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Remember, Remember the 28th November, the Gunpowder Tre\a\son \a\nd Plot, I see of no re\a\son why the Gunpowder Tre\a\son should ever be forgot.

Franz Ferdinand

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De\a\r Pl\a\net Steve,

Look who h\a\s come b\a\ck to spoil the p\a\rty \a\nd close the Pool! Let us turn this Round up to eleven with some epic b\a\ttles! You might remember me \a\s the le\a\der of th\a\t Motley Crew which w\a\s Pond Pir\a\tes, yet guess wh\a\t...I'm b\a\ck for seconds!

We \a\re \A\narchy, we \a\re free, we \a\re \A\nonymous, for NONE of us \a\re as strong \a\s \A\LL of us! We h\a\ve no le\a\ders, no policies, no ch\a\rter, \a\nd no forums, yet we do h\a\ve a he\a\dqu\a\rters, \a\nd th\a\t is #none \a\t Coldfront.

Expect us.


Fr\a\nz Ferdin\a\nd, - \A\nonymous #1

Edited by Franz Ferdinand
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Wait....I'm confused! Are you in /a/ alliance or is it a/ll/iance?

IDK maybe your saying n/o/ne is your alliance, or is it that your tring to be anonymous?

What the hell are you tring to say man!!

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Wait....I'm confused! Are you in /a/ alliance or is it a/ll/iance?

IDK maybe your saying n/o/ne is your alliance, or is it that your tring to be anonymous?

What the hell are you tring to say man!!

Our \a\lli\a\nce is \a\, for we \a\re \a\nonymous, \a\nd we never forget.

Edited by Franz Ferdinand
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