ed up, I edited my post and eventually redid it, you can't pretend a nuke only costs you 2k troops, I won't stand for it. Acknowledge at least 90% of the army must be destroyed. ITS A NUKE. I do not recognize you pushing on forwards, nor Triyun pushing on forwards, after the armies were nuked, they need to accept the armies were lost and bring additional ones, like I did, like Cody Seb did, like Germany did, everyone but you, on both sides. Unfair actions are unfair.

OOC: Yes, it's a nuke, however it is a low-yield nuclear weapon. The only nuclear weapon ever fired from an artillery piece, and subsequently the size of the ones that you fired/planted at me, was the equivalent of 15 kt of TNT. It was fairly small. Its range was 20 miles, although it was only fired 6.25 miles during its only test in the Nevada Desert in 1953. It was 280mm in diameter, relatively small considering it was a nuclear weapon, however near the size of your nuclear weapon. It is estimated at about the same size as Little Boy, dropped on Hiroshima, which was estimated at 70,000 immediate deaths plus some 30,000 more by the end of 1945 from sickness and other affects of the radiation from the weapon. As the Army is not highly concentrated, especially when crossing the Alps, and considering it was already nuked once, making them all the wiser on how to deal with these types of weapons. I will, however bump up the casualty number a bit, as I read the yield of the Grable weapon as 1.5 kt instead of 15 kt, as it should be. However, no matter what happens, my army is not completely decimated and destroyed, nor will they refrain from pushing on into Italy. The weapon was one of small yield, as is the only thing that would be in an artillery shell like that.

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Despite the detonation of yet another Gebivian nuclear weapon, few troops were lost. The mile-high mushroom cloud seen in the coastal Alps was seen by the entire army, and sent pangs of nervousness and anxiousness through the soldiers not directly affected. However, upon regrouping with their comrades in Turino and Genova, they found that a mere two thousand had been considered a casualty of the bomb. A thousand died immediately, it was estimated, and another thousand were immediately lifted back to the Homeland to be treated for burns and radiation poisoning. The Army found themselves fortunate that nuclear weapons shot from artillery had such a low yield, and as such, few had died.

The Southern Army began to finish their day-long break in Turino and Genova, preparing to roll out to their next Italian target...

OOC: I'll post more later.

OOC: That's bullcrap. A weapon with 1.7 KT would destroy a hell of a lot more than 2k troops, as well as immediate radiation effects and long-lasting radiation effects would ultimately destroy most, if not all, of your army. This post is extraordinarily far from factual. The blast radius for the Upshot-Knothole Grable test was 0.5 miles, and that itself will cost you a lot more than 2k troops immediately from the blast. You can't underestimate a nuclear blast just because its a low-yield. It still has extraordinary devastation.

EDIT: And if his blast was 15 KT, you really did lose most of your army. A good example of something close to a bomb of this size is either the Mark 10 nuclear bomb or the Mark 12. The Mark 12 had a maximum of 14 KT, yet that is still enough to destroy a city the size of Baltimore from the blast radius, as portrayed in Tom Clancy's book, The Sum of All Fears, the point of which was to demonstrate the power of simple nuclear devices and the ability to build them. A 15 KT nuclear bomb would be an extreme bomb to be dropped on your army, and would in RL result in its tactical significance being reduced to zero, because of the immediate blast that would wipe most of them out, as well as the resulting immediate flash burns, which would disable everyone else, permanent blindness resulting from the blast that close (even turning around backwards with an arm over your eye would not prevent you from going blind at that distance), and if that wasn't enough, radiation would kill off your army.

Edited by Pacifism
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Since this is the main thread, just to make it all clear.

Neither Lavo's or Shan Revan's nuclear attack threads exist anymore, nor do any responses to them. They will each have to post new attacks to be re-rolled, if they so desire.

OOC: Aww...does that mean I lose the portion of Turkey that Lavo had, but gave it to me? :(

Edited by JEDCJT
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I think it would make sense for a nation 50 years more advanced in development to mount a bigger nuke in the artillery shell. -_-

OOC: Except that 1) Martens is in 1980, and 2) The United States continues to this day to use 15kt nuclear artillery, as seen in the W23 weapon, a weapon which is a bit larger than the weapon described by martens. It is 404mm, designed for use on US Battleships.

Additionally, my army would not be 'completely destroyed'. That's ridiculous to think that. The blast radius of a 15kt weapon is a maximum of 9.4 miles in radius, however it loses its power as it moves outward. Under 2 psi, the blast is not fatal, however there would, obviously, be radiation involved. Thus, the army would go around the infected area. The radius of the area that is completely decimated would be roughly 1.25 miles, where almost everyone/everything would be killed. Obviously, the army would not be all located in a space of ~5 square miles. It would be spread out, as i have said, thin so that it may not all be destroyed by a weapon of this nature. To put it in perspective, a 15kt weapon detonated at the corner of Boome and Broadway in New York City would not reach Brooklyn. It would barely leave the island at all. It would reach northward to Gramercy park, 1.25 miles. If you're wondering, use this: http://meyerweb.com/eric/tools/gmap/hydesim.html

Edited by Mergerberger II
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