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Working on getting something together. Here's what I have so far.

65.555 Ma. - An enigmatic, extremely long lasting space faring Race stumbles across a modest life bearing terrestrial world via unmanned probes. Dubbing the planet an incomprehensible, long forgotten name, one of the Race's more meager observation vessels is placed in permanent orbit around the planet to further observe the developing world's progress, document its exotic flora and fauna, as well as serve as a beacon for potential 'manned forays' unto the planet itself. Care is taken by the race to ensure that their efforts at observation did not affect the subject planet. Geological as well as extraterrestrial cataclysmic events were merely watched with the cold, uncaring eyes of sensors of the 10 km in diameter vessel.

65.552 Ma. - Predicting that the dominant species' on the planet had reached their evolutionary apex and noting no inclinations of sentience in sight, the order is given for the planet to be consolidated and terraformed into a potential colony world of the Race. The first of several 'manned' vessels leave the Race's home systems, inbound towards the orbital observation vessel.

65.551 Ma. - A terrible, incomprehensible war is started by Xenu, the self-styled Dictator of the fledgling, primitive, but powerful 'Galactic Confederacy'. The war would last millions of years, culminating in innumerable battles, destroyed planets and galaxy wide extinction events. Xenu would ultimately fail in his plot for domination, but would succeed in effectively ending all sufficiently advanced life for millions of years to come, including that of the Race.

65.501 Ma. - Lost in the cacophony of war, the first of several picket vessels of the Race reach the observation vessel. Unaware of the terrible fate to befall their civilization, the scientists, surveyors, and colonists of the Race first sent a thousand years prior begin planetfall, establishing tiny enclaves from which they would await reinforcements. These soon to be last surviving members of the Race have not received word of the fate of the galaxy at large, and are thus unprepared for the fleet sent by Xenu and onslaught it would unleash.

65.500001 Ma. - The Xenian warfleet breaks into orbit around the terrestrial planet. Queries and overtures by the Race to the Xenians are met with weapons fire. The Observation vessel, while the least of its kind and hopelessly outnumbered, still possessed the advanced technology of the Race and began returning fire with the meager weapons it had installed. Many Xenian vessels are destroyed, with the wreckage headed tragically towards the surface of the treasured planet beneath them.

65.500001 Ma. + 1 day - The last Xenian vessel succeeds in mortally wounding the observation vessel, which was forced to continue orbiting the planet until it could facilitate the extraction of those who belonged to the Race still present on its surface. Unable to escape or prevent its own destruction, the vessel terminates the last Xenian ship in its death throes before it begins its long spiral towards the planet.

65.5 Ma. - The observation vessel breaks up in orbit, with the largest piece falling in what would later be dubbed the Chicxulub Crater by the planet's eventual inhabitants. What is now known as the K-Pg extinction event wipes out most what is presently called 'dinosaurs'. Surviving members of the Race exist only in tiny, isolated pockets on the surface of the battered planet Earth.

65.5 Ma. - Cenozoic Era begins.

65.5 Ma. - 0 B.C. - Life continues on its present course, with many members of the Race still on the planet committing themselves to fate and dieing. Fewer still remain on the planet and subtly influence the course of the dominant species on Earth, Homo Sapien, into what it would become, in secret. With many survivors choosing to die over the Millenia, a sole individual would put in motion a series of events that would shape humanity into what it would become.

0 B.C - 2033 A.D. - Life on Earth progresses as normal.

2033 A.D. - A non-descript nation-state of pan-racial composition creates a motion to move into space. A member of a continental economic, social and military pact, construction begins on three vessels destined to hold each 10,000 individuals held in primitive sleep along with materials to create sustainable living on another planet in relative comfort. The technology is advanced for its time, but still primitive compared to the later Flonyardian exodus.

2059 A.D. - The three vessels are launched at 15% light speed, with provisions for automated systems to take them to the nearby Alpha Centauri star system, dropping beacons in regulated intervals to aid in establishing communications with Earth. The plan would involve the three vessels making a co-ordinated landing on the habitable planet Chiron.

2078 A.D. - A failure in the lead vessel's navigation systems develops. The host state on Earth is forced to assume a total loss of the mission. The immense financial loss and crippling political pressure doom the ambitious state into the halls of forgotten antiquity.

