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Westeros Rising


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The land of Westeros was well protected by the Republic of Neo Roma, but it was insulated. Few even knew of Neo Roma for it was believed to be death to cross the Great River. The land itself was fractured. Men ruled their own petty fiefdoms, and swore fealty to stronger lords. The land was torn into a number of domains, each at conflict with the others. The common man knew little of the lord whom held their lands, and even less of the great lords. It was in these troubled times that a man arrived. From whence he came it is not known, but he was a mighty warrior. He called himself a King and demanded the fealty of the great lords of the land. The Lord Gardener of Eastland was a foolish man and thought to slay this “King” whom had only a small army with him.

The site of that battle is forever known as [i] Campo de Sangre[/i], the Field of Blood. The flower of eastern chivalry fell upon that field. Not a noble house was without loss. The legends tell of how [i]Blackfyre[/i] sung as men fell before the mysterious King and his Kingsguard. Even more however tell of dragons. Three great beasts soared above the battle, unleashing flame into the ranks of the Eastlanders. At their roar even the bravest of the Eastlanders fell to his knees, while many more fled.

With the fall of house Gardener the time had come to reveal himself. He proclaimed himself Aegon I, and took the lands of the late Lord Gardener as his own. Lords Stark and Tully of the North and Riverlands marched with their hosts to do away with this pretender once and for all. Aegon met with them in the middle of the Campo de Sangre. Tempers flared and tensions were high as Aegon demanded fealty, whereas the Lord Tully demanded surrender, and Lord Stark offered to let the status quo stand. It was to end quickly though. Lord Tully waved to the armies of the Riverlands and the North, which outnumbered Aegon’s army more than four to one. “You cannot hope to prevail,” he said. “There is naught you can do to stop me,” replied Aegon. Lord Tully drew his blade, but before it cleared the scabbard [i]Blackfyre[/i] had removed his head. “You!” cried Aegon, pointing his blade at the new Lord Tully, “Bend the knee and you will be confirmed in your fathers titles. Refuse and you follow him to the grave.” Lord Stark followed suit shortly thereafter.

In the weeks that followed the both the Stormlands and the Reach swore fealty to Aegon, whom became known as the Conqueror. The rich lord of the Southlands attempted to buy enough sellswords to meet Aegon in battle, but they instead deserted rather than face the wrath of the warrior king. Lord Lannister bent the knee quickly afterwards. Only the Iron Islands still stood against Aegon, but he came against them with fire and sword. He broke their walls and stormed their holds. They could not stand against him. The Lord Greyjoy lost his eldest sons in battle, and his youngest was taken and given to the Lord Stark to raise as a ward.

It was in the years to come that the truth was revealed. The land had been woefully backwards compared to the world beyond its shores. The “dragons” were known as airplanes, and that was only a part of what was to be revealed. Aegon was from a land to the north, and he opened up Westeros to the outside world. Electricity, automobiles, airplanes, factories, railroads, all of these and more were brought into the realm. Foreign observers were shocked at how quickly the populace adapted to these earth shattering revelations. Aegon however kept the realm closed to most foreigners, only those whom wished to immigate and those whom were there to assist in the modernization of the realm were permitted entry.

The Umbrellans were one of those nations whom Aegon had links to before his conquest, it was not long before thousands of Umbrellans were building what would become the Westerosi Highway system. Soon to follow was a national rail network. Tanzanian intellectuals established numerous universities and within twenty years an entire education system had been assembled. From ages 6 to 18 children attended local schools, before entering into either an apprenticeship, state service, or higher education. Thousands of factories were built by Neo Roman workers funded by the immense gold reserves of the Crown. Westeros was to undergo one of the greatest transformations in the history of the world.

The armed forces were quickly transformed by hired PMC’s. Swords, armor, shields, all were to become family heirlooms. Assault rifles and body armor took their place. Tanks replaced knights, IFV’s scouts, airplanes and helicopters took the place of the dragons of legend. In the span of 40 years Westeros turned from a backwards relic of a bygone age to an emerging power. Great strides were made as the arms industry quickly grew. Scientists and engineers from Neo Roma and Umbrella took the best and brightest of Westeros under their wings. As the years passed Westerosi defense companies began to turn out their own designs, not licensed copies. In the past five years Westerosi companies have actually become a near equal to many of the world’s premier arms manufacturers, and have become the primary supplier of the nations armed forces.

[center][img] http://img189.imageshack.us/img189/2069/e1yoj.jpg[/img][/center]

[i]"Tomorrow has a high of 28, with snowfall of up to 2 inches expected by noon. Later in the d... I'm sorry. We take you now to breaking news from the Red Keep"[/i]

[b]King’s Landing, Westeros[/b] - We are coming to you live from the Red Keep where King Jaehaerys I has officially dissolved the Royal Decree of Isolationism, popularly known as “The blackout”. As of today Westeros is no longer closed to all foreign nations apart from our friends in Tanzania, Umbrella, and Neo Roma.

[i]*Cut to video of Jaehaerys I’s speech*[/i]

[font="Book Antiqua"]“Good people of Westeros, I have sat upon the Iron Throne for twelve years now. As my father, and his father, and his father Aegon before me I have sought to rule you wisely and justly. In the past sixty years our land has undergone a transformation unlike any other. Many of our elders remember the days before my forefather landed and united the realm. The Royal Decree of Isolationism was one of the first acts of Aegon when he sat upon the Iron Throne. It has served its purpose. Westeros is no longer what it once was. Each and every one of you has made Westeros what it is today. You learn, you adapt, you are industrious, and you are diligent. With the assistance of our friends in Umbrella, Tanzania, and Neo Roma we have prospered and grown at a pace unfathomable to those outside of our lands. For that, I, thank you. There is no further need for the Royal Decree of Isolationism. We enter the international community today as an equal.”[/font]

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"The Republic of Pará is overjoyed to see another people of South America achieve independence for themselves. I would like to personally welcome Westeros to South America, and let it be known that our hand is always extended to Westeros in friendship."

-Premier Isabel Vieira

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