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Colonial CNRP: Initial Map Claims

Tom Marvolo Riddle

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We could send land based caravans to southern nations.

I know siberia got colonised by land from Russia and the American settlers went westwards by land. But I never heard how someone managed to hold onto a piece of land that is only reachable by sea half of the year and the other half you have to go through lands that are controlled by steppe nomads and multiple countries that may not be all too happy if you send garrison troops or supplies through their territory.

I didn't realize the rp would die without you. You claim the map claims are based on fairness and equality but the rules for claiming territory are based on an unfair system which is built solely to adhere to the needs of a small minority. You have corrupted your own rp and broken its rules before it even got started.

I agree with this post and therefor quoted it.

Dude yes but no. See, I dont agree witht he land thing because we have like 7 people who have joined. Some of whicha re lower tier. Like me, I owuld be able to barely claim Rhode Island or Vermont as my country if you go off land in CN, If you multiplied it by 10, I could not even claim Texas.

In the end, you will always be the weaker nation, regardless of how you set up rules, as long as it is based on CN. Unless you base it off some BS rules like you just did, which base land claims on your own nation size. you know, the key to not getting attacked is not so much to hold large swaths of land for no apparant reason, but to not make the general community dislike you or think that you got megalomania. Your nation is small, live with it, it will serve you well to understand that.


So here are some ideas for military regulation:

  • Soldier count cannot be greater than 15% of population
  • Cavalry count cannot be greater than 5% of population
  • Cannon/artillery count cannot be greater than 5% of soldier count
  • You may have as many ships as your nation and military manpower can afford (a ship of the line may carry close to 850 men)

I'd restrict artillery amounts further. If I use an ingame population of 30,000, I'd get 1,500 cannons. A bit much for the time.


Also, for ships, one could just use a rule, that those are limited to reasonable amounts, but all crews are subtracted from infantry and all cannons from artillery. Then 1,500 would not be as much anymore, just enough to fit like a small flotilla and the artillery for an army.


Honestly, even if you were to put it back, I have no idea how you expect to defend that territory. Same with Tom Riddle's Florida. There is no Suez Canal and no Panama Canal. If your Vietnam is attacked, it would take months just for the news to reach your homeland.  And many more months for you to send an army to defend. Following the population rules set forth in this thread, your population is only 4 million. That is barely enough for your territory in Europe, nevermind for a colony in Vietnam as well.


If it were up to me, I would drop all non-RP, pre-claimed protectorates. That is the whole point of this RP right? To colonize?

I'd agree with that.

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I just realized TBM is in Kentucky.  It looks kind of strange and weird but I will acknowledge he was there first so I was wondering if I could give up the states of Missouri, Illinois, Iowa, Minnesota and Wisconsin and get the British Isles and the Azores instead and a rename my nation as Great Britain.  Sorry for making extra work.  Also, any chance we could use this map, the one we were using before lynneth left, for normal cnrp again?  I like it better since its more detailed looking and what not.


On another note I'm gonna throw my two cents in here.  I wasn't aware that we were forming a colonial rp for the benefit of one or two people.  I thought it was to have an rp that is somewhat different from the traditional cnrp.  Also, screw protectorates here.  Let the unoccupied areas be the unknown unexplored world of wilderness and wonder.  Better than having the entire world claimed by everyone.  Every territory shouldn't be claimed and developed.  Its what I intend to do with the Americas.  Have the east coast more developed while the further west you go the less developed it gets until you hit the wilderness.  Then BAM.... Manifest destiny...


Also in regards to tech and soldiers and what not.  I feel at this point there should be no real tech limitations since the world is all screwed up in terms of the placement of nations.  For example, Triyun is still in China and he has the most tech out of anyone in this colonial rp thing.  But during the colonial era the chinese didn't exactly have the more advanced armaments like the Europeans did during the real life colonial era, and I don't think one should be forced to accept tech limitations based on their geographic location.  Maybe have a limit to like 1821 or something in terms of tech available.


As far as multipliers I suppose we could with something like a x2 multiplier for troops and lower ones for other types of military assets like cannons and cavalry.  Using what we've got going in cnrp probably wouldn't work cause thats just too many troops.  I still feel that naval vessels should be tied into what you have ig using just total available amounts of ships and a multiplier based on ratings.  Like x1 for top rate ship of the lines with some increasing multiplier for smaller ships.  There should be a minimum level of ships available to nations without any ig ships, things like schooners and brigs and what not.  I suppose I'm gonna have to brush up on old naval designs and battle tactics again for this rp.

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ericcarlson. DO NOT BE TAKING THE CLAIMS FROM THIS! I will be sending them to you individually as I will determine whether or not someone claimed to much land, are joking or I straight up think they dont belong.
Thugnationleaders claim of Greenland and the three Canadian Territorys is DENIED and is to be removed IMMEDIATELLY.


How is that fair. My land claim is smaller than yours. Your being a silly gm. Give me green land and nunavut.
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Hey guys, the First Official  RP of CNRPCRP will be posted tommorow in the Fantasy RP. It will be a introduction, after I post the finalized rules for it.


And Isotope, you have NO executive or descision making position in this RP. Understood? Me and ericcarlson are running it, not you.

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It is up to us rpers to decide who runs it and what rules we want. If we decide we don't like you and your rules they go. All we have to do is ignore your attempts of authority if we don't like it.

This is MY RP. If you guys want to make something to sompete with it go right ahead, but you will not TAKE my RP. Go ahead, compete with me, but DO NOT take something I made away from me.

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This is MY RP. If you guys want to make something to sompete with it go right ahead, but you will not TAKE my RP. Go ahead, compete with me, but DO NOT take something I made away from me.


Ah. Well pardon me Your Majesty. (that was sarcasm by the way)


I had no idea that you essentially wanted an RP run entirely on the basis of terms that you dictate with no input or suggestions from anyone else, and that no one has the right to question or provide other suggestions or to even question whatever decision making process that you and ericcarlson use.


At the start of this discussion, you spoke of 'fairness' regarding map claims, yet admitted that the claim system was designed for the sole purpose of affording you an advantage against everyone else. When a less arbitrary method was suggested, i.e. to use SoI to determine claims rather than the 'You can't claim this because I say so!', there appeared to be quite a bit of agreement in that regard. With that agreement in mind, Isotope took the initiative of updating the map.


Now, surprisingly, you have accepted the SoI argument as a basis for rejecting new claims, yet are now conveniently insisting that all [b]new[/b] claims must comply with the SoI, yet all previous claims are fine. And that just so happens to include your claim which is about as far beyond your SoI as building an Aircraft Carrier is for Kiribati. Yet you are to be the unquestioned arbiter of this entire RP?


If there is to be any shred of fairness and equality in terms of map claims, then [b]all[/b] claims must either abide by the SoI or not be restricted by it. (I'm still looking forward to seeing a fully detailed list of the rules to be used for this RP, unless of course those rules simply boil down to 'Do as I tell you or get out!')

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your a tard. dude. your jokes. i claimed greenland and nunavut. thats less land than you claimed. i changed the claim like three pages ago. shows how much you know about your own rp.

Your not allowed int his RP. I have determine dthis because your nation name is non-existent and so is your ruler name, so yeah, your not a part of this.

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