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African Unity Pact Actions Thread


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"Estuaire province is approximately 20,000 square kilometers in size. The Falklands have an area or roughly 13,000 square kilometers. The -combined- rest of our terran holdings is 5,000 square km or so - not including the antarctic wasteland with less than 1,000 inhabitants.
The Lunar Republic's entire land area is 38,000 square kilometers. To ask us to not only practically abandon almost 15% of the population on the planet, but to let go of over a full third of our entire territory is in our eyes a tyrannical attempt at landgrabbing.

We will gladly let the Malvinians live on the Falklands, even help them rebuild old communities, but to ask us to remove ourselves entirely? That is akin to Athens to remove themselves from Greece, Tianxia to remove themselves from Manchuria. It's like telling the USA of old to let go of New York because it was a dutch outpost [i]once upon a time[/i].
We'd also like to know that the last time Umbrella attempted to gain control of the Falklands was [i]long[/i] before the Republic rescinded control of continental South America.

We cannot, in good conscience, let go of the Falklands and all those people living there. Should, despite this, Umbrella continue to stubbornly pursue their policy, and possibly decide to continue it to the point of using force, the Republic will have to retaliate harshly. Any and all non-nuclear means will be used to repel any attempt to remove our presence on the Falklands."

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OOC: Curristan, I'd like you to start making reports for those who aren't AUP members, after this post. The rest need to take this to a new thread, now.

IC, private:

The KwaZulu state of alert for all air, sea, and land forces is put at full immediate readiness. Warning orders are sent to the AUSF Command Center requesting tasking orders for an immediate and full strike on Umbrella using Strategic Nuclear Weapons to reduce large military and political centers of power in response for Umbrella's attempts at stirring up trouble against a member of the African Union Pact.

Edited by Tidy Bowl Man
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[quote name='Lynneth' timestamp='1339333967' post='2980222']
"Estuaire province is approximately 20,000 square kilometers in size. The Falklands have an area or roughly 13,000 square kilometers. The -combined- rest of our terran holdings is 5,000 square km or so - not including the antarctic wasteland with less than 1,000 inhabitants.
The Lunar Republic's entire land area is 38,000 square kilometers. To ask us to not only practically abandon almost 15% of the population on the planet, but to let go of over a full third of our entire territory is in our eyes a tyrannical attempt at landgrabbing.

We will gladly let the Malvinians live on the Falklands, even help them rebuild old communities, but to ask us to remove ourselves entirely? That is akin to Athens to remove themselves from Greece, Tianxia to remove themselves from Manchuria. It's like telling the USA of old to let go of New York because it was a dutch outpost [i]once upon a time[/i].
We'd also like to know that the last time Umbrella attempted to gain control of the Falklands was [i]long[/i] before the Republic rescinded control of continental South America.

We cannot, in good conscience, let go of the Falklands and all those people living there. Should, despite this, Umbrella continue to stubbornly pursue their policy, and possibly decide to continue it to the point of using force, the Republic will have to retaliate harshly. Any and all non-nuclear means will be used to repel any attempt to remove our presence on the Falklands."

"Then so be."

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[quote]Public Dispatch from the Empire of Tianxia:

If we could offer a proposal to this situation. It is our understanding that historically these Islands are barely populated. It is also true that there is deep South American Nationalism attached to these islands. This is not to minimize the Lunar Republic claim, but as a purely academic matter its our understanding that these two facts are more ore less true. Operating on this assumption, that means a significant part of the Lunar Republic citizenry are recent immigrants to the Island, many who've moved homes multiple times between Germany, Sri Lanka, and Brazil. If thats the case we wonder how valuable that specific real estate is to them versus [i]any[/i] real estate. We get the arguments much more about any real estate. If it is simply a matter of space, might it not be possible for the Lunar Republic to be allowed to settle part of the African Continent with the costs associated entirely paid by the South American nations? Assuming all these assumptions are correct and there aren't deeper historical ties we are missing this could be something to consider.


Premier Wei Hai of Tianxia[/quote]

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[i]In response to Tianxia[/i]

"You got one thing wrong: While Sri Lanka had a considerable number of immigrants from Germany, Guyana and later the Lunar Republic had and still has a majority of people with English, Dutch and Portuguese descent, a great many of them survivors of the HAE's horrible and devastating civil war.
More than 90% of the people on the Falklands are such people, yet people who consider themselves Lunar citizens. There are indeed deeper ties than you did assume."

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Besides, each time those people, barring Sri Lanka have been forced to relocate due to violence. Whether it was war, or geopolitical destabilization, these people were sadly alone.

Today, the Lunar Republic is not alone. It would be an unconscionable act to ask those people to give up the lives that they themselves built from nothing yet again. There is no recompense great enough that the Commonwealth could afford that would pay for putting these citizens through the same ordeal. 30000 does not trump 100000, especially when the Republic has offered to integrate Malvinian citizens unto the island at no cost to South America.

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[b]From the Office of the Avatar of War[/b]

[quote]The recent threat to allied shipping made by the Umbrella Commonwealth has made it abundantly clear that an increased naval, anti-air and anti-ballistic missile capacity must be immediately deployed to the region .

