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Joint Pará-Gallifrey Announcement


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Nations of South America,

We wish to discuss herein a concern regarding the former Biscotti territory. As is already known, of course, in the wake of rising tensions with the Umbrella Commonwealth and other neighbouring nations, Biscotti resorted to planting landmines along its borders in anticipation of a suspected invasion from the Commonwealth. No such invasion came, as the Biscotti eventually agreed to evacuate the region--leaving behind armed landmines in a territory that is now considered protectorate and is now being populated by civilians. The presence of armed landmines in a protectorate that hosts unsuspecting civilians who may fall victim to the landmines cannot be tolerated, and measures must be taken to ensure the safety of South Americans living in the region.

The Republic of Pará, in collaboration with Gallifrey, would like to propose a joint mission, involving all South American nations, to supply funds, personnel, or equipment to dismantle the landmines and make the area safe for population by civilians. Not only would this remove the considerable risk presented by landmines to future settlement, but it would also foster and encourage a spirit of cooperation and unity--a spirit that South America direly needs in the wake of war, hostile tensions, and the void left behind by the Lunar Republic. We also would like to request permission from the Umbrella Commonwealth, as a fellow South American nation, to undertake this venture. Regardless of tensions or perceived animosities, we are all South American, and this is an issue that should concern all who desire a safe and united South America.

Eagerly awaiting your responce,

Isabel Moraes Vieira,

Premier of the República do Pará

John Smith,

Lord President of Gallifrey

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"The Confederation of Greater New England would like to happily announce that the Raytheon Corporation are willing to loan out forty ground penetration radar systems to assist in this venture. They are also willing to fund a team to be sent down to these two South American nations to train personnel in the use of these systems, if this plan is to go forward. We may not be South American, but we live in the same hemisphere, and this productive joint venture between two nations to remove this threat is a positive show of diplomacy in your region. We commend these two nations for taking the initiative to undertake this task."

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[b]Unknown to the public[/b]

"Madame Elmar, there is something about Biscotti in the news." Ricotta looked up from her book. But soon she shook her head and continued reading. The student who had notified Ricotta before was surprised. "Won't you ask Biscotti to help in the removal of the mines? After all, aren't Biscotti peace loving and forgiving?" Once again, she looked up, this time at the stutend. "I don't think many civilians are endangered as people think there are. I mean, it's not as if we mined inhabited territory, but we mined a few km broad a strip behind the border with fences on both sides and entrenchments. I'd wonder what idiot would wander into a minefield behind a few meter-high fence. Otherwise, noone asked us, so I don't think we should do anything. They don't want us there, we don't go there. Easy as that."

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[i][center]"Gallifrey thanks the Confederation for their generosity towards an area that most consider unimportant. Hopefully our South American brothers and sisters will be just as generous."
[right]-John Smith, Lord President of Gallifrey

OOC:Eva I took from our OOC convo that you would not be of much assist. So we are doing it this way.

Edited by Isaac MatthewII
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[b]OOC:[/b] Isaac, I said I don't want you talking to me OOCly. Yet you do it again. dotCom could have asked and I'd have been kinder (I also told you that). And no, we don't need another OOC response to this, before it gets ugly.


[b]Unknown to the public[/b]

Yukikaze Panettone wondered. Hopefully the attempts to demine the area wouldn't cause more deaths than to just leave the minefield that noone would enter anyway. At least noone with enough intelligence to live outside a mental health institute. Well, as former head of the CdSB she had the plans of the field, however, noone asked, so noone would be answered.

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[quote name='Evangeline Anovilis' timestamp='1333244920' post='2946431']
[b]OOC:[/b] Isaac, I said I don't want you talking to me OOCly. Yet you do it again. dotCom could have asked and I'd have been kinder (I also told you that). And no, we don't need another OOC response to this, before it gets ugly.


[b]Unknown to the public[/b]

Yukikaze Panettone wondered. Hopefully the attempts to demine the area wouldn't cause more deaths than to just leave the minefield that noone would enter anyway. At least noone with enough intelligence to live outside a mental health institute. Well, as former head of the CdSB she had the plans of the field, however, noone asked, so noone would be answered.

OOC: I could have asked what? It's not your territory anymore, and I do not need to ask your permission to go ahead with this idea. I don't know what you've got between you and Isaac nor do I particularly care. But you seem intent on invalidating the whole purpose of this venture.

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[quote name='Elrich von Richt' timestamp='1333245858' post='2946443']
The Principality of Gallia would be happy to assist in any way possible, should either state wish for our assistance in this matter.
[i]~ Cordelia gi Randgriz, Princess of Gallia[/i]
Any and all assistance from the nations of South America is welcomed and encouraged.

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[quote]The region in question voted to join the Commonwealth proper. As it stands, military units are working tirelessly to begin clearing the lands around mainroads. However, thanks to the Biscotti regime's idiocy, the ten mile thick minefield will be marked out and fenced off with clear warnings. It will take decades to clear the fields. Furthermore, the Biscotti regime removed all civilians from the area's, something that Corporate Forces are maintaining to avoid accidents.

The Corporation will handle the clearing of the minefield. As and when we have prepared the logistics to handle an operation of this scale, we will be in contact with several friendly nations and our allies to help in the matter.


Alice Wesker[/quote]

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[b]A Statement from the Edean White Cross[/b]

The Edean White Cross would be interested in helping in this operation with whatever means we could achieve with a budgetary expectations that are expected to be significantly reduced from years past due to the regional situation.

Edited by Zarfef
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