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I've done it all in TE except a big comeback, well now I can add that feather to my cap.


I told you all I was coming back. I look forward to making friends with everyone. Just kidding, I am here to cause chaos and kick butt. 

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2 minutes ago, paul711 said:

Well it was rough at first but then we made HG afraid and he left. Then red became stable.

i could only imagine with HG being as brave and strong as he is he must have gave you some fight for control of his precious red sphere ?????



tell us how that battle ensued …. it must of went on forever ???

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Welcome to CyberNations: Tournament Edition! Be a part of CyberNations History and join the one and only Red Team Alliance there is, the Roman Empire! All other "alliances" on red team are fakes and they are illegitimate.

Please message me back and we can get you enrolled as a member!

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19 minutes ago, Jason8 said:

Welcome to CyberNations: Tournament Edition! Be a part of CyberNations History and join the one and only Red Team Alliance there is, the Roman Empire! All other "alliances" on red team are fakes and they are illegitimate.

Please message me back and we can get you enrolled as a member!

and thats all it took … HG must have been so ashamed about being a fake he just parked up and ran as fast as he could to BLUE ..


Blue is associated to tears and hence, sadness.

Similarly, according to the Dictionary of Americanisms (1848), Blue means - Gloomy, severe; extreme, ultra. And Blue Devils here too has been stated to mean low spirits. According to the Oxford Dictionary,




makes a lot of sense …


good job Paul ….

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26 minutes ago, RoadRash said:

and thats all it took … HG must have been so ashamed about being a fake he just parked up and ran as fast as he could to BLUE ..


Blue is associated to tears and hence, sadness.

Similarly, according to the Dictionary of Americanisms (1848), Blue means - Gloomy, severe; extreme, ultra. And Blue Devils here too has been stated to mean low spirits. According to the Oxford Dictionary,




makes a lot of sense …


good job Paul ….

Told you it wouldn't take to long. HG is a poser.

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5 hours ago, RoadRash said:

tell us all about the new stability in RED 

Truly a new era! Red has never been more peaceful and secure in it's new liberated state, truly I am proud to have been part of the liberating force.



@HiredGunUnban me, I promise to play nice. 🥺

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39 minutes ago, HiredGun said:

An entire thread of salt just for yours truly. LOL


I know you're all mad but it's just a browser game with a reset :lol1: 



I don't even know you. I'm just trying to be nice and interact with all the AAs.

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7 hours ago, paul711 said:

I don't even know you. I'm just trying to be nice and interact with all the AAs.

You don’t know me even though you’re talking about mwah😘 above. Lol You’re bad at this. 

You’ve missed a lot over the last 5 years and you return when it’s on its last leg and with 70%(?) of the game on your side. 


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1 hour ago, HiredGun said:

You don’t know me even though you’re talking about mwah😘 above. Lol You’re bad at this. 

You’ve missed a lot over the last 5 years and you return when it’s on its last leg and with 70%(?) of the game on your side. 


Are you insinuating that we're enemies? All I'm trying to do is get to know you and Defcon 1 but you won't invite me into your discord. (That hurts my feelings) Ask anyone I'm a nice guy. I generally believe in peace but have been known to fight on occasion. 

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1 hour ago, HiredGun said:


You’ve missed a lot over the last 5 years and you return when it’s on its last leg and with 70%(?) of the game on your side. 


Gonna have to give you a math lesson...


26 RE nations / 85 total TEnations = 30.58%


Less than half of your 70% number. You can thank me later for the knowledge bomb.

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2 hours ago, paul711 said:

Are you insinuating that we're enemies? All I'm trying to do is get to know you and Defcon 1 but you won't invite me into your discord. (That hurts my feelings) Ask anyone I'm a nice guy. I generally believe in peace but have been known to fight on occasion. 

You got kicked from D1 gov for leaking, quit acting like a 🤡 lol


1 hour ago, paul711 said:

Gonna have to give you a math lesson...


26 RE nations / 85 total TEnations = 30.58%


Less than half of your 70% number. You can thank me later for the knowledge bomb.

I don’t count all the unaligned nations and trade mules that won’t do anything, I’ll also put AW on your side. 

The round is basically RE/AW vs D1. 


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1 hour ago, HiredGun said:

You got kicked from D1 gov for leaking, quit acting like a 🤡 lol

No idea if your stupid, on drugs or just a lazy poster, but you should fact check before posting about me. I've never been in D(ouchebag)1 let alone its Gov. In fact when I was running around in TE D(ouchebag)1 was a meme AA. If you needed fluff for a war you threw them in. I was always in OP gov but stepped down to keep them out of my nefarious escapades lol. You have to do better than throwing stuff at a wall to see if something sticks.


1 hour ago, HiredGun said:


I don’t count all the unaligned nations and trade mules that won’t do anything, I’ll also put AW on your side. 

The round is basically RE/AW vs D1. 



I don't know anyone in AW so I won't speak for their alignment one way or another but for the sake of argument, and to teach you something about math, I'll throw their * nations into the equation. 26 RE + 8 AW= 34/86 is still only 39.5%. Again you said I returned with 70% of the game on my side. Now I know that we established you may be stupid from the D(ouchebag)1 remark rebuttal but the numbers are black and white.


All that aside I am beginning to feel as though you don't like me much. I've heard people say they don't want to get HG upset because he would never let stuff go, well let me fill you in on something, I invented that stuff. OP was notorious for it and you know why, because we had to fight way tougher opponents and more of them then you, to name them all would require a new post. Anyone that knows the past will tell you that I am way worse to make an enemy of than you could ever imagine.


