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Australasian Coalition Discussion


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The motion is now put forward. All in favor say "yea", "abstain", or "nay".

Yea: 2


Abstain: 1

Confucianism votes "Yea".

<&Biohazard> I abstain.

<&Biohazard> Vote for me.

<&Biohazard> The Empire of Timor abstains it's vote.

<&Biohazard> OOC: Use this log, as proof.

Edited by Pacifism
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"Much better than I was. I think we've met before with the other delegations. Mr. Archer isn't it?" He stood up and shook the man's hand firmly, the hand was also structured faintly differently beneath the specially made gloves. "Don't worry, the eyes are a side-effect of my specialized treatment." Indeed, he did look much better, he stood on his own and had the apparent build of a rigorously trained soldier.

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"To the best of my knowledge we have not sir, however, it is a pleasure. Despite your somewhat altered exterior appearance, you seem a good chap. Coffee?" Archer stood, walking briskly to the machine, hoping to mask his discomfort.

Edited by Silhouette
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Archer returned a few minutes later with two cups of stong black coffee.

"You may or may not be aware sir, that I am the CINC of Port Venture. Every military asset in this region is under my command. I have been tasked with the single task of defending this city against attack. 700,000 lives depend on my readiness. Fortunately, many tasks can be handled by junior officers while I am occupied by discussion here. I am currently under examination for promotion and Federal Distinguished Service Award for my work." He placed Maelstrom's cup on the small table, while sipping his own.

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The Confucian delegation suddenly got a telex from their leadership in Confucianism. The representative takes the podium

"Ladies and Gentlemen, the Confucianist Delegation must retire temporarily to discuss some national interests."

The representative briskly stepped down, picked up his suitcase, and walked away from the podium, with the delegation trailing behind

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"Although the Wanatetan diplomat responded to LVN's threats of bombing civilian centers calmly, the guys at the University of Merktiv took the threats very seriously. They have initiated very thorough testing of their device and are making sure it is ready to protect the Australasian region from missile threats. Improvements have also been performed on it that increased its radius of full effectiveness. (OOC: I bought some land in game.)"

Edited by XRCatD
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Archer returned a few minutes later with two cups of stong black coffee.

"You may or may not be aware sir, that I am the CINC of Port Venture. Every military asset in this region is under my command. I have been tasked with the single task of defending this city against attack. 700,000 lives depend on my readiness. Fortunately, many tasks can be handled by junior officers while I am occupied by discussion here. I am currently under examination for promotion and Federal Distinguished Service Award for my work." He placed Maelstrom's cup on the small table, while sipping his own.

"If you were my officer, I'd award you. It's not easy defending a nation these days. You deserve the recognition." He unzipped the mask in front of his mouth. He went to sip from the cup which unfortunately revealed the 3 row of jagged, serrated white teeth that sat just behind his lips. Downed the coffee and let out a sigh. He then closed up the zipper, looked back to Archer. "Good stuff."

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The Chairman noticed a red button going off on his wristwatch.."Ahhh... !@#$... Archer.. do you want to live to see tommorrow? Nevermind that.. if you cherish your life.. come with me.. now." He and his crew began to ran towards evacuation helicopters.. "Mogul's going off the damned charts on impact reports in the middle east."

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He stopped, turned, saluted. He announced to the crowd in the chamber just before he left the doors. "Project Mogul has detected a yield release high enough to plunge the world into nuclear winter. I suggest you all break up this meeting, go home to attend your families and make preparations. Right now, the world of politics just turned into little more than a petty sideshow." He then exited, jumped onto the chopper with his diplomatic crew and they were flown as fast as possible back to the nearest Dragonisian ship, then onto Dragonisia where they landed at the entrance to one of the underground airbases.

As soon as he was home.. the top of Tasmania sealed up.. the radar net and military forces are now all that is active above ground as was during the first nuclear attack on their soil.

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