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The Bermuda Triangle Pact


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The Bermuda Triangle Pact


In order to establish a stronger, more cooperative, and more unified force, the Federation of Pravus Ingruo, the Theocratic Republic Bureaucracy of Rebel Virginia, and the United Republic of Ardoria establish this Bermuda Triangle Pact.

Article I - Sovereignty

Each of the nations bearing a signature on this document hereby declares that they will uphold the values and honor of said signatories’ sovereignty. They agree not to invade, interfere in internal affairs, or oppress the other signatory that partakes in this document and treaty.

Article II - Intelligence

Each signatory of this document and treaty agree to share any relevant intelligence amongst one another if said information pertains a possible threat to the sovereignty of any signatory. The information is to be shared privately unless the signatories with which the intelligence has been shared with agree to release the information to the public.

Article III - Economic Assistance

Each signatory agrees to allow free trade and open borders with the other signatories, and each signatory agrees to provide economic assistance to the other signatories should it ever be needed. All signatory ports are open to civilian and military vessels of the other signatories during peace time and during war. To ease and promote trade and commerce amongst the signatories, all signatories are exempt from any tariffs or taxes a signatory nation may have.

Article IV - Mutual Defense

The signatories of this document agree that in the event of a foreign party actively pursuing hostile actions against any signatory, the other signatories will be obligated to defend the attacked signatory with full military support.

Article V - Military Assistance

In the event one of the signatories of this document actively pursues military actions against a foreign party, the other signatories are obligated to use its military to the fullest extent necessary for the operation to succeed.

Article VI - Withdrawal

If any of the signatories decide that they wish to leave the alliance created by this document then they must give the other signatories a 24-hour notice beforehand of their leavings, and then publicly declare that they are no longer bound by this document. After the 24-hour period elapses, the signatory will no longer be bound by this document.

Article VII - Bermuda Islands

Under this document, the Bermuda Islands shall now be administered via a special organization. This organization shall be named the Port Authority of the Bermuda Islands ("PABI"). The PABI shall consist of a Board of Directors ("BoD") which will govern PABI. The BoD will consist of two representatives from each signatory and a Chairperson. The Chairperson will be appointed by the signatories and requires a majority (defined as any number of votes over 50% or 50% plus one vote) to be confirmed. The Chairperson will not vote in BoD meetings unless there is a tie. The PABI shall preside over all military installations and transportation infrastructure on the Bermuda Islands.

Article VIII - Amendments

Whenever a majority (defined as any number of votes over 50% or 50% plus one vote) of signatories deem it necessary to amend any part of this document, a convention shall be held to make and discuss proposed amendments. An amendment must receive a majority of votes to be ratified.

Article IX - Membership

Aside from the three original signatories (the Federation of Pravus Ingruo, the Theocratic Republic Bureaucracy of Rebel Virginia, and the United Republic of Ardoria), nations wishing to join the Bermuda Triangle Pact must meet the following conditions:

1. The nation must be an American nation. (An "American nation" is defined as a nation who resides completely within the continents of North or South America or a nation in which a majority of its land or territorial claims are within the continents of North or South America.)

2. The nation must not currently be in a war with a foreign power or have an internal conflict. This condition may be waived with a supermajority (defined as any number of votes over 75% or 75% plus one vote) of signatories agreeing to waive the condition.

A nation who meets these conditions must apply to one of the current signatories for membership. That signatory, at its discretion, may move to put the nation’s membership in the Bermuda Triangle Pact up for a vote. For the membership application to pass, all signatories must be in favor. Abstentions count as "no" or "nay" votes. Failure to vote will count as an abstention and in turn, a "no" or "nay" vote. If the application passes the memberships vote, the nation will be admitted to the Bermuda Triangle Pact and its signature affixed.

Article X - Expulsion

Should a nation violate any of the Articles within the Bermuda Triangle Pact or refuse to abide by any of the Articles, the nation shall be expelled from the Bermuda Triangle Pact.

Should a signatory of the Bermuda Triangle Pact feel that another signatory is no longer playing a productive or positive role within the Bermuda Triangle Pact, the signatory may put the expulsion of the signatory up for a vote.

For a nation to be expelled from the Bermuda Triangle Pact, a supermajority (defined as any number of votes over 75% or 75% plus one vote) of the signatories must be in favor. Abstentions count as "no" or "nay" votes. Failure to vote will count as an abstention and in turn, a "no" or "nay" vote. If the expulsion passes, the signatory will be expelled from the Bermuda Triangle Pact and its signature removed.


