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For dicks to stop being dicks and trying to justify dickish actions, and recognize just because one side had fun at the expense of the innocent other side it does not justify dickish actions. I'm a dick to those being dicks, and I will continue to do so as long as I am here.

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[quote name='Isaac MatthewII' timestamp='1343233204' post='3015105']
Oh the hypocrite shows her self eh?

I don't even know what that means, stop being vague.

[quote name='Kankou' timestamp='1343233357' post='3015106']
For dicks to stop being dicks and trying to justify dickish actions, and recognize just because one side had fun at the expense of the innocent other side it does not justify dickish actions. I'm a dick to those being dicks, and I will continue to do so as long as I am here.

Kankou, not going to lie, you asked for that war. For an entire week you did nothing but Anti-Visari propaganda and made Nozis. Then he attacked you and technically you won because it was wiped. Yet, here you are, still !@#$%*ing about how you're so innocent and how you were wronged. I'd give you the PoTaTo thing in Korea, but that wasn't even why you eventually got attacked and pushed out of there.

Everytime you get attacked in a war, you deserved it. I mean I know you're not going to stop !@#$%*ing, you've never stopped !@#$%*ing. I'm just putting it out there...it's getting old.

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Alright, I guess the hardest thing is to start this. But it seems a bit necessary.

I don't know how many people I annoyed in CNRP, I guess there were quite a few, not saying this with pride or with regret, just as a neutral rematk. I also don't know what quality my RP had, I do not want to judge myself.

I went on today, to check on my IG war, to check on news in CNRP and to see what my alliance was doing, etc. and honestly, I guess not many people would consider it fun to sit at 22 infra, but compared to CNRP, it really was a laughing matter. A few days ago, I locked France, maybe soon I unlock it, but when I look at all these posts, I can hardly see a point in staying, just based on the community, where this is hardly RP, but just a new variant of that game you see on fairs, where you get a hammer to whack those moles that pop up. And one has to be masochistic to stick in something like CNRP, when it just causes a massive headache.

I guess the greatest reason I do not just quit this, is not even Dalian, Josephine, Louise or some other character that will end up lynched, no, I'd by now even be fine to let them all shoot themselves, the greatest reason I'm still here is that else, the land fets annexed by Cent, there will be three posts on how terrible my reign was, how awesome Athens is and how the French all embrace their new overlords and a region that has brought forth quite a good bit of RP dies. I don't think I'll produce any good story anymore, not with this massive headache, but I'll try my best. Meanwhile, if anyone has interest in RPing in France (maybe not just as character), you know where to find me.

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Sorry Sarah, but you can't say much about the conduct of Malatose during the preplanning sessions and the war itself, which was one of the most laughable rigged thing around, yet even after pulling so many godmodes out he still didn't managed to get anything worthwhile done. But meh, that's not the most important point.

The most important thing is the hypocritical attitude people put up to justify whatever they do. I don't mean IC hypocrisy, I mean OOC hypocrisy. As long as that exists, my points are valid to the core, no matter how long it may have passed. I don't let the past be the past if the past is being denied.

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[quote name='Kankou' timestamp='1343236872' post='3015156']
Sorry Sarah, but you can't say much about the conduct of Malatose during the preplanning sessions and the war itself, which was one of the most laughable rigged thing around, yet even after pulling so many godmodes out he still didn't managed to get anything worthwhile done. But meh, that's not the most important point.

The most important thing is the hypocritical attitude people put up to justify whatever they do. I don't mean IC hypocrisy, I mean OOC hypocrisy. As long as that exists, my points are valid to the core, no matter how long it may have passed. I don't let the past be the past if the past is being denied.

As to Malatose's conduct, I remember hearing rants all throughout IRC about that war, so I'm sure you are right that he godmoded stuff. I know that Malatose definitely isn't some golden being of RP, but neither are you and that's what comes out of all this sniping. "They're never right, but I can do no wrong." I find it really hard to imagine that you never once in those arguments had no god-mods.

So like what do you want? Malatose to admit that he's an ass, that you were right, and you were victimized and so on and so forth? Because I know he's not going to do that, more so because he barely comes on anymore and I'm curious is it going to take him getting wiped for you to stop this argument or are you just going to keep bringing it up how you were wronged as some monument to justify that you were right and he was wrong?

Cause honestly, I admit, Vektor can be a huge ass, I've fought him, I know. But to fill up threads for months and months? I just don't get it, you need to martyr yourself that much?

