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Murder Inc Policy changes


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[pretend there is a flag here]

K, i'm going to keep this short. We posted 2 policy clarifications this round. One entitled the Beazle Doctrine, and the other regarding wars against our AA.

I'd like to take a moment to toss those into the fire. Go ahead and watch its ok, the fire won't hurt your eyes.

Those policies are Now nullified.

Murder Inc.'s Tech Raiding Policy is thus:

If you don't have more than 10 nations, you're fair game. Don't like that? get more members.

Furthermore MI will take a more proactive approach towards dealing with raids on our AA to ensure that there is no confusion on where we stand. Peace is our ultimate goal, but we do expect other alliances to meet us halfway when trying to deal with things diplomatically.

Thank yo for yor time. If you have any questions, ask them hear so i can answer them.

P.S. if a member of MI is making you mad b/c they're trolling you etc. talk to me about ti, i'll tell them to zip it. If they don't we'll let you tonk them for free.

Edited by elborrador
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Ok if you have a protector are you still fair game?

depends. Does your protector have more than 10 members? if so, then you're not fair game. if we do hit you, just PM us and say "yo i gotz protection." and we'll all be like "yo, thats coo, sorry bout that yo"

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Why do you always have to bring the Committee in this? You can just talk about yourself you know.

The Committee has a significant importance. With their approval, this announcement is truly important.

Edited by XRCatD
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Ok if you have a protector are you still fair game?
depends. Does your protector have more than 10 members? if so, then you're not fair game. if we do hit you, just PM us and say "yo i gotz protection." and we'll all be like "yo, thats coo, sorry bout that yo"

Post # 2 & 3 ;)

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Ok My alliance Black Star 10 has 8 nations. So your policy allows raids on us. right o.k fair enough. But i have been attacked TWO DIFFERENT times in other words one of your nations declared war on me TWO TIMES! that nation is indijanci ruled by Jelenko just so you know. I will accept the new policy and stop all wars against you if MI stops wars against us until the new year. that's all i ask.

Edited by bomberboy
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Ok My alliance Black Star 10 has 8 nations. So your policy allows raids on us. right o.k fair enough. But i have been attacked TWO DIFFERENT times in other words one of your nations declared war on me TWO TIMES! that nation is indijanci ruled by Jelenko just so you know. I will accept the new policy and stop all wars against you if MI stops wars against us for 1 week. that's all i ask.

right now we're at war with well over 700 nations, so I'm not going to dig through our wars to find your grievance. Links would be appreciated.

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right now we're at war with well over 700 nations, so I'm not going to dig through our wars to find your grievance. Links would be appreciated.

I just looked. Indijanci raided him on November 29, that was peaced out. Then, on December 10, bomberboy jumped on the bandwagon and attacked Ze Bombmeister of MI with the message, "MI are going down." Followed by Poopyland of Black Star 10 attacking two members of MI on 12/11 and attacking Ze Bombmeister on 12/12. Indijanci only declared on bomberboy again on 12/13, in response to their coordinated bandwagon-jumping. So I think it's a little disingenuous for bomberboy to act as if he's just SHOCKED that Indijanci came back for him this time.

Here's a link to their alliance's wars: http://tournament.cybernations.net/search_...ack%20Star%2010

To be fair, there was another person flying the MI flag, Menschlicker, who raided him on 12/6, but that guy's a member of MHA now, so it's probably safe to guess that he wasn't much more than a ghost using our AA to avoid any real fights.

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