For the Federation of Pravus Ingruo

Tom Dobbs - President

Slevin Kelevra - Foreign Affairs Minister

For the Theocratic Republic Bureaucracy Republic of Rebel Virginia

His Holiness Pope Bubba XIII,

Head of the Rebel Virginian State

President Hank Scorpio

Secretary of State Patrick O'Reilly

For the United Republic of Ardoria

President Alskan di Raritan,

Head of the Ardorian State

Signed for the Imperium of America,

Imperator Kevin Holihan

Consul David Martinez


Signed for the Tennessee Federation,

President Yortme

Signed for the Tahoe Republic

President Sean O Deaghaidh

Prime Minister Kieran Kelly

Minister of Foreign Affairs Cathal Cavanagh

Signed for Wiedergeburt,

Premier Vladimir Stukov

Signed for Nova Imperium Imperial Union of Sovereign Pacifist South American Regions,

Her Imperial Highness Imperatrix Adalina Flores,

The First Imperial Council of Nova Imperium

For the Atlantian Federation,


President of the Atlantian Federation,


Vice-President of the Atlantian Federation

Signed for the Jersey Republic (Economic Portions Only),

~President James Wilson

--Vice President Tom Dobbs

---First Senate of the Republic

Amendment History

December 18, 2008 - Added Article IX and Article X

December 19, 2008 - "Theocratic Republic of Rebel Virginia" changed to "Theocratic Bureaucracy of Rebel Virginia"

December 19, 2008 - Added Imperium of America, Tennessee Federation, and Tahoe Republic signatures

December 26, 2008 - Added Wiedergeburt signature

December 28, 2008 - Added Nova Imperium signature

January 9, 2009 - "Nova Imperium" changed to "Imperial Union of Sovereign Pacifist South American Regions"

January 28, 2009 - "Theocratic Bureaucracy of Rebel Virginia" changed to "Republic of Rebel Virginia"

January 28, 2009 - Changed signers from the Republic of Rebel Virginia

March 27, 2009 - Removed Federation of Pravus Ingruo, Republic of Rebel Virginia, Wiedergeburt, Imperial Union of Sovereign Pacifist South American Regions

April 14, 2009 - Removed Imperium of America

April 21, 2009 - Added Atlantian Federation

April 27, 2009 - Added Jersey Republic

April 30, 2009 - Changed Jersey Republic from Economic Only signatory to a full signatory

April 30, 2009 - Removed Tahoe, Withdrawal

Edited by Raritan
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  • 3 weeks later...

OOC: This will be the "discussion thread" for now. I don't think the treaty/bloc warrants its own separate thread yet.

IC: The United Republic of Ardoria would like to propose 2 ammendments to the Bermuda Triangle Pact, Article IX and Article X:

Article IX - Membership

Aside from the three original signatories (the Federation of Pravus Ingruo, the Theocratic Republic of Rebel Virginia, and the United Republic of Ardoria), nations wishing to join the Bermuda Triangle Pact must meet the following conditions:

1. The nation must be an American nation. (An "American nation" is defined as a nation who resides completely within the continents of North or South America or a nation in which a majority of its land or territorial claims are within the continents of North or South America.)

2. The nation must not currently be in a war with a foreign power or have an internal conflict. This condition may be waived with a supermajority (defined as any number of votes over 75% or 75% plus one vote) of signatories agreeing to waive the condition.

A nation who meets these conditions must apply to one of the current signatories for membership. That signatory, at its discretion, may move to put the nation’s membership in the Bermuda Triangle Pact up for a vote. For the membership application to pass, all signatories must be in favor. Abstentions count as "no" or "nay" votes. Failure to vote will count as an abstention and in turn, a "no" or "nay" vote. If the application passes the memberships vote, the nation will be admitted to the Bermuda Triangle Pact and its signature affixed.

Article X - Expulsion

Should a nation violate any of the Articles within the Bermuda Triangle Pact or refuse to abide by any of the Articles, the nation shall be expelled from the Bermuda Triangle Pact.

Should a signatory of the Bermuda Triangle Pact feel that another signatory is no longer playing a productive of positive role within the Bermuda Triangle Pact, the signatory may put the expulsion of the signatory up for a vote.

For a nation to be expelled from the Bermuda Triangle Pact, a supermajority (defined as any number of votes over 75% or 75% plus one vote) of the signatories must be in favor. Abstentions count as "no" or "nay" votes. Failure to vote will count as an abstention and in turn, a "no" or "nay" vote. If the expulsion passes, the signatory will be expelled from the Bermuda Triangle Pact and its signature removed.

Edited by Raritan
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The United Republic of Ardoria votes "Yay" on all applications. All applications have passed with a unanimous vote. The Tennessee Federation, Wiedergeburt, Imperium of America, and Tahoe may submit their signatures to be affixed to the Pact.

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