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Hmm. Can't fault your reasoning.

Zarfef, you could easily explain some of the discrepancies away by saying that other troops are deployed in defense against a Rebel Army attack, and being as vague as possible about what's happening there.

Edited by Subtleknifewielder
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They are taking place at the same time, and I will act as arrogant as I want. To quote myself, you do not get to decide when MY declaration and MY movements happened.

I'm starting to wonder if you're as much arrogant as much as spoiled. Fine, then this might just turn out to be a wonderful way to describe how NOT to wage a war RP. Kiddy gloves are off Sargun, make that stupid thread and let's get this done but it will not list among your most pleasant experiences in life. I declare it outside the walls of the other RP war, so whether Sargun likes it or not as:

They are taking place at the same time, and I will act as arrogant as I want. To quote myself, you do not get to decide when MY declaration and MY movements happened.

And I declare when mine happen for those who don't want to get along. That's your 435,000 soldiers against whatever Red Sands decides to throw at you Sar. Lavo, if you feel like this is weird, think that the alternative means that we're rolling over your nation and violating what we said we were going to do. Playing this out as a separate war is for the best in the long run, maybe we'll just consider your forces in remission for a while or something while planning takes place, but Sargun is desperate for death and I plan to give it to him (I want our fight to be a well played RP).

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Me? Spoiled? You don't know much about me.

More to the point, if anybody says "I am moving X amount of troops" here, nobody can say "ALTERNATE TIMELINE THIS DIDN'T REALLY HAPPEN" just because they don't agree with it.

The problem is, you yourself said they were different wars.

And you didn;t want to wait for Lavo. hence, the new thread.

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The problem is, you yourself said they were different wars.

And you didn;t want to wait for Lavo. hence, the new thread.

I'm not talking about the new thread. I'm talking about him saying "And I declare when mine happen for those who don't want to get along".

He can't decide whether or not something happens because somebody disagrees with him.

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I'm not talking about the new thread. I'm talking about him saying "And I declare when mine happen for those who don't want to get along".

He can't decide whether or not something happens because somebody disagrees with him.

He's not saying it's not happening. He's saying they happen at different times. That is all.

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The wars were different regardless on Lavo's presence or not. The new thread was because it was a different war.

Well, technically, until Sargun declared the wars different...they could have been managed in the same thread, as he attacked for the same reason.

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He's not saying it's not happening. He's saying they happen at different times. That is all.

They can't happen at different times. If I invade him Monday the 11th (hypothetical date, etc.) and he doesn't like it, he can't postpone it until Tuesday the 12th just because he disagrees with it. He can wait to respond but my invasion itself will still begin on Monday.

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I certainly can. Time is dependent upon the RPer and not upon the time IRL. A thread represents a set of events and not a chunk of history necessarily in the same time period as others. You may have invaded Monday the 11th, but there is no way in hell that I'm going to allow you to interfere in another RP like some kind of hoodlum. Because if you invaded there, then we'd be RPing with my forces where they were located in their offensive operations so you're moving forward in time dictates that I move forward in time in that thread as my plans don't stop simply because you want to bulldoze your way through an RP which means Lavo wouldn't be responding to my attacks on him and thus by default I'd be crushing him.... We agreed in the name of a good RP not to do that, but in the name of a good RP I refuse to be bulldozed while you insert an event in the middle of our RP essentially acting like this entire battle takes place during the period of a minute while our forces move against RA.

Sorry Sargun, I hate to break it to you but no. JUST NO! Got it. GOOD! No? THEN READ IT AGAIN!

Edited by Zarfef
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Zarfef, you do not get to declare something invalid or move time around "in the sake of good RP". The speed of time is dependent upon the RPer, not the place in which an event takes place.

Also, screaming "NO!" does not make you right.

Edited by Sargun
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Zarfef, you do not get to declare something invalid or move time around "in the sake of good RP". The speed of time is dependent upon the RPer, not the place in which an event takes place.

Also, screaming "NO!" does not make you right.

Weren't you the one that advocated wars are fought at the pace of the defender?

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OOC: It doesn't change the fact that you declared on me, but you still have to fit that in continuity, how do the events play out and how can you see that playing out with respect to Rebel Army. If there is no past this whole thing is just popping into thin air from no where. I don't deny that you declared on me- although you launched an invasion against the wrong country, nor the date that it happened, just that the events we're RPing out are disjoint from the events RA is playing out.

Because if the events that RA is playing out are not disjoint, then I am being forced to RP out my moves there and that will lead to a bad RP with RA which the players there all agreed they didn't want to happen. Something has to be RP'd there. When you acted like all of my cruise missiles fell in the water or were easily shot down by your ships the level of god-modding was beyond belief. (Believe me, if I were at your NS, I'd love to show you just how well they hit your nation IG >D).

