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A State of War Exists...


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John C. Flemming walked up to a podium to the cheers of thousands of Australians who filled the stadium, while millions more of the people watched on state television. "My fellow Australians, I, your Field Marshall, John C. Flemming stand before you at a time of great opportunity for our people. Too long have the Imperialists stood over our nation and oppressed us and our right to growth as a nation. A prime example of this are the people of Arctica. They are filthy Westerners, concerned not for the Worker and the People, but for their filthy Capitalist selves. Always using up to the last drops of blood, tears, and sweat of the worker and never rewarding him with the position he truly deserves. THIS SHALL NOT STAND!" Banging his walking stick onto the podium Flemming continued. "Today, The Socialist People's Republic of Australia declares a full and unconditional war upon the Capitalist swine of Arctica. Their nation shall burn."

Walking away from the cheers of the masses, Flemming whispered to his military commanders.

Classified: The Australian People's Navy in full complement along with 297,024 men of the Australian People's Army(OOC: bascally Corps I-III) have been mobilised. Fully equipped with the following- 2971 Challenger II tanks, 2971 Warrior IFV's, 2971 Star Streak SAMs, 2971 M110's 2920 Jackal and Coyote TSV's(1460 each), 1460 Panther CLV's, 1460 Mastiff 2's and 1460 Multi-Role Humvees. With marching orders to take and subjugate Arctica, Australia marches to war.

Edited by graniteknight
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*** Classified ***

President Narino spat out his morning cereal whilst reading this in the morning newspaper. It looked Identical to that stupid internet meme. No-one else was around to see it, 'Damn' he thought to himself 'that would have been awesome.' He immediately opened up his laptop and made a jpeg depicting what had just occurred before uploading it onto 9GAG where it received praise as the funniest thing since getting an arrow in the knee.

*** Public ***

New Panama shall watch this closely.

Edited by King Timmy
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OOC: I am definitely missing a joke somewhere here.

IC: The Kