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JonasCage needs help selecting an alliance!!

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In all honestly, take a couple days to look at things. Read some of the forums, focus on getting your populace happy, a little bit of defense....etc. Feel free to drop me a line if you have any questions. You'll find that there are a lot of alliances to choose from.

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I'd like to promote United Federation of Armatus. They're a small, young and relatively weak alliance, but they're extremely organized. AE protects them, so I'd know. If you're looking to build something that'll last, UFA is a solid choice. If you'd rather join a bit more established alliance, there's plenty of decent ones. Names like Bushido, =LOST=, =Western Empire= and Ragnarok pops into my mind. If you want to join a true powerblock, any of the Continuum alliances will do. And of course, the entire aqua sphere is awesome. You can't go wrong if you pick an aqua alliance!

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Zeke, I'm surprised at that. I'd call it a bit of overreaction on your part, in fact. He's a noob, he deserves a fair shake. This thread is a rookie mistake, nothing more, nothing less.

I was hoping that the recruitment spam wouldn't clog up this thread and it would die a quick, merciful death; hence my first post linking Jonas right to the Player-Created Alliances forum; most alliances worth anything have a public notification thread there.

So, Zeke, why the snap reaction? The only thing of substance he's even said is that he knows FAN is a big loser in CN; this is veritable fact at today's state of Planet Bob. Does that have anything to do with it? I mean, DOOM appears to be multicolored, but you are on yellow, aren't you, Zeke?

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It all depends what you are looking for man.


1-Small alliance with opportunities for involvement

2-Alliance that can supply the most aid/opportunity

3-Very active alliance

4-CN political power

5-Themed/ roleplaying alliances

1- probably membership around 20-60

2- this would most likely be one of the top 12(sanctioned) alliances in the game, there are others that qualify and usually have a high avg NS maybe TOP, Moon, Torn, MK - well there are a lot look into it

3- Most of the large alliances are very active, you can find small/medium active alliances by visiting their forums and Irc's I would definitely recommend popping in IRC channels and asking questions. #Rok on coldfront ;) shameless plug

4- this takes some knowledge of the game and the treaty web, that will come with time on OWF

5- there are some of these though i dont know them...you could also classify a lulz alliance here...maybe RIA, Fark, MK...there are more

Those obviously aren't all the ways to choose an alliance just some that popped into my head. To make an informed decision will take some time to research, so best of luck in your search.

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It all depends what you are looking for man.


1-Small alliance with opportunities for involvement

2-Alliance that can supply the most aid/opportunity

3-Very active alliance

4-CN political power

5-Themed/ roleplaying alliances

1- probably membership around 20-60

2- this would most likely be one of the top 12(sanctioned) alliances in the game, there are others that qualify and usually have a high avg NS maybe TOP, Moon, Torn, MK - well there are a lot look into it

3- Most of the large alliances are very active, you can find small/medium active alliances by visiting their forums and Irc's I would definitely recommend popping in IRC channels and asking questions. #Rok on coldfront ;) shameless plug

4- this takes some knowledge of the game and the treaty web, that will come with time on OWF

5- there are some of these though i dont know them...you could also classify a lulz alliance here...maybe RIA, Fark, MK...there are more

Those obviously aren't all the ways to choose an alliance just some that popped into my head. To make an informed decision will take some time to research, so best of luck in your search.

5- Order of The Black Rose

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Check out Imperial Assault Alliance. We are a very well organized star wars themed alliance, a democratic meritocracy if you will, and we value ambition and work ethic. If you have a talent and/or some energy you WILL get a position. Check out youtube for some of our videos.

If you are into guns and that sort of thing, definitely check out PUKE (a kalishnakov alliance), FINAL or Molon Labe. All three are pretty darn good alliances although I would recommend PUKE the most.

Edited by Junkalunka
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It all depends what you are looking for man.


1-Small alliance with opportunities for involvement

2-Alliance that can supply the most aid/opportunity

3-Very active alliance

4-CN political power

5-Themed/ roleplaying alliances

1- probably membership around 20-60

2- this would most likely be one of the top 12(sanctioned) alliances in the game, there are others that qualify and usually have a high avg NS maybe TOP, Moon, Torn, MK - well there are a lot look into it

3- Most of the large alliances are very active, you can find small/medium active alliances by visiting their forums and Irc's I would definitely recommend popping in IRC channels and asking questions. #Rok on coldfront ;) shameless plug

4- this takes some knowledge of the game and the treaty web, that will come with time on OWF

5- there are some of these though i dont know them...you could also classify a lulz alliance here...maybe RIA, Fark, MK...there are more

Those obviously aren't all the ways to choose an alliance just some that popped into my head. To make an informed decision will take some time to research, so best of luck in your search.

Even if not for the TORN plug :wub: this post is on the right track. Figure out what you want out of an alliance. Then you will have a short list.

I could go on for a while on great alliances, big and small, warlike and neutral, where you can be a cog and quietly get by, or where you'll be instantly thrusted into responsibility.

1-Do you like war?

2-How active can you be/do you want to be?

3-Do you have a goal of leadership?

4-Do you prefer a large, powerful alliance, or a small tight-knit community?

These questions and more can help you get your "short list."

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Random Insanity Aliiance: Because I am a cupcake

I'd play that up more to differentiate us from the mass of more or less identical seeming alliances that make up this game, but instead I'll just let the cupcake speak for itself. You know you want it.

How could you possibly say no?

On top of that if you join the RIA and manage to get them to switch from SynIRC to coldfront I will personally send you 9 million dollars in CN cash!

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Join Browncoats


We like roleplaying, well, kinda that is. We also like rum, and will offer your protection when you need it. We have some good financial programs, and because of the recent elections and changes coming because of them, now would be a good time to be a Browncoat. We also have a great academy if your still learning how to play, with an excellent mentor program. Plus it's a small alliance, so you really get to know the people your working with, and everyone is friendly and willing to help.

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