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Universal Health Care vs Mining Industry Consortium


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I have 10,999.99 and 114, 572 citizens. I collect $132 a day per person. I import coal, oil and uranium, so I'd get an extra $6 per citizen for the MIC, right? The UHC could give me an extra 3437.16 citizens and +2 happiness.

Which one is best for me? I know I'd hafta buy 10 more infra to get the UHC also.

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The MIC would increase your income by $1.80 ($6*.3). This would make your total income $15,329,733.60.

The UHC would make your total income $15,718,798.80.

So, by my math, you should go for the UHC.

Edit: You would only have to buy .01 infra to get the UHC, by the way.

Edited by Sulmar
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The MIC would increase your income by $1.80 ($6*.3). This would make your total income $15,329,733.60.

The UHC would make your total income $15,718,798.80.

So, by my math, you should go for the UHC.

Edit: You would only have to buy .01 infra to get the UHC, by the way.

You got the right answer, but the math is wrong. The values quoted for the wonders are unmodified by his economic improvements. Each happiness point (or $2) is worth $4.15 after being modified. So the MIH's $6 becomes $12.45 which yields $3.74 in additional income added to the $132 he makes now brings his income per citizen up to $135.74*114,572 citizens equals $15,552,003.28.

Correspondingly, the UHC's two happiness points yields $8.30 in gross citizen income giving you an extra $2.49 in extra tax income. That makes the new taxes paid per citizen $134.49 which with 3% more citizens paying taxes is multiplied by 118,009 and equals $15,871,030.41.

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You got the right answer, but the math is wrong. The values quoted for the wonders are unmodified by his economic improvements. Each happiness point (or $2) is worth $4.15 after being modified. So the MIH's $6 becomes $12.45 which yields $3.74 in additional income added to the $132 he makes now brings his income per citizen up to $135.74*114,572 citizens equals $15,552,003.28.

Correspondingly, the UHC's two happiness points yields $8.30 in gross citizen income giving you an extra $2.49 in extra tax income. That makes the new taxes paid per citizen $134.49 which with 3% more citizens paying taxes is multiplied by 118,009 and equals $15,871,030.41.

The UHC will obviously give you more money, but it costs $75 million more. For that reason alone, I would say that the MIC + $75 million worth of infra is better.

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You got the right answer, but the math is wrong. The values quoted for the wonders are unmodified by his economic improvements. Each happiness point (or $2) is worth $4.15 after being modified. So the MIH's $6 becomes $12.45 which yields $3.74 in additional income added to the $132 he makes now brings his income per citizen up to $135.74*114,572 citizens equals $15,552,003.28.

Correspondingly, the UHC's two happiness points yields $8.30 in gross citizen income giving you an extra $2.49 in extra tax income. That makes the new taxes paid per citizen $134.49 which with 3% more citizens paying taxes is multiplied by 118,009 and equals $15,871,030.41.

Ah yes, I see. My bad :(

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Normally i'd recommend UHC because it gives a bit more income + citizens (which influences military capabilities, like logan pointed out).

In this here situation i'm tempted to recommend going for the MIH because you can buy quite a lot of infra with those 75 million (if you have construction especially) and if i were you i'd try to push for the nuclear power plant/National Environment Office faster since those have a larger impact on your nation. That's just me though, and i haven't done the calcs :P

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Investment versus return. The UHC gives you a better end result, but you get more bang for your buck with the MIC.

You might want to look at the ADP wonder too with your land size. That land population bonus is pretty sweet.

I've been debating between the ADP and MIC for my next wonder given my trading for all 4 mining resources and my huge amounts of land.

Edited by +Zeke+
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i'm tempted to recommend going for the MIH because you can buy quite a lot of infra with those 75 million (if you have construction especially) and if i were you i'd try to push for the nuclear power plant/National Environment Office faster since those have a larger impact on your nation.

I thought about that too.

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Normally i'd recommend UHC because it gives a bit more income + citizens (which influences military capabilities, like logan pointed out).

In this here situation i'm tempted to recommend going for the MIH because you can buy quite a lot of infra with those 75 million (if you have construction especially) and if i were you i'd try to push for the nuclear power plant/National Environment Office faster since those have a larger impact on your nation. That's just me though, and i haven't done the calcs :P

I thought about that too.

