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Help Me Please!

Trukz Driver

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OK why is my environment so low when I have lots of infastructure, and lots of land?

I don't get it. I think only Coal is making my population unhappy, but I also do have 50 soliders, and I sent like 5 out, and I changed my threat level to Gaurded.

SO why is my envonment so low??

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OK why is my environment so low when I have lots of infastructure, and lots of land?

I don't get it. I think only Coal is making my population unhappy, but I also do have 50 soliders, and I sent like 5 out, and I changed my threat level to Gaurded.

SO why is my envonment so low??

To answer your question. the bulk of the reasons your environment is at it's current level is because you're a new nation. New nations start with a base environment score of 3.5 stars IIRC. Your choice of government made that 3 stars. Importing Coal made it 2.5 stars. You are maintaining a ratio of one mile of land for every two infrastructure which improves your environment back to 3 stars. Unfortunately the Global Radiation Level has climbed above 1 and that has cost you a half a star which puts you at the 2.5 stars you're currently at. The only ways to improve your environment rating is to change to a government that doesn't harm your environment (will regain half a star) or better yet a government that improves your environment (regain a full star), or buy tech. Getting your tech above 6 will give you a half star improvement in your environment. At your size that's not really an opinion unless you get some aid from your alliance or begin selling tech. Border Walls will improve your environment, but again, at your size it's not an option. So the best you can do at the moment, is make a government change and work toward obtaining some tech.

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But every government that I picked, the people approved it, but they wanted something else. Well one day I picked one that they approved (and got that little check), so I don't know why I would have to change that. But I still have to change the religion to a one that they approve too. (like one with the check). And I know what one to change it too.

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1) Ask your alliance there guides should help you grow

2) Ask your alliance to get you into tech dealing that should help with your tech

3) You need to set your tax rate to the maximum 28%

4) Ask your alliance, they can help you get into a trade circle, with your resources you fit nicely into the prime 3BG set

Edited by SynthFG
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One thing you need your Tax Rate at 28%.

Then like other people said it could do with religion and government you are using. But must nations of your size start off with around 3 environment stars. Don't worry ask your alliance for some guides and other things to help your nation out.

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Also make sure your government positions are set. Changing your government position regarding nuclear weapons to "We will sign the treaty in order to appease the other nation. We are opposed to all nuclear research and weapons" will give you an extra point. As for government type, have it be Capitalist always and that will also give an extra environment point.

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One thing you need your Tax Rate at 28%.

Then like other people said it could do with religion and government you are using. But must nations of your size start off with around 3 environment stars. Don't worry ask your alliance for some guides and other things to help your nation out.

actually, it not wise to set your taxes above 23% when your citizens make less than $20, the happiness penealty will knock you back to $16 per citizen, and make them go like :((

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