I'm willing to start considering other time frames when you grant a valid history that makes sense in the context without god-modding. I must make an OOC stand some-where and I've decided to draw my line upon being pushed around for no good reason.

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Consider Carthage's relationship with Rebel Army like a son to a father. We'll support him in whatever he does, even if he doesn't really want it. We're overly proud about it and if he is fighting (or under thread) we'll do something about, even if it involves doing bad things.

Also, the threat against my in-game nation is noted. As for your cruise missiles, I inferred that they needed a human pilot - your factbook proclaims it is hard to get said pilots in the first place, which would not apply to man-made things such as satellites. Since I was wrong, all you had to do was inform me otherwise. I then assumed that the ones that had infra-red guidance were the minority of the missiles, and would be easily shot down.

In fact, the anti-missile ships I use (based off real-life, you know) are capable of shooting down faster, smaller and more dangerous cruise missiles than the ones you use. A simple wiki check can confirm.

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I apologize. I edited it to ask for a mod to delete the post, and I see it's been done.

Declare war on Rebel Army? That would be suicide on my part...while he doesn't have much support now, I declare and I'll be dogpiled. :(

Why don't you just declare war on me? I'm not treatied to anyone.

That was the plan... I said that because I saw you wanted to help Texas out but couldn't... seemed like you were itching for a fight :lol1:

With regards to those 5 carriers in the Red Sea, I think its a BAD BAD idea... I posted in Vidi, vidi vidi, whatever that means.... that is my stance on the matter. Frankly, this OOC bickering between BOTH of you is extremely embarassing.

EDIT: Zarfef and Sargun, not you Subtle :wub:

Edited by Executive Minister
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OOC: Ok before I make any 'moves' I'd like to know what in god's green earth took place inside those edited posts of both of yours. Further more, Sarg, with all due respect I really don't see how this deserves its own thread. On the whole "its a separate war" thread, dude you fully declared your support for the RA - this carrier fleet is obviously in support of Lavo Shalom and the Novak IC'ly... I still don't see why you couldn't have waited like Zarfef, Zephyr, Voodoo and I were for Lavo to come back... this battle is not separate, and as such, this is going to directly screw up not only the timeline everyone has to follow (everyone agreed that time would freeze till Lavo came back) but also the tempo of things in the original thread(s) RP.

I mean, come on... in the timeline we're following, Lavo has only just sent his forces against Roachin's frontlines, and i've only just begun setting up in/near/inside the DMZ border... I haven't even announced to my people that we're at war! How the hell will we attack your ships, before we've even started shooting at the RA? No one else within this RP had a problem with waiting, you're the latest addition and the only opponent of the guideline the founders of this RP agreed to, screw the 'courtesy rules' who said we were following them? Lavo obviously has some serious RL !@#$ to take care of, and we all consented to give him a break before you got here. As such, you should at least take that into consideration before trying to force everyone else to make moves that they don't feel comfortable making ATM. Because, and I mean it, if Lavo gets purged, I'm pretending this entire war never happened... There is no way the Red Sands could have taken down the RA no matter how creative with the RP we get, and I certainly don't feel comfortable taking credit for it... The RA had no other destabilizing factors in place before the war IC'ly, and if it were to fall it would have to be because of us, which would just be cheezy.

I'm talking in here from now on.

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OOC: He declared on Aether Empire because of the spying situation if I remember correctly.

I'm refering to that letter that was sent between the two parties. I know its private, but I'm talking OOC here... this whole thread has the vibe of, I don't wanna take things slow, lets rev up the pace whether they like it or not. Based and resting solely on that incredibly stupid "If you don't recognize, you die" rule.

OOC: This whole thread should be considered non-canon, locked or whatever.

It's personally gotten out of hand.

I agree whole heartedly. Keep the carriers in the Original thread. And wait for Lavo.

OOC: My valid reasons were in support for Rebel Army and Novak, explained more in the OOC thread. As for why this is a separate war - I am not coordinating with Rebel Army or the Novakian Loyalists. I do not plan on making sure my plans do not interfere with their own. This is a personal crusade by Carthage against the Red Sands countries.

For what IC reasons? Besides a fully deniable, and incredibly stupid move by Aether IC'ly? What nation would honestly go to war against possibly three nations over such shoddy evidence? (Urgh, I'm walking into this one, I know it :lol1:) Why would a newly estabilished nation have a grudge to pick so soon?

OOC: Understandable, but i believe the parties at hand in this RP need to relax, and start this up a few days later.

The amount of godmodding, in the beginning of the RP already, is disturbing.

I totally agree. Both sides are completely capable of whining expertly... Its sad, because given what i've gauged from both Zarfef and Sargun, they're incredibly similiar (at least on these boards) and could quite possibly be an unstoppable RP force if there were somehow in league with each other.

There we go.

Edited by Executive Minister
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