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Why the Doom and Gloom?


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[quote name='Ernesto Che Guevara' timestamp='1346798964' post='3027893']
You're totally raging. For somebody with a signature like you've got, you'd think you would have a thicker skin. The fact that you're losing your grasp of the English language and posting in caps (along with swearing) makes me believe that you, sir, are positively enraged at the idea that somebody would like posters like you to leave the game. You know, people who harass others (as you did when you were in GOONS) and make them want to leave the game.

Read for context, darling. It'll help you in the long run. Get that right and maybe you'll be able to graduate 8th grade.

Like totally man, how about you make me leave?

Scratch that, I just checked your 1999 day old nation with 1.2 million casualties, Laughed then realised you're only 14k NS.

Edited by Hiro Nakara
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[quote name='Yankees Empire' timestamp='1346854559' post='3028015']
Pretty sure Hiro wants the game to be pulled, just so he can say he was right.

I'm pretty sure the game will be pulled at some point with or without me wishing to be right. :rolleyes:

The gigantic crying fest in here would be absolutely delightful to witness though.

Edited by Hiro Nakara
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[quote name='Alex987' timestamp='1345873127' post='3025139']
Well I've been around CN for almost 2 years, haven't really posted on the OWF but I do follow it a bit. The general attitude seems to be a sadness that CN is dying and that it is on an irreversible path of shrinking until it eventually disappears. Random wars, random grudges, random anything. The problem with this way of thinking is that it fosters the same kind of end it laments.

As the population of CN decreases - the impact every individual has increases. Alliances become smaller, so an individual's alliance work and war prowess become more important than just a number on a stat sheet - or at least a number on a smaller stat sheet. What also goes hand-in-hand with this is how the majority of people that delete from CN are inactive, or soon to be due to real life circumstances, etc. These also lead to a more compact community.

The problem is when active people turn into inactive people, due to the depressive way of thinking that CN is dying. This is more a mental trend of low confidence and interest more than anything else. If mindsets change, the community and trends would change, and the voices that speak the most are typically the ones that have the largest impact. But hey, if mindsets don't change, I'll be more individually important, so I suppose it's a win-win lose-lose either way :v:

If I'm misunderstanding anything please feel free to point it out, it seems like there are inherent positives and negatives that come from both sides, and only the negatives are being acknowledged.

People would rather whine and quit than change. If you think you've accomplished all there is to accomplish, you set the bar too low.

My hope is that when the weak are gone the strong will continue to have fun and slowly rebuild the game with like minded people.

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[quote name='Hiro Nakara' timestamp='1346826498' post='3027977']
Like totally man, how about you make me leave?

Scratch that, I just checked your 1999 day old nation with 1.2 million casualties, Laughed then realised you're only 14k NS.

I know, fighting in wars is pretty funny, huh?

I'm sad that you edited your original message. It was a lot more bawwtastic.

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[quote name='Ernesto Che Guevara' timestamp='1346877647' post='3028069']
I know, fighting in wars is pretty funny, huh?

I'm sad that you edited your original message. It was a lot more bawwtastic.

Yea like totally. A bit like your original comment. Like totally. Nothing to add to the discussion? Or has your owner not moved his fingers yet? Must be mighty uncomfortable?

I don't know why i keep asking you to discuss the topic at hand, you obviously have no intent to.

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[quote name='Hiro Nakara' timestamp='1346878700' post='3028070']
Yea like totally. A bit like your original comment. Like totally. Nothing to add to the discussion? Or has your owner not moved his fingers yet? Must be mighty uncomfortable?

I don't know why i keep asking you to discuss the topic at hand, you obviously have no intent to.

I've discussed it several times. Let me spell it out for you:

The [b]game [/b]will get [b]better [/b]when [b]you [/b][i]leave. [/i]Until then, with users like you sucking the life out of it and complaining every opportunity they get, posting pure bouts of idiocy and hopping alliances "for teh lulz", the game will continue to suffer. You and you alone are the reason so many people leave. You are the epitome of what is wrong with today's youth, moronic rantings spewing from your metaphorical mouth (read: fingers) like the liquefied feces of so many old men. You consume and consume, but unlike the common leech you fail even to provide something wholly negative to the world; you're just neutral. You don't contribute anything positive but at the same time are not bad enough for people to give a damn about. I only comment on your stupidity in the hopes that maybe, just maybe you'll take the hint and go play with what meager manhood you have behind the tool shed, something you should have started doing long ago.

This game, and every game like it, suffers the same fate: the young boy. And until these young boys move on or find a new hobby, they will continue to suffer, one at a time, until there is no joy left in the world and us real people are forced to start up another world war with which to toss your meaningless lumps of existence into. The world needs a perpetual meat-grinder to eat through the wastes of beings that you people are, but unfortunately that is frowned upon. So instead we are forced to sit here and read your meaningless babble about how mean people are being to you, how you want them to just stop it, how mean old mommy made you go rake leaves again and dammit that isn't fair.

Why can't you just masturbate like the rest of us?

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[quote name='Ernesto Che Guevara' timestamp='1346882405' post='3028078']
I've discussed it several times. Let me spell it out for you:

The [b]game [/b]will get [b]better [/b]when [b]you [/b][i]leave. [/i]Until then, with users like you sucking the life out of it and complaining every opportunity they get, posting pure bouts of idiocy and hopping alliances "for teh lulz", the game will continue to suffer. You and you alone are the reason so many people leave. You are the epitome of what is wrong with today's youth, moronic rantings spewing from your metaphorical mouth (read: fingers) like the liquefied feces of so many old men. You consume and consume, but unlike the common leech you fail even to provide something wholly negative to the world; you're just neutral. You don't contribute anything positive but at the same time are not bad enough for people to give a damn about. I only comment on your stupidity in the hopes that maybe, just maybe you'll take the hint and go play with what meager manhood you have behind the tool shed, something you should have started doing long ago.

This game, and every game like it, suffers the same fate: the young boy. And until these young boys move on or find a new hobby, they will continue to suffer, one at a time, until there is no joy left in the world and us real people are forced to start up another world war with which to toss your meaningless lumps of existence into. The world needs a perpetual meat-grinder to eat through the wastes of beings that you people are, but unfortunately that is frowned upon. So instead we are forced to sit here and read your meaningless babble about how mean people are being to you, how you want them to just stop it, how mean old mommy made you go rake leaves again and dammit that isn't fair.

Why can't you just masturbate like the rest of us?

Let it flow...................yes......yes I can feel your angst.

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