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Ultimatum to Hawaii


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Doug Dimmadome of Dimmsdale Dimmadome, Ukraine left today to attempt to give away the hawaiian islands to Tikal with a proposal from the Ukraine government, titled "Tikal Tikal!". This proposal authorized the Ukraine would no longer intervene seeing as Tikal decided to protect the islands instead of fully annex them.

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[Internal, Hawaii]


Though a protectorate for now, Tikal's laws applied to the people immigrating to Hawaii. With some exceptions being made for US-Americans, mostly pertaining to worship of gods. Officially, Tikal had no freedom of worship set in law, with only the Popol Vuh permitted. Inofficially, most people were left alone, though attempts to convert non-believers were rather frequent. US-Citizens in Hawaii were exempt from this and afforded freedom or worship.


Among the rebuilding efforts were thus temples dedicated to various Maya gods, though mostly to those that the Prince and Princess represented: Kinich Ahau and Awilix, Sun and Moon.


[Internal, Kiribati]


Several outdated military installations had already been torn down for reconstruction. Most important were of course harbour facilities, to establish one or two centralised supply depots that would be able to supply the rest of the islands with ease. Anything further was secondary for the time being.

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[Internal - Hawaii]
Among the immigrants - by now numbering nearly 170,000 - were a significant number of those who wanted to spread the Popol Vuh among unbelievers. A few of them attempted to proselytise in what would become known as 'Americantown', Hilo, but the majority went into the communities built by and for Polynesians and Hawaiians. It would take time, but eventually churches were replaced with small temple-pyramids and prayers to a singular god would be replaced with sacrifices to the Sun and Moon.
Clean-up efforts had completey in Pearl, permitting reconstruction of the harbour. Plans were for it to be capable of holding and servicing up to three full fleets. After all, Tikal and the USA both had access, and Japan would be offered access to the harbour as well, in the near future.
[Internal - Kiribati]
A major naval base was in the process of reconstruction while efforts were made to get short-range detection systems online. Long-range would be built later-on, once Kiribati was properly incorporated into Tikal.
Several civilian settlements were refurbished after only a few weeks, and thousands had immigrated over the same time span. Originally, the islands and atolls had held around 100,000 people. With Tikal's superior construction methods, settlements could be built more densely, and with support from the mainland, more people could easily be supplied. It was expected that up to 250,000 people might be able to live on the islands in due time.
4/3 Edited by Lynneth
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[Internal - Hawaii]

Even as religious matters were slowly being settled, cultural ones came to light. Both Polynesians and Hawaiians were after all quite different from Tikalians in how they treated life and education. With the islands being protected by Tikal and many immigrants from the mainland travelling to them, it was inevitable that cultures would clash in one way or another. Luckily, this was for the most part peaceful. Modern Polynesians appeared to care little for violence, while the Tikalians espoused their virtues of kindness, joy and so on.

In due time, the mixture of cultures might become deep enough to result in something new. Or one might be absorbed by the other.

[Internal - Kiribati]

Two major bases were completed, and new housing under construction for immigrants. Interestingly, the majority of people coming to populate the deserted islands were not Polynesians but from Tikal. Nearly 85% of the 56,000 that had already found their way to the islands were from the mainland, and their numbers only swelled as more space became available and standards from the Mainland were being implemented.


All in all, good progress.

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[Internal - Hawaii]

As the population grew, military bases came to be reactivated properly. Radar, OTH and defensive system were rebuilt, providing the islands with thorough and sophisticated protection. A total number of 10,000 men and supporting military personnel would be based in the bases throughout the islands, besides 2 air squadrons and some supporting armoured vehicles. 100 tanks and 25 Zakus were stationed in the largest bases.

Pearl was still under reconstruction.

[Internal - Kiribati]

Like in Hawaii, detection stations such as OTH and Radar were brought online, missile systems and missile defence weaponry soon enough following. The garrison on Kiribati would be half as large as Hawaii's, the islands being not quite as large or important, but still warranting capable defences.

One of the largest military bases and another small harbour had been rebuilt by now.

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[Internal - Hawaii]


Pearl was completed. Living standards in Hawaii had been brought up massively, and though there still was space for some immigration, the Hawaiian islands now housed well over one and a half million people. In civilian matters, integration was nearly complete, though there still was a cultural and social difference between Polynesians and Hawaiians, and Tikalians. It wasn't great enough for any tensions, luckily.


Concerning military things, the islands were now as well-defended as the mainland. A SOSUS network surrounded them, preventing submarines from approaching undetected, while ASM-based defence systems would ensure that any hostile vessel approaching too close would be obliterated. The islands were fully integrated.


[Internal - Kiribati]


Kiribati on the other hand wasn't quite there yet. Though nearly 130,000 people lived on the islands now, there still was room for improvement, both in numbers and housing quality. Societal and religious issues were practically non-existent, considering that the majority of immigrants were Tikalian. A clash of cultures thus was avoided, and keeping the peace turned out to be much easier.


Most of the defence systems on Kiribati had been brought online by now, though a few things such as the SOSUS were still not entirely complete. It wasn't much to be done, but it was crucial work that would allow Tikal to defend the islands that much more easily in case of attack.

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[Internal - Kiribati]


The final touches were put on Kiribati. Like Hawaii, living standards had been brought up to par with the rest of Tikal, while the military presence and defence systems were fully ready and online. SOSUS was complete, the ASM and AA networks both working beautifully. Just some few ten thousand people more might immigrate, but beyond that the islands were as much Tikalian as Honduras or Belize.


Full integration was complete.

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OOC - lol nice to see you going back on your agreement to recognize the rapture.


OOC: Repopulating, improving, and reinforcing a series of islands is considered 'going back on his agreement' after he recognized the rapture in the first place?


Yeah, okay.

Edited by JEDCJT
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8,000 of the remaining 10,000 soldiers would return home. The 2,000 Texas National Guardsmen would remain there until Federation troops would come to replace them. Now that the base was complete, it was capable of housing soldiers, aircraft, and vessels if necessary. The Texas Maritime National Guard would return home to port in Galveston via the Panama Canal. The soldiers would come home through Tikal and cross the Rio Grande within a few days. 

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