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The cold hard reality

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Oh baby. I always play hard to get. I like to distance myself after bad blood. Gives the soul a little rest. Gives the mind the peace it needs. As for our upper tier, I most certainly want it saved before my own nation. As long as they stand, us towards the bottom can rebuild. And that's what counts.


See ya around SW. Be good.

either you guys surrender, which I am in support of and would have absolutely no problems assisting your alliance in accomplishing, or I do everything in my power to ensure you have no nation above 10k ns until this war is over. you might take my threats as silly but I do not say things I can not accomplish.


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You've known me for a long time. I never surrender. You'd have a better shot at winning the lottery.

either you guys surrender, which I am in support of and would have absolutely no problems assisting your alliance in accomplishing, or I do everything in my power to ensure you have no nation above 10k ns until this war is over. you might take my threats as silly but I do not say things I can not accomplish.


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You've known me for a long time. I never surrender. You'd have a better shot at winning the lottery.

looks like it's a good thing you aren't gov then, I honestly think considering GATO even asked you to stay out, your alliance wouldn't catch flak for leaving, there isn't much else you can do for the rest of this war besides potentially cripple your own upper tier, is it about the wording? how about simply peacing out? I don't get the semantics games people like to play personally, but we can do whatever as long as it means 3% leaves the war, I'd rather see the alliance continue to survive than die because of stupidity during this war.


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I have attempted to reach out to every member of 3%, I am hopeful the more level headed will heed my warning and accept a surrender, death appears to be their new leadership's goal, but I outright refuse to be threatened with ZI, I will continue my attacks against 3% nations until this war is over, or an apology is posted admitting there is no basis to ZI me.

Good luck with that dude. These ex "The Survivors" are idiots

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whatever this is, is support III% in their unwavering tenacity.


also Hime, hello.


also >_> mogar >_>

you know you like what you see.



I am against anyone that is against mogar.

By the way

your support is appreciated!



Good luck with that dude. These ex "The Survivors" are idiots

I am willing to negotiate with anyone to give them peace, everyone deserves an out if they want one.


Weren't you supposed to be out of peace mode right now, crask? Or is this more bark and no bite from III Percent?

I would suspect they would meet one of the upper tier alliances that are part of the polar coalition, wouldn't want to break things.



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0.3% asking me to surrender? Spit on that, freelancer and the entire alliance

The sad part for you is you choose to hit people who don't really care. Literally I logged on twice a month if that for the last year. When we see fail alliances like Sun, who need to attack groups 3 times smaller and still get rolled (tell your people if I have a HNMS that you don't send spies for nukes if I have 5 or less) its worth it to spend my billions destroying your lower tiers for months on end. I should run out of cash sometime in April and have no problem turtling through 1k infra/peace mode build up and hitting Sun until bill lock and then deleting. Who ever your military people are, they are idiots. Apathy always wins, you cant defeat people who don't care. The best days of CN have long since past, anyone whos been around a while knows that.


Good luck out there

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The sad part for you is you choose to hit people who don't really care. Literally I logged on twice a month if that for the last year. When we see fail alliances like Sun, who need to attack groups 3 times smaller and still get rolled (tell your people if I have a HNMS that you don't send spies for nukes if I have 5 or less) its worth it to spend my billions destroying your lower tiers for months on end. I should run out of cash sometime in April and have no problem turtling through 1k infra/peace mode build up and hitting Sun until bill lock and then deleting. Who ever your military people are, they are idiots. Apathy always wins, you cant defeat people who don't care. The best days of CN have long since past, anyone whos been around a while knows that.


Good luck out there

you do realize 3% declared on SUN, not the other way around, right?

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you do realize 3% declared on SUN, not the other way around, right?

 Sun is in the sad position of facing unending war, had they decided a different course early on perhaps their fate wouldn't be so grim. In the end they have numeric superiority and will statistically win the battle of pixels. Unfortunately they cant truly win here, and they knew/know it. As I said when your dealing with a group who is willing to expend everything their nations have and then delete, your course of action is limited to fighting it out until they do so or getting a quick of an exit as possible to limit your long term damage. They should have chosen the later.

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 Sun is in the sad position of facing unending war, had they decided a different course early on perhaps their fate wouldn't be so grim. In the end they have numeric superiority and will statistically win the battle of pixels. Unfortunately they cant truly win here, and they knew/know it. As I said when your dealing with a group who is willing to expend everything their nations have and then delete, your course of action is limited to fighting it out until they do so or getting a quick of an exit as possible to limit your long term damage. They should have chosen the later.