While I can assure you that the Principality will indeed send warships of the MNC, warriors and equipment from the Rocket Forces and Artillery to the Islands without compromising present and future contributions to the AUSF, it has been abundantly clear that we must do more to build our peacekeeping forces up against the powers of tyranny that infest our world. The utility of our present Pan-African naval patrols are unquestionable.

It was with a great heaviness that our beloved Princess has given me the order to greatly expand our standing naval screening force to compensate. May the heavens bless her fragile heart- we will not be caught unprepared! We will hold the line no matter the cost. Even if we must draw it with our own blood.

The Principality urges its citizens- nay, for we are all bretheren on this chosen continent- ALL citizens to support this grand endeavour. There is no cost too great, no price that cannot be paid when it comes to our safeties, and more importantly, our dignity and our pride.

Good day brothers and sisters. Fight well. Fight hard.

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[b][From the Ministry of Wartime Technology][/b]

[quote]"In accordance with the steps Aeon is taking, the Republic will begin to expand its naval forces in order to aid in superior protection of the African continent. For these purposes, we will dedicate all of our shipbuilding facilities to constructing 60 additional corvettes (Nascentes class), 40 Frigates (Neblina class) and 40 Destroyers (Alkmaar class), for a total of 140 new vessels.
This will result in our navy reaching a world-peak of 267 vessels, with the following totals:
75 Corvettes,
50 Frigates,
50 Destroyers,
11 Cruisers (Demerara class),
13 Battlecruisers (Libreville class),
8 Aircraft Supercarriers (Estuaire class)

Furthermore, 15 vessel dedicated for amphibious landings and 33 attack submarines (Type O-5S) as well as 12 nuclear submarines (Type N1-15) will continue service.
If possible, we would request the aid of our immediate neighbours - Atlantis and Haven - to help by constructing some of these vessels in their shipyards according to our plans. This would speed things up quite well.

With regards,
Bharrat Jagdeo

Edited by Lynneth
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In accordance with naval expansions across Africa Haven too would expand it's navy. Along with helping the Lunar republic with building and refitting their vessels Haven looked to replace it's entire navy with higher class ships.

[quote]Using the AUP's technology sharing clause Haven has commissioned several of Aeon's ships to be built.
15 Victory class Corvettes
5 Truth class Landing ships
5 Apocalypse class Battleships
5 Ascendant class Cruiser's
12 Infinity Class Frigates
12 Zealot class Destroyers
8 Silence class submarines
4 Obsidian class
4 Paragon class Carriers

They are to be divided up into four distinct carrier groups. Haven's older ships will slowly be brought out of commission as these new ships are built.

Edited by Lord Zephyr
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A message was sent to the African Unity Pact from Triumvirate Alexander Gildas via secure encrypted channels from the nation of Edean.

[code]//Dear Members of the African Unity Pact:

//I, Alexander Gildas, would like to request a private audience with the AUP if possible.
//Several situations are currently having major effects on the nation of Edean,
//almost all of which involve the AUP or members of the AUP directly. In particular,
//I am referring to the continued conflict between Edean and the Aether Empire, the
//current seizure of Lunar Republic vessels by the UC and of our continued interest in
//working with the Lunar Republic to form a permanent settlement on the moon.

//It seems that all roads lead to Africa these days and I would like to personally visit
//with members of the AUP in order to try and form solutions to these issues. If you
//might afford me the possibility of an audience, I believe that we might be able to
//go a long ways in strengthening our relations while finding solutions to global problems.

//Triumvir Alexander Gildas[/code]

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"Considering the events that have transpired so far, it is our view that for African nations to refuse to withdraw from a South American island where they once banded together to force a North American nation from two islands off the African coast to be hypocritical, to say the least."

- Greenlandic Ministry of Foreign Affairs

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[quote name='Zarfef' timestamp='1339646828' post='2982815']
A message was sent to the African Unity Pact from Triumvirate Alexander Gildas via secure encrypted channels from the nation of Edean.

Minister Teguse would give her support for an audience with the Triumvirate and recommend an expedited vote regarding the nature of Afro-South Americano relations.

[quote name='JEDCJT' timestamp='1339722472' post='2984178']
"Considering the events that have transpired so far, it is our view that for African nations to refuse to withdraw from a South American island where they once banded together to force a North American nation from two islands off the African coast to be hypocritical, to say the least."

- Greenlandic Ministry of Foreign Affairs

"Considering the events that have transpired so far, it is our view that a North American nation not banding together with other North American nations in order to drive off a reckless and criminal invasion of Texas, instead choosing to attack diplomatically a peaceful sovereign state's holdings to be cowardly, to say the least. Idiotic is another word that may apply. Dangerous is another."

