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Thaisport Steps Down has MHA Prime Minister and Leave MHA


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To Everyone,

I have come to the decision to step down and leave Mostly Harmful Alliance, effective immediately. Poorbeagle will resume his position as Prime Minister. I leave today as Poorbegale and I no longer see eye to eye as to how to lead MHA and the direction it should take.

I have nothing against him or MHA. Our difference in ideals and belief are too different to overcome and I will not be the best person to lead MHA anymore.

I may join another alliance but will mostly likely start a new alliance. I wish all the best to Poorbeagle and Mostly Harmful Alliance. If you wish to speak to me I will be available for in-game PM, on IRC, or on the CNte forums.

Best Wishes,


Issues have been resolved and I will remain at MHA for one more shot...

Edited by thaisport
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Thais, your a lot like me.....I also think you bring balance to MHA and give the ability to look at both sides of the fense.

PB is a very good friend of mine, and i think he needs your ability to look at all angles of the situation. After all we are all human!

I wish you good luck my friend!

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Thaisport, I simply wanted to take point on an issue that came up. The hours and hours of work you put into Mostly Harmful Alliance showed your dedication. I'll always put friends above infra and

you are more than welcome to return and be PM. Don't let a 2 minute squabble ruin that.

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it was an honor serving as a Division Commander under your leadership thaisport. i hope you still visit the IRC channel every once and while and tell us what's up with you. I will especially miss the picture of the cat you use as your avatar. since i've never actually seen you, i picture you as a cat :)

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Hey guys, I want to let you all know I'm considering all the options I have right now, which includes returning as MHA's Prime Minister. I do want to say that Poorbeagle is not a hack or a traitor. I've have known him through the course of this round and past of the last. When I left, it was due to us not being on the same page, simple as that. As leaders we don't always see eye to eye but we work through it. This time around our conversation just got more heated which made me rethink a few things.

I owe my experience as a leader to Poorbeagle. He has given me the opportunity of leading one of the top alliances in CNte, an opportunity that few have had a chance of experiencing.

Ok that aside, I appreciate everyone's support :P yes, even you elborrador, my infamous friend and leader of MI.

Edited by thaisport
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this is sad to see. Poorbeagle is a hack and a traitor. Allies of MHA would be wise to use caution around him

Elborrador, you do not know the circumstances to which you lay accusations to.

PB has come to my aid every time i have asked and vise versa, this along with other reason is why TPF and MHA are such good friends!

Thais, I'm very glad you changed your mind and decided to stay, I hope our talks together had something to do with this,

and I'm sure PB and you have taken time to cool down and approach this disagreeance from a different angle.




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Elborrador, you do not know the circumstances to which you lay accusations to.

PB has come to my aid every time i have asked and vise versa, this along with other reason is why TPF and MHA are such good friends!

Thais, I'm very glad you changed your mind and decided to stay, I hope our talks together had something to do with this,

and I'm sure PB and you have taken time to cool down and approach this disagreeance from a different angle.




with all due respects, I know very well what i speak of. Poorbeagle is a liar and a cheat. He manipulated myself and Murder inc, amongst other alliances and flat out lied to me about his intentions. Murder Inc. Does not lightly forget those that betray us.

That said, I'm glad that Thai is still in command :)

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with all due respects, I know very well what i speak of. Poorbeagle is a liar and a cheat. He manipulated myself and Murder inc, amongst other alliances and flat out lied to me about his intentions. Murder Inc. Does not lightly forget those that betray us.

That said, I'm glad that Thai is still in command :)

LoL... I'm surprised you didn't make a nice little smart comment about me calling you my "infamous friend" :P and I'm glad to be back...

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this is sad to see. Poorbeagle is a hack and a traitor. Allies of MHA would be wise to use caution around him

Who are you? Remind me in a fashion that I can respect or go away.

Welcome back Thaisport!

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