2129 A.D. - Crew members are awoken aboard the colonization vessels to see that they have mistakenly traveled over 40 years longer than planned in the wrong direction. Arriving in the Epsilon Eridani system, the vessels can do nothing as failures compound and separate the helpless carriers to their fates. Awakened crews have no idea where they are or where Earth is thanks to the navigation failures. They are unaware that although many systems were affected by the failure in 2078, the automated beacon deployment system was not. A derelict, inactive path of beacons exist across space towards Epsilon Eridani.

2132 A.D. - The agriculture ship 'Serpentine' crash lands on the planet Kadesh, an ocean world by most accounts with dense jungle growths on existing landmasses and over 80% of the surface being covered in 'water'. It founds the colony along with the science vessel 'Aeon', which managed a relatively soft landing. 6,000 die aboard the Serpentine, with survivors being folded into the Aeon's ranks.

2135 A.D. - The remaining space-borne vessel, the 'Audacious', suffers from years of drifting at sub-light speeds. A larger portion of colonists are roused from cold sleep due to the necessity of making repairs to the ship by cannibalizing the relative abundance of heavy machinery and mining equipment. Existence aboard the 'Audacious' is grueling, with operators forced to place the large vessel in martial law. A strict, draconian temporary government is formed in order to maintain control of the fearful populace aboard the stricken vessel.

2139 A.D. - With resources coming close to dangerously low levels, the Audacious is forced to land on a less than hospitable world - Sheol. A planet made of granite plateaus, mountainous terrain and dangerous tectonic instability in others, it is both a bane and boon to the survivors of the landing. These humans go on to start a colony as well as begin the mining operations their vessel was originally intended for. A majority of human infrastructure on the world would be forced underground in granite dwellings. Forced population programs take effect.

2143 A.D. - Several ecological and genetic tests are self-conducted by the colonists of Kadesh. It is discovered that over 60% of the population aboard the original agriculture ship Serpentine had a mutation leading to psionic potential. Currently dormant, it was projected to potentially manifest in only a few generations. To compound the finding, it was revealed that a large portion of infants were being stillborn or birthed with severe genetic defects - at least in those that maintained close proximity to 'slash and burned'
population centers carved out of the exotic jungles. Indeed, it was the jungles themselves that offered protection from the imbalances in the Kadeshi atmosphere. Human populations are forced to move out of cleared areas into the jungles themselves.

2212 A.D. - The Kadeshi people begin to adjust to life within the 'Gardens of Kadesh'. While much of the flora is incompatible for human digestion outright, the exotic plantlife is found to be a veritable treasure trove of pharmaceutical properties. Colonists are able to curb much of the genetic issues faced early on in colonial development, with the psionic genetic markers shifting over to female chromosomes. The result is that psionic potential becomes in almost all cases a purely female trait - still to be developed.

2241 A.D. - The inhabitants of Sheol flourish underground in the more geologically stable regions of the planet. Mining, manufacturing and other heavy industries develop at a rapid pace. Human habitations stretch several kilometers beneath the surface and are ruled solely by a ruling body that takes traits from both a rigid military caste and semi-religious fanaticism. Sheolites take great pride in being the survivors they have shown themselves to be, thriving despite the harsh conditions of both seeding and ruling Sheol.

2245 A.D. - Two events happen that would simultaneously change the course of events in the sleepy Epsilon Eridani system forever - The Kadeshi develop the first sub-light drives in the system and begin a dedicated survey of their own planet. The Sheolites make first contact with a hostile sentient race beneath the surface of their planet.

Thermal signatures indicating several million waterborne organisms floating in large 'flocks' are detected by the Kadesh. Furthermore, it is revealed that Kadeshi oceans are not entirely made up of water - thin layers of a semi-translucent substance previously unknown to man is detected by orbital surveyors, often in close proximity to these 'jelly-fish' beings.

On Sheol, humanity runs into a grotesque race it dubs the Squats. Roughly humanoid in shape, omnivorous and aggressive, first contact is made with violence and attacks on human settlements with weapons approximating those of industrial capability. Species wide war is declared, and much of the Sheolite mining and heavy industry still close enough to the surface to be safe is retooled for war. Tragically, humanity proves it is still more than capable of violence, turning the tide in only a few years time. Squats are demonized in Sheolite culture, despite the fact that they attacked after human expansion underground breached the Squat ecosystem in cavernous hive dwellings beneath Sheol.

