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Operation Reclamation

Zoot Zoot

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[quote][b]To: The High Commission on France of the Athenian Federation
From: The Office of the Premierminstre de France[/b]

Esteemed High Commissar,

while we still expect an answer to our last message we sent, the French Self-Defense Forces would like to inquire in how far possible combat situations could also involve French territory and citizens and to what degree it is therefor advisable to increase the readiness of our forces. While France, like Athens, does not enjoy the prospect of fighting Germany, it is still a fact that there may exist scenarios involving French forces and assets, just alone as a result of the geostrategic situation and our affiliation with your Federation.

Additionally, we would like to convey our hopes for this issue to be adressed also diplomatically, to ensure that such cases, endangering European peace, do not repeat themselves after this. This whole attack has cost many British and South Americans their lives, for no apparant reason.

With regards,
Manon Lapin[/i]
[b]Premierministre de France[/b][/quote]

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The fleet, still converging found itself under attack again by the German navy. Once again the combined defences of the fleet won out against the german missiles but still, many found their marks striking another cruiser, one more battleship and three destroyers were damaged heavily, the battleship to the point that it was combat ineffective.

A message was broadcast to the Germanic fleet telling them to ceasefire, and asking why they were attacked after they complied with the terms laid down.

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[quote][b]Operation Heavy Defense[/b]


In order to ensure that no surprise attacks would pop up from rogue Umbrella forces the Minister of Defense ordered that strategic locations around Great Britain were to be taken to either return fire from a safe distance or hold a solid position. 100,000 soldiers, half of which were Marines and the other half consisting of Army Rangers or Homeland Defense, who had just returned home would be redeployed to the Outer Hebrides in amphibious-assault-craft which were given an escort by two fleets of blackhawk helicopters which were heavily armed. Small vessels which were armed with anti-aircraft and anti-ship missiles were temporarily being leased by the Navy would also protect the quick moving vehicles as they went to the islands. Once at the Outer Hebrides, 60,000 troops would split off from the original 100,000 and make their way to the Orkney Islands. Once landing in the Orkney Islands, 20,000 would split of from the 60,000 and enter the Shetland Islands.

Heavy Defenses would be mounted on the beaches such as machine gun-nests hidden in the grassy shores, artillery pointing at the coast, and several hidden helicopters ready to launch at a moments notice to go "interact" with enemy landing vessels or Navy. Each island had also brought hardwired communication equipment so that each chain of islands had contact with Dublin at all times - awaiting orders from the King or Minister of Defense and ready to give and receive intel from Strategic Command. German Officials would be told of the actions taken by the military to secure the outer coast. The Irish Air Corps, for the acceptation of the helicopters that flew at low altitudes with the moving troops, would remain in Ireland not to interfere with German aircraft.

8,000 members of Homeland Defense would then enter Scotland as Peace Troops. They would make their way to Edinburgh where food and other goods would be handed out as humanitarian aid. [/quote]

Edited by PresidentDavid
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[quote]Miss d'Orléans,

While I understand your concern there is at this time no serious threat of war between the Athenian and German states however considering the regional situation in general we have decided to allow French mobilization of forces and use of defensive equipment on its borders. Field Commander Picard will be assigned to oversee the mobilization and provide guidance where needed.

Hellenic soldiers in France have been given instructions to participate in similar operations to secure French borders.

Claire Delacour[/quote]

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With the approval of Athens, the FFA positioned itself with 3 divisions at the Western Atlantic Coast of Aquitaine and Poitou-Charendes, 2 divisions in Bretagne, 2 divisions in Normandie, 1 in Pas-de-Calais and the remaining division being left in Paris. The units would just guard the coast, take all stranded soldiers and equipment into custody and make the air defense systems, consisting of SAMP/T anti-air missile systems, BRAMS NG anti-air combined systems and Durandal anti-air gun modules ready, to fire at every aircraft that would enter French airspace and not leave it upon the first and last warning. Additionally the Forces maritime francaises d'autodefense (FMFA) with its 7 remaining Gowind-class corvettes and a few confiscated merchant ships would patrol the French territorial waters and EEZ to take up whatever was left of the Umbrella forces.

