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[quote name='Sal Paradise' timestamp='1292709500' post='2543095']
"The IC/OOC line only goes so far. At some point, it becomes obvious that way someone roleplays is a reflection of their personality. Amazing how IC excuses for bullying seem to pop up in everything you do."

Then it's even worse and you were just using an excuse to make an ooc attack.

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[quote name='Sal Paradise' timestamp='1292708820' post='2543072']
CNRP isn't the only place I have experience interaction with you. You keep acting the way you do and I'll call you out on it every time. I've spoken to quite a few people around here that agree with me but I seem to be the only person around here willing to say it publicly.

Really? Pray tell in what context have you also interacted with me, because I've never heard of you prior to playing CN RP specifically. If you were not in my alliance or in the circle of people I've talked to outside that alliance it sounds like you are making generalizations solely based on how I've RPed China specifically. In which case you are making an assumption about me personally based on how I RP a nation, which is a clear blur between IC and OOC lines on your part not mine.

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Everyone else feel free to express your righteous indignation that I'm making an OOC attack. I don't mind being the only one pointing out the bullying that goes on here and the BS IC excuses used to cover up an obvious pattern that wouldn't possibly be anything other than a reflection of personality.

I'd like to see everyone come out against the thing in this community they find the most offensive and detrimental, so do go on about how awful I am for saying uncomfortable things, if it's that important to you. Your silence on bullying will tell me enough.

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[quote name='Ioannes' timestamp='1292710244' post='2543116']
If Triyun's doctrine existed before dotCom's nation, I really fail to see how this is bullying. If Triyun had made the doctrine in response to dotCom's actions, then it would be bullying. As it is, I don't see what the problem is.

Either one doesn't matter because it is consistent with his IC nation's persona and his leader's character. ICly, someone can be a "bully" to get what they want. If it works, it works. If you hate that someone is an IC bully, do something about it ICly.

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[quote name='Voodoo Nova' timestamp='1292710502' post='2543120']
Either one doesn't matter because it is consistent with his IC nation's persona and his leader's character. ICly, someone can be a "bully" to get what they want. If it works, it works. If you hate that someone is an IC bully, do something about it ICly.

Precisely, ICly this is not that out of line. I mean you had Russia launch a cyber war on the Baltic States for stuff Russia considered inflammatory to their version of WW II history. China has a history of harassing vessels in seas it considers as Chinese but aren't recognized as such by the United Nations. I would not say the UFEs behavior is really outside the behavior of more traditional continental style powers like China or Russia, the only difference is is that there is not an American super power telling the UFE to cool it.

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My IC problem was that you used a simple riot, in which military force was used to prevent violence, as a petty excuse to invade (seems that was your intention). Realistically, the world would simply not allow someone to invade for such a reason.

My OOC problem is that now I cannot RP as I like because you will use any RP I try to do, even internal, as a petty casus belli to invade.

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[quote name='Voodoo Nova' timestamp='1292710502' post='2543120']
Either one doesn't matter because it is consistent with his IC nation's persona and his leader's character. ICly, someone can be a "bully" to get what they want. If it works, it works. If you hate that someone is an IC bully, do something about it ICly.

But instead, people try to do something about it OOC, judging by the 250+ pages in this thread? Wouldn't it be a helluva lot easier (and possibly faster) to just suck it up and deal with it IC?

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[quote name='dotCom' timestamp='1292711326' post='2543136']
My IC problem was that you used a simple riot, in which military force was used to prevent violence, as a[b] petty excuse to invade[/b] (seems that was your intention). Realistically, the world would simply not allow someone to invade for such a reason.

My OOC problem is that now I cannot RP as I like because you will use any RP I try to do, even internal, as a petty casus belli to invade.

That's an IC manner. If you thinks it's petty IC, argue it IC.

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[quote name='Centurius' timestamp='1292710218' post='2543115']
I'll take your smug, self-righteousness and judgmentalism shown in your posts here for the same then.

I'm glad you remembered to insert 'judgmentalism'. You should add a few more OOC attacks on my personality to this post. It would go well with your previous post whining about OOC attacks.

I can take it. In fact, I'm glad you brought up being judgmental. Lots of people think there's something wrong with that. "Judge not lest ye be judged" as they say. Well I'm not afraid of being judged, so I'm not afraid to judge others. Bring it on. A lot of you are bullies, the rest of you are enablers, kiss-asses or have no principles you're willing to stand up for. Meanwhile, what have I got thrown at me? What has so far amounted to "you like standing up for things."

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[quote name='Sal Paradise' timestamp='1292711803' post='2543143']
I'm glad you remembered to insert 'judgmentalism'. You should add a few more OOC attacks on my personality to this post. It would go well with your previous post whining about OOC attacks.