I made this exact decision based on the same rough circumstances only it was the NWM vs the UHC at the time. The comparsion was a +4 happiness wonder against a +2 happiness wonder with a 3% boost to population and the UHC came out slightly ahead. I went with the NWM becasue of the price difference and that my real goal was to get to the NPP/NEO/SDC. The price difference meant I was able to buy my way another 300 infrastructure closer to my real goals. The citizens gained from that extra infrastructure mitigates almost the entire boost in population that the UHC gives.

So comparing the MIC plus ~300 instructure against the UHC both costing a total of $100 million each looks like this:

MIC's $6 yields $12.45 in new gross citizen income after modification which gives $3.74 in new tax revenue for a new total of $135.74 per citizen. The ~300 infrastructure for your resource build will garner ~3180 new citizens to add to the 114,572 you already had for a total of 117,752.

$135.74*117,752 = $15,983,656.48

UHC's 2 happiness yields $8.30 in new gross citizen income after modification which gives $2.49 in new tax revenue for a new total of $34.49 per citizen. The population boost of 3% gains an additional 3437 citizens added to the 114,572 you already had for a total of 118,009.

#134.74*118,009 = $15,871,030.41

So the MIC now makes slightly more money AND you're ~300 infrastructure closer to the higher infrastrcuture wonders. So the choice really comes down to what plans you have for the future.

Edited by Count Rupert
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I made this exact decision based on the same rough circumstances only it was the NWM vs the UHC at the time. The comparsion was a +4 happiness wonder against a +2 happiness wonder with a 3% boost to population and the UHC came out slightly ahead. I went with the NWM becasue of the price difference and that my real goal was to get to the NPP/NEO/SDC. The price difference meant I was able to buy my way another 300 infrastructure closer to my real goals. The citizens gained from that extra infrastructure mitigates almost the entire boost in population that the UHC gives.

Actually, that's nearly my exact position right now. I could buy the NWM, GM, or UHC. I'm waiting on UHC because I'd rather spend money on infra to get to the NPP. My people already want Democracy and have for the last 5 months (edit: which is why I've held out from buying it for so long because before that 5 months, they wanted Monarchy), so I could risk not having it change for one more collection and get another $8 million to spend on infra. I'm not sure which I should go with.

Edited by Aeternos Astramora
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Thats odd, because I clear 6.7 million a day after bills, and I have 2k+ less infra than you do.

I collect 14.25 million a day with 4.3 million in bills at the 8k infra jump. The Agriculture Wonder that I bought yesterday gave me over 1 million/day.

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I collect 14.25 million a day with 4.3 million in bills at the 8k infra jump. The Agriculture Wonder that I bought yesterday gave me over 1 million/day.

13,172.416 mile diameter.

=), for those with great amounts of land, it is an extremely good wonder, indeed

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Thats odd, because I clear 6.7 million a day after bills, and I have 2k+ less infra than you do.

I am not sure if it has to do with resources or the recent environment change, as I forget what I used to make a day before the change.

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MIC's $6 yields $12.45 in new gross citizen income after modification
could you explain how you figured this...cause i'd like to know the same about my nation

All income (and happiness points are converted to income at $2 a point) is modified by whatever economic improvements you have (banks, schools, universities, the foreign ministry and the harbor). So if you calculate the benefit received by modification you can determine the effects of any new income. The formula looks like this:

(Base Income)*bank modifier*school modifier*university modifier*foreign ministry modifier*harbor modifier = Current Citizen Gross Income

Each like improvement stack with each other. So if you have all five banks you get 7%+7%+7%+7%+7% or a total of 35%. All modifiers are then multipled by each other. So you figure what you have in the way of each improvement and figure your modifier and plug into the formula. In this case he has all the economic improvements for max modification. We wanted to find out the benefit of $6 so plug everything into the formula:

$6*1.35*1.25*1.16*1.05*1.01 = $12.4555725

It's generally accepted that a happiness point fully modified is worth $4.15 (some use $4.152 since the game displays only to two digits but uses 3). I did the simple math that the $6 was the same as three happiness points and simply multipled $4.15 by three in my head to come up with $12.45, but the formula is the more precise calculation.

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