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More Polish Problems

Mr Director

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The shelling had caught the forward units by surprise, and they suffered minor causalities from having misjudged the enemies alertness. However the advantage of keeping the guns silent to be used as anti tank weapons would be lost. It didn't take long for the ARTHUR Anti-Artillery Radar units to pinpoint their location. They relayed this information to the Gripen patrols in the air, which would respond to launching high altitude surface to air missile strikes using cluster munitions to strike down against the co-ordinates given to them. They maintained high altitude flights to stay well outside of the range of the hand carried portable anti-air weapons that the rebels had.


Part of the orders for the ground units would be to spread out for the time being, and maintain a slow and safe movement by small recon teams to keep stealth on their side, as well as to see where the enemies were moving since they apparently had become alerted to the movement of Nordisk Soldiers heading in their direction. The Nordisk military command would send out this following message despite the White Army having already opened fire.


"We give you one chance to lay down your weapons and surrender, by time you get this message we have already returned fire on the position of your artillery. We hope that the message is quite clear that we have you outgunned, out numbered, and we control the air. If you surrender now, we will allow you all to live, and we will co-ordinate with the military's of the other nations currently operating within Poland to see that you will not be punished for your actions during this rebellion. You will be able to go home and live peaceful lives with your families and live to ripe old ages to see your children grow up and to have children of their own. However, if you fail to surrender, if you fail to lay down your weapons and turn yourself over to Nordisk Soldiers, you will be given no quarter, we will take no prisoners, and your actions will result in not just the suffering of yourselves, but other Polish Civilians, and the suffering of your loved ones."

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The rebuilding of Lomza is proceeding as planned. Local contractors under the supervision of Maltese Engineers have restored the power, sewer, water, and other critical services. Most of Lomza's hospitals have been repaired and new medical equipment brought in to replace old or damaged units. Roads have been report and rubble is being cleared as fast as dump trucks can be loaded to haul it away to a salvaging operation that is recycling anything usable for repairing houses and building new ones. Most of the work is being done by local citizen who are offered market rate plus 10 percent. 

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The shelling had caught the forward units by surprise, and they suffered minor causalities from having misjudged the enemies alertness. However the advantage of keeping the guns silent to be used as anti tank weapons would be lost. It didn't take long for the ARTHUR Anti-Artillery Radar units to pinpoint their location. They relayed this information to the Gripen patrols in the air, which would respond to launching high altitude surface to air missile strikes using cluster munitions to strike down against the co-ordinates given to them. They maintained high altitude flights to stay well outside of the range of the hand carried portable anti-air weapons that the rebels had.


Part of the orders for the ground units would be to spread out for the time being, and maintain a slow and safe movement by small recon teams to keep stealth on their side, as well as to see where the enemies were moving since they apparently had become alerted to the movement of Nordisk Soldiers heading in their direction. The Nordisk military command would send out this following message despite the White Army having already opened fire.


"We give you one chance to lay down your weapons and surrender, by time you get this message we have already returned fire on the position of your artillery. We hope that the message is quite clear that we have you outgunned, out numbered, and we control the air. If you surrender now, we will allow you all to live, and we will co-ordinate with the military's of the other nations currently operating within Poland to see that you will not be punished for your actions during this rebellion. You will be able to go home and live peaceful lives with your families and live to ripe old ages to see your children grow up and to have children of their own. However, if you fail to surrender, if you fail to lay down your weapons and turn yourself over to Nordisk Soldiers, you will be given no quarter, we will take no prisoners, and your actions will result in not just the suffering of yourselves, but other Polish Civilians, and the suffering of your loved ones."




The Nordic counter-artillery fire would be quite effective, and would destroy all 5 of the D-30s. However, that wasn't nearly enough to convince the Poles to stand down. Not nearly enough. No response would be sent to the Nordic forces, but it would become clear enough eventually that there would be no surrender.


Nordic aircraft would not have to worry about Polish MANPADs, as those were in short supply, and the Whites weren't about to waste them on targets they couldn't even hit.


The White Army forces would be unable to locate all of the Nordic recon teams, but those that they did locate would find themselves under fire from RPGs and AK-47s. Polish forces would also begin to use their BMP-1s to attack the recon teams.

