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What real nations would look like..........


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I was thinking it would be pretty cool if someone made a picture of a CyberNation that is United Staes or Iran or China or something. If it was the U.S.A, Alliance would be NATO, religion mixed, government republic, ranked 1 in alliance and world, a bunch of aircraft,

research the number of nukes, soldiers lost, and such.

it would be pretty cool.

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The problem with this is that CN nations isn't that different from eachother, infact they are all pretty much the same. Almost every nation would look like USA since it's the american way of runing a country that have been refelected in CN. The only exeption is very young nations that have yet to get their population up.

The religion and government changes regulary in most nations. Religion is changed when the people want it to get the +1 bonus and the different governments isn't used since monarchy is always the best (is sometimes changed during war).

In CN you want the max you can have of everything, a high population is always better than a low population without taking into account that a nation with a high population often have large social and ecconomical differences in the population and that far from everyone works. In fact a small nation with high technology and income would in many aspects be better than many large nations.

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Unfortunately, in real life, more infrastructure does not necessarily correlate to higher population. Ignoring that, in order to reflect proper populations, infra levels would be off the charts... Way beyond our realm of experience.

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The way I look at it is that an alliance could be seen as the equivalent of a RL nation.

Colour spheres is continents (Europe, Asia, America)

CN Blocs would than be RL alliances. (Nafta, NATO, Warschau-pact)

The nations would be normal population.

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The way I look at it is that an alliance could be seen as the equivalent of a RL nation.

Colour spheres is continents (Europe, Asia, America)

CN Blocs would than be RL alliances. (Nafta, NATO, Warschau-pact)

The nations would be normal population.

Really nations are cities and alliances are countries. This explains at least part of why infrastructure is so tightly connected to population, and population levels are out of whack with rl countries populations.

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Really nations are cities and alliances are countries. This explains at least part of why infrastructure is so tightly connected to population, and population levels are out of whack with rl countries populations.

Cybercities :P

Also, if RL was like CN, the world would be destroyed hundreds of thousands of times over from nuclear fallout :P

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Or a Federal Government, plus in real-life most nations would have 'None' as their religion, as most RL nations have no state-religion.

I agree on that, the real political statement would be to either have a state religion or not.

As for what kind of a government USA would have it really depends a bit on who's putting up the label. Both republic and federal government is under the democracy umbrella, but a true democracy would require that everyone in a country could vote on the specific cases that the government is talking about, not just vote for a person or party to represent you.

It would actually be intersting to change cybernations into a sort of cyber cities. I think we all agrees that nations at the moment acts more like cities under a federal government witch is the alliance.

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I actually calculated the nation strength of the US, China and another country a while back.

The numbers are a little off because the formula has changed, but the numbers should be close since it was primarily infra that contributed to NS.

US NS: 55,621,105.25

China NS: 183,077,797.7

Canada NS: 6,089,259

http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?s...c=13653&hl= (Don't bump the 11 month old thread)

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I actually calculated the nation strength of the US, China and another country a while back.

The numbers are a little off because the formula has changed, but the numbers should be close since it was primarily infra that contributed to NS.

US NS: 55,621,105.25

China NS: 183,077,797.7

Canada NS: 6,089,259

http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?s...c=13653&hl= (Don't bump the 11 month old thread)

the nuke NS formula is now power based, rather than linear ((Nuclear Purchased^2)*10) so the US's nukes are now worth 987,638,440 NS, unless I punched a number wrong somewhere. biiiiiig difference when you have nearly 10K of them :)

Edited by JCFalkenberg
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the nuke NS formula is now power based, rather than linear ((Nuclear Purchased^2)*10) so the US's nukes are now worth 987,638,440 NS, unless I punched a number wrong somewhere. biiiiiig difference when you have nearly 10K of them :)

Yeah, like I said, the NS formula changed.

But hey, whats a billion NS? :P

EDIT: omigod, that was 987 million not 987 thousand. Wow.

Edited by hahne59
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If a CN nation was the USA, the government would be Democracy <_< . Also, the religion would be Christianity. <_<

Thats not honestly fully true. the US is a country where you can believe whatever religion you believe. as for me i dont believe in cristianity beacause for me jesus is a myth and nothing else. I believe in a religion you would have to be part of to know anything about it so im not even going to try to explain. so saying that the US would be christianity is a false statement. but yes the people talking here have a point the game does very much resemble the US.

Thank you please do correct me if im wrong

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Thats not honestly fully true. the US is a country where you can believe whatever religion you believe. as for me i dont believe in cristianity beacause for me jesus is a myth and nothing else. I believe in a religion you would have to be part of to know anything about it so im not even going to try to explain. so saying that the US would be christianity is a false statement. but yes the people talking here have a point the game does very much resemble the US.

Thank you please do correct me if im wrong

Its a majority of the population, however.

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Any links to prove that?


According to the CIA,[6] the following is the order of religious preferences in the United States:

* Christian: (78.5%)

o Protestant (51.3%)

o Roman Catholic (23.9%)

o Mormon (1.7%)

o other Christian (1.6%)

* unaffiliated (12.1%)

* none (4%)

* other or unspecified (2.5%)

* Jewish (1.7%)

* Buddhist (0.7%)

* Muslim (0.6%)

That really should have been a no brainer.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Thats not honestly fully true. the US is a country where you can believe whatever religion you believe. as for me i dont believe in cristianity beacause for me jesus is a myth and nothing else. I believe in a religion you would have to be part of to know anything about it so im not even going to try to explain. so saying that the US would be christianity is a false statement. but yes the people talking here have a point the game does very much resemble the US.

Thank you please do correct me if im wrong

Wait you believe Jesus is a myth o.O. I'm seriously hoping you mean you don't believe his claim of being god and not that you believe the person did not exist.

Edited by Veritas
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