SUN isnt forcing you to do that though, you're making the choice out of your own free will and nothing they do can change that, if you guys wants to stay, you'd stay and find a middleground where you both can get peace, instead you are basically picking up your toys and going home, and making sure to break as many of their toys on the way out as you can,

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SUN isnt forcing you to do that though, you're making the choice out of your own free will and nothing they do can change that, if you guys wants to stay, you'd stay and find a middleground where you both can get peace, instead you are basically picking up your toys and going home, and making sure to break as many of their toys on the way out as you can,

"Forcing" isn't the correct word, enabling is. Everyone makes a choice, SUN included. Im confident that information was given to them regarding 3% and its internal and external circumstance. Some of its played out publically, but this was never a clean side war to begin with. So if I am in SUN's shoes I have a decision to make, do I stay in continued war with people who are in game friends and have been for years knowing they have nothing to loose or do I expedite an out that saves my alliance pixels to fight another day. That choice should have happened early on, given the circumstances of the DOW and the internal workings of 3%.


The simple answer is, SUN should have recognized that the DOW was a segment of 3%'s way of signing off from planet bob and worked with the nations who didn't want that outcome on the AA to get them peace and get them out. There were 18 nations, any competent FA team should have been able to handle it without an outside party facilitating the transition. Sure it would have taken an non traditional approach to CN politics but the circumstances dictated it. SUN isn't/wasn't saavy enough to draw that conclusion, or were and decided to live with the consequences of not acting on them. Those consequences being, instead of perhaps 5 nations prepped for endless war and delete you now have 15 or so. Again, you cant win a pixel war with people who don't care about the pixels. Yes I know its a sexy meme "its only pixels" but when its accurate, your the one gambling with your alliances lower tier because a month from now that's where this will end up. How does SUN sell a ZI to its 15K nations that are being hit by a 2000day old nation on its way out with billions in the bank?


Of course this isn't a simplistic situation but power player here is SUN, they have and had far more options once the war started.

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"Forcing" isn't the correct word, enabling is. Everyone makes a choice, SUN included. Im confident that information was given to them regarding 3% and its internal and external circumstance. Some of its played out publically, but this was never a clean side war to begin with. So if I am in SUN's shoes I have a decision to make, do I stay in continued war with people who are in game friends and have been for years knowing they have nothing to loose or do I expedite an out that saves my alliance pixels to fight another day. That choice should have happened early on, given the circumstances of the DOW and the internal workings of 3%.


The simple answer is, SUN should have recognized that the DOW was a segment of 3%'s way of signing off from planet bob and worked with the nations who didn't want that outcome on the AA to get them peace and get them out. There were 18 nations, any competent FA team should have been able to handle it without an outside party facilitating the transition. Sure it would have taken an non traditional approach to CN politics but the circumstances dictated it. SUN isn't/wasn't saavy enough to draw that conclusion, or were and decided to live with the consequences of not acting on them. Those consequences being, instead of perhaps 5 nations prepped for endless war and delete you now have 15 or so. Again, you cant win a pixel war with people who don't care about the pixels. Yes I know its a sexy meme "its only pixels" but when its accurate, your the one gambling with your alliances lower tier because a month from now that's where this will end up. How does SUN sell a ZI to its 15K nations that are being hit by a 2000day old nation on its way out with billions in the bank?


Of course this isn't a simplistic situation but power player here is SUN, they have and had far more options once the war started.

SUN should have thought about the fact that 3% decided to what amounts to jihading SUN on the way out of the world before they declared on GATO. how exactly would SUN have known that?


the simple answer is you are in fact trying to break as many of SUN's toys on the way out instead of just accepting your own defeat and surviving to help GATO potentially get their revenge next war, I am sorry if I find it difficult to understanding willingly attempting to destroy someone else's community simply because they honored a treaty. If you're taking my willingness to provide 3% with an out as SUN's unwillingness to provide you peace, you don't really understand my mentality, I'd rather keep both 3% and SUN's communities alive and together over having both communities die due to your alliance's stubbornness. Your alliance has already done far more than GATO could have asked for, (in fact, they actually asked you to stay out, which to me implies GATO are some pretty legit guys and simply wanted you guys to survive instead of this reckless plan you appear to be following) why waste both your own and SUN's resources when you can get peace and actually defend GATO in a few months when the next round happens?


this is a pretty simple situation, SUN and myself have been willing to offer peace to you repeatedly, you guys simply don't want it, you'd rather quit than admit defeat and plan your next attack.


but hey, what do I know? it isn't like FA has been my staple for the past 7 years in this world or anything.