Now I know something like that will be hard for you to grasp given your learning disability but re read a few times and ponder what I am telling you and then make your choice. Invite me to your discord so we can talk and be friends or tell me right now on the forums that you regard me as your enemy.

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28 minutes ago, paul711 said:

No idea if your stupid, on drugs or just a lazy poster, but you should fact check before posting about me. I've never been in D(ouchebag)1 let alone its Gov. In fact when I was running around in TE D(ouchebag)1 was a meme AA. If you needed fluff for a war you threw them in. I was always in OP gov but stepped down to keep them out of my nefarious escapades lol. You have to do better than throwing stuff at a wall to see if something sticks.



I don't know anyone in AW so I won't speak for their alignment one way or another but for the sake of argument, and to teach you something about math, I'll throw their * nations into the equation. 26 RE + 8 AW= 34/86 is still only 39.5%. Again you said I returned with 70% of the game on my side. Now I know that we established you may be stupid from the D(ouchebag)1 remark rebuttal but the numbers are black and white.


All that aside I am beginning to feel as though you don't like me much. I've heard people say they don't want to get HG upset because he would never let stuff go, well let me fill you in on something, I invented that stuff. OP was notorious for it and you know why, because we had to fight way tougher opponents and more of them then you, to name them all would require a new post. Anyone that knows the past will tell you that I am way worse to make an enemy of than you could ever imagine.


Now I know something like that will be hard for you to grasp given your learning disability but re read a few times and ponder what I am telling you and then make your choice. Invite me to your discord so we can talk and be friends or tell me right now on the forums that you regard me as your enemy.

If you want me to dig up the post about you leaking here on the forums then I'll be more than willing to embarrass you and expose you for the !@#$ talker you have always been. I don't like !@#$ talkers and you're one of the most prominent. lol


You talk about OP yet you returned not long ago and they didn't want you in their government so you remained as a normal member or have you forgotten that as well? You've remained hidden for all these years because no one supported you and you finally found the opportunity to crawl out of the wood work and that is behind the largest alliance.


It's easy to talk big when you can hide behind the largest alliance. . 




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20 minutes ago, HiredGun said:

If you want me to dig up the post about you leaking here on the forums then I'll be more than willing to embarrass you and expose you for the !@#$ talker you have always been. I don't like !@#$ talkers and you're one of the most prominent. lol


You talk about OP yet you returned not long ago and they didn't want you in their government so you remained as a normal member or have you forgotten that as well? You've remained hidden for all these years because no one supported you and you finally found the opportunity to crawl out of the wood work and that is behind the largest alliance.


It's easy to talk big when you can hide behind the largest alliance. . 




You'll have to dig up the evidence then because I can talk to some OP people now and none of us know what you are talking about. I left OP to join Hartfw and Auctor because I didn't want to associate OP with activities. We were in TEpolice after which I stopped playing the game. I guarantee with 100% certainty that you can never find any evidence or anyone to say that I leaked info about OP in order to hurt them. I still have access to the archived old OP gov forums. I have my original goodbye message to OP membership. Hell I'm still friends with Halushki. You have no idea what your talking about. 


That aside, which is it? Did I leak D(ouchebag)1 gov info or OP gov info? Because in one post it was and now it seems its the latter. At least be consistent with your BS.


You are right about one thing, though. I am a huge trash talker always was and always will be. There is a purpose behind it and one that I feel with your learning disability you may never understand.


You have to try harder than this. Your making this too easy. 

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1 hour ago, paul711 said:

You'll have to dig up the evidence then because I can talk to some OP people now and none of us know what you are talking about. I left OP to join Hartfw and Auctor because I didn't want to associate OP with activities. We were in TEpolice after which I stopped playing the game. I guarantee with 100% certainty that you can never find any evidence or anyone to say that I leaked info about OP in order to hurt them. I still have access to the archived old OP gov forums. I have my original goodbye message to OP membership. Hell I'm still friends with Halushki. You have no idea what your talking about. 


That aside, which is it? Did I leak D(ouchebag)1 gov info or OP gov info? Because in one post it was and now it seems its the latter. At least be consistent with your BS.


You are right about one thing, though. I am a huge trash talker always was and always will be. There is a purpose behind it and one that I feel with your learning disability you may never understand.


You have to try harder than this. Your making this too easy. 

No you tried to made a return to OP after that so you don't know what you're talking about and clearly have a memory like a fish, you could ask current OP gov if you have forgotten. I never said you leaked OP, i said you leaked info when you joined D1 and there was a discussion about it on these forums. You trying to pretend I said OP is just your poorly thought out deflection. lol


You're getting biacthslapped to within an inch of your life so in a desperate attempt to save face you deflect and continue to play stupid. :lol1:







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28 minutes ago, HiredGun said:

No you tried to made a return to OP after that so you don't know what you're talking about and clearly have a memory like a fish, you could ask current OP gov if you have forgotten. I never said you leaked OP, i said you leaked info when you joined D1 and there was a discussion about it on these forums. You trying to pretend I said OP is just your poorly thought out deflection. lol


You're getting biacthslapped to within an inch of your life so in a desperate attempt to save face you deflect and continue to play stupid. :lol1:







My mother always told me to never argue with a stupid person because they would beat me with experience. I now understand what she meant. Your making my head hurt. For the last time I was never in D(ouchebag)1 ever. You can talk about all the mysterious non existent posts or proof you want but facts will always elude you as fast as your intelligence does.

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5 hours ago, HiredGun said:

You got kicked from D1 gov for leaking, quit acting like a 🤡 lol


I don’t count all the unaligned nations and trade mules that won’t do anything, I’ll also put AW on your side. 

The round is basically RE/AW vs D1. 



How is AW involved in this exactly?

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