All Umbrellan soldiers found this way would be handed over to Athens, equipment would be stored, given that most would be in terrible condition and scrapworthy anyway, but also, because Germany had asked for all equipment to be left behind, a demand that could very well also affect these stocks.

Additionally, a special envoy of her Majesty, together with relief goods would be prepared to help the situation in Great Britain, as there still was the damage the Commonwealth had caused.

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[i][b]The Reich Chancellery[/b][/i]

"So far, our limited military operations in the area have been successful, with Umbrella beginning to withdraw troops.", Chief of the Supreme Command of the Armed Forces Generalfeldmarschall Xecr Nist said as he handed the latest reports to Stahl.

"In addition, there have been some interesting developments. Athens has decided to defend Umbrella south of the Marseilles line. A number of our missile strikes against Umbrella ships have been intercepted in that area. I suspect.."

Stahl cut the Generalfeldmarschall short of his speech and began to speak. "There are some things you'd expect from some people. However, I would have never expected this from Athens. They are supporting a military operation against us, which goes directly against the established treaty. Of course, if they think this position will safe Umbrella, Athens is in for a surprise. Move forward with the Luftwaffe operation. I want all Umbrella troops in Great Britain liquidated. In regards to Athens, I will decide on what to do. At the moment, our relation with them means nothing to me."

[b]Operation: Brimestone[/b]

As soon as the meeting between Stahl and his military officials was over, the Luftwaffe gave the go-ahead to launch operation Brimestone. The entire Luftwaffe bomber force was to be dedicated to the total liquidate of the Umbrella landing force. From air fields around Greater Germany, every single bomber, equipped with cluster munitions, FOABs, and MOABS, and some of the Reich's largest non nuclear devices, were thrusted towards the landing and departing zones in Great Britain. As the bombers neared their destinations, they began to commence their carpet bombing operations to wipe out the departing troops. The Luftwaffe's bomber force committed wave after wave with strikes occurring every ten minutes. The bombers were to conduct this kind of attack for six hours straight. The goal was simple. Wipe out the Umbrella Army, and cripple the nation's military projection capabilities.

From Northern Ireland, Anti-ship ballisic missiles began to rain down on the landing troops picking up withdrawing troops or leaving the area. Ten missiles were to be launched in intervals every five minutes to ensure complete destruction. Lu-71 Sixth Generation Multi-Role Fighters, equipped with stand off munitions, were hurled into the attack as well. Their missiles were launched at docked landing ships, and in some cases, they harassed withdrawing troops with bombing runs, using one thousand pound guided munitions.

In order to avoid any unecessary provocations, forces were ordered not to attack anything below the Marseilles line, although with the ferocity of the Luftwaffe, it was highly doubed that anything would make it that far.

The Kriegsmarine Carrier Strike Groups, that were positioned on all sides of Britain, were ordered to form lines behind the departing Umbrella Transports. If the transports attempted to push through, the Groups were ordered to open fire. This would ensure their complete death. They now had no where to hide or run from. The gates had closed.

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[quote name='Malatose' timestamp='1344002286' post='3018116']

The Army was lost on the ground and sea, but the combat fleet, still scattered South of the Marseilles line began regrouping. The shipping in the English Channel was lost. The Alpha Carrier Battlegroup was all but sunk or wrecked. Its sailors burning in the oil slicked sea. On the mainland, forces fought back against the german air and missile attacks with what they had left to little or no effect. Abandoning their vehicles, they scattered into the hills and forests of Britain. In Scotland,tens of thousands took shelter in the mountains.

[quote][b]Public Announcement[/b]

The Imperial Commonwealth of Umbrella recognises a state of war between itself, and the German State. After complying with the German terms of withdrawal and ceasefire, German forces launched a massive attack this morning against Imperial Forces whilst they were removing themselves from Britain, killing tens of thousands.

The Army of Britain is defeated and scattered, and will continue to fight against British and German forces whilst they are trapped on the Isles until they are given safe passage home as laid down in the German terms. We demand that Germany honour the terms they laid down and allow what survives of the Imperial Army to leave unmolested.