2248 A.D. - Initial attempts at making contact with the jellies by the Kadeshi colonists are met with disappointment. The creatures are waved away as being nothing but non-sentient shoaling sea creatures. The strange liquid is taken back to human settlements for study and is discovered to have remarkable properties. Dubbed electrafluid, the liquid was found to provide a host of nutrients and life-extension prerequisites necessary to keep a human brain alive. Theoretically, a detached brain could survive indefinitely with a constant supply of the bluish liquid. In addition, it was discovered that if two individuals placed body parts into the same body of fluid, the liquid would connect both individuals neural systems together, allowing them to feel each others thoughts and communicate. Dubbed a neural bus fluid, this discovery had shocking implications for both human and jelly interaction.

2251 A.D. - More than a hundred years have passed since Sheol was claimed by humanity. The Subterranean Wars - brutal, bloody close quarters fights in cavernous caves, human subterranean dwellings and Squat hives reaches a turning point. Humanity begins systematically wiping out the sole indigenous species on Sheol after an aggressive shift in tactics and mandatory conscription of all males as they come of age. Females in Sheolite society are entrusted with industrial, agricultural and combat support roles driving the war machines and transports necessary to bring warriors to battle. Humanity crushes the 'demons from hell' with power armored infantry, brutal hand-to-hand fighting, and repurposed heavy vehicles geared for war. Millions are dead from both sides of the conflict, and sheltered human settlements are created on the surface of the planet. Humanity becomes rigid, steeped in tradition and bloodshed, a martial, hard nosed, unsympathetic people.

2252 A.D. - Kadeshi scientists begin the first attempts at human-jelly interaction using the neural bus called Electrafluid. Fears at having a linguistic boundary are quickly quashed as biologist Dr. Ashley Burke becomes the first human to communicate via bus with the race known as the Seraphim. The two beings are linked with a purely neural network - their subconscious intertwined at such an inate level, superficial linguistic communication is unnecessary. The link is a pure two-way connection - the Seraphim experimented with divulged knowledge of its race, culture and thoughts at an instinctive level while being bombarded with Dr. Burke's both professional and personal hopes, insecurities and dreams. It had seemed than humanity had made a friend with the Seraphim, and soon human and jelly thrived upon Kadesh. Both species soon became attached both emotionally and geologically to the planet they shared. Humanity stuck to the lush, verdant, protective jungles the Seraphim had dubbed the 'Gardens of Kadesh', while their companions remained in the Electrafluid oceans.

Kadeshi colonists adopt many of the spirtual traits and mysticism of the Seraphim through repeated mass contact with the creatures. More importantly, the Seraphim introduced a philosophical viewpoint considered unimaginable by human minds, a way of peace and coexistence so advanced that it completely shifted their perception of the universe. It is found that the Seraphim do not advance technologically out of choice - enjoying the infinite possibilities constant mental interaction with every member of their species the Electrafluid provides.

Humanity comes to love the beauty and esoteric peace found upon Kadesh. One can readily conjure images of this relatively new culture living a monk-like, minimalist lifestyle. Knowing that they can never truly become as interconnected as the Seraphim, humanity learns to embrace technology as a potential medium for interconnectivity, much like the Seraphim and Electrafluid. The average Kadeshi is soft-spoken, modest and internally disciplined. These are necessary traits, as humanity begins to mimic Seraphim culture - a population intimate awareness of each other, and the teachings promoting a harmonious existence with all.

The first indications of psionic activity within the ranks of the Kadeshi soon emerge. Individuals with latent psionic powers are treated just as warmly as their undeveloped brethren in the community, but the Seraphim cannot help but note the general feeling of unease within their human companions due to the appearance of these gifted individuals. The collective harmony created by the Kadeshi and Seraphim remains, however, with only this single sour note spoiling the otherwise beautiful relationship.

2257 A.D. - While the Kadeshi began to flourish, taking the teachings of the Seraphim to nearby planets and moons with them, the Sheolites in turn have wrought total dominance over their harsh planet.

A triumphant and proud planet wide state is founded, with a strong military arm dominating much of its dogmatic and harsh culture. Billions of tons of minerals are taken by force from Sheol's fires, and soon human heavy industries on the planet go spaceborne. Immense planetary docks are constructed, from which the first vessels of the Sheolite Armada are developed. The ghosts of the Squats still haunted humanity in hell, and descendants of the colonists on the Audacious are eager to cease living atop the corpse of a destroyed alien civilization.

