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So tired...


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I can, and will name very few roleplayers in here that I can actually say are faultless. The lot are vindictive, selfish, and overly protective of something that really doesn't even exist. I'm actually pretty disgusted after reading that Tibus Heth thing. Honestly. The lot of you think everyone that comes in here with the Nordreich label or with even slight Germanic tendencies is some spectre that needs to be purged because you all have gone completely insane. It's ridiculous.

I won't name names, frankly I can't remember them all, but there are groups and events that I've witnessed that has convinced me how you guys have killed this.

1. "Non-natives are not welcome". You want to keep the europeans in europe, the americans in america, the asians in asia. This RP didn't start out being realistic. Now you want things to be racially and culturally pure. Who is the monster now? Look at yourselves.

2. The witchhunts. I no longer care if Kankou is a ban evader or not. It's not my concern, but the fact that there is a good lot of you that want to see her completely eradicated from CNRP in all forms is disgusting. What's a good trail mix without a few nuts?

3. New rules every day. It's just gotten to the point where it isn't even fun. We have so many rules to argue about and GM precedents that it's insane. Someone does something you don't like, and rather than rolling with the punches like a mature person, you whine to daddy or mommy GM and ask them to make it better.

4. Protectorate grabbing. Way back when I was the second incarnation of Cascadia, I did a little experiment. I cut off a piece of my territory, Montana and Wyoming, and made it white space, just to see what would happen. In a month, it was made into a protectorate. Nobody asked who the land belonged to, they just claimed it. Now, basically a protectorate has become a de facto part of your own nation, just a place to put puppets.

CNRP has gotten very realistic. Good show everyone. You have achieved realism. All the dictators are overthrown, and you're left with two big facking masses of pixel hoggers that nobody cares or wants to mess with because you're too busy being passive-aggressive. The good players have all been scared off, and the ones that have stuck around are just hoping, praying that you guys will grow up. I'm honestly fed up with it.

I'm not going to say I'm never coming back, because it may improve. Chances are slim. Chances are bigger that this will fall apart. Maybe Sarah's 18th century RP will grow to encompass the globe. Anyway, I'd like to commend people for things I like about them. If I don't name you below, don't automatically assume I'm mad at you. If you're reading this and you feel that pang, and then start to get all defensive, you're what I'm mad at.

Vektor/Triyun/Cent - You're a !@#$%* for holding basically all of Europe/Asia under your possession, but I can't blame you for it because there is nobody else better suited to RP a European nation with respect.

Kankou - Everyone, including me, has !@#$ on you ever since you came into CNRP, but you have some absolutely strong resolve that I envy to all ends.
Sarah - Most of the token "have a life" girls would take their bandwagoning white knights and exploit them to all ends. You've seemed to ignore yours and pissed most of them off.
Sargun - Shine on you crazy diamond, even though you can't read this.
Imperator Azenqusdgdsfjlsd - Your state RPs are legend. You've had this massive storyline going on forever, and it's been awesome
Justinian - Sorry about Barbarossa, you're the most neutral (as in hard-RP vs. soft-RP) on the spectrum I know of, and it's refreshing.
Generalissimo - Enough said.
TBM - You're an ass, but at least you don't have your head firmly planted in it.

TL;DR: Rage quitting with all the style of a high school student,
Vince Motherf*****g Sixx.

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Well, this sucks. You always know how to make things interesting...even when you leave. Sorry to see you go man, especially if anything I did contributed to this, and if that is the case, I do sincerely apologize.

What do I say after that? I honestly have no clue...so long, and here's hoping it isn't a permanent leave. :)

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[quote]1. "Non-natives are not welcome". You want to keep the europeans in europe, the americans in america, the asians in asia. This RP didn't start out being realistic. Now you want things to be racially and culturally pure. Who is the monster now? Look at yourselves.[/quote]

I don't have a problem being a monster. Keeping all those dirty Nords in Europe would be spanking good imo.

lol, reminds me of the Apollo guy who rolled in Africa. Fun times.