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Triumvir Alexander Gildas would travel via a privately chartered aircraft due east, stopping first at Mossoro Airport before landing for a second time in Monrovia on the other side of the Atlantic before departing due east to their primary destination to meet with the African Unity Pact. Gildas' meeting with the pact was sponsored by the long time supporter of Edean, Aeon, and Triumvir Gildas looked forward to the opportunity to build stronger Edean-African relations while restoring order to a situation that threatened to harm all of South America, even if he knew that the intentions of Edean's friends and neighbors in the Umbrella Commonwealth and Neo Roma were pure at heart. He feared that in this situation, he would need to protect them from causing themselves harm. This left much of the national affairs in the hands of Triumvir Roldolfo, who was actually the wisest on military affairs so this left everyone rather well suited to tasks appropriate to their abilities. Alaisteir Evylan meanwhile, was seeking warmer clothing for a trip into the frozen south (if permitted), a journey which would take him on a similar route to Gildas in fact save the last leg which would head straight south.

The trip by air was long and tedious, going on for nearly a day and Gildas needed to spend at least one night trying to flip his hours around at a hotel, which was reserved for him before he even left Edean. Upon, getting a good nights rest however, he left for important business: the meeting between Edean and the nations of the mighty continent of Africa.

((OOC: Not too sure where I'm meeting everyone at OOC wise and I realize I didn't give much of a chance for intros, but I figure we'd rather get to the meet of the conversation anyways so I decided to skip on the introductory formalities.))

Edited by Zarfef
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A special welcoming committee is sent directly from the moon to greet the Edean diplomats. Senior Colonel Dana White, grandson of fallen Legionnaire Major General Charles White, Brigader General James Denard, the son of Mad Dog Denard, and Colonel Nathan Bedford Beckwith, the nephew of Major General Beckwith. It represents a bit of a coming out party of the younger generation of ambitious African Legionnaires. The Legion itself has undergone several fundamental changes from its larger sprawling organization to a more formal smaller organization within the confines of the AUP.

The garrison forces of Firebase Lion, Opie, Andy, Bossaso, and elsewhere are removed from the rolls of the Legion. They are placed under the formal supervision and command of the KwaZulan Military Defense Command. The Legion Training Command is merged with the KwaZulan Military along with the entire 1st, 2nd, and 3rd African Legion Corps. This leaves the African Legion a much reduced, yet far more flexible and economical force. The African Legion, now 6000 men of the 501st African Legion Brigade Combat Team is stationed within KwaZulu for the time being. With the 501st are several other small features that make the Legion one of the more colorful and flexible organizations within Africa.

The Legion's long history within Port Sudan, Somalia, and other parts of Africa have given rise to numerous Fraternal Orders of the African Legion that serve as social centers and hiring halls for the African Legion. This creates a ready force of reservists and specialists who are ready for hire at short notice for jobs all over the world. What is interesting to note the Legion old guard has more or less disappeared from the African continent.
Denard, Dellion, Sufyan, Mustapha, Hardcastle, and others are now comfortably enjoying their retirement in the Legion MOOB. Major General Charles Beckwith is the 2nd in command of the KwaZulan Military Defense Command. Time wears down all resolve and the resolve of the older generation to fight more wars, more battles, and more bar brawls seems to have withered away to nothing. It's to be expected given the age of some of them, Denard himself is pushing nearly 75 years of age and can barely see without a pair of glasses so thick he needs help just holding them on his face at times. With all of that said and one the KwaZulan Military Defense Command now finds itself much increased with the call to modernize its inventories extensively.

The first orders to do so begin to churn out as delegations go north to visit Aeon to sign contracts for all manner of military, commercial, and personal products that will bring KwaZulu further along in it's ability to defend against outside aggression.

[ooc- place holder for Orbat of Kwazulan stuff]

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The Principality has deemed that the best course of action for developing the AU and AUSF's JOINT SIXTH GENERATION AIR SUPERIORITY program is to field a F/A-0 derived, fully capable test bed aircraft in the interim. Dubbed the XF-32 GREY WIDOW, this aircraft would serve as a high performance air dominance aircraft, gleaning valuable battle data and testing new and upcoming developments in military aviation, while being based on a dependable and relatively affordable aircraft.

The XF-32 Grey Widow is essentially a high quality placeholder aircraft designed to gain experience for future contributions to an upcoming sixth generation class aircraft. It is built upon an entirely new airframe that utilizes techniques and components from the smaller Brown Widow and legacy Black Widow.

XF-32 GREY WIDOW[/color][/size][/u][/b]

[sub]OOC: Yes, i am basically building a 5+++ gen air superiority aircraft (Which is totally not a real life black widow - just assume the wings and tails are in the same plane for a tailless configuration) based on an enlargened IC Brown Widow.[/sub]

[b]General Characteristics & Performance[/b]

[b]Crew: [/b] 1

[b]Powerplant: [/b][url="http://www.google.ca/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=F135-100+engines&source=web&cd=1&ved=0CFsQFjAA&url=http%3A%2F%2Fen.wikipedia.org%2Fwiki%2FPratt_%2526_Whitney_F135&ei=rvPjT-ipD-W36QGNuOSlCg&usg=AFQjCNFR_zJ9DCPmG3Kh45ObNxmhEJsqHQ"]2 x MILAC F135-100 Afterburning turbofan[/url]
[b]Cruise Speed:[/b] Mach 2.0
[b]Max Speed: [/b]Mach 2.8
[b]Combat Range: [/b]5,500 km
[b]Maximum Design g-Load: [/b] 9 g

