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[quote name='Lynneth' timestamp='1331595365' post='2937359']
"We wouldn't call co-administering the Panama Canal or having joined the economic part of the Union as 'barely any official interaction'. Neither would you, most likely. That said, we believe that the Amercas are fully capable of stabilising the continent on their own, without foreign intervention. Even so, we would gladly welcome non-military observers from Athens, perhaps some hundred in number, to aid us in keeping the law.
If Athens doesn't feel this to be sufficient, we would like to know what you would consider sufficient."

"That said, I thank my fellow Americans for their support, and would welcome any peacekeeping troops to aid in New Spain. We currently have approximately 250,000 men moving into the region, for that matter, and any support will be appreciated, be it men or materiel."

"We are glad to see the Lunar Republic and other American nations being more open to diplomacy than reactionary other states. Ideally the Athenian Federation would like a more private conference to discuss the existing matters. Pending this 1,000 soldiers of the current force in the San Bias base will secure the immediate area in cooperation with Lunar counterparts."

A private reply would be sent to the French thanking them for their offer of support and a pledge it would not be forgotten.

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Maintaining constant communications with the Lunar Republic and other American nations through secure channels, the F.R.N.G.1.M.E.F.A.P.F.N.S. would reach their destinations, landing into the cities of Veracruz, Tampico, and Cancun (what, the Greenlandic heard the city had excellent beaches and hot girls). The Ministry of Defense inquired, in a private channel, if it was possible to send a regiment (approximately 1,000 men) to help police the Panama Canal. The Greenlanders would, of course, work together with their Lunar, Texan, and New Englander counterparts in their protectorate duties.

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We commend the Lunar Republic for their bringing stability to the region in such a swift manner.

*** Private Message to Lunar Republic ***

We would like to begin discussions with you regarding the Panama Canal. While we wish it to remain international in it's being, we feel it is nothing less than our very right to administer it by ourselves.

We would very much like to begin the process of changing from the current administration as soon as possible. You are of course welcome to keep whatever armed forces you already have there.

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[b][color="#FF0000"]Red Outline[/color]:[/b] The Republic of Texas
[b][color="#0000FF"]Blue[/color] Outline:[/b] Texas-Lunar Territory
[b][color="#FF0000"]Red Dots[/color]:[/b] Texas Military "Strongholds" or Command Centers
[b][color="#8B0000"]Brown[/color] Arrows:[/b] Movement of Navy and Coast Guard
[b][color="#FF00FF"]Pink[/color] Arrows:[/b] Movement of Air Force to "Strongholds" to drop off supplies

To keep a better hold of the area, the military ground forces made strongholds in the newly erected [i]Texas-Lunar Territory[/i] which was under supervision of both governments but had a greater Texan presence. In Mexico; Tampico, Ciudad Victoria, Monterrey, Chihuahua, Ciudad Obregon, and Hermosillo were strong holds for the Texas military in which supplies and troops would be centered there. The Navy and the Coast Guard would leave Houston, Galveston, and Corpus Christi and depart for cities like Tampico on the eastern side of Mexico. These cities would be given more supplies, mostly humanitarian aid and equipment for the military. While the Air Force from San Antonio and Corpus Christi reinforced the eastern side of Mexico with supplies, the Air Force from El Paso would reinforce the western side of Mexico with supplies.

The strongholds in Baja California were La Paz, and Ensenada. A small command center was created in Ciudad Constitucion for the middle of the peninsula. The peninsula was given supplies and reinforced from El Paso as well. Also, Trucks escorted by Humvees brought Coast Guard Patrol Vehicles to the Gulf of California to keep those waters in check. The region was now safe and secure from a military point of view. The few remaining islands that Texas had jointly laid protection over would get a visit from a few Coast Guard Vessels that would go plant the Texas flag on the islands and have a few companies of men on them for protection.


From The Desk
The President of The Republic of Texas[/center][/i][/size]


With the unfortunate fall of our southern neighbor, New Spain, the Republic of Texas has moved into Mexican Border States south of Texas and Baja California to aid the Lunar Republic in keeping the area peaceful, under rule of law, and prevent total anarchy from taking over. A temporary territory has been created, called the [i]Texas-Lunar Territory[/i] consisting of northern Mexico and Baja California (as well as a few outlying islands). Currently, this territory is under direct control of a large military presence from the Republic of Texas, and a respectable presence from the Lunar Republic. Martial Law has not been declared anywhere in Mexico and will not be unless violence or anarchy erupts. The people of Mexico have been peaceful thus far, so the only thing The Republic has had to do is set up bases of operations and take down New Spain flags over government buildings.

A no-fly-zone was created over the [i]Texas-Lunar Territory[/i] however flights are being resumed [i]within[/i] Mexico since the military has helped recreate the Mexican air traffic control. The Air Force does have dominance over the skies but has so far not had to act defensively or offensively. Local officials such as mayors and leaders of local districts have been able to keep their political powers and no government body, besides the National government which collapsed, has been dissolved thus far.

With the Navy and Coast Guard now protecting key areas of the sea, fishermen have returned to their daily lives since the threat of pirates is now almost completely gone. For the greater good of Texas, California, The Lunar Republic, and the people of Mexico, Texas will help keep law and order in the region until the political issues within the state are resolved. Congress has voted to make the area an official Territory of Texas which means that any attack or invasion of it, would be an Act of War against the Republic of Texas and her allies. This does not mean that the land or it's people are being integrated into Texas, it just simply means that it is now under the official protection of Texas (however the Lunar Republic still shares an equal say in what happens to the land and what political actions are taken).

With northern Mexico under control, everyday life can hopefully begin again for Mexicans without fear of criminals or anarchy. I will keep the Texas people updated on these matters as they continue to develop.