With both factions establishing a strong foothold in Epsilon Eridani, humanity in the system soon forgets about its ancestors back on Earth. Faster than light travel is still not realized, with high speed sub-orbital drives allowing for trips between planets to take weeks or months instead of years.

2339 A.D. - First contact.

The 'Children of Kadesh' re-establish contact with the Sheolite Dominion. A single unarmed cruiser of the Kadeshi Expeditionary Fleet comes across combat sensory pings of four Sheolite frigates. Thinking nothing of the weapons bristling from the four crimson and black colored warships, the golden Kadeshi ship transmits a simple message: The descendants of two long forgotten colony vessels now call themselves the Children of Kadesh, and invite their brothers and sisters to join them and embrace the teachings of a wise alien culture they have befriended - to share in something beautiful.

Dominion vessels, with the haunting memory of the Squats on their crews' minds and harsh Xenophobia ingrained in their military's culture open fire at once. The Kadeshi vessel is heavily damaged despite taking several blows that would have otherwise destroyed a Dominion ship of similar size. With the Kadeshi owning a significant technological advantage over the Dominion due to part of its heritage with the original Aeon colony ship, the cruiser manages to evade destruction and return to a nearby Kadeshi fleet resupply outpost. News quickly spreads about the Dominion attack, and the Kadeshi leadership castes back on the homeplanet are at pains to determine the next course of action.

Back on Sheol, word spreads about the infestation of fellow human beings by nightmarish Xenos. The ruling party of the Dominion summarily declares war on their neighbours in the system. The Sheolites begin rousing the might of their relatively small empire of a handful of worlds. Mass production of various extra-planetary invasion implements begins with the sole intent of purging the 'Kadeshi Xenophiles' from the system in order to safeguard the human race from continued corruption.

2340 A.D. - The Sheolite Dominion releases a system wide burst transmission from its Central fleet staging and communications hub only a short distance from Sheol. Tartarus station emits an open declaration of war and demands the unconditional surrender of the Kadeshi fleets as well as the location of the Kadeshi homeworld so that occupation by Dominion forces can begin. With no intention of receiving any surrender, the Dominion fleet flies out in force, scanning the system for Kadeshi signals and planets potentially harboring Kadeshi or Xeno-life. It is the largest show of force from the Dominion, with heavy battle tanks, artillery, and armored personnel being deployed from gigantic dreadnoughts, battleships and carriers.

2340 A.D. - Unbeknownst to the Dominion, the Kadesh also have several vessels of their own, although none have been designed with combat in mind. In a panic, the Kadesh resort to hastily converting their otherwise beautiful vessels into warships with advanced laser-based weaponry derived from navigation implements. Golden hulled vessels normally adorned with beautiful, picturesque scenes depicting the Seraphim/Kadesh history become reluctant combat vessels in defense of the homeworld, which lies in the direct path of the Dominion advance. Emissaries are sent further into Kadesh controlled territory to rally colonial assets and prepare them for inevitable conflict.

With every intent to do anything in their power to protect the planet and the vulnerable Seraphim that reside on it, the Kadeshi form 'the Aeon Illuminate' with the intent of opposing Dominion militancy and neutralizing its invasion. The databanks of the preserved Serpentine and Aeon colony ships are scoured for any blueprints, historical data or technology that had been previously overlooked by the peaceful Kadesh. Innovations and concepts that would have otherwise been deemed barbaric, or "uncooperative with the harmonious existence of the Kadeshi Way" are soon turned to as potential saviors.

2344 A.D. - A small picket force of Dominion vessels come across a two-ship Illuminate patrol over the planet Siscerbis I. Dominion frigates deploy from the force in a flanking maneuver while the heavier Dominion cruisers open up with carefully programmed volleys of railgun and hypersonic missile fire. The Aeon battlecruiser 'Jubilant' emits a burst transmission to the Kadeshi homeworld for reinforcements before it is engaged, tragically revealing the planet's location to the Dominion vanguard. The Jubilant then displays its formidable technological prowess by engaging Dominion vessels with powerful beam weapons, as well as mitigating a super majority of the inbound Dominion ordinance with smaller point defense lasers.