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With the White Army's leader now dead, and Polish forces in disarray, Belorussians forces would begin their final push to destroy their enemy. Remaining White Army camps in Siemyatycze would finally be destroyed, and the army would continue pushing through Wysokie Mazowieckie and Zambrow counties, the last White Army holdouts in Podlaskie. At this point, about half of Wysokie Mazowieckie had been cleansed of the insurgents, and attacks on Zambrow were still in their opening stages. Military units would also begin conducting sweeps across Lomza county in order to finish off the last remnants of White Army forces there.

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The Nordic counter-artillery fire would be quite effective, and would destroy all 5 of the D-30s. However, that wasn't nearly enough to convince the Poles to stand down. Not nearly enough. No response would be sent to the Nordic forces, but it would become clear enough eventually that there would be no surrender.


Nordic aircraft would not have to worry about Polish MANPADs, as those were in short supply, and the Whites weren't about to waste them on targets they couldn't even hit.


The White Army forces would be unable to locate all of the Nordic recon teams, but those that they did locate would find themselves under fire from RPGs and AK-47s. Polish forces would also begin to use their BMP-1s to attack the recon teams.


The Recon teams would suffer some casualties as they melted back towards the Nordisk defensive lines that had been set up. Men and machines had set up a perimeter around the county as maintained positions as the recon teams moved back behind the cover of these lines. The Nordisk military didn't respond to the small arms fire until all the recon teams had been pulled out of danger. Silence would fill the air inside of the county where the Nordisk troops had just traded small arms fire before withdrawing from the field.


This of course would only last a few minutes before the sound of all of the Battle Groups 1,500 artillery guns opened fire at once unleashing the sounds of thunderous fire as they belched out together. They would be be targeting the entire county, and would be under the express orders that every foot of the county would be blasted with the explosives from the guns. These guns would be supported by a large group of Gripen aircraft firing air to surface missiles, targeting harder targets that might survive a couple of artillery rounds with the intent to bring these structures or defenses down quicker. The White Army had refused to respond to reason, so the answer would be the complete devastation of the county that they were held up in. 

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The Recon teams would suffer some casualties as they melted back towards the Nordisk defensive lines that had been set up. Men and machines had set up a perimeter around the county as maintained positions as the recon teams moved back behind the cover of these lines. The Nordisk military didn't respond to the small arms fire until all the recon teams had been pulled out of danger. Silence would fill the air inside of the county where the Nordisk troops had just traded small arms fire before withdrawing from the field.


This of course would only last a few minutes before the sound of all of the Battle Groups 1,500 artillery guns opened fire at once unleashing the sounds of thunderous fire as they belched out together. They would be be targeting the entire county, and would be under the express orders that every foot of the county would be blasted with the explosives from the guns. These guns would be supported by a large group of Gripen aircraft firing air to surface missiles, targeting harder targets that might survive a couple of artillery rounds with the intent to bring these structures or defenses down quicker. The White Army had refused to respond to reason, so the answer would be the complete devastation of the county that they were held up in. 


There would, or course, be no conceivable way for the White Army to survive an assault of that size. The Polish defenses would quickly begin to crumble, and within a few hours, they would be in a full retreat.


The only problem being, that there was no place for them to retreat.


Some of them would end up fleeing into Nordic lines. Others would make the mistake of fleeing south, into territory held by the Sixth of June militia. These would either end up being killed by the Sixth's minefields, or by Sixth of June militants themselves. A number would attempt to flee east, where they would find Prussian militiamen ready and waiting. In the end, all the militants would either be dead, dying, or captured.


The civilian death toll would also be high. Out of some 57,000 civilians, 55,000 would be killed. But, it was war, and those who cared about collateral damage were few and far in between, not to mention very low-ranking.

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The fighting in southern Podlaskie would begin entering its final stage. Belorussian forces in Wysokie Mazowieckie, Siemiatycze, and Lomza would successfully clear out the militants. In Zambrow, Belorussian forces would face heavy resistance, but would nevertheless tear the White Army to pieces. A handful of pockets of resistance would remain in Podlaskie, and there would no doubt be some continues insurgency, but, for all intents and purposes, the White Army was dead.

