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Murder Inc. is back in the house


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People of Planet Steve, I come before you today with a matter of great importance. Murder Inc. has been revived from the ashes that we fell into. We have taken the past few weeks and pondered on this game that we helped to shape into what it now is. And it has been decided that we don't care too much for the direction it has currently been traveling in.

I come before you today to let the world know that we are currently recruiting again. Any past Murderer that would like to return to his roots is now asked to do just that. Any noob that wants to plant his own roots, needs to experience what it is like to be a Murderer. To be a true Murderer you must be a stone cold killer at heart. And at Murder Inc., we are all just that.

With this announcement comes another announcement. Murder Inc. will be having a new leadership in the next week or so. There will be a set Triumvirate. These 3 positions will not be elected. The seats are earned through merit and devotion to our AA. If one Triumvirate shall disappear, then I, myself, will choose who holds that seat.

Now, get your carcasses back under that Murder Inc. AA !!!!!!!!!


Edited by hormones74
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People of Planet Steve, I come before you today with a matter of great importance. Murder Inc. has been revived from the ashes that we fell into. We have taken the past few weeks and pondered on this game that we helped to shape into what it now is. And it has been decided that we don't care too much for the direction it has currently been traveling in.

I come before you today to let the world know that we are currently recruiting again. Any past Murderer that would like to return to his roots is now asked to do just that. Any noob that wants to plant his own roots, needs to experience what it is like to be a Murderer. To be a true Murderer you must be a stone cold killer at heart. And at Murder Inc., we are all just that.

With this announcement comes another announcement. Murder Inc. will be having a new leadership in the next week or so. There will be a set Triumvirate. These 3 positions will not be elected. The seats are earned through merit and devotion to our AA. If one Triumvirate shall disappear, then I, myself, will choose who holds that seat.

Now, get your carcasses back under that Murder Inc. AA

we love the leader :jihad:

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Heh, IDIOT was pretty good to this game, but let's see what Murder Inc. can do...

MI's already provided more drama than idiot could have ever dreamed of.

I have been behind every major war thus far in the tournament(s) :ph34r:

anyone that thought for a second that you could keep MI down.

To those that think MI's political capital is spent, or that our numbers are indicative of our strength, you are sorely mistaken and you would be wise not to cross us.

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Judgment wasn't drama. It was a proactive thumping. Since then MI has been nothing. I do note the linear rise in MI NS, though, so I hope to see something good, truly.

By the way, speaking of political capital, do you have any allies anymore? I actually don't even know.

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Judgment wasn't drama. It was a proactive thumping. Since then MI has been nothing. I do note the linear rise in MI NS, though, so I hope to see something good, truly.

By the way, speaking of political capital, do you have any allies anymore? I actually don't even know.

yes, plenty.

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MI better get up fast and start running. We past you here at UN :awesome:

gloating is dangerous to your health, especially considering your military capabilities. Unlike you, MI's strength doesn't come from our numbers see we understand how to play the game, and we play it well. I wish i could say the same for your rag tag group

Edited by elborrador
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Judgment wasn't drama. It was a proactive thumping. Since then MI has been nothing. I do note the linear rise in MI NS, though, so I hope to see something good, truly.

By the way, speaking of political capital, do you have any allies anymore? I actually don't even know.

Yes, we've held a treaty with MI since before the Judgement conflict. However due to conflicting treaties (We have equal treaties with MI & GDA) we did not support either side.

We'll always remain by there side.

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gloating is dangerous to your health, especially considering your military capabilities. Unlike you, MI's strength doesn't come from our numbers see we understand how to play the game, and we play it well. I wish i could say the same for your rag tag group

Dude that was a joke calm down :mellow:

It was a joke about the sanction race cause UN has taken third off TPF now.

We may have the arms that can almost equal yours now but you just got alot military improvements thats what would give you like a 4 - 2 ratio against us. If all your nations didn't have lots of those then it would be more like a 3 - 2 ratio.

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