[b]1.[/b] The XF-32 "GREY WIDOW" is a 5th+++ generation, fully operational test bed for the AU's JOINT SIXTH GENERATION AIR SUPERIORITY project developed by MILITARY AVIATION COMPLEX (MILAC) in collaboration AIR MILITANT COMMAND (AMC). It is designed as a fully capable platform capable of delivering a high volume of air to air ordinance in order to gain allied air supremacy. It has a secondary role of a high endurance ECM, ELINT ECCM aircraft, while also serving as an usher to newer advancements to continue developing the AFRICAN UNION's CONSOLIDATED AIRFORCE into a formidable fighting force. Utilizing the lessons learned by its immediate cousin, the F/A-0 "BROWN WIDOW" the XF-32 has a tailless all-aspect broadband stealth airframe, a pair of IR-shielded thrust-vectoring engines, while forgoing the BROWN WIDOW's hybrid control/close-coupled canards for enhanced low and top aspect radar profiles.

[b]2.[/b] The "GREY WIDOW" carries the large assortment weapons its cousin does, while retaining a larger design for both fuel and operational range. It is intended to replace, or help develop a replacement for the air-dominance role currently held by the F-23 BLACK WIDOW. It leaves [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Air_interdiction"]AIR INTERDICTION[/url], [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tactical_bombing"]TACTICAL[/url] ground attack and CLOSE AIR SUPPORT to the F/A-0 and priority interdiction sorties to the A-1 KRIEG.

[b]3. [/b]The aircraft is designed to be easy to fix and maintain by utilizing a standard set of equipment present in both the F-23 BLACK WIDOW and F/A-0 BROWN WIDOW. It is designed for ease of procurement while shirking none of the performance, enhancing the ability of the AU to both mass produce airframes and parts with a cheaper long-term maintenance plan for the trio of aircraft. The GREY WIDOW is the second aircraft designed from conceptual stages to be primarily a full capability export aircraft, with production rights solely given to allied states.



[b]1.[/b] The Cockpit of the MILAC XF-32 features a roomy "[url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Glass_cockpit"]glass-cockpit[/url]" design. Commands can be entered manually or via an integrated "user dependent" Adacel [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Direct_Voice_Input"]DVI[/url] (Direct Voice Input) system which accepts commands from the pilot verbally. The plane also contains a full-panel-width "cockpit panoramic display" to display warnings, RADAR systems, sensor-fuzed identification, targeting and tracking information and other relevant stimuli. The on-board computer can accesses an INTERNAL REFERENCE SYSTEM (IRS), which provides color and shape coordinated information on an enemy aircraft type and provides [i]CURRENT[/i] battlefield knowledge of the maximum enemy RADAR detection range (yellow line) and missile range (red line). Overlapping enemy RADAR and missile regions are combined to avoid user clutter and the pilot is informed via a HELMET MOUNTED DISPLAY SYSTEM (HDMS) when they have fallen into either. Pilots can also use touch screen commands to share information with other pilots, by clicking on particular targets, or setting way-points at their command allowing for a fluid flow of information from one pilot to the group during a conversation (priority being given to the group leader).

[b]2.[/b] All planes will utilize a [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Helmet_mounted_display"]HELMET MOUNTED DISPLAY SYSTEM[/url] (HMDS) to display enemy aircraft with missile systems cued to lock on by simply looking in the direction of the desired target if desired via combination of HIGH OFF-BORESIGHT weapons (HOBS). Alternative methods that can be sent to the FIRE CONTROL SYSTEM (FCS) including "manual" or "automatic" target selection. The aircraft contains a [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heads_Up_Display"]HEADS UP DISPLAY[/url] (HUD) system as a back up, relying primarily on the HMDS to convey information to the pilot.

[b]3.[/b] All aircraft are equipped with a [url="http://www.martin-baker.com/products/Ejection-Seats/Mk--16-high-speed/US16E---JSF.aspx"]MARTIN-BAKER US16E[/url] ejection seat. Furthermore, control of the aircraft utilizes a right hand stick controller and a left throttle control. [color="#000000"]

[b]FIRE CONTROL SYSTEM (FCS) XN8 AND NETWORKING[/b] [/color][color="#000000"]

[b]1.[/b] [/color][color="#000000"] The FCS XN8 fire control system is an upgraded version of the XN7 present on the BROWN WIDOW based on the enhanced electronics warfare capability of the GREY WIDOW. The aircraft is designed to acquire and track up to 75 targets air, land and sea on the COCKPIT DISPLAY PANEL and HMDS, and fire up to twelve weapons simultaneously. Target acquisition is performed utilizing a combination of continuous radio-frequency and Infra-red tracking systems via SAIRST. Autonomous tracking for standoff weapons and further enemy information can be acquired via an onboard ELECTRO-OPTICAL TRACKING SYSTEM (EOTS) (OOC: Stealthy version of [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lockheed_Martin_Sniper_XR"]this[/url]) and [url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=65298&view=findpost&p=2529307"]IIDU[/url] based sensors. In combination, this array of sensors integrates with the FCS to provide full HIGH OFF-BORESIGHT weapon (HOBS) capabilities to all weapons - making aircraft orientation unimportant. The combined might of this multi-spectrum sensory information is realized as a sensor-fused advancement of the contemporary Target Acquisition System Software (TASS) utilized in the BLACK WIDOW, a marked improvement incorporating both legacy Nodic as well as modern Aeon advancements into a single cohesive package.