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I'm not going to apologize. I really don't care anymore. If people want to try and RP Germanic overlords in neo-colonialist fashion all across the globe because they enjoy it, I'm going to react how I'll react.

Further Vince, your criticism on all points is incorrect:

1. I think you'd be hard pressed to find evidence that there is exclusion from Europe or Asia. Most get land when they ask, there are a few people who have previously been given multiple chances and blown them, and they are treated differently, but that is no different how anyone else treats any other continent. I've been in rooms where I have seen people in North America and Africa do the exact same thing, quit pretending it is. Further yes they control the majority of Europe, but Europe is a very small place. The Athenian Federation and Germany are both actually smaller than a lot of other states.

2. Going to leave the ban evading stuff to the mods, if its true she most definitely should NOT be in the game because she broke rules. But on the player side, it is not a witch hunt when someone keeps doing the same thing over any over again. She was given a lot of chances and she didn't take them, further she chose to keep her same line of characters. Thats perfectly fine, but the flip side of that is that you choose to be on the receiving end of the same enemies until you sue for peace. If she wants to sue for peace and actually abide by peace terms we give, then we can talk. Further she has to quit the OOC tactics which I won't go into here, if she wants to know them she can query.

3. Only the mods can take away the new topic button. One or two people (and for the most part it is) CAN do this and there is little that the 95% of other players can do about it.

4. This charge I think is completely unfair and based on inaccurate information at best, willful ignorance though more likely. Eva being in France and Cochin getting India back make it unlikely to can charge that its just those who are your puppets. Now is it sensible for a nation who comes in to try and make nice with other nations nearby especially if they are more powerful? Yes. But that is not evidence that they are automatically puppets. The only person I know of who I at least as of late have denied protectorate territory to [i]for a new nation[/i] (some have asked me for colonies) is Isha and that was after granting him it and him !@#$@#$ up several times in a row. Cent's given Eva multiple chances in France. I just don't see where your argument is here. In fact in Asia for example I think a lot of areas you may think people asked for no one did. For example I held off for months with annexing Japan on the off chance someone would ask. Nobody did.

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[quote name='Kankou' timestamp='1337361239' post='2969154']
Defensive as usual, Triyun. Why not let things be?

Because he got called out. Me and him usually don't see eye to eye, but he's got a right to defend himself here.

Not to say I agree with his defense, but it IS necessary nonetheless. Gotta keep people from putting your name in their mouths.

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Meh, to me if he truly didn't care, and believed that he's right, he doesn't need to write that long a post on an non-IC issue. His long-winded defense only make it seem worse.

But hey, when one can't see the shadow beneath the lamp, then we would have to expect these kind of stuff, no?

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[quote name='Triyun' timestamp='1337360390' post='2969146']
Cent's given Eva multiple chances in France.
Not going to argue much against Cent or you or anyone here, but I'm still in France for my first time as a nation. One could say multiple, if I'd be here for the second or third time.

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The argument wasn't about one country specifically, but the European continent. This would be your second time on the continent with Croatia being your first. Cent was a co-belligerent against Croatia. The point is is that there were claims protectorates were used to establish puppets. In the examples I demonstrated that this isn't supported by actual evidence. Players with a much smaller history of "problem" states for the protectorate holders were allowed to reroll in similar geographic areas. Its really only when a long term pattern established that at least I and others I talk to start to get weary of giving land because it seems like a wack-a-mole type deal.

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[quote name='Tibus Heth' timestamp='1337364865' post='2969172']
Can't see how you survived it a long time, if it's been as bad as I've encountered. See you on IRC and NoR forums, as it was already stated.

It used to be better.

Also Triyun I wasn't !@#$%*ing you out hah. I was actually commending you for being someone with balls. I don't specifically mention people I want to !@#$%* out, because I'm a good little city kid.

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