We urge our allies to back our plea for Germany to uphold its terms and honour them for they are as you read this, committing an act of murder on a massive scale.

If the attacks do not cease on the hour, the Imperium will declare a state of total war against Germany.[/quote]

Edited by Zoot Zoot
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The day the Imperium stepped foot in Britain, a state of war existed. We are simply recognizing the formality. As such, we have proved our point that you are nothing but a peon compared to Germany. Umbrella troops will be allowed to withdraw. We suggest you do so quickly.

Edited by Malatose
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[b]British Theatre[/b]

Now that Germany had ceased its murderous actions, the forces that were left had to begin disembarking the Britain into whatever transports remained. It would still take a substantial amount of time to fully withdraw, especially after German forces sunk many ships and scattered the Army, but it would be done eventually.

[b]Response to Germany[/b]

If we are a peon compared to Germany, then Germany should of not felt the need to murder tens of thousands of soldiers that were trying to coply with German terms of withdrawal to start with. Your actions have delayed withdrawing fully until more ships can be made available to replace the ones sunk. We will do it as fast as we can, with what you saw fit to not destroy.

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"Umbrella shouldnt have been in Britain in the first place. The fact that they are now complaining that their stuff got messed up after threatining to raze an entire nation in response to them defending their home land is the equivillent of a bully complaining about getting beat up by a bigger kid for messing with the kids little brother. Being a protectorate and in the German SoI the Umbrealla government should have known better." A Charlotte political analyst commented in response to the Umbrella tomfoolery.

Edited by Isaac MatthewII
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[quote name='Isaac MatthewII' timestamp='1344013228' post='3018159']
"Umbrella shouldn't have been in Britain in the first place. The fact that they are now complaining that their stuff got messed up after threatening to raze an entire nation in response to them defending their home land is the equivalent of a bully complaining about getting beat up by a bigger kid for messing with the kid's little brother. Being a protectorate and in the German SoI the Umbrealla government should have known better." A Charlotte political analyst commented in response to the Umbrella tomfoolery.
"Their 'stuff getting messed up' was tens of thousands of Umbrellans slaughtered as they attempted to honour their agreement with Germany. Umbrella's actions in invading Britain cannot be defended, but there is no way to justify Germany's despicable deception, the destruction of countless lives simply to prove a point of superiority. That Germany feels the need to kill tens of thousands of retreating soldiers, in compliance with the very terms Germany set out and then flagrantly violated, all to prove that Umbrella is 'nothing but a peon' is nothing short of the mark of a sociopath and a coward."

Edited by dotCom
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[quote name='dotCom' timestamp='1344021319' post='3018191']
"Their 'stuff getting messed up' was tens of thousands of Umbrellans slaughtered as they attempted to honour their agreement with Germany. Umbrella's actions in invading Britain cannot be defended, but there is no way to justify Germany's despicable deception, the destruction of countless lives simply to prove a point of superiority. That Germany feels the need to kill tens of thousands of retreating soldiers, in compliance with the very terms Germany set out and then flagrantly violated, all to prove that Umbrella is 'nothing but a peon' is nothing short of the mark of a sociopath and a coward."
"Maybe I wasn't clear, I apologize if I gave off the impression that there is an excuse for the loss of human life. It is the policy of the Republic that there is no excuse for war except in self defense. The Umbrella empire however brought this on their people, their people did not bring it on them selves. I was simply pointing out the foolishness of those in power. The troops them selves and any collateral damage however did not deserve their fates as they were following orders. Our condolences go out to the families of those lost in this war of course."

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The Albion military had tried to keep up with events, but the outdated infrastructure combined with the large scale destruction in three separate "invasions" (Ireland, Umbrella, Germany) had made them horribly backwards. What they could figure out was the intervention of Germany had saved them. While there was the option of massacring the large numbers of helpless Umbrella troops for their invasion, Albion took the higher road, and tended to the wounded. A message was set out using the radio waves.

"The Nation of Albion, as was said last time, wishes to work for peace. The fighting has now died down, and Albion will not take arms against those who no longer harm us. The now have a debt to our protectors, and we shall do what we can to repay it. We wish well for all."