[b]2.[/b] [/color][color="#000000"] These systems are designed to work with a local "Group [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Airborne_early_warning_and_control"]AEWACs[/url]", local group networks or space based networks via a [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Multifunction_Advanced_Data_Link"]MULTIFUNCTION ADVANCED DATA LINK[/url] (MADL), which transmits data between the planes and various military networks without compromising stealth features of the plane. The application of a satellite based WIDE AREA NETWORK (WAN), which can transmit data at 848 megabits per second and receive at gigabit speeds, allows for pilots to have full battlefield combat situational awareness and at the same time allows them to focus in on a smaller region to handle threats or objectives closer to home. The system provides pilots the full range of sensory information acquired by other secured network aircraft, AEWACs, AUSF [url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=77405&view=findpost&p=2086683"]DETECTION EARLY WARNING[/url] (DEW) Long and Short Range RADARs along with ground support from AUSF Air Support mobile RADARs and [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Infrared_Search_and_Track"]IR DETECTION STATIONS[/url] and other detection networks validated by the AMC and the AUSF. When combined with BEYOND VISUAL RANGE missiles, the FCS and Networking system allows the pilots to even target and fire on enemies outside of their current sensor range, using the other systems information as the targeting system to acquire a "lock".

[b]3.[/b] [/color][color="#000000"] Networking is also a valuable system here as it can automatically assign targets to each individual missile according to priority, and the weapon best designed for the given target via a INTERNAL REFERENCE SYSTEM (IRS) which is continuously updated during combat operations via the network grid so pilots can have the best understanding possible of the enemy. This allows the group to utilize it's munitions to their fullest potential by rapidly assigning each weapon a unique target and allowing them an instant opportunity to fire or disregard each target at their discretion. With proper authorization, the system also has an auto-fire command allowing weapons to be fired as soon as the system has a lock-on on a non-friendly [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Identification_friend_or_foe"]IDENTIFICATION FRIEND OR FOE[/url] (IFF) signature that has been designated as that systems target. It also allows pilots to enter the combat situation with an optimal understanding of the enemy as interactions occur on the battlefield.

[b]4.[/b] [/color][color="#FF0000"][color="#000000"] The FCS system will also be able to make optimum use of new LOCK-ON AFTER LAUNCH (LOAL) capable missiles, allowing the user to fire the missile at the general vicinity of the target and then program the target into the missile after it is already in flight (also critical for internal bay launched missiles), or even allowing said missile to acquire a lock on its own via active seeking or networked tracking information from allied platforms. After launch, programming capabilities also allow for "nape of the earth" near-surface combat attack orientations. These allow the aircraft to fire upon enemy forces near the ground while using terrain as an active cover. On board navigation systems will soon also allow the programming of a BEYOND VISUAL RANGE (BVR) missile's flight trajectory so that it acts as a temporary "cruise-mode" before rising up to strike at it's opponents in the distance.

[b]ON-BOARD NAVIGATION SYSTEM[/b][/color][/color] [color="#000000"]

[b]1.[/b] [/color][color="#FF0000"][color="#000000"] The on-board navigation system utilizes a [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Laser_gyroscope"]RING LASER GYROSCOPIC[/url] [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inertial_reference_system"]INERTIAL NAVIGATION SYSTEM[/url] combined with on-board GPS positioning (developed from the lessons learned from MILAC's [url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=77405&view=findpost&p=2144914"]Deathstalker[/url]). On-board systems determine the aircraft's location in space on Earth, allowing the pilot to know their position at all times relative to their environment. The aircraft also has an [url="http://www.defence-update.net/wordpress/tag/auto-gcas"] AUTOMATIC GROUND-COLLISION AVOIDANCE SYSTEM[/url] (Auto GCAS). This system allows the aircraft to safely navigate along the "nape of the earth", utilizing terrain features to reduce the probability of detection by hostile forces and allowing for deep penetration into enemy territory.

[b]ARMARMENT[/b][/color][/color] [color="#000000"]

[b]1.[/b] [/color][color="#000000"] The larger size of the GREY WIDOW, provides a significant internal weapons bay, providing room for up to ten weapons mounts opposed to eight, as found on the F-23 Black WIDOW. It complements its fire-power by opting to fit two small diameter bombs or SIR-73/74 class weapons on each hardpoint.

