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"I think the conclusion here is obvious. A country developed nuclear weapons even thought the UNSC passed a resolution developing those weapons. Either Draka used the weapon or they lost control of it and it fell into the hands of a terror organization. What other conclusions could this wildly ineffective organization draw?"

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"Why it is important to establish the origin of the weapon, it is of greater importance to enforce a nuclear free zone in areas of Africa not in compliance with these United Nations. The U.N. cannot continue to act as a global organization when the Security Council has consistently failed to act on major issues. A look at the membership statistics clearly shows the world has lost confidence in these United Nations to act on its own values and charter. Should this Security Council, particularly the permanent members, continue to falter when facing difficult issues then continued Prussian membership will go to a referendum to be decided by its citizens. We cannot, in good conscience, continue to waste resources on nothing more than meetings filled with wagging fingers and shouting matches. "

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We're suggesting the deployment of a naval ballistic missile defense system to the region, something the member states have the capacity to provide probably within a day.  That would protect Sierra Leone from nuclear attack.  This would give time to mediate between the disparate views here.  Unless a member is going to take action outside this council's authority we need to think about what we can do quickly and effectively.  

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The Norse delegate who normally sat in session at the back minding his own buisiness would request a few moments of time to speak before the council. If granted, he would have this to say.


'A quick and effective response is something long gone. This council has failed in its duty to protect and defend. it has allowed a rogue nuclear state to commit unspeakable acts of genocide and murder against the Cape, launch an illegal war against Sierra Leone and is only now, after being pressured from other states, stirring itself from its slumber to deal with a nuclear explosion.


You let wars ravage North America and tear apart South Africa, all whilst supporting proxy conflicts in West Africa. You stood by whilst Ireland was wiped off the map for reason.


Ladies and Gentlemen of this Security Council, the time is over for talk and now is the time for action, even if it is too late to stop the injustice that has arisen in the absence of action from this council.


Norse military intelligence indicates the nuclear blast took place in Cape Town. Our latest information from our low orbit space station and satellite assets indicate a beach detonation, flattening the seafront and most of downtown. Early estimates casualties from the nuclear warhead are in the tens of thousands, its hard to tell what damage was caused by the nuke to be honest after the heavy combat the landing areas have seen over the past weeks.


If this council will sit and do nothing, then the Norse Kingdom calls on all Nations that will. We call on our allies Prussia to stand and be counted, and we call on Russia to put its money where its mouth is and join the Norse Kingdom in its mission to end this illegal, oppressive, destructive and disgustingly inhumane nation and purge it from the face of the Earth.


I call on the wise Athens to rouse its warriors and stand shoulder to shoulder with the free world to fight for what is right and just. I call on the strong Tianxia to awaken the Horde and stand with us as free and equal nations against the tyranny of terror, anarchy and murder.


Now is not the time to sit back and talk damage control. Now is the time to send men and women, far younger than us to go and fight for the greater good, as our grandfathers did before us, and their grandfathers before them.


This is not about the Cape or its rumoured links to the terrorist Mogar. This is about what is right, and The Dominion of Draka is not right, it is wrong in every sense of the word.


Uncle Ben once said that with great power, comes great responsibility, and not one nation on this council has exercised its power or responsibility to the people of the Cape, not even after the breaching of nuclear proliferation treaties, not even after a nuclear first strike. I implore you all to stand and bear the weight of responsibility and wield the power you possess to end this travesty.


Thank you for your time."


The Norse representative would quietly return to his seat and place his head in his hands.

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"While I agree with the Norse representative that swift and decisive action must be taken, I would like to make a note that unlike Athens, Tianxia and Prussia, the Russian Empire has kept the option of unilateral intervention on the table, but the fact remains that do not have the resources to fight a war halfway across the globe. Furthermore your snide remarks and self-righteous attitude are not welcome. If you want to organize a coalition, then by all means, do so, but don't hurl snide remarks at us, when nobody here, besides Russia has even pledged support to Draka's victims."

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"While I agree with the Norse representative that swift and decisive action must be taken, I would like to make a note that unlike Athens, Tianxia and Prussia, the Russian Empire has kept the option of unilateral intervention on the table, but the fact remains that do not have the resources to fight a war halfway across the globe. Furthermore your snide remarks and self-righteous attitude are not welcome. If you want to organize a coalition, then by all means, do so, but don't hurl snide remarks at us, when nobody here, besides Russia has even pledged support to Draka's victims."