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"While Germany's actions after issuing an ultimatum are rather drastic, the larger geopolitical consequences of the Imperial Umbrella's invasion of Britain did come at a surprise to many, including our own state, and their questionable intentions on the matter were rather blunt and forward, and unnecessary. We can only express regret over the lives lost as an account of these actions, lives from both sides, of course, as well as the diplomatic implications of these actions on the Atlantic Sphere.

We hope that this incident does not solidify negative relations between our continent's sphere and the rest of the world on account of these actions and the regretful ending of them. If a venue is required for further peaceful discussion, our own cities are open to negotiation delegations from all involved in this sorrowful incident."

[i]Ignacio de Ardanza[/i]
[b]President of Gran Colombia[/b]

Edited by TheShammySocialist
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[quote][b]Dispatch from the Reich Ministry of European Affairs[/b]

The current disturbance in Northern Europe has left a lot to be desired. The current British government has proven to be beacon of trouble and instability in the Northern Hemisphere, where foreign powers feel they can traverse anytime. Therefore, the Greater Germanic Reich has decided to take upon itself the task of restoring peace, order, and security in Great Britain.

After recent actions, we feel that the current government has proven to be inadequate and unfit to rule. Therefore, we issue the following order:

The government of Great Britian/Albion has forty eight hours to leave the country.

The time-limit starts now.[/quote]

In the harbors and various sites around Great Britain, an ironic situation was taking place. As the Umbrella troops departed the beaches, German transports unloaded thousands of troops and vehicles into the nation. Some German troops cracked jokes at the bewildered Umbrella troops, laughing and pointing. Others troops didn't even recognize their presense, believing the Umbrella troops to be beneath their level. In the end, a total of twenty thousand troops were to be landed in Great Britain; while, another additional five thousand began to enter the nation from Germany's Northern Ireland military base. The main sites to be captured was the capture and various other major cities in Britain.

The previous war had left roads and other important transportation links damaged; therefore, making overall movement a hassle in some areas. However, the troops would reach their positions in a timely matter. To avoid some areas, the Luftwaffe resorted to dropping Fallschirmjäger. A total of ten thousand Fallschirmjäger were dispatched to Great Britain to surround the capital and various other sites.

There was little to no resistance, as the British had little to no military, and it was highly doubted that they would risk another conflict. In the end, German troops would disburse throughout the nation, to restore peace and security.

Edited by Malatose
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"We can respect the position Germany held in regards to preventing the colonial ambitions of Umbrella. Although we would question the force used as somewhat unnecessary, but we would have likely done the same in your circumstances. It is our hope that this situation is forgotten soon enough and order is once more established by the Reich in the isles of Great Britain."

-President Francisco Bourbon

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[quote]It is quite obvious that the Republic of the United Carolinas are uninformed about the situation. Great Britain has always been Germanic lands, since the departure of Jane II. We took it upon ourselves to grant the nation indepedence, citing past glories and triumphs. However, the current government has fell below our expectations and has caused more bad than good in the region.

If another government request a chance, we'd most certainly grant it to them. Until then, the Albion government must depart.

Reich Minister of European Affairs
Ardus Kaine[/quote]

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[quote name='Isaac MatthewII' timestamp='1344061494' post='3018396']
The president thought 'One time I hope there will be a great European power that will maintain basic decency.' "Well, this is interesting, it seems the Germans were in the interest of expanding their own empire back to Britain as the Umbrella Empire."

So Athens, Slavorussia, and Germany all have no decency or all aren't great powers?

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[b]To[/b]: Reich Minister of European Affairs, Ardus Kaine
[b]From[/b]: Flann Sinna, Citizen of the Island of Mull

Herr Kaine,

On the behalf of the people of Mull, and her associated Islands, I would like to request your permission in declaring independence from the rest of Britain. We had a pleasurable existence with past national governments, but now it seems those glory days are at an end. For weak and non-native Governments (excluding yours) have claimed to rule over the land of Britain. We now believe it is of better interest, to the people of Mull, if independence was declared.

[i]Flann Sianna[/i]

Edited by Chancellor Patrick
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