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Pax Romana


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The last act of Gaius Attilia as Dictator has finally been announced, Gaius will instead be placed in the role of Consul, the other Consul is to be Titus Marius.

[b]Pax Romana[/b]

Act I:
The regions under current direct control or protection will revert to Neo Roma in the event a nation rises and falls within these borders. These protected lands may be expanded at any time, for any reason.

Act II:
Neo Roma adopts a policy of active protection of all Roman holdings. Should a threat be perceived, even falsely, Neo Roma will take any action necessary to end said threat.

Act III:
Neo Roma adopts a policy of anti-colonialism, encompassing all of South America, any attempts by a foreign nation to gain any land holdings in South America, Neo Roma will use any means deemed necessary to remove the colonial power from South America.

Act IV:
Neo Roma retains the right to construct and use nuclear weapons both in retaliation and in first strike.

Act V:
Foreign nationals in Neo Roma or one of its protected regions, no matter their standing or protection, will live under Roman law for the duration of their time in Neo Roma, violators will be punished in exactly the same manner as a Neo Roman citizen, this includes the death penalty.
OOC: Basically saying diplomatic immunity is not recognized[/quote]

In line with this the Fifth Field Army has been deployed to the protectorate south of Neo Roma to ensure complete protection of the region. Naval and air patrols have been extended to include the region and all waters and airspace over the protectorate will be treated as though they belonged to Neo Roma proper until a new nation forms in the region.

Edited by jeff744
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"New Greenland respects the Pax Romana, though the Foreign Ministry will be implementing a mirror doctrine in regard to the tenets of Act V. Neo Roman government officials and nationals residing in New Greenland and its protectorates will be subject to the fullest extent of New Greenlandic law."

Edited by JEDCJT
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"The Socialist Republic of Vietnam must question the logic behind Act V. The abolishment of diplomatic immunity flies in the face of international diplomacy and decades of diplomatic agreements amongst the nations of the world. Should Act V be placed into law, Vietnam will have no choice but to withdraw its diplomatic staff and issue a travel ban to Neo Roma. The safety of all citizens of Vietnam is a prime concern especially when posted abroad in a diplomatic position."

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"Aeon disciples, while usually chaste and law abiding to its fullest, are hereby banned from Neo Roma as a precautionary measure. All members are instructed to return immediately to the fold or as soon as possible in order to prevent any unsightly ramifications should one of our own be placed under Article V of the Pax Romana."

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"The Athenian Federation consider the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations to be among the building blocks of international relations. When a single state violates these they do not only isolate their nation but they also risk the structures that keep the world stable. While an Athenian diplomat has never been found in violation of local laws beyond traffic codes we can not in good faith keep an Athenian in Neo Roma. Effective immediately all diplomats are pulled back and Athenian citizens will be advised to leave Neo Roma and never enter again. Unlike Neo Roma we do not consider international conventions as lightly and will maintain the rights according to the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations for all Neo Roman diplomats."

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Pará approves of and supports Act III of this doctrine, though we share reservations concerning the termination of diplomatic immunity and the apparent implication in Act II that any perceived threat will be responded to with violence without proper investigation.

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France hereby withdraws its diplomatic staff from all South American nations, except Pará, Gallia and New Panama, due to the new foreign policy regarding the South Americas. France has deemed the continent to be almost utterly outside of French interest, to be in parts even hostile towards the French for little reason, apart from Anti-Vicidalian sentiment projected onto our country and as our diplomatic staff was now even deprived of its immunity in one of the nations of South America. Additionally, a travel and trade ban to the nations without diplomatic staff was issued to our people, to prevent them getting caught up in this mess.

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[i]"Gallifrey supports the anti colonialism act, but since diplomatic immunity has been thrown in the bin Gallifrey will put a bar on any diplomats going to Neo Roma at any time in the near future. While we are not cutting off diplomatic ties for the future, we can not risk Roman police killing our civilians as this would not sit well."[/i]

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