Dominion tenacity and sheer willpower soon begin to change the course of the battle, however. Noting that the Illuminate warship was quickly building up heat to prohibitive levels, Dominion forces quickly surmised that the golden vessel would soon be unable to fire unless it extended its heat radiation systems. More and more ordinance was directed at the vessel in an attempt to overheat its weapons. The second golden ship had remained silent during the pitched battle, and was simply disregarded as a noncombatant vessel.

They were wrong. Just as the Jubilant showed signs of being unable to fire, the second Illuminate craft opened up with a savage psionic attack, wiping out the Dominion flanking force of frigates in its emission. The second vessel was revealed to be merely a capsule of Electrafluid, within it several hundred psionically trained warrior Priestesses powering its slow to fire weapon. Before the Dominion cruisers could move to counter this new threat, dozens of capsules were launched from it towards Dominion lines. Several were intercepted by the missile and ballistic based point defenses aboard the Dominion vessels, but several more would survive to crash in devastating explosive detonations, and others succeeding in boarding a number of Dominion warships.

It would be the first time both Dominion and Illuminate humans would be face to face - an a terrible reunion it would be. Each boarding party consisted of a trained psionic Priestess and a cadre of dedicated, fanatically loyal Aeon warriors. Where experience was lacking came dosages of combat stimulants harvested from the Gardens of Kadesh. Each man was a zealot empowered by a cocktail of psychostimulants, powered armor and hand held artillery rivaling that of the Dominion. Behind them was a telekinetic storm of frightening psionic energy embodied in the form of a delicate looking, but none the less deadly Kadeshi female.

Several warships would fall to these boarding parties, even as the Jubilant and its accompanying carrier were destroyed. Dominion forces would witness the terrifying sight of the newest fighting force in the Epsilon Eridani system, and gape in horror at the fanatical zeal they held should they be close to defeat. Each party had orders to hinder the Dominion's advance at any cost, with injured or dieing Priestesses destroying the minds and bodies of themselves, their caretakers and Dominion security personnel and crew members in a suicidal overload of their psychic rage.

2345 A.D. - Despite the ferocious defense of the Illuminate Armada in the face of the Dominion Warfleet, the Sheolites had finally reached their target destination of Kadesh. With reinforcements from Kadeshi colonies still in transit, the Dominion vessels paid a heavy cost to destroy or beat back the Illuminate defenders orbiting the planet. Sheolite marauders began a campaign of rapid dominance, destroying as much of the Gardens of Kadesh as they could before Illuminate reinforcements arrived. Inadvertent interfaces between Sheolite warriors and electrafluid would happen many times during this campaign, despite Kadeshi ground forces pitched efforts to hold out.

2347 A.D. - Arrival of Illuminate warships, the first of their kind specifically built for battle would arrive along with repurposed brethren to utterly destroy the Dominion fleet in orbit. Raining debris would ruin much of the picturesque surface of Kadesh, despite efforts centuries later at recovery, clean up and reclamation. Kadesh would be safe for now as the Dominion resorted to licking its wounds and consolidating gains made in their initial advance. It would be a respite where the Children of Kadesh would experience the true horrors of war.

2348 A.D. - The Seraphim on Kadesh simultaneously ceased all attempts at communication via Electrafluid with humanity on Kadesh. At first surmising this disturbance to be a result of the trauma inflicted by the Sheolites on the planets surface, or the Dominion wrecks that rested in the midst of Seraphim coalescences in the Electrafluid oceans, Kadeshi survivors merely tended to their wounds, rebuilding from a terrible war and preparing themselves for renewed onslaughts to come.

2349 A.D. - In a feat previously thought impossible by both Kadeshi citizens and Illuminate forces, mass exoduses of Seraphim organisms occur seemingly right under humanity's collective noses on the planet. Soon, the planet is rendered completely devoid of the mysterious creatures to the anguish of human survivors on the planet, with only strange quantum disturbances being detected beneath the surface of the oceans. More ominously, however, is the absence of any and all Sheolite technology that previously riddled the ocean floor amidst the fragile ecosystems the Seraphim previously inhabited.