[b]Gun:[/b] [/color][color="#000000"]2 x 30mm [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gryazev-Shipunov_GSh-30-1"]Lancer[/url] auto-cannon, 540 CTA rounds

[b]Missiles:[/b] [/color][color="#000000"] [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/AIM-9_Sidewinder"]Aim 9x Sidewinder[/url], [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vympel_R-73"]SIR-73[/url], [url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=65298&view=findpost&p=2545679"]SIR-74AC and SIR-74AC-ER[/url], [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joint_Air_to_Ground_Missile"]JAGM Missile[/url], [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/AGM-84_Harpoon"]AGM-84 Harpoon[/url], [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/AGM-88_HARM"]AGM-88E AARGM[/url], [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/AGM-154_JSOW"]AGM-154 JSOW[/url], [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MBDA_Meteor"]MBDA Meteor[/url], [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vympel_R-37"]SARAH-37 Missile[/url],
[url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ADM-160_MALD"]ADM-160A MALD[/url] [/color][color="#000000"], [url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=65298&view=findpost&p=2565486"]SEAD-MA and SEAD-MA-EM[/url], [url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=105172&view=findpost&p=2805004"]'Punisher' Tactical Assault Missile(TAM)[/url]

[b]Bombs: [/b] [/color][color="#000000"] [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CBU-100_Cluster_Bomb"]CBU-100 Cluster Bombs[/url], [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/JDAM"]JDAM Series[/url], [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mark_82_bomb"]Mark 82[/url], [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mark_83_bomb"]83[/url] and [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mark_84_bomb"]84[/url] GPBs,
[url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paveway"]Paveway Series Bombs[/url] [/color][color="#000000"], [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Small_Diameter_Bomb"]Small Diameter Bombs[/url]

All craft are additionally armed with chaff and flares for aircraft defense. More advanced defensive systems are as follows: [/color][color="#FF0000"]
4 x Tanzanian Arms AN/AAQ-24 directional infrared countermeasure (DIRCM) system[/color][/color] [list][*][color="#000000"]AN/AAR-54 missile warning system[/color][/list][list][*][color="#000000"]Small Laser Targeting Assembly (SLTA)[/color][/list][color="#000000"]6 x Dorsal Bay mounting TA/MILAC 'mini-Nulka' cold launched Active Radar Expendable Decoy (ARED)

6 x ALE-50 Towed Decoy System [/color][color="#FF0000"]
[color="#000000"][b]NEXT GENERATION JAMMING AND CYBERATTACK[/b][/color][/color] [color="#000000"]

[b]1.[/b] [/color][color="#000000"] The GREY WIDOW mounts a NEXT GENERATION PLUS JAMMER (NGPT) system, designed to escort stealthy and non-stealthy aircraft to the edge of an enemy threat zone, jamming radars used by the enemy to launch munitions at allied targets. The NGPT is designed to open the envelope of safety given to allied units in order to successfully deploy stand-off attack munitions, escape a projected kill zone, or mount concerted close-in attacks to destroy high priority targets. The AESA based NGPJ system is designed to exploit electronic warfare, operating across a broad swath of the electromagnetic spectrum. This electronic surveillance and attack system utilizes the very skin of the GREY WIDOW as a giant AESA array, breaking it up into several 'sectors', elements that are steerable, directable and assignable in frequency. Each sector is tasked for use in differing functions, as well as for pointing at differing targets. In addition, this section based system can be used in its totality to provide a very high power capability, producing nearly three times the power in a much smaller package.
2.[/b] [/color][color="#000000"] The NGPT is capable of directing its energy in a concerted attack against sensitive enemy electronics. In addition, it is capable of inserting malicious information into enemy data streams, allowing for suppression of enemy intelligence gathering assets or their outright disablement.

[b]3.[/b] The NGPT addresses the dual nature of the code insertion capability AESA based systems are vulnerable to. The NGPT integrates a protective, intelligent countermeasure system to guard against such cyberattacks. This system practices secured input and output handling to ensure defense against compromisation. It includes:

- Input validation against a secured and duplicated database of known/accepted inputs
- Proactive conversion of potentially dangerous input code into standardized, safe characters
- Input and output encoding
- Utilizing a unique, indigenously produced programming language that draws heavily upon 'prepared statements', 'bound variables' and 'bound values'

The successes encountered with the NGPT during the GREY WIDOW program have been deployed to legacy systems and will be included in future systems employed by the AUSF.

[b]RADAR, EWS AND SECURITY [/b] [/color][color="#000000"]

[b]1.[/b] [/color][color="#000000"] The BROWN WIDOW Utilizes a [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/AN/APG-77"]MILAC/APG-77[/url] based [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Active_Electronically_Scanned_Array"]ACTIVE ELECTRONICALLY SCANNED ARRAY[/url] (AESA) RADAR system. The RADAR system is controlled by via two TENSOR COMMON INTEGRATED PROCESSORS (CIP)s, which can process 10.5 billion instructions per second and have 800 MB of memory. This information is processed further by the on-board FCS XN78 computer system which provides the information in an easy to understand, informative display in the cockpit. The RADAR system has an expected range of approximately 300-350 km, with up to a 500 km range when utilizing a narrow beam search pattern.

Additionally the aircraft has 6 EO/IR-sensors, and a Ultra-Violet MISSILE APPROACH EARLY WARNING SYSTEM (MAWS) both of which combine to be as a missile warning system with continuous coverage on all angles of the aircraft. The system is integrated with the FCS XN8 system and an AN/ASQ-239 (Barracuda) [/color][color="#000000"][url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electronic_Warfare"]ELECTRONIC WARFARE SYSTEM[/url] (EWS). Additionally, the aircraft has seperate [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electronic_countermeasures"]ECM[/url] and [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electronic_counter-countermeasures"]CECM[/url] pods smoothly integrated into the wing-tips for additional support of the NGPJ system. Internal electronics are protected by concentrated Electro-magnetic shielding to lessen the effects of concerted EM attacks.

