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Are you fellows sure you really want to do this? NpO has some fiercesome friends at MHA. Not to forget Sparta!


I think BF1 doesn't need to worry about MHA or Sparta, after all, unlike NSO, Polaris doesn't need to activate treaties to deal with small alliances. 

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It really is cute how much of a try hard you are. "I am the Almighty Maggot, fear me for I have done much in CN like fucking over the alliance I am in charge of." Last I checked there are still other nations, you cry over one nation, boo fucking hoo. There are ten of us, with open slots. What is taking so long?


Polaris could simply be ignoring your rather insignificant rogue alliance.  Maybe you guys should make a bigger impression?

Edited by MitchellBade
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I think BF1 doesn't need to worry about MHA or Sparta, after all, unlike NSO, Polaris doesn't need to activate treaties to deal with small alliances. 

I sincerely doubt they were worried about MHA or Sparta, or any of Polar's patheic allies for that matter.

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That's not what I hear going around!


I'm sorry to inform you, but I don't care about what you hear. 



I sincerely doubt they were worried about MHA or Sparta, or any of Polar's patheic allies for that matter.


Yeah one of the pathetic allies of Polaris is The Legion, I'm sure NSO remember them. 

Edited by D34th
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lmfao, you forgot it's that time of the month  bloodfury     most take a pill for the cramps and such.

My first thought when I read this was that it really gives a new meaning to the term "bloodfury".


(Go BF1, etc.)

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So you freely admit that NpO doesn't have a single ally worth a damn?


Only if you admit that NSO is even worse than Polaris allies, after all you lost a 3x1 war against one of them.

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Only if you admit that NSO is even worse than Polaris allies, after all you lost a 3x1 war against one of them.

It was essentially a 1v1. While Tetris fought, they were too small to make much of a difference. Every other alliance in the coalition barely fought. IAA, out of dozens and dozens of nations, had only five or so active wars at one point (and from three nations). NSO and Tetris were the only alliances that actually used the majority of its strength in that conflict. Despite having more than twice our numbers, Legion still couldn't win and needed financial aid from Polar due to a lack of war chests.


Thank you for revisiting this old conflict though. How exactly is it supposed to make Polar's allies look less worse?

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It was essentially a 1v1. While Tetris fought, they were too small to make much of a difference. Every other alliance in the coalition barely fought. IAA, out of dozens and dozens of nations, had only five or so active wars at one point (and from three nations). NSO and Tetris were the only alliances that actually used the majority of its strength in that conflict. Despite having more than twice our numbers, Legion still couldn't win and needed financial aid from Polar due to a lack of war chests.


Thank you for revisiting this old conflict though. How exactly is it supposed to make Polar's allies look less worse?


Legion couldn't win? Needed Polaris aid? I see your memory isn't what it used to be RV...

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Um.... have you seen their treaty list?  


Also, why are you asking him?  He's not NpO....

Legion, Invicta, UPN, Fark, NPL.... Yes, not a single alliance worth a damn. Thank you for confirming me. NpO has come a long way since Sponge. A shame really. I used to quite like that alliance.

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Legion couldn't win? Needed Polaris aid? I see your memory isn't what it used to be RV...

Considering almost any other alliance would've gotten reps in that situation and Legion could not force that, yeah, they didn't really win.

Also, Legion got aidbombed. And couldn't properly deal with a war that was very heavily in their favor due to the incompetence/inactivity of alliances not named NSO. Edited by Neo Uruk
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Legion, Invicta, UPN, Fark, NPL.... Yes, not a single alliance worth a damn. Thank you for confirming me. NpO has come a long way since Sponge. A shame really. I used to quite like that alliance.

Yes, I absolutely implied they are all worth a damn.  Not to mention Sparta, RIA, CoJ,, etc ,etc...oh and XX also, they are essentially worthless.   :psyduck:



Kids, let rv here be a lesson to you.



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Yes, I absolutely implied they are all worth a damn.  Not to mention Sparta, RIA, CoJ,, etc ,etc...oh and XX also, they are essentially worthless.   :psyduck:
Kids, let rv here be a lesson to you.

RIA would be the only worthy alliance there. And they can't handle everyone by themselves.

Also, the comment on Polar not needing allies is hilarious due to what everyone's already heard.
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RIA would be the only worthy alliance there. And they can't handle everyone by themselves.

Also, the comment on Polar not needing allies is hilarious due to what everyone's already heard.

I'm quite certain a lot of those alliances would disagree with you.  In fact all of them?  Seriously, bf1 has 10 nations with 44 active wars, 4 of which are not Polar nations.  The max they can possibly have is 60.  I highly doubt NpO will need help unless they go after the nations filling in the war slots.  

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I'm quite certain a lot of those alliances would disagree with you.  In fact all of them?  Seriously, bf1 has 10 nations with 44 active wars, 4 of which are not Polar nations.  The max they can possibly have is 60.  I highly doubt NpO will need help unless they go after the nations filling in the war slots.

Someone hasn't heard of DefCon 4 yet!
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Also, Legion got aidbombed. And couldn't properly deal with a war that was very heavily in their favor due to the incompetence/inactivity of alliances not named NSO.

Your memory seems to fail you when it comes to the reason why Legion was aidbombed.

This ought to help your memory
In addition to this Asgaard and RoK were aiding as well.

And these stats are particularly interesting don't you think?
Pre-War NS (for NS lost)
Legion 6286416
Tetris 1060161
BTA 732659
IAA 1740229
NSO 2710425
NsO 712053

Source: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AvhBDJVbPEMSdDJIY1E0U1lwZ2s5NVlXU1pjQ0JBc0E&hl=en_US#gid=0
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Someone hasn't heard of DefCon 4 yet!

  • DEFCON 4 - Normal military readiness, increased intelligence and strengthened security measures. (+1 happiness, +10% initial soldier cost, 81% soldier efficiency, tank, navy, aircraft strength in battle)

Ah thank you, I hadn't.  Of course you know I've never been in a war in my 6 years here now.  I bribed CJ for my casualties that magically appeared moments after a meeting with rv.    

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Your memory seems to fail you when it comes to the reason why Legion was aidbombed.

This ought to help your memory
In addition to this Asgaard and RoK were aiding as well.

And these stats are particularly interesting don't you think?
Pre-War NS (for NS lost)
Legion 6286416
Tetris 1060161
BTA 732659
IAA 1740229
NSO 2710425
NsO 712053

Source: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AvhBDJVbPEMSdDJIY1E0U1lwZ2s5NVlXU1pjQ0JBc0E&hl=en_US#gid=0

Not sure what you're looking to prove with that document. I skimmed the overall comparisons and common war stats pages and all it showed was that Legion was a clear favorite in that war, especially when you consider the very little lifting 3/5 of the alliances on Tetris's side did.

Also, TLR aiding IAA (who didn't really fight all that much in the end) caused Legion to be aided? I'm not sure how that defeats the argument that Legion couldn't get it done by itself, unless you're just looking for an excuse.
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