Edited by Sarah Tintagyl
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[quote name='Kankou' timestamp='1343238624' post='3015181']
To change the fundamentals of CNRP so that we brush aside all the "It's for fun!" excuse and get rid of the OOC hypocrisy. An ambitious goal, I admit, but one I set out for myself.

No clue what you mean by that, you need to explain further.

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If you want to make a version of CN RP where you're the philosopher queen Kankou fine. Go make an alternative CN RP. Stop trying to impose yourself on everyone. You're not a sage or a big sister or anything else you claim to be. Your anime obsessive girl stereotype isn't cute. Its just rotten. You're just pushing people around OOC because you don't get your way IC. If Sarah or I are that bad IC, feel free to ignore Tianxia in all future game play we'll ignore you in all future gameplay. Its a !@#$@#$ game, the objective is to have fun and interact. There are no other objectives, if you don't want to interact or have fun there are other things to do. Christ almighty this !@#$ fest needs to stop.

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[quote name='Triyun' timestamp='1343239982' post='3015198']
If you want to make a version of CN RP where you're the philosopher queen Kankou fine. Go make an alternative CN RP. Stop trying to impose yourself on everyone. You're not a sage or a big sister or anything else you claim to be. Your anime obsessive girl stereotype isn't cute. Its just rotten. You're just pushing people around OOC because you don't get your way IC. If Sarah or I are that bad IC, feel free to ignore Tianxia in all future game play we'll ignore you in all future gameplay. Its a !@#$@#$ game, the objective is to have fun and interact. There are no other objectives, if you don't want to interact or have fun there are other things to do. Christ almighty this !@#$ fest needs to stop.

Triyun, but we have to stop with the !@#$ slinging. I know that you and Kankou don't get along and I know that you guys snipe back at each other. But everyone needs to stop sniping. If we can do that, maybe we can at least level ourselves to a decent mode of dialogue.

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[quote name='Sarah Tintagyl' timestamp='1343238864' post='3015186']
No clue what you mean by that, you need to explain further.
"It's for fun!" excuse: "Wars are fun. Therefore forced wars, because they are fun for me, should be allowed. Screw preplanning."

OOC hypocrisy: "Don't interactive with me because I don't want you to" after constantly undermining someone against their consent.

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[quote name='Evangeline Anovilis' timestamp='1343241444' post='3015216']
Kankou's a Fujoshi.

(In Japan, female fans are called fujoshi, a pun which denotes their way of seeing homosexual relationships in media as being "rotten")

Can you take your Japanese sex-talk out of here?

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[quote name='Sarah Tintagyl' timestamp='1343240180' post='3015200']
Triyun, but we have to stop with the !@#$ slinging. I know that you and Kankou don't get along and I know that you guys snipe back at each other. But everyone needs to stop sniping. If we can do that, maybe we can at least level ourselves to a decent mode of dialogue.

Fine this isn't sniping then. This is a direct counter attack, because in the past 24 hours we've seen some inexcusable comparisons which I will not repeat here and we've seen some attacks against my character solely for playing the game. This is my response to them because they can't go unanswered. I'm tired of these attacks on my OOC character.

Kankou, stop. Just stop. You've kept this going claiming because you care, its not. Its because you're either incredibly sadly obsessed or you are a sadist. You don't take out any sort of aggression IC, you take it to OOC. Thats different from every single other person I've had any sort of major war or rivalry with. Cochin didn't do it, Sarah didn't do it, Martens didn't do it, Lavo didn't do it, Cent/JED didn't do it, I can't remember who else I fought over a long period of time but with all of them once you went past the IC nation or character rivalries we were done. We got along fine. You come on IRC and do sniping which oddly resembles either Vektor or I against you in your description and then say 'oh I don't know who you're talking about'. Bull !@#$. Here is the simple truth for all those wondering out there why this sniping doesn't end. I've asked it to end. Ask Shammy ask Sarah, ask so many other people who I've talked to I've asked for a way out of this.

