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Australasian Coalition Discussion


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OOC: Sorry about being inactive for a while....

But it was nice to see almost every clause of the treaty being worked :) We put alot of thought into this treaty.

IC: "We apologize for the delayed decision in voting. Our delegates had to catch up on sleep since they had a very busy week last week. We are ready to join in on the discussion now."

OOC: Yes, we did. It's nice to have something that works!

IC: "We are currently discussing this issue," the Promised Land delgate said, as an aide handed the Feet of God delegate a transcript of all that had been said on it so far.

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Our example should be the fact that we do not allow other nations who think they are superior, morally, religiously, whatever reason, than that of our own to push us around as if we amount to nothing.

If in fact the time has come for war, embrace it if only for the simple reason of defending and aiding your close comrades, something I think each signatory, a certain one in particular, is willing to commit to. If in fact the Aotearoans have begun an assault up on the Tanisians, then I say that we retaliate with our entire military force possible.

Do I like the prospect of war? No. Do I think that war is necessary at times, in order to reach diplomatic relations? Yes.

As of this point, the Aotearoans refuse diplomacy, as do the Neo Japanese, other than forcefully trying to intimidate the Tanisians into submission, so that they may yield.

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While the dislike for Tanis' operations in Singapore are of great important (let it be known that the Timoresians hold no grudge for the rightful land of the Tanisians), we would like to remind everyone that we are in fact treated to them. Said treaty states that if a signatory nation is attacked by an aggressive power, that we respond with the full-scale might of our military's.

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The Hansa has said in the past that this kind of aggression is dangerous to everyone in the region and though the problem with Japan and Tanis is regrettable that diplomacy could not prevail. The Aotearoaians have no business in these affairs. We vote with Timor that something should be done to remove this threat against our Tanisian brethren.

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We believe that Aoteara should restrict military/police responses to ships violating the continental shelf area and to ships that are collecting resources of their exclusive economic zone.

Declaring total war for an accidental incursion into a exclusive economic zone sounds extremely unreasonable and suspicious to us and makes us think that they were planning a war and jumped on the flimsiest reason to declare war.

We consider them to be the aggressor in this case and diplomatic pressure needs to be placed on them to declare peace and change their policies concerning their EEZ. If they will not listen then war may have to be considered as a method to force a change of policy on their part.

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Neo Olympia has declared that a state of war exists with New Cymru.

In addition, Neo Olympia has attempted to activate the MDP section of the treaty.

This matter involves Articles One, Three, and Four. Let the discussion begin.

First, in order for the MDP to be considered to be activated, we need proof of an attack on Neo Olympia.

In addition, articles One and Three are not violated yet by either nation until there is evidence of aggression. Although a state of war exists, this war can be resolved peacefully with no attacks, and neither nation will have to go through a vote of expulsion.

So in order for us to proceed we need to see evidence of aggression, or an explanation of the war.

Edited by XRCatD
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