[b]2.[/b] [/color][color="#000000"] In addition to the EWS used to protect the aircraft from electromagnetic attacks, an extensive on-board security suite is installed to avoid interference with the network via "hacking". All MILAC networks run on a SECURE ISOLATED NETWORK (SIN). The system utilizes [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Advanced_Encryption_Standard"]FULL 1024 BIT ADVANCED ENCRYPTION STANDARD[/url] (AES) technology to encode all relevant information between parties, in conjunction with an indigenously developed Reduced Instruction Set driving hardware. In addition to these encryption technologies, all networks will operate in "stealth mode", acting as though the network didn't exist to any party outside of those programmed into the main system. No party can acquire /ROOT ACCESS to the software while the aircraft is operating, nor while the wireless network system is active. Data transmissions are monitored by MILAC personnel to observe that no erroneous information is being fed to the system by an errant enemy source. Furthermore, aircraft /ROOT ACCESS requires a high level manual password validation that would allow the user more then simple "use" of the software and transmitting authorized data forms (passing and receiving information from various programs). If such authorization cannot be acquired within five tries, the system invokes an F-DISK and destroys the hard-drive, destroying all internal code and the ability of the unit to interact via networking. Access to this screen requires it's own separate pass code to avoid accidental or sabotage based attacks, this has an unlimited number of tries, but would be impossible to enter without a proper code (only valid for the hour of it's entry).

[b]3.[/b] [/color][color="#000000"] In the event that a system within the network is considered compromised, the system can be cut off manually from a central network from the inside given the proper authorization codes. The system will not take effect on aircraft however, until it has safely landed on the ground. The on-board electronics, such as the hard-drive, cannot be removed from the system without proper coded authorization (similar to the /ROOT authorization protection), such systems are in place to prevent the physical removal of critical pieces of hardware and subsequent analysis by an external separately built device. All of this works to create an extremely secure defense around the working network, to prevent unwanted access by enemy forces.

[b]4.[/b] The GREY WIDOW is capable of communicating in a secure, zero-probability of intercept 'hunting pack' capability via point-to-point laser transmissions strobed onto an appropriately equipped allied unit. This transmission is useable when supreme electronic silence must be maintained, especially when two or more communicating vehicles are in close proximity (tight formation).


[b]1.[/b] [/color][color="#000000"] The XF-32 utilizes a [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stealth_technology"]LOW OBSERVABLE TECHNOLOGY[/url] throughout the design of the aircraft to minimize it's RADAR cross section, IR signature, visual image and sensor systems. VEHICLE SHAPE attributes reflect RADAR off the aircraft at large angles, reducing returns and an S-Shaped air intake reduces the returns from the turbo-fans, while a thin layer of conducting [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Indium_tin_oxide"]Indium-Tin-Oxide[/url], reduces the RCS of the cockpit. The removal of the hybrid control/close-coupled canard system of the BROWN WIDOW reduces the radar cross section of the aircraft substantially. The tailless design of the WIDOW also contributes to an all aspect RCS.

[b]2.[/b] [/color][color="#000000"]IR emissions from the engine are reduced by avoiding a circular tailpipe, such as the slit tail-pipe design found on the F-23 Black WIDOW and F-22 Raptor. This engine design also finds it's way onto the GREY WIDOW, which helps to reduce the aircraft's vulnerability to IR detection stations and heat-seeking missiles. The advent of optical systems also requires further stealth characteristics, which is why aircraft coloring scheme is designed to prevent shadows and blend into it's environment ((OOC: via the same techniques used on the [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boeing_Bird_of_Prey"]Bird of Prey[/url] demonstrator)).

[b]3. [/b][/color][color="#000000"]For the sake of protecting our critical resources, Air Militant Command often recommends that one or even two GREY WIDOW ace pilots accompany every squadron, providing additional cover from an off-formation vector. Ever vigilant but not directly visible, these aircraft serve several purposes. They provide dedicated air-combat focused specialists on the field, and can act as "mini-AEWACS", and they also provide increased endurance on the battlefield in intense air-combat situations because of their larger fuel capacity and armaments.

[b]4.[/b] [/color][color="#000000"] The largest radar reflector on the frontal aspect of a fighter is the compressor turbine. In order to compensate for this source of detection, there is a perceived misalignment of the turbine in relation to air intakes. This prevents radar waves from directly reaching the compressor. The result is a very small frontal RCS due to the curvature of the airducts of the turbine.

[b]5. [/b] [/color][color="#000000"]Exhaust from the single power plant flows through a winding path within the airframe of the XF-32. Along this path, the troughs are lined with heat ablating materials which in turn feeds the heat into the main combustion cavity. The exhaust is shielded from infrared missile detection from below.