I can take it. In fact, I'm glad you brought up being judgmental. Lots of people think there's something wrong with that. "Judge not lest ye be judged" as they say. Well I'm not afraid of being judged, so I'm not afraid to judge others. Bring it on. A lot of you are bullies, the rest of you are enablers, kiss-asses or have no principles you're willing to stand up for. Meanwhile, what have I got thrown at me? What has so far amounted to "you like standing up for things."

I could go further but I have restraints contrary to others.

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[quote name='Ioannes' timestamp='1292712224' post='2543156']
Ah, I can tell this is a community of love and mutual respect just from my few days here. ^_^

Welcome to CNRP. We [b]definitely[/b] aren't allowed to have nice things. We destroy anything beautiful. We eat your soul (which tastes like Red Bull, by the way... which is disgusting). Hope you have fun!

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[quote name='Pravus Ingruo' timestamp='1292714212' post='2543184']
Welcome to CNRP. We [b]definitely[/b] aren't allowed to have nice things. We destroy anything beautiful. We eat your soul (which tastes like Red Bull, by the way... which is disgusting). Hope you have fun!
I always thought it was oblivion that tasted like Red Bull. My soul must have been tainted :o

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[quote name='Sal Paradise' timestamp='1292712115' post='2543151']
OK, so I'll add "doesn't hold back" to the list? We're painting quite the picture of the horrible human being I am.

[u][b]Sal Paradise[/b][/u]
[list][*]stands up for things
[*]doesn't hold back
Jesus, Sal. Stands up for things and doesn't hold back? You must be Satan incarnate.

[size="1"]For CNRP that is.[/size]

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[quote name='dotCom' timestamp='1292711326' post='2543136']
My IC problem was that you used a simple riot, in which military force was used to prevent violence, as a petty excuse to invade (seems that was your intention). Realistically, the world would simply not allow someone to invade for such a reason.

My OOC problem is that now I cannot RP as I like because you will use any RP I try to do, even internal, as a petty casus belli to invade.

That depends. It would be absolutely correct in saying that under the Charter of the United Nations that should the UFE invade it would be completely illegal. However, the United Nations does not exist in Cyber Nations. Prior to the UN did such bull !@#$ exist? Absolutely. Do more powerful nations like the US, China, and Russia routinely violate the sovereignty of other countries and use their power (including on the Security Council) to get away with it. Also yes. Further under my governments reading of history, Chinese states in historical areas of China other than it are warlord or feudal states, similar to during the period between the Qing Dynasty's collapse and 1949. Those aren't real states but break away areas competing to establish a new dynasty with the UFE. Now you could argue that you are trying to form a completely separate country, but historically your basically in the same position as Vietnam then, whose current Viet inhabitance are a break away Chinese tribe. If that is the case it is worth mentioning that most of Vietnam's military history is trying to keep China from taking them over or fighting to push the Chinese back out of Vietnam.

IRL, internal politics is often effected by outside actors. Take for example Hungary in 1956 or Czechoslovakia in 1968, both times the USSR brutally crushed peaceful revisions of domestic policies.

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Frankly, if DotCom had just put those particular events as "Closed", Triyun wouldn't be interfering, I suppose.

That being said, at least Triyun is constant with his RP personality (as well as I do). It's not like he's suddenly going buddy buddy with a nation that he had almost next-to-no RP interaction because he's OOC friendly, which is frankly very distasteful.

Edited by Kankou
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[quote name='Kankou' timestamp='1292724768' post='2543423']
Frankly, if DotCom had just put those particular events as "Closed", Triyun wouldn't be interfering, I suppose.

That being said, at least Triyun is constant with his RP personality (as well as I do). It's not like he's suddenly going buddy buddy with a nation that he had almost next-to-no RP interaction because he's OOC friendly, which is frankly very distasteful.
It was closed but they could [i]comment [/i]on it. I didn't want people using my internal RPs as excuses to invade. Though I'm pretty sure Triyun would have continued with that he was doing.

Edited by dotCom
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"Feel free to comment ICly" invites responses from other governments as generally people are RPing governments and characters in positions of power within a government. People who are in government when they speak publically are assumed to be speaking for the government. If you had Obama go on a press conference and say "I think Mr. Hu should allow Taiwan independence, but thats my personal opinion not the US Governments" he'd look ridiculous. If you invite IC Commentary you should be prepared for that commentary to come from governments. That seems quite common sensical to me.

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[quote name='Triyun' timestamp='1292726593' post='2543467']
"Feel free to comment ICly" invites responses from other governments as generally people are RPing governments and characters in positions of power within a government. People who are in government when they speak publically are assumed to be speaking for the government. If you had Obama go on a press conference and say "I think Mr. Hu should allow Taiwan independence, but thats my personal opinion not the US Governments" he'd look ridiculous. If you invite IC Commentary you should be prepared for that commentary to come from governments. That seems quite common sensical to me.
Your government is free to comment, that was my point. I was [i]not [/i]inviting you to use my internal RPs to start anything with my nation.

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