[i]Benjamin Gates[/i]
[b]President of The Republic of Texas[/b][/quote]

Edited by PresidentDavid
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As the situation over the fate of New Spain seemingly decided, the Californian Defense Department issued the go ahead on entering Southern California after receiving word from the Lunar Republic on So. California.

A detachment of 17,000 soldiers part of the 5th Armored Division based from Yuma. They would cross the border towards Los Angeles and San Diego. A few brigades of the 3rd Infantry Division would meet aside the Texan forces Tijuana to the Colorado River. They would just meet and greet for a bit signaling the border of administration between the two nations. In addition, a group of 200 military observers would head into the new Texas-Lunar Protectorate just to observe operations there.

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[quote name='Tanis777' timestamp='1331673277' post='2937747']
As the situation over the fate of New Spain seemingly decided, the Californian Defense Department issued the go ahead on entering Southern California after receiving word from the Lunar Republic on So. California.

A detachment of 17,000 soldiers part of the 5th Armored Division based from Yuma. They would cross the border towards Los Angeles and San Diego. A few brigades of the 3rd Infantry Division would meet aside the Texan forces Tijuana to the Colorado River. They would just meet and greet for a bit signaling the border of administration between the two nations. In addition, a group of 200 military observers would head into the new Texas-Lunar Protectorate just to observe operations there.



The Marines at the border would happily greet the Californian soldiers, happy to see them entering their Californian sphere of influence. The border was established and crossings were set up on all roads leading into California held Southern California, however no problems would be expected. The 200 observers from California would be let through at the border and escorted anywhere in the [i]Texas-Lunar Territory[/i] that they would want to go to. The borders would stay closed until Mexico was totally secure. However civilians could freely move throughout the Territory as they saw fit. The Texas flag proudly flew over all of the border crossings.
The military felt patriotic to say the least.

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[b]The Press Secretary[/b]


Adam Sandler walked up to his podium. The position of [i]Press Secretary[/i] had just been created. While he had no political power, he had been appointed by the President to deliver important news on current events and to keep the people, press, and the world updated on what Texas was doing and how it was going. It would be his first speech. He walked up to the podium inside the newly renovated [i]PressRoom[/i] inside The Estate. The Estate was essentially the Texas form of the White House. The position of Press Secretary was ironically created because of all the up-to-date happenings with Mexico. The Estate couldn't keep up with all the requests for information, so a position was created just for that terrible job. Mister Sandler, a former Representative from Dallas, was given the position because President Gates really liked the way he talked. His day job had been being the executive in one of the biggest oil companies in Dallas and his night job had been stand up comedy - he was a pretty funny guy. When the Vice President also suggested him, since he had served a while in the National Guard, President Gates made him an offer he couldn't refuse: "Take the job, a $500,000 starting bonus, $223,000 a year with no income tax, and you can make your speeches slightly comical if you so chose."

"Eh, good evening ladies and gentlemen!" Adam read from the note cards in his shaky hands. He hadn't really gone over his lines. "My name is Adam Sandler" he said, looking up and down from his note-cards, "and I am the first Press Secretary of Texas... I will get right down to business and start talking about our Mexican buddies to the south." He informally took the microphone from the podium and started walking back and forth across the stage as he talked, looking at each of the reporters individually as if he was at a night club.

"The President himself wanted me to confirm a few things to all of you... Hopefully I can finish and get you all home before midnight" a few reporters laughed, "Concerning Mexico. The Republic of Texas has no plans to annex northern Mexico and integrate it into the Union. For the exception of maybe a military outpost, military forces will return home after this small political upheaval is resolved." A reporter raised his hand, "Mister Secretary, has the president given a time frame in which our soldiers would return home from Mexico?" Adam at first didn't know what to say. "Look, Mexico could be burning right now but it isn't because of us. I can't tell you exactly when, but I can promise it'll be fine because none of us want to get into another damn war. All I know is that I was give these cards and told to read them, so let's see if I can stay out of trouble."

Denard and President Gates watched from Gates' office in The Estate. "We could pull him from the air" said Denard worringly. Gates shook his head and smiled, "No no. He's perfect, just watch."

[i]Monterrey, Texas-Lunar Territory[/i]

"In order to fix the political situation and keep the Territory united, the President has decided to have local representatives from around Northern Mexico gather in Monterrey to discuss plans on a new government or if they would wish to join any existing nation or stay a Territory of Texas for the time being. I was also told to confirm to the public that basic utilities in [i]Texas-Lunar[/i] are being protected by soldiers and ran by the civilians who own and operate the facilities. Also, mass transit such as internal trains and air travel have started up again. International flights are still out of the question because the air traffic control of [i]Texas-Lunar[/i] is still working to completely establish itself. The border between the Territory and Texas will stay closed to civilians for safety reasons until further notice - the same goes for any other state [i]Texas-Lunar[/i] borders. Thank you all for coming today" said Adam, "and I hope I didn't screw this up to bad."

A few more laughs filled the room before everyone gathered up their things and left. Possibly the best press interview to ever go down in North American history.

Edited by PresidentDavid
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OOC: PD, slow down a little. It's sorta supposed to be an American protectorate, not just lunar/texan :V

With the majority of Central America and Mexico pacified, as well as considerable parts of north Mexico under Texan protection and south California under Californian protection, a success of the protection mission had been declared, as the poulation largely welcomed the Lunar forces. Nearly no opposition had turned up, and thus a reduction of Lunar policing forces was being discussed.
Something interesting that happened, however, was that in southern Mexico, local governments seemed to cooperate much more easily than anticipated. It was suspected that soon, an actual national entity could emerge from these efforts.

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