Edited by Mr Director
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French Public Broadcast


France hereby announces our absolute horror at the appalling civilian casualty rate being inflicted on the Polish people by the militaries of Belarus, Nordisk Rike, and their Prussian allies, the number of which amounts almost to an ethnic cleansing, and certainly displays a complete lack of concern by the Belorussian Government for anything but the destruction of those they view as enemies, which we are now forced to believe is not simply the White Army, but the Polish people themselves. We will not tolerate another instance such as what has most recently happened, and call for all nations involved to reevaluate their role in what is apparently turning into another Partition of the Polish region without any regard for the feelings of the natives.

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Not Public

The latest report given today to the parliament pegs the number of Hungarian deaths in Poland at 15 soldiers, and the number of combined rebel and militant deaths at around 300, thanks in large part to the increase in Hungarian soldiers in Poland, the installation of heavy guns at the south Poland bases, and the handful of assault helicopters brought into south Poland.

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A White Army branch in the Ukraine would claim responsibility for the assassination of the French Empress, and demand that France put pressure on Alvonia to cease its re-incorporation of Poland.



Of course, the White Army had nothing to do with it, but it was a good way of looking badass at a time when they were getting wrecked.

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Classified - Top Secret!


The Wehrmacht, with authorization from OKW, began Operation Wikinger, the campaign to remove foreign forcesfrom Poland and reunite the Alvonian Polish provinces with Alvonia. Field Marshal Natalka Mozdzierz watched the first steps unfold from her command center just outside of Liberec. "Ten years ago, the Prussians attacked us," she mused to nobody in particular, "And now we come back. Here I thought we had eliminated them as a whole." Slowly and with much care, the 4. Armee crossed into the first province Alvonia claimed - Lower Silesia.


4. Armee OOB:

[spoiler]1. Gepanzerte Kavallerie-Division

- Armor (70 Leopard 2A6, 30 Panzer VII Ausf. A)

- 20,000 soldiers (Panzerjagers, Fliegerfausts, Panzergrenadiers, Pioniers, Leichtes infanterie)

- Artillery battalion (50 PzH 2000)

- Flakpanzer (50)

- Raketenartillerie (25 Raketenartilleriepanzer, 25 Raketenartillerieplatform Tod)

- Support vehicles (Boxer, Sd.Kfz 2, Marder 1A5, TPz Fuchs)

- KhS-21 Wolf (50)


4. Infanterie-Division (Pol)

- 20,000 soldiers (Panzerjagers, Fliegerfausts, Grenadiers, Pioniers)

- Artillery battalion (50 PzH 2000)

- Flakpanzer (25)

- Raketenartillerie (25 Raketenartilleriepanzer)

- Support vehicles (8x8 trucks, TPz Fuchs, Sd.Kfz 90)

- KhS-21 Wolf (10)


8. Infanterie-Division (Pol)

- 20,000 soldiers (Panzerjagers, Fliegerfausts, Grenadiers, Pioniers)

- Artillery battalion (50 PzH 2000)

- Flakpanzer (25)

- Raketenartillerie (100 Raketenartilleriepanzer)

- Support vehicles (8x8 trucks, TPz Fuchs)

- KhS-21 Wolf (10)


15. Infanterie-Division (Pol)

- 20,000 soldiers (Panzerjagers, Fliegerfausts, Grenadiers, Assault Grenadiers, Pioniers)

- Artillery battalion (25 PzH 2000)

- Flakpanzer (25)

- Raketenartillerie (25 Raketenartilleriepanzer)

- Support vehicles (8x8 trucks, TPz Fuchs, Sd.Kfz. 2)

- KhS-21 Wolf (15)


Schwarze Korps

- 5,000 soldiers (Fernspaher, Scout Snipers, Sturmpioniers, Fallschirmjager)

- Support vehicles (Glocke Twin, Chinook, Merlin 101)


Edited by Markus Wilding
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Poland Shale Oil Operations Restarted


The head of Beltransgaz, an oil drilling company owned by the government, has announced that shale oil drilling in the Podlasie Depression, the Lublin Trough, and the Warsaw Trough have been successfully restarted. The shale oil industry in Poland had originally been started by Belarus when it had last held protector-ship in Poland, but fell into disrepair after the Belorussian withdrawal.


