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There's also open land in South America...

Not that much, but more than everywhere else (PIP. What does it satnd for anyways?) almost.

Also, out of curisoity, why is the Dragon Empire now labeled as Dragonisia?

Edited by JerreyRough
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Alright cody, why no?

I got the tech for it, I got RV to supply with with enough PETN (althought i could produce it at a slower pace), cleared it with stormcrow as viable, and I'm not like Uberstein returning from the dead to bomb the Earth.

So why no?

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Alright cody, why no?

I got the tech for it, I got RV to supply with with enough PETN (althought i could produce it at a slower pace), cleared it with stormcrow as viable, and I'm not like Uberstein returning from the dead to bomb the Earth.

So why no?

I thought we as a community decided to end this. I'll go with them. If they allow it, I have no problem.

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I never said it would freeze the equator Andres. Even the Ice age didnt do that. I never even promised that it WOULD stop the Oceanic Conveyor. Call it propogandic fluff of what is a possiblity.

Also how is this different that the people RPing the nuclear fallout from Ubie's less than welcome stunt?

They didn't ask to be in the wake of it, but it still happened. How you handle it is up to you.

Wow, just wow. Why do people insist on being able to completely drastically change the RP world with the touch of the button?

Guess I'm on that long list now to?

Edited by Tahsir Re
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A number of scientists commented on the political and scientific aspects of the film:

Dan Schrag, a paleoclimatologist and professor of Earth and planetary sciences at Harvard University expressed both support and concern about the film, stating that: "On the one hand, I'm glad that there's a big-budget movie about something as critical as climate change. On the other, I'm concerned that people will see these over-the-top effects and think the whole thing is a joke...We are indeed experimenting with the Earth in a way that hasn't been done for millions of years. But you're not going to see another ice age -- at least not like that."

Marshall Shepherd, a research meteorologist at the NASA Goddard Space Flight Center expressed similar sentiments, stating that "I'm heartened that there's a movie addressing real climate issues. But as for the science of the movie, I'd give it a D minus or an F. And I'd be concerned if the movie was made to advance a political agenda."

Andrew Weaver, a climatologist at the University of Victoria stated that: "It's the Towering Inferno of climate science movies, but I'm not losing any sleep over a new ice age, because it's impossible."[11]

The idea is from a movie, and the science community has already made it pretty clear that it's impossible. I'm going to listen to a Harvard Scientist before some radom person on the internet.

Doomsday devices have NO place here.

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No. We need to make a community ruling right here and now that says no doomsday devices. Nothing that causes destruction of multiple nations.

Frankly, short of destroying the earth (Which is impossible with today's tech), doomsday devices are both possible, and reasonable for someone to have. Think, if the world was almost always at war, the political climate hot as hell, and the map changing on a day to day basis, real countries would have this sort of stuff just to make sure they wouldn't get killed off.

Plus, there is always a way around it. Look, here's a list!

Thashir's: Poor salt in the ocean to get the correct salinity back. You get a raise in water level, and some coastal cities in the south Atlantic get owned, otherwise everyone's happy

Mine: No need to stop it, it's always been destined to fail for use in RP with my leader going crazy

Ubie's: Cobalt is magnetic, catch it in the air, and then do some standard radiation clean up

Want some more doomsday devices? If you can think it up, I can come up with a way to make it worthless.

Otherwise, a retreat to underground bunkers, followed by tentative steps outside and re building/ crime rps sounds like a blast to me

EDIT: Also, in the case of water levels rising, you could just melt the north pole. It's all ice with no land supporting it, and hence displaces more water that it would add if melted, the water levels would go down

Edited by Il Terra Di Agea
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Frankly, short of destroying the earth (Which is impossible with today's tech), doomsday devices are both possible, and reasonable for someone to have. Think, if the world was almost always at war, the political climate hot as hell, and the map changing on a day to day basis, real countries would have this sort of stuff just to make sure they wouldn't get killed off.

Plus, there is always a way around it. Look, here's a list!

Thashir's: Poor salt in the ocean to get the correct salinity back. You get a raise in water level, and some coastal cities in the south Atlantic get owned, otherwise everyone's happy

Mine: No need to stop it, it's always been destined to fail for use in RP with my leader going crazy

Ubie's: Cobalt is magnetic, catch it in the air, and then do some standard radiation clean up

Want some more doomsday devices? If you can think it up, I can come up with a way to make it worthless.

Otherwise, a retreat to underground bunkers, followed by tentative steps outside and re building/ crime rps sounds like a blast to me


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Honestly other the the immediate local causes of everyone on the ice shelf dying, the ice shelf breaking away, and the tsunami it will cause are the only unstoppable events.

For the oceanic current to stop it has to melt faster than the ocean can handle the fresh water, and thus is a possiblity. And Ranather I didn't base if of a crappy movie some loser made to scare people about global warming.

I told you I didnt in the thread, and im telling you here. Sorry that I spilled your RP milk.

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W/E Tashir, don't take it so personal, I just don't see why we need to have all of these crazy things in RP. They aren't necessary and don't add anything positive nor beneficial to the community, just an excuse to flex your e-peen. :/

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Ranather, because its a world wide nation vs nation RP. Hence crazy things happen.

I don't take it personal, but its stupid that people have to OOC fight it since they got blindsided IC. Happens in the world, why not CNRP.

Defending my RP isn't the same as taking it as a personal insult.

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W/E Tashir, don't take it so personal, I just don't see why we need to have all of these crazy things in RP. They aren't necessary and don't add anything positive nor beneficial to the community, just an excuse to flex your e-peen. :/

I'm going to step in here. It's benificial to the community, it's just people don't like having to RP something that's metaphorically out of the way. People just get to lazy to do a "OH SHI- We have to run away to the underground to save ourselves" sort of RP, and would rather a) Polish their little nation, being careful not to go to war, and because they might get their virtual baby hurt, B) Not rp, and just pot an occasional IC comment to make sure they don't get purged, or c) Try to ruin RP for everyone else by breaking the rules, being unrealistic, and petitioning for new rules when someone RPs better/ outsmarts them.

There in lies the main problem with CNRP, so many people don't want good RP because it's inconvenient for them to have to *gasp* respond

NOTE: That does not apply to everyone, some people like to RP instability, disaster, and national events

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I'd like to join in on the fun here. And to tell you all early, I'm not the zemetheus from Galava. I'm a completely different person who is takin his nation and character names.

Welcome them. I hope you have fun here. (Oh BIG NOTE, go to the mod forum and ask to have your Forum username changed to either your IG ruler name or IG nation name)

Yeah, and the galavan Zem is rather funny. I don't think he would fit in here.

On the doomsday devices. They should not be able to effect anybody but you and whoever is in your nation when they are set off. Next, they should cause the total destruction of your nation and populace. (so you basically quit IC, and nobody is hurt who doesn't want to be)

Edited by LeVentNoir
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