[b]6.[/b] [/color][color="#000000"] The majority of the GREY WIDOW's airframe is built with composite materials opposed to conventional metallics, and is designed to 'trap' incoming radar waves that penetrate the external skin, allowing for more energy to be absorbed and turned into much more manageable heat. This heat may be shunted by liquid cooling to the combustion chambers of the XF-32's powerplant, aiding in propulsion and reducing radar returns substantially. While this does not aid in the ease of production, it was determined that unless catastrophic damage has been incurred by an airframe, export clients would not necessarily need to deal with such concerns. Furthermore, 3D-Manufacturing technology would serve to consolidate all construction woes into a single, easier to manage package, allaying cost and intricacy concerns somewhat.

[b]7.[/b] [/color][color="#000000"] Low wing aspect ratio is used to optimize supercruise performance. The tailless aspect of the WIDOW lends itself not only to a reduced RCS, but also reduced mechanical complexity and greater agility due to inherent instability.

OOC: Again, thank Zarfef for this when you can.

Edited by Executive Minister
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Haven would immediately begin construction of 40 squadrons of the new fighter. Haven is very interested in building a sixth generation fighter and will hopefully our tests will provide valuable data for the development of an official AUSF 6th generation fighter. The Grey widows will be fielded alongside the White Falcons To gauge their performance against each other.

In addition to this Haven has also evaluated its Tank's capabilities against fictitious high technology enemies. After this evaluation we've determined that it would be a good idea to overhaul those too. We'll be building 4,000 Titans and 468 Colossus and slowly bringing our current tanks either into reserve or decommissioning them all together. Decommissioned tanks will be sold to the public, because every man wants a !@#$@#$ tank.

... On a completely unrelated matter would anyone like to let Haven borrow their production capabilities? Ours seem to be miraculously tied up.

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The Principality would aid Haven in its procurement of the GREY WIDOW air dominance aircraft by providing both prefabricated airframes and parts, as well as devoting production capabilities to Haven's crop of aircraft.

The Principality would also recommend Tanzania utilize the Grey Widow as an air dominance platform instead of the multirole setting the Brown Widow currently fills. It would also cite the Grey Widow's clear superiority over the Black Widow as a second reason for the change.

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Triumvir Gildas, along with his personal aids from the council of wisdom were honored to meet with Senior Colonel Dana White and the other members of the commanding party of Legion. While Gildas was certainly old enough to remember Mad Bob Denard and other members of what was once Somalia - even going back to the first East African War - he ultimately never made it into power before the older generation of humans moved on. He did find as a personal note, the idea interesting that Aeon, the former Nation of Nod, was now deep allies with a nation that was once a staunch enemy. It was good see a unified Africa and he wondered to an extent if South America would finally leave it's age of war to find it's own era of peace.

But none of that would be had though. Within the last few hours alone, he had been informed that not only had the Umbrella Commonwealth gone to various nations asking for an escalation of trade boundaries with the Lunar Republic, but also that the Lunar Republic had vanished from Earth, leaving a nasty virus or bacteria of some kind in their wake. Umbrella was still calling for war, but Gildas had to wonder how they felt so highly of themselves when aiming rockets at the backside of the Moon.

Either way, with the Lunar Republic gone, part of his initial goals had been lost in this mission. So instead, he would have to push for increased trade between Edean and Africa without the Republic (a far harder pitch to sell given that the UC didn't seem to care about the comings and goings of the rest of the AUP) and to request sanctions against their own current enemy Zarfef, who was still sipping from coconuts on Edean's home shore. Another nuclear weapon had been dropped at Monte Christi and while the reports were vague - none of them sounded too good. Much work was to be done.

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KwaZulu places an order for 30 Squadrons of XF- 32 Grey Widow Fighters and another 50 Squadrons of the Brown Widow Fighter (I do believe the BW is 5th gen?). With this order comes a request for the trial purchase of an armored division sized set of equipment to fully equip an entire armored division from the ground up with all of the needed equipment. Further orders of will be forth coming if the logistics work out properly.

At the meeting with the Edean party the KwaZulan President Jacob Zuma and two of his higher ranking cabinet members make their way into the room. They acknowledge their Legion comrades and take their seats. With them is Major General Charles Beckwith, one of the few surviving Legionnaires who fought in the Red Sands War and participated in what most Legionnaires call Mama Denard's Folly with her sudden about face when presented with a storm of media criticism. They all take their seats and wait for the meeting to start.

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[quote name='Curristan' timestamp='1340464008' post='2993571']
As time passed, it looked like the President's reforms were starting to bankrupt the country. Conditions were worsened by the currency being spent on expensive projects including new aircraft and facilities. As the situation worsened, the people began to stream into Aeon and Haven to escape the worsening situation. Soon it would become so bad that the country was close to collapse.

A referendum would be made as it came to crisis point. The results were unanimous:

[b]Stay Independent: 22%
Call for Aeon Intervention and possible incorporation: 78%[/b]

A message would be sent:


[b]To Aeon[/b]

The Tanzania Federation would like to declare a state of emergency. We would like to be incorporated into your nation to safeguard African security. We are sorry it has come to this.


This communique would be made public to all African Union nations.

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Minister Teguse would remove herself from the AU deliberations with the Edean delegates. She took time to ponder the current situation at hand. The loss of the Tanzanian Federation was a serious blow, and current stances would need to be reevaluated, even as the AUSF began stabilizing the region. Careful actions would remedy precarious situations.

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