- Pravda





Sixth of June Lays Down Arms


The Sixth of June militia has announced today that it will be laying down arms. The self-defense militia was founded in order to combat White Army forces massacring ethnic Belorussians in Poland. A number of the former fighters have stated that they will be joining the newly set up Polish Militsiya.


- Pravda

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50,000 Hungarian soldiers would already be in Lower Silecia, and would halt the Alvonians at the border.

"You know the agreement. This was agreed to be a Hungary-Slovakian protectorate.

No Alvonian military personel are allowed in this Voivodeship. Proceeding further will be viewed and treated as an act of war against Hungary-Slovakia."

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French Military Deploys

The French Foreign Legion passed through Alsace on the way to Alvonia in order to be briefed and deployed from there. The fifty thousand soldiers of the Legion are to be deployed to Lower Silesia in support of the Alvonian operations therein. If fired upon by anyone the reaction would be immediate and violent.

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"Alright, two things remain before we Will be able to leave Lower Silencia.

Firstly, confirmation on the five miles from the border stipulation having being agreed to needs to happen.

Secondly, the Polish State are extremist militants. They killed Non-militant Hungarian foreign nationals, and must be brought to justice for their crimes one way or another. Whether we are allowed to keep 1 or 2 thousand soldiers here for a few more months and accomplish our mission ourselves, Alvonia and/or France decides to join us on our mission, or Alvomia promises to capture and extradite them or to hunt them down and eliminate them all by themselves; it doesn't matter, but they must face justice for their murders and war crimes.

We are not authorized to leave Lower Silecian until those two conditions have been sufficiently met.

If you need us, we will be awaiting word from Budapest in the base 15 minutes north of here."

*The Hungarian garrison would head back to the near by Polish military garrison, while the commander and his battalion began preparing their gear and JLTVs to continue their assigned mission of finding and clearing out Polish State extremists.*

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Not Public

After several hours of sweeping through Lower Silecia, Hungarian soldiers have located another Polish State militant hide out with a weapon and supply cache in it.

There were six militants in the hideout. After a brief gunfight, all six militants were eliminated. The Hungarian soldiers would confiscate and load what weapons and ammunition they could fit in their JLTVs.

They would then plant explosives around the hide out and any of the weapon and supply cache they were unable to confiscate, move a safe distance away, and detonate the explosives, completely destroying the hide out and remaining cache, before getting into their JLTVs and continuing their sweep, search & destroy mission.*

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"We'll decide for ourselves if those we come across are criminals or not. Hungarian troops are free to operate as they will, and we'll try to keep you updated with whatever we find and where we go - if it happens to be within five miles of the border."


Once the Hungarians did give them access, the 4. Armee began on their first order of business - removing any subversive elements from Lower Silesia and elsewhere.

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*the garrison would move to Opole, Lodz, and northern Hungary-Slovakia, staying 5 miles from the border as agreed to.

Only the regular contingent of border guards remained at the Border between Hungary and Lower Silesian.

The 2,000 man battalion would carry on their mission throughout southern Poland, searching for Polish State extremists and their hide-outs.*

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Pisz County


Nordisk Soldiers made quick work to gun down any White Army soldiers that attempted to flee into their lines, when the reports came in that there had been little activity for some while, the shelling of the county would finally grind to a halt, and orders were given for a large body of Nordisk soldiers to move into the county in large numbers. Spearheading the advance and seizure of the county would be a large amount of Stridsvagn 122's and Stridsvagn 103's. Their orders were rather simple, anyone that attempted to resist, had a weapon, or was deemed a threat would be shot on sight. The use of the tanks put a high emphasis on protection for the Infantry that were following behind and would be given the tasks of doing clearing the county and searching the rubble for any survivors, as well as to make sure that there were no secret hiding spots that the White Army rebels were holed up in.

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The City of Lomza is rebuilt to about the level it was prior to the Battle of Lomza in which the 1st Malta Airborne Brigade smashed the White Army troops inside of it. With the work finished and the payments made to what Polish persons who would come forward to claim them for damaged property or fallen loved ones, the last of the Maltese presence would return to Malta. 

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