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More Polish Problems

Mr Director

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In Wysokie Mazowieckie county, the Belorussian Spetsnaz men would near their target. The safe house was surrounded by a high wall, and there was only one entrance. The perimeter was heavily guarded, and it would take some shooting in order to get inside. The Spetsnaz had already run into two White Army patrols on their way to the compound, and five of them had been killed.


The Spetsnaz would position themselves around the compound, taking note of the outlying Polish positions, and preparing for the attack. When the order went out, they would move in on the outermost enemy positions, and take them out.

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Elsewhere in Wysokie Mazowieckie county, Belorussian forces would continue their steady advance. A portion of the force would split off and attack the Poles in the neighboring Zambrow county. They would face minimal resistance, as the White Army had been badly depleted there.


Efforts to rebuild the area would continue. Large amounts of cash, as well as seized White Army funds, would be set aside to rebuild Bialystok. Slowly, the refugee camps would begin to empty, as people returned to their now rebuilt homes. New hospitals and medical care centers would also be constructed, and the sewage system would be repaired.

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With Belarus now moving to take protectorship over Eastern Poland, Minsk would decide that it was time to reform the Polish Militsiya. The Militsiya had been disbanded when Belarus had ended its protectorate over the region, but it would now be rebuilt. Of course, Belarus would got to great lengths to distance the new Militsiya from the old one, which had been seen by many as a oppressive force.


Much of the Militsiya's equipment was in storage, and it would now be used to equip soldiers recruited from Poland and trained and commanded by Belarus.



Polish Militsiya: Consists of 50,000 troops

200 BTR-80 Armored Personnel Carrier
100 2S19 Msta Self-Propelled Howitzer
15 9K22 Tunguska
20 BM-21 Grad

100 D-20
5 Mi-24v
2 Mi-26

Edited by Mr Director
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Private to Government of Belarus


The Prisoners of War from Poland have forwarded a petition to remain in Malta. I personally request that they be allowed to do so and I humbly submit that perhaps it would be a good thing if their families and any of their former comrades who wish to relocate to Malta be allowed to do so at Malta's expense. We await your response. 


King Gregory of Malta

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Operation Nordic Shield


Three Battle Groups had been chosen based on the veteran status of most of the soldiers within it. Nordic, Fenrir, Freki had all been chosen for this task. Their mission was simple, each would be tasked with a Polish Province to secure and set up defensive border patrol to control the traffic in and out of the areas. Freki would be given Warmian Masurian, the far eastern province along the Polish coast. This was of course right next to their Russian allies controlled territory of Kaliningrad. In the center province of Pomerania would be the Nordic Battle Group. They were tasked gaining control of Gdansk, the largest port city within the nation of Poland. This would help secure a strong port in which to keep the flow of supplies always moving. Western Pomerania would of course be tasked with Fenrir Battle Group, which would be set up in a position to help defend the central province as well, as well as secure the Polish and German border.


The entire shore line would be patrolled constantly by Alsvin Corvettes to maintain constant watch and control of the shore line as the operations began. All 50 Bifrost Landing Ships would be put to hard work as the transport ships sat heavily protected by the screen of Corvettes, as well as the Gripen air patrols as they swept across the sky, maintain constant surveilence of the entire area to protect the landings as well as protect the fleet. Infantry would hit the beaches, moving quickly to secure defensive areas as the Bifrost unloaded troops, and quickly returned to the ships to continue offloading soldiers onto the beaches. Fifteen Bifrost had been assigned to to Freki, Twenty to Nordic, and the last Fifteen to Fenrir. Since the first beach landings were entirely infantry, the total combined count of infantry to hit the shores was 25,000 of the 300,000 soldiers being deployed to Poland.

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Belorussian forces attacking Zambrow county would succeed in doing what the Belorussian air force couldn't: Finding the two White Army Mig-21s. The two fighters would be discovered on a small airfield captured from the White Army.


A small Belorussian force would be dispatched to Siemiatycze county, in order to clear out a handful of surviving White Army forces in the west. 


