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[quote name='dotCom' timestamp='1292963249' post='2548612']
I still say you need to clone Josef Stalin and send him over to the Republic to become our new leader.
I'm [i]totally[/i] sure your pixels, er, people, would love to have a very [i]honest and caring[/i] leader, a leader with a clone that slaughtered [b]ONLY[/b] a few dozen million of people...

-Errp, Serious Business-

Not possible, its been about 57 or 58 years since his death. All you will get is very fragmented DNA samples from his bones and hair, which are insufficient to produce a new human clone. Even if you did clone him, you won't clone his personality, which means you might end up getting a very democratic capitalist leader instead.

Edited by HHAYD
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[quote name='HHAYD' timestamp='1292963878' post='2548622']
I'm [i]totally[/i] sure your pixels, er, people, would love to have a very [i]honest and caring[/i] leader, a leader with a clone that slaughtered [b]ONLY[/b] a few dozen million of people...

-Errp, Serious Business-

Not possible, its been about 57 or 58 years since his death. All you will get is very fragmented DNA samples from his bones and hair, which are insufficient to produce a new human clone. Even if you did clone him, you won't clone his personality, which means you might end up getting a very democratic capitalist leader instead.
Stalin was an honest and caring leader. He just had unique ways of showing he cared about people.

In all seriousness, I would be fine with a Stalin look-alike even if he did not have the personality. Wouldn't mind that at all. I could still go around saying Josef Stalin is my nation's leader.

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[quote name='dotCom' timestamp='1292964287' post='2548626']
Stalin was an honest and caring leader. He just had unique ways of showing he cared about people.
Yeah, [i]sure[/i]... :P

[quote name='dotCom' timestamp='1292964287' post='2548626']
In all seriousness, I would be fine with a Stalin look-alike even if he did not have the personality. Wouldn't mind that at all. I could still go around saying Josef Stalin is my nation's leader.
Plastic surgery would be cheaper. Just make sure to find a way to keep the surgeons, nurses, other hospital staff members, and "Stalin" from being a whistle blower.

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[quote name='HHAYD' timestamp='1292965044' post='2548644']
Plastic surgery would be cheaper. Just make sure to find a way to keep the surgeons, nurses, other hospital staff members, and "Stalin" from being a whistle blower.
Just wouldn't be the same. It wouldn't be genetically Stalin.

I think I'll just pay some insanely high tech nation to clone the old chap.

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[quote name='dotCom' timestamp='1292955894' post='2548519']
I refuse entirely.

/me puts on a nice suit, gets a cup of Turkish coffee, and watches with mild interest as the other male players sweep the floor in maid clothes.
Coffee? What are you, some kind of pansy? *Gets out the whiskey* As for the maid uniform, it turned out to be fairly flammable. That's one less heating bill to pay.

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[quote name='BaronUberstein' timestamp='1292971024' post='2548769']
Coffee? What are you, some kind of pansy? *Gets out the whiskey* As for the maid uniform, it turned out to be fairly flammable. That's one less heating bill to pay.
Turkish coffee is the drink of gentlemen.

dotCommie is a gentleman.

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[quote name='BaronUberstein' timestamp='1292977513' post='2548918']
Nonsense, a real gentleman drinks expensive whiskey while he reads in his study.
Bah. Such blasphemies. Whiskey is a drink for alcohol-drinkers of unrefined taste. Turkish coffee, on the other hand, is an elegant, acquired taste that requires a mature, refine palate.

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[quote name='dotCom' timestamp='1292977869' post='2548926']
Bah. Such blasphemies. Whiskey is a drink for alcohol-drinkers of unrefined taste. Turkish coffee, on the other hand, is an elegant, acquired taste that requires a mature, refine palate.
If by "mature palate" you mean complete LACK of palate! Coffee is for those who have no energy of their own. A true gentleman takes initiative and relaxes with a bottle of fine aged whiskey at the end of the day.

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[quote name='BaronUberstein' timestamp='1292980150' post='2548971']
If by "mature palate" you mean complete LACK of palate! Coffee is for those who have no energy of their own. [b]A true gentleman takes initiative and relaxes with a bottle of fine aged whiskey at the end of the day.[/b]
A true gentleman gets drunk while surfing and posting in the OWF, bonus if such gentleman is an absolute leader of a major alliance. :awesome:

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[quote name='BaronUberstein' timestamp='1292980150' post='2548971']
If by "mature palate" you mean complete LACK of palate! Coffee is for those who have no energy of their own. A true gentleman takes initiative and relaxes with a bottle of fine aged whiskey at the end of the day.
Clearly, my friend, you are accustomed to that muck you call 'coffee' that is sold at corporate joints like Starbucks. That mud is as much coffee as Mao Zedong was a loving democrat. To appreciate true coffee, one must venture to the few places in which real coffee can be found--though I don't doubt you would rather settle down with your 'fine whiskey'.