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SUN should have thought about the fact that 3% decided to what amounts to jihading SUN on the way out of the world before they declared on GATO. how exactly would SUN have known that?


the simple answer is you are in fact trying to break as many of SUN's toys on the way out instead of just accepting your own defeat and surviving to help GATO potentially get their revenge next war, I am sorry if I find it difficult to understanding willingly attempting to destroy someone else's community simply because they honored a treaty. If you're taking my willingness to provide 3% with an out as SUN's unwillingness to provide you peace, you don't really understand my mentality, I'd rather keep both 3% and SUN's communities alive and together over having both communities die due to your alliance's stubbornness. Your alliance has already done far more than GATO could have asked for, (in fact, they actually asked you to stay out, which to me implies GATO are some pretty legit guys and simply wanted you guys to survive instead of this reckless plan you appear to be following) why waste both your own and SUN's resources when you can get peace and actually defend GATO in a few months when the next round happens?


this is a pretty simple situation, SUN and myself have been willing to offer peace to you repeatedly, you guys simply don't want it, you'd rather quit than admit defeat and plan your next attack.


but hey, what do I know? it isn't like FA has been my staple for the past 7 years in this world or anything.


I think you have mistaken your importance. To be blunt your continued attention grab is keeping the conversation alive which enables a broader audience. Personally, Im a mercenary. Im on the AA to help 3 friends, one of which has been helped so ive got two left. I couldn't care less if GATO is rolled over, lubed up and butt pumped for months. Bring NPO as their overlord again, I don't care. Sadly for you my ability to grasp situations is a little bit more developed then yours. You've read far to much into it and assume a great deal. Its actually a very simple situation, but I do understand this helps your own personal PR. Im okay with that, the game is important to you. Should the "broader audience" read between the lines, please send a message to my nation and we'll talk.



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I think you have mistaken your importance. To be blunt your continued attention grab is keeping the conversation alive which enables a broader audience. Personally, Im a mercenary. Im on the AA to help 3 friends, one of which has been helped so ive got two left. I couldn't care less if GATO is rolled over, lubed up and butt pumped for months. Bring NPO as their overlord again, I don't care. Sadly for you my ability to grasp situations is a little bit more developed then yours. You've read far to much into it and assume a great deal. Its actually a very simple situation, but I do understand this helps your own personal PR. Im okay with that, the game is important to you. Should the "broader audience" read between the lines, please send a message to my nation and we'll talk.



I think you vastly underestimate my importance, do you think I am able to behave the way I do with no repercussions out of laziness of the community? I didn't declare on 3% for attention, I declared because your alliance has no counter, and I believe my destruction numbers prove I am a valid threat to anyone's lower tier. Of course this public conversation enables the broader audience, I'd prefer to make everything public rather than hide in backchannels, let the world see how everyone operates rather than how they wish to be seen.


I believe we have similar ideals, I don't wish to see 3% nor SUN take any more damage than absolutely needed to bring this war to a close, if I genuinely had malice towards you guys I wouldn't have queried Kurdanak last evening and put in a good word for your former member, nor would I have been content with another member actually accepting the generous offer Dame Themis had given your nations. I am willing to assist anyone and everyone seeking peace, and have done so for strangers many many times in my time in this world.


It might be a simple situation but your alliance certainly does not want to make it easy, I have been open to discussing peace with your alliance directly since this thread was posted, you can't pretend otherwise. I can acknowledge this war against 3% has done more positive PR for me than I expected, but I genuinely had expected a round of war and we all shake hands at the end because I respected freelancer and he made it appear as though you'd be out of the war shortly, of course that was before you guys couped him, I'm glad he is sticking around for now but you guys definitely don't have that good of a grasp of politics if you think removing your leader in that fashion was helpful at all to your cause.

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You'd advise against that? Really? I know this venue dosent breed a lot of intellectual giants but what part of

"As I said when your dealing with a group who is willing to expend everything their nations have and then delete"


was unclear? Whats the worst case scenario, other alliances declare war on nations who are prepared to delete? LOL we knew SUN wasn't much, another cookie cutter alliance with minimal character and questionable value but are they really that bad?

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You'd advise against that? Really? I know this venue dosent breed a lot of intellectual giants but what part of
was unclear? Whats the worst case scenario, other alliances declare war on nations who are prepared to delete? LOL we knew SUN wasn't much, another cookie cutter alliance with minimal character and questionable value but are they really that bad?

Promising unending war and having members leave the alliance certainly shows dedication to your inane 'cause'.
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