The Belorussian military would also begin work to replace losses taken during the war. As these losses were relatively light, the process was not expected to take too long.

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At the safe house, the Belorussian Spetsnaz would be successful in wiping out the outlying Polish positions. The victory would come at a cost, and ten more Belorussians would lie dead.


The Spetsnaz would now begin to stealthily advance on the safe house itself. The compound was surrounded by a high wall, which was patrolled by White Army soldiers and had several watch towers. The only way in was through a single gate.


Some of Belorussians would begin to set up Shershen RPGs around the structure. When the assault began, these rpgs would open fire on the watch towers, blowing many of them to pieces. Meanwhile, the other Spetsnaz would open fire with rifles and light machine guns on the men patrolling the walls. Two Belorussians would have the job of leaving their cover and planting explosives at the gate, while under heavy fire.


Polish troops would eventually get their game together and begin to shoot back, and the night was suddenly filled with the sounds of bullets, and the screams of the dying. Somewhere in the safe house, Stanislaw Lem would hear the fighting going on outside.


"They've come," he said to the empty, dark room.

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The 1st of the 1st would leave it's equipment for the newly arriving Royal Horse Regiment. The RHR would begin bringing it the equipment necessary to completely man an entire Armored Cavalry Regiment. The men and women flying and supporting the Tiger HAD helicopters would rotate home while the Air Battalion of the RHR would take over their helicopters and equipment. The 1st of the 1st and the helicopter companies would be treated to a victory parade upon arriving home and the same bonus the 1st Royal Malta Airborne Brigade received. 


The rebuilding is proceeding more or less as planned. The projects are being completed on time and on budget for the most part. EOD teams are busy disposing of ordinance at a furious clip. Mine clearing teams are also hard at work carefully scouring the countryside for mines and other buried explosive devices. The Constabulary adopts the rank structure and command system of the revitalized Polish Milishya. They retain the name of Constabulary for now and patrol with the presence of Order Special Forces Officers who are working with them to rebuild the trust between the Polish citizens and the uniformed Constabulary. 


The 21st Regiment is slated to rotate home next and will be replaced with the 1st Armored Cavalry Regiment. Once the 21st is fully rotated home, the 22nd will do the same and the 2nd Armored Cavalry Regiment will be sent. Additional forces may or may not be sent depending upon regional stability. Depots are also ordered constructed according to the AMF guidelines that require them to be well protected from air and ground attacks. Engineering teams working with the 911 Intelligence Team begin to survey roads, rail lines, airports, bridges inside of Poland.


The Lomza Rebuilding Team is finalized and a team of 1200 Malta Corp of Engineers specialists of all sorts are dispatched with heavy equipment to the city along with a rifle battalion to begin repairing the badly damaged city. They have a budget of 100 million and are authorized to go up to 250 million if necessary. The fund for payments to Polish families that lost loved ones in the battles between Polish and Maltese forces is being quickly distributed after the veracity of the claims are certified by witness and importantly AMF after-action reports that often include the names of the Polish White Army members that were killed or captured. 

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The Polish rebels and Polish State militants would become quite alarmed and none too happy at Hungarian troops taking possession of five military bases in southern Poland.


Fighting would break out close to the bases, but the Hungarian soldiers would manage to fend them off.  


These fights would be sporadic and would continue on and off throughout the evening, each time lasting between 30 to 90 minutes, before the Hungarian soldiers would fend them off again each time.


The fighting would managed to claim a small amount of Hungarian soldiers' lives, but the Hungarians were better trained, better armed, and outnumbered the rebels and militants that would come in fairly small groups at a time.   These advantages led to the rebels and militants having much higher casualties than the Hungarians.

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To: Alvonia
From: King Gregory of Malta
Could you send a high level officer or civil administrator with orders to meet with myself at a future time if necessary? He or she can be put up in a 5 star hotel when it proves necessary that I meet with this representative. 
- King Gregory



To: King Gregory of Malta

From: The Desk of Finn Powers, Foreign Minister of Alvonia


Mrs. Olimpia Winogrodzki shall be appointed to Malta. Treat her well - in case you couldn't tell, she's Polish and none too happy about what's going on over there.