The northman lifted his head up out of his hands, not daring to believe his ears.


"Apologies for the tone of the comments. I got caught up In the moment. I thank you for your support. The Norse people thank mighty Russia for its support."

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"Considering recent events a resolution intended to end hostilities in Africa is proper, what Athens however will not allow this organization to participate in is rash action without sufficient evidence defending such action. What Athens will not allow is a resolution intended to 'wipe a nation off the face of the Earth'. What Athens will not allow is punitive action against the defender in a military engagement. 


In line with this we propose a motion intended to force all parties back to their pre-war borders pending a full investigation on the Drakan claims and the nuclear detonation. If need be such a motion should be enforced by targeted and proportional action against only those forces participating in an invasion and not against the mainlands, governments or civilians."

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[A note from the Dominion of Draka]


Ladies and Gentlemen of the United Nation's Security Council,


Two days ago, a nuclear weapon was detonated in the Cape. After a thorough investigation, we have come to the conclusion that the weapon was detonated on the orders of a rogue member of the military. While we do not regret our previous decision to commit to military action in the Cape, we do not support the use of nuclear weaponry against civilian targets. Enclosed are a number of documents to support our claims. As of today, offensive operations have been suspended in the Cape.


Good Day.


**attached* "Archon Directive "1" ordering the dismantling of all nuclear test weapons."


**attached** A list of documents doctored by Strategos Ekerson **



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"The issue of the Cape War, while serious, is not the primary issue here.  The primary issue would be the Dominion of Draka's severe, blatant, and flagrant violation of UNSC Resolution One, the first issue discussed and decided upon by this organization.  The fact that the Dominion has actually developed a single nuclear weapon, let alone a stockpile of them, is an indicator of its intent at purposefully violating this resolution, which also carries the weight of the usage of military power in response to violations for each of its articles.  We find the promise by the Dominion to dismantle its nuclear arsenal to be convenient, hollow and unreliable; especially in light of the fact that somehow a single "rogue" person was able to order the usage of such a terrible weapon.  The Dominion must open its nuclear storage, production and research facilities to immediate and unfettered access by UNSC nuclear investigators and to have all nuclear weaponry and material confiscated and turned over to the UNSC.  We also see the necessity of invoking Article II of the Resolution to ensure that the Dominion will no longer have the capability to covertly develop nuclear materials or technology, or adapt them to weapons technology, considering its willful violation of the Resolution.  If unwilling to comply we urge that the Security Council authorize the usage of force to compel compliance as is within its rights according to the Resolution.  If this organization is to remain respected or relevant in shaping the future of this world, swift action must be taken immediately on this issue".


"On the issue of the Draka Dominion's invasion of The Cape, we support a resolution demanding that the Dominion's forces withdraw, not just cease its military operations, from The Cape and that borders return to their pre-war status while peace talks are mediated between the two nations, to be enforced by military action if required".

Edited by MostGloriousLeader
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Tianxia would request that the Dominion of Draka allow for the deployment of Imperial Personnel to verify the destruction of any remaining nuclear program, including facilities to make parts for centrifuges and other critical compnenets, the deployment of drones over its territory to monitory the dislmantling as well as conduct further reconnaissance, and a name of the scientists with corroborating documentation to match for its nuclear device program which must be provided within this week, well below the time it it humanely possible to forge convincing documentation on the nuclear devices.  While we do not believe that scientists should be the one's responsible, we do believe their removal and force to live in another country with enforced supervision of their communications will go along way.  


It is Tianxia's views that with these steps the coalition assembled can have immediate assurances that Draka lacks the capabilities to produce anymore nuclear weapons, while Athens can have some of its concerns addressed as well.


If the other sections of Article II need to be invoked beyond voluntary, I do not believe that those means or actions are ones which the council will discuss in a general setting, nor do I believe we are at the point where they need to be invoked, at least until discussions on voluntary but solid disarmament is exhausted.m

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"In line with the earlier passed resolution regarding nuclear weapons the Athenian Federation approves of a group of international experts as well as UNSC surveillance means to monitor compliance with the resolution regarding Drakan arms. Additionally we support the Tianxian additions and suggest an addition of our own providing for the ICC to launch an investigation into the rogue nuclear attack and bring charges against those found responsible"

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While the Dominion of Draka's nuclear program was for scientific purposes, we'd be willing to submit to a full United Nation's investigation. As stated before, we do not support the use of nuclear weaponry against civilian or geographical targets. As such, we'd be willing to fund the nuclear clean up of the area and post-war rebuilding.