The Triyun-Kankou OOC feud is not proportional. It is a harassment issue and me having a human action to being harassed. I'm so god damn tired of this. Kankou if you put everything into attacking Tianxia I'd be fine with that. But you don't. You instead put it into making the game an absolute hell on Earth OOC for me and anyone who plays on my side. Thats not a valid military tactic, thats not an OOC tactic. That is being a harassing !@#$%* and it needs to stop. I've asked how to end this on IRC, I've asked how to end this on here. You're response is that you 'love me and just want me to do better'. Thats retarded. Quit !@#$@#$ harass me. You want a war to go for where ever in my empire, go for it, but quit !@#$@#$ harassing me. Its not funny, its not amusing, its sick. I would ask others who actually care about decency in this game to take note of the fact that I am trying to end this and for this 'its both sides' !@#$ to stop. Defending your OOC character is not sniping, its asking to have some modicum of sportsmanship and decency. And I'm really offended that we've allowed it to get to the point where just because I have an in character playing style, I'm equal to whats been months of OOC stalking and harassment, attacks on me OOC, culminating in the disgusting comparisons of IC actions in the past 24 hours. Its sickening.

With that I'm done.

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Triyun, you're the one who harassed me in the first place, and continue harassing me. In fact, I'm barely doing half of anything you ever did. That's the exact OOC hypocrisy I am talking about. Either [b]YOU[/b] stop, or this continues.

I believe I said enough on the topic.

Edited by Kankou
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[quote name='Kankou' timestamp='1343242320' post='3015225']
Triyun, you're the one who harassed me in the first place, and continue harassing me. In fact, I'm barely doing half of anything you ever did. That's the exact OOC hypocrisy I am talking about. Either [b]YOU[/b] stop, or this continues.

I believe I said enough on the topic.

This feud began a long time ago when DKT got attacked for being a nation for fully IC reasons, the same happened during Korea and Grand Papua. In all of these Triyun, vekt or I acted in response to your IC actions. You took it OOC and you took it to the OOC harassment level because you kept losing the wars IC and because we wouldn't let you change Earth tectonics with nukes. So no Triyun didn't harass you.

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Not sure what you're talking about, but here's a very small list (and the reason I started taking logs of every single discussions to make sure there is evidence):

1. Invasion of Korea in Operation Han when I asked him to declare me a protectorate [b]IF[/b] I went inactive (and then saying he wouldn't retcon things).
2. Annexing territories for Sarah while threatening to basically kick me out of Korea (despite the promises to return everything when I got out of my RL problems)
3. Constantly changing clear-cut terms to fit his needs (and then accusing me of being a !@#$%*)
4. Germanic War wipe
5. Backstab of an IC character despite the various agreements made for a closed RP (which was deemed to be unfair and unjust by at least three separate GMs, and thus retconned to be ignored)

I could go on and on about this, but hey, I figure you'll just brush it aside and throw red herrings and scarecrows using examples I do think was RPed out correctly (Korean War). Stop twisting my position to fit your hypocritical world view.

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Honestly then you two need to completely start over. Listen, I'm sorry if the Ehestadt stuff wronged you, I realize its the past but I'm sorry and if all that was happening when you were having RL problems, I apologize. If that's what happened, you were wronged, but I can't go changing the past. However, this stuff needs to end, these arguments need to stop because they're being repeated all over the boards and they've been doing so for months and months.

But like its clear that both of you are fed up with the other and even if you're willing to beat this until CN itself dies, I feel like a lot of people aren't.

I really don't know what to say here, you've felt wronged in the past and Triyun's been wronged from you trying to correct something that really can't be corrected. I mean lets at least try to start new, we've all be wrong and harassed and insulted in the past, can we at least try to just move on?

Cause the thing is, the fundamentals are never really going to change...if it isn't you and Triyun, then its two other people. For as cooperative as we want CNRP to be, there's always a degree of competition, but when arguing gets in the way of everything, then we have to correct that.

Edited by Sarah Tintagyl
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This wouldn't have been like this if Triyun said sorry at least once. He never did. Quite the opposite of Ty, who admitted he was being a !@#$% with his rogue nuking and apologized. That difference is why things are the way things are right now.

Also, my CNRP stance is different from his, starting from hyperrealism, selective use of technology (we all know what this is about, right?), and lulzwars. That wouldn't change at all.

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Can we stop arguing about things that are now way in the past? We cant change what has happened before so why keep on !@#$%*ing about it. I am sick of this rubbish bickering. If you cant be civil with each other dont talk to each other. Its time to let go of what has been and concentrate on the now. This argument is pointless. There is no excuse that can cover the pettiness which is going on. Its time to suck up and move on. Leave the egos at the door please.

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The "now" is an extension of the "before", and in addition the "before" shows what can happen "now". If someone tries to start a war without ever bothering to do a spyroll to make an elaborate hoax like what was done with the Po Ta To incident, I will bring up that precedent in defense of preplanning and general standards of RP wars. If some people think this is egoistic bickering, that's their problem.

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