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I'm out

Kaiser Martens

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From now on, I won't participate on CNRP any longer, specifically, I won't have a country. Vektor and whoever runs Scandinavia at the time can keep the stuff. I wanted to do one last RP to make a proper goodbye, as it should be done, and to avoid anything such as "land gifting", but that's precisely the problem, I couldn't get myself to write anything nice, because it just isn't worth the effort anymore.

I'll be around IRC now and then even though I've been busier.

Still, my high level of RL activities aren't the main reason for leaving, you guys know how I tried to put forth a set of rules that was different, because I believed that they might make the game more fun to play...at least for me, that is. So it's just come to the point in which I shrug my shoulders and ask myself, "Why am I even taking space in the map?"

I had a nice run.
But everything comes to an end.

Have fun.

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