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"We appreciate the Drakan willingness to subject to an investigation, considering the circumstances of events though we must insist that Draka halt its advances into Sierra Leone and the Cape pending a peaceful resolution of the conflict"

Edited by Centurius
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Recent news reports have indicated that Draka has annexed Sierra Leone.This Security Council has failed to deal with yet another major issue which impacts the world's sovereign states.  The Security Council failed to protect Prussia following Poland's invasion. It has failed to punish a nation which detonated a nuclear weapon in an unjustified first strike. Now, it sits idly by as that same nation, which blatantly ignored Resolution 1, annexes Sierra Leone. It begs the question of, what exactly is the point of a United Nations Security Council? As warned, Prussian participation in this organization will go to a referendum to be decided by its citizens. We suggest that new contenders for the Prussian seat be identified soon, as recent polling data puts serious doubt into continued Prussian membership of this organization. 

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  • 4 weeks later...

"As a member of the United Nations, the Faraway Realm would like to see a proper election being held for the North American seat, as our country feels that with the political developments on our continent as of late, such process is overdue, to ensure representivity.


The Realm would also like to state that it feels utterly unrepresented by the American Commonwealth, which has done little to nothing in order to deal with just about any past crisis and has in our opinion thus not really worked much for American interests at global order and stability. Should no other country in North America, apart from the American Commonwealth be willing to take up this duty to represent our continent, the Faraway Realm would be willing to run for the post."

-Florence de Pétèvellier, Minister of the Exterior of the Faraway Realm

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The Russian Empire is sympathetic to Faraway's concerns, but the reality is that this entire body has done very little to solve any crisis lately. This is a shortcoming of the permanent Security Council members, not the elected regional representatives. It would be unfair to blame the American Commonwealth for this organization's lack of direction.

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  • 7 months later...

Communique to the UNSC


Although it has been some time since the incident, the Japanese empire would like to request the Nuclear Non-Proliferation regime to investigate the nuclear capability of the Draka Dominion and to ensure that Draka posesses no nuclear weaponry, in line with the terms of the Non-Proliferation treaty. The utilisation of nuclear weapons by draka against the Cape in the past constitutes a clear violation of the treaty and it is in our opinion clear that the Draka Dominion has to be investigated to prevent future nuclear rogue actions by this state, which has shown quite xenophobic and seclusive steps that are a barrier to transparency and make investigation necessary.


The Non-Proliferation Treaty is in our opinion one of the last functional and necessary institutions of this organisation and violations of this treaty are detrimental to the security of  non-nuclear states like the Japanese Empire, which have opted to not establish an arsenal of these most devastating weapons for mass eradication of also civilian targets, trusting the NPT regime to actually make sure that no nuclear weaponry is held outside of legacy powers and that legacy powers steadily reduce their stockpiles.


In this instance we of course do not fail to adress the Japanese nuclear arsenal of captured American Commonwealth stockpiles, however, we are more than willing to allow monitoring of its planned disposal, as we are aware of our responsibilities and have no intention to become an actual nuclear power as long as we can trust in the nuclear disarmament and non-proliferation regime. We have already drawn up a plan to dispose of the captured warheads within the coming years and secure the technology from falling into irresponsible hands.


With regards,

Nakamichi Minoru, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Japan

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After the nuclear attack on the Cape, the Dominion of Draka submitted to all U.N investigations and inquiries. As requested, we ceased our nuclear development and destroyed all facilities related to nuclear weapons development. In our opinion, this issue has been settled.

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While the civil war was ongoing the Military Republic had made sure to maintain a group of diplomats at the UN.


"The Athenian Federation understands the Japanese position, while we are not at this point capable of dedicating the resources needed to run additional inspections within Draka we do support our fellow Security Council members in doing so"

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After the nuclear attack on the Cape, the Dominion of Draka submitted to all U.N investigations and inquiries. As requested, we ceased our nuclear development and destroyed all facilities related to nuclear weapons development. In our opinion, this issue has been settled.


"Draka has been silent for a long time, your nation isolated from the rest of the world. We trust that you remain in compliance with the UNSC resolution, but the world needs this verified. Would Draka be allow a group of international investigators into the country.?"

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