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[quote]Clearly, my friend, you are accustomed to that muck you call 'coffee' that is sold at corporate joints like Starbucks. That mud is as much coffee as Mao Zedong was a loving democrat. To appreciate true coffee, one must venture to the few places in which real coffee can be found--though I don't doubt you would rather settle down with your 'fine whiskey'.[/quote]

What about tea? Tea is a fine, dignified drink that has been sipped by some of the greatest minds of our world. Its varieties and methods of preparation are something to be appreciated; why, just look at the elegance of a Japanese tea ceremony.

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[quote name='dotCom' timestamp='1292980437' post='2548975']
Clearly, my friend, you are accustomed to that muck you call 'coffee' that is sold at corporate joints like Starbucks. That mud is as much coffee as Mao Zedong was a loving democrat. To appreciate true coffee, one must venture to the few places in which real coffee can be found--though I don't doubt you would rather settle down with your 'fine whiskey'.
A REAL Gentleman drinks the blood of his enemies.

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[quote name='SK Wynter' timestamp='1292985917' post='2549074']
What about tea? Tea is a fine, dignified drink that has been sipped by some of the greatest minds of our world. Its varieties and methods of preparation are something to be appreciated; why, just look at the elegance of a Japanese tea ceremony.
Tea, of course, is certainly an elegant, civilised drink, there is no argument against that. One who cannot appreciate the fine nuances in taste and aroma of the different varieties of tea cannot claim to possess a refined palate.

[quote name='BaronUberstein' timestamp='1292986770' post='2549096']
A REAL Gentleman drinks the blood of his enemies.
Nay, sir, that is but barbaric behaviour. One's enemies are to be respected--perhaps more even than one's own allies.

Also, where is SK Wynter's country located? Er, I assume you got land somewhere.

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[quote]Excellent RPing SK, very well written.[/quote]

Merci, Californian. Her character was inspired by the Malkavian vampire clan in the Old World of Darkness.

[quote]Tea, of course, is certainly an elegant, civilised drink, there is no argument against that. One who cannot appreciate the fine nuances in taste and aroma of the different varieties of tea cannot claim to possess a refined palate.[/quote]


[quote]Also, where is SK Wynter's country located? Er, I assume you got land somewhere.[/quote]

Actually, I've decided to try a different route in my roleplaying. I wish to have Annan live as a citizen in Bob, and then decide if my little albino is going to rule a country or not. Of course, I do not wish to RP as a citizen in someone's country without their prior consent, and I do not know the history behind most of the nations (as the game can shift radically), so I'm seeing if anyone will pick Annan up, and go from there.

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To settle the argument, I'm sure coffee with whiskey mixed together would be okay.

[quote name='BaronUberstein' timestamp='1292986770' post='2549096']
A REAL Gentleman drinks the blood of his enemies.

Such gentleman should pray that his enemies didn't have any blood/body fluid borne diseases, such as HIV or drug resistant Malaria.

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[quote name='SK Wynter' timestamp='1292988762' post='2549127']
Actually, I've decided to try a different route in my roleplaying. I wish to have Annan live as a citizen in Bob, and then decide if my little albino is going to rule a country or not. Of course, I do not wish to RP as a citizen in someone's country without their prior consent, and I do not know the history behind most of the nations (as the game can shift radically), so I'm seeing if anyone will pick Annan up, and go from there.
Well, I can see it would be interesting to have a citizen of my nation RP'd by someone. Though Annan would not be ethnically from the region, of course, it's possible, if you like, for her to be a citizen of the Xinyan Republic, the nation I RP. It hasn't been around too long so there isn't much history that can't be learned from its news thread.

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[quote]Well, I can see it would be interesting to have a citizen of my nation RP'd by someone. Though Annan would not be ethnically from the region, of course, it's possible, if you like, for her to be a citizen of the Xinyan Republic, the nation I RP. It hasn't been around too long so there isn't much history that can't be learned from its news thread.[/quote]

She'll go with whoever picks her up first in the [i]And Woe that She Should Wet Her Feet[/i] thread. If anyone is interested, all they have to do is reply to the thread.

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[quote name='SK Wynter' timestamp='1292992101' post='2549211']
She'll go with whoever picks her up first in the [i]And Woe that She Should Wet Her Feet[/i] thread. If anyone is interested, all they have to do is reply to the thread.
Looks like Sargun got you before I could make it XD

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[quote name='Sargun' timestamp='1292993947' post='2549235']
Not my fault I like characters over nations :3
Hey--I dunno if you noticed but I enjoy character RP just as much as national RP. Not my fault it's not often I get an opportunity to do character RPs with others >_>

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