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Joint Statement

Mergerberger II

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OOC: The second part of my post still stands. It will take effect in two days, as I can say that these are reservist or draftees moving up.

OOC: Okay. I'll nuke them again then. LOL.

You might wanna start considering that inconditional surrender. I'm really NOT going to stop nuking you until I either run out or you do surrender.

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OOC: Okay. I'll nuke them again then. LOL.

You might wanna start considering that inconditional surrender. I'm really NOT going to stop nuking you until I either run out or you do surrender.

OOC: Exactly how many nukes are you under the impression you have?

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OOC: We're not dictating how SDIs work. In-game says 60% rating, so we applied the 60% rating to the missiles. It's not without precedent.

OOC: There is a big difference between being able to intercept 60% of 5 ICBMs and 120 at once. My understanding from HK-47 is a ruling on how SDIs work is not decided atm.

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OOC: There is a big difference between being able to intercept 60% of 5 ICBMs and 120 at once. My understanding from HK-47 is a ruling on how SDIs work is not decided atm.

OOC: That's great, but stats are stats. How am I supposed to decide on a number without any sort of factual basis? I started from 60%, we applied it. The SDI was decided before, it's been decided, and when HK tells us what he wants it to be he will tell us. Until then, I'm sticking by the rolls. Do you really want this to be delayed even further?

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"My dear friends of the world, I would like to take the honor of announcing that Rebel Army and the German/Dutch empires have agreed to a white peace with each other, and only each other. Hopefully, this is a sign of grander things to come.

Additionally, humanitarian supplies are being made en mass and sent to Rebel Army. Any nation that requests it will receive a large amount of aid and supplies for their citizens in these harsh times."

Edited by Sargun
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OOC: He did tell you, and he told me he was still deciding on the system. :)

OOC: I know that, I think you misunderstood me. I meant that I'm going to continue RPing as if the nukes that went through went through as they did. Others have done too, and I think that I need to make a ruling on the MIRV thing, which is incredibly unfair for the 20-nuke rule.

Anything else?

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OOC: Correct me if I'm wrong here but I didn't follow Marten's latest insurrection into CNRP. He merged into Gebiv after we banned mergers, right? That's what I'm getting here.

OOC: Actually, Martens is RPing Gebiv's nation. After the war I'm sure he will have to go down to his nation stats.

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OOC: I know that, I think you misunderstood me. I meant that I'm going to continue RPing as if the nukes that went through went through as they did. Others have done too, and I think that I need to make a ruling on the MIRV thing, which is incredibly unfair for the 20-nuke rule.

Anything else?

OOC: Correct me if I'm wrong here but I didn't follow Marten's latest insurrection into CNRP. He merged into Gebiv after we banned mergers, right? That's what I'm getting here.

OOC: Gebiv left Gebiv (the country) and gave General Mannelig control over some of his nation. I believe he gave away about 1/3 to other players as protectorates/new land, and gave Mannelig (Martens) Gebiv. However, Martens plays by his own stats except for the one nuke that Gebiv left to him, just like how Merger left a bunch of military to Triyun when he left the UFE.

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ooc: when you started the war you only had 1, and Mercy looked the other way on 2 more that Gebiv had. Since mergers are banned and you can't use Gebiv's stats you've used 3 of your 4.

OOC: The community ruled a while back that you can give RP nukes to other people. Lavo role played (Secretly) shipping a nuke to Gebiv. He didn't get Gebiv's (the player) nukes from his IG nation. He got Gebiv's (the nation) nuke from RolePlay.

OOC: Mercy said I could still manufacture nukes during the war as long as I bought em ingame

OOC: Vektor can too.

OOC: Correct me if I'm wrong here but I didn't follow Marten's latest insurrection into CNRP. He merged into Gebiv after we banned mergers, right? That's what I'm getting here.

OOC: No. He took over Gebiv's nation. Gebiv no longer rolePlays with us


OOC: No, I always had my own stats. The only thing I had from Gebiv is the one nuke he owned.

OOC: And his land. >__>

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