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Population / Land Ratio


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Land isn't worth buying. The price and benefits don't match. I would suggest that you don't buy it unless your citizens are unhappy with the amount of land.

This. If you are getting red text that says you need more land at the top of your nation screen, that's when you should buy it.

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lol? land gets you pop as well... land (6000 purchased) is more beneficial for me than infra (15000 purchased).


No, it's not. If you want to think so go for it.

I think what he means is buying more land benefits him more than buying more infra, as the upkeep cancels out most of the increased taxes at his level.

Edited by raskull
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Land indirectly increases the bills. Land boost the NS. Then, since the infra bill reduction from the tech is based on (Technology Level * 2) / Nation Strength = Percent off infrastructure upkeep bill, the bill increases.

For example, you have 20,000 NS with 1000 tech. (1000 * 2) / 20,000 = 10% reduced.

Buy 200 land and...

(1000 * 2) / 20,300 = 0.0985221675% reduced.

Plus, buying too much land would throw you into the higher ranking but not as strong as the other nations in the higher ranking, increasing the risk of being attacked and destroyed.

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Plus, buying too much land would throw you into the higher ranking but not as strong as the other nations in the higher ranking, increasing the risk of being attacked and destroyed.

This isn't really a problem if you're at the level of buying land because it's more profitable than infrastructure. To be doing that means you already have a very high level of infrastructure as dealmaster13 indicated by stating 15k of infrastructure. At dealmaster13's level, there are only 73 nations in the game with more infrastructure than he has. It's the lower ranks where this could be a problem.

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