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CNRP 2021 Map Thread

Maelstrom Vortex

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I have no idea who is still active or not and I'm the worst map maker on the planet, but I tried.. here's an update based on current known remaining players, the 2015 world map.. and Dragonisia's last known broad-scale manifestation. Most remaining nations are likely ghosts and most of the map is likely free.



Dragonisia's holdings and positions are based on a much older map back from before the Dragon Empire's merger with Tianxia.

Old Ref:


List of known actives, whose land cannot be claimed:
Maelstrom Vortex : Empire of Dragonisia
Jesbro : Tiaxia
Vilmares: Ghurabaa

Johnny Apocalypse: Anubia

Edited by Maelstrom Vortex
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On 6/19/2021 at 2:12 AM, Mogar said:

What are my claim limits @Maelstrom Vortex?


Weren't you playing Nippon? Would you like that back? Problem is activity level and interest seems to still be somewhat cratered.


On 7/1/2021 at 9:38 PM, Johnny Apocalypse said:

The nomadic people of Anubia since being displaced have set sail and found ourselves on the Antarctic peninsula to the east of Kitex. We have chosen to settle here and hereby lay claim to this peninsula and the territory further south.

Would you mean west of Kitex? I see none east of Kitex.

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On 7/6/2021 at 6:26 PM, Maelstrom Vortex said:

Weren't you playing Nippon? Would you like that back? Problem is activity level and interest seems to still be somewhat cratered.


Would you mean west of Kitex? I see none east of Kitex.


I meant what I said! You just have to circumnavigate and keep going East a bit longer ;)


To the dismay of our cartographers, our compasses don't have a 'West'  and any talk of such a direction is tantamount to treason.

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4 hours ago, Johnny Apocalypse said:


I meant what I said! You just have to circumnavigate and keep going East a bit longer ;)


To the dismay of our cartographers, our compasses don't have a 'West'  and any talk of such a direction is tantamount to treason.

Done.  340 degrees east of described location we have encountered the peninsula and placed your territorial markers. What is West? We have revised our understanding to no longer accommodate this heretical concept!

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  • 3 months later...

Where is the map?


Just to highlight:



The territory extends from Azores and Greenland to the west, Novaya Zemlya-Ural Mountains-Aral Sea to the east, Sahara to the south, and the Arabic Radioactive Wasteland to the south-east. 


This is from Femocratic Land Nation Information, it's so since many years.


Labrys, 44 million inhabitants, the capital, is in Southern part of Albania, it extend all around the ancient site of Vlore https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vlorë 


Aradia, 42 million inhabitants, the second most important city, extend from a couple of miles west of Nice https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nice  to a dozen miles east of Sanremo https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sanremo  therefore stretching on a lenght of more than 50 miles.


Those two cities are the only ones really worth mentioning since they've both metropolitan areas larger than actual Tokyo (that is the largest city in 2021, with 37 million inhabitants metropolitan areas).


However, the Mediterranean Sea should be altered in such way:






The locations are not casual, the first city, the capital, dominates the two eastern thirds and it's more or less at the center, while the second most important city is clearly in the best position to dominate the westernmost third of the Mediterranean sea.



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