Suspecting the work of Dominion military science. The Children of Kadesh, seemingly alone and barred from any further guidance from their Seraphim patrons go on the rampage. Human priestesses and seers headed by female members of the Burke lineage become the defacto ruling caste of the newly formed Aeon Illuminate, which filled the void the Seraphim left. United under a single banner, Kadesh and the rest of its colonies begin a renewed effort to bring themselves to combat readiness.

All alone in a pool of Electrafluid, reigning Priestess, Princess Miranda Burke forsees a vision of horror amidst her meditations- a vision of a galaxy torn apart, entire systems stripped of resources and left to die, planets destroyed and more life needlessly lost than could ever be imagined. The Priestess had come to realize that the Seraphim had left humanity with all the tools it needed to ascend to a new plane of existence, of love and peace, and that the bloodthirsty Sheolite Dominion stood in its way. The Aeon Illuminate had become the only means to prevent the Dominion from destroying everything in existence.

2352 A.D. - With its forces at all time highs, the Aeon Illuminate once again sent emissaries to worlds the Dominion had captured. As the Aeon’s visions predicted, the Dominion immediately cut communications and sent military forces to quarantine them. In the eyes of the Aeon, the Dominion’s destiny as defilers and destroyers of worlds was sealed.

2354 A.D. - Both Illuminate and Dominion forces rapidly mobilize for protracted conflict. Both empires expand tenfold amidst the growing advances of both factions and fervent desire to complete their goals. Pitched brushfire wars spread throughout Epsilon Eridani and neighbouring colonized systems with hundreds of thousands of lives lost in both space and the planets beneath them. Both sides had become thoroughly convinced the other was not human, and both had resolved not to allow the other to exist so long as they lived.

Throughout the distant void of space, and raided worlds, not a single human would ever come across the mysterious Seraphim. Soon, the Aeon would fight for the enigmatic jellyfish-beings in name only. They too, would eventually become lost to the halls of forgotten antiquity.

3012 A.D. - The conflict known as the Infinite War continues to rage between the Aeon Illuminate and Sheolite Dominion. Both sides commit horrific atrocities in the name of their ideologies. There is no room for respite or peace for one so long as the other survives.

Edited by Executive Minister
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DoE! http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=112476

The Hive are aliens similar to the Tyranid from 40K universe, only their Hive Mind is Gentleman Cho'Gath. :awesome:

As the name suggests, their society is a strictly caste system, with the Minds at the top holding absolute control and maintaining it through genetic and telepathic influence. They prefer biological technology (of course) and are masters at manipulating their own DNA to produce new traits and subservient species. Long lived, they never developed FTL transportation, but do have biological FTL communication that allows the Hive Mind to control lesser species over great distances.

Edited by iKrolm
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I think there should be a sub forum in the Fantasy RP (IC) sub forum for CN-SR stuff so it is easier to find certain threads and doesn't get mixed up with the normal CNRP threads.

Also just made the DoE for my race: http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=112477

Edited by jesbro
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[quote name='Subtleknifewielder' timestamp='1343410126' post='3016167']
MA...Millions of years?

Yup. The Race's observation ship crashing to earth created the Chixhulub crater and destroyed the dominant species on Earth.

If I'm referencing 0 BC as the time the last member of the Race dies, who am I implying that is?

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[quote name='Executive Minister' timestamp='1343454840' post='3016330']
Yup. The Race's observation ship crashing to earth created the Chixhulub crater and destroyed the dominant species on Earth.

If I'm referencing 0 BC as the time the last member of the Race dies, who am I implying that is?
[quote name='Mara Lithaen' timestamp='1343463584' post='3016362']
[/quote]You had to guess? :P

[quote name='Evangeline Anovilis' timestamp='1343475499' post='3016377']
Jesus was born in 0 BC and [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nativity_of_Jesus#Date_of_birth"]even that is contested[/url]...
[/quote]Oh well...although you do have a point...that was when he was supposed to have been born, not died. XD

Could still be one of the people mentioned in the Gospels as only just preceding his birth. Perhaps one of the Wise Men. :awesome:

[quote name='Executive Minister' timestamp='1343487668' post='3016410']
All i'm gonna say is Xenu did it.
[/quote]Aha, I see...

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[quote name='supercheese' timestamp='1343439811' post='3016265']
RPing the wraith if anyone is interested in joining the RP you can RP encountering one of the hives as I have them spread out across the milky way exploring.

The Draganians have been at war with the Wraith for some time as well: http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=112512

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