Finn Powers

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To: King Gregory of Malta

From: The Desk of Finn Powers, Foreign Minister of Alvonia


Mrs. Olimpia Winogrodzki shall be appointed to Malta. Treat her well - in case you couldn't tell, she's Polish and none too happy about what's going on over there.



Finn Powers


Mrs. Olimpia Winogrodzki would be met at the Valletta International Airport, though her processing through customs would be delayed due to a Russian jumping off an outbound plane. Once cleared through customs she'd be met by a plainly dressed man who would escort her to the Valletta Bed and Breakfast, an exclusive out of the way place with a large garden and excellent kitchen. She would find herself in a room not far from the King's University where a small but growing contingent of Polish students are in residence. 


A note with no name on it is on her desk.



Tomorrow night, casual wear, 8.00, a car will be waiting for you out front of the B&B.

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New assignments always brought interesting and exciting opportunities along with them, especially for a slightly-radical Polish-born diplomat. Mrs. Winogrodzki wasn't going to be one to take those opportunities in Malta, mostly because she was dead-tired from the flight. Upon reading the note on her desk, she muttered "Cholera." and checked how much time she had to actually sleep before going out. Maybe an hour. She took it anyway, and prepared herself half an hour before the car arrived, and got in once it did. No doubt this too would prove interesting.

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The Lomza Rebuilding Team is finalized and a team of 1200 Malta Corp of Engineers specialists of all sorts are dispatched with heavy equipment to the city along with a rifle battalion to begin repairing the badly damaged city. They have a budget of 100 million and are authorized to go up to 250 million if necessary. The fund for payments to Polish families that lost loved ones in the battles between Polish and Maltese forces is being quickly distributed after the veracity of the claims are certified by witness and importantly AMF after-action reports that often include the names of the Polish White Army members that were killed or captured. 



The Lomza rebuilding team would often find itself subject to raids from White Army fighters, which were still active in the countryside.

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The explosives were set. The gates blown apart. Five more Spetsnaz dead.


The remaining Spetsnaz would eliminate the surviving sentries and watch towers. About a dozen of them would enter the courtyard of the compound, and begin eliminating any White Army fighters they found there.

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The Lomza rebuilding team would often find itself subject to raids from White Army fighters, which were still active in the countryside.



The White Army fighters in turn would find themselves subjected to raids by the newly arrived Royal Horse Regiment who would begin patrolling around Lomza in earnst with its heavily armed M1A2 MBTs and Puma APCs. The skies would play homage to the intricate ballet of Tiger HAD helicopters, Eurofighters, and Reapers drones that too were brought into the hunt of the White Army. 

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Hungary-Slovakia is temporarily banning travel to and from France, to prevent the flight of Poiish State and White Army war criminals.


Should any militant wish to become peaceful, he or she is urged to surrender to Hungarian or Belorussian authorities and to be sure to turn over any and all weapons and ammunition to those authorities.  Anyone who has not committed any war crimes, and surrenders themselves and their weapons to Hungarian authoriies will be spared from prison sentences.

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Nordic Shield


The three battle groups worked quickly to get everything on the shore, as well as to secure airfields so that they could have landing zones for the Gripen Aircraft. They moved quikly to secure the borders and gain control of the provinces they were in. The only hold up they had was in the province of Warmian Masurian, where the Battle Group Freki had come across Prussian Militia that had taken control of the area. They were not part of the orders of people to be suppressed and removed from the area, so the commander of the unit that had come across them holed up in defense of the counties they were in called in for confirmation on what to do. Orders came back from Freki command to seek communication with this Militia. The captain of the Stridsvagn 122 that had first come across them now backed up by a much larger force of combined infantry and other support units that had been redirected to the area maintained their distance while he ordered his tank forward and stood with himself out of the hatch holding a white flag showing that he was coming in peace as he came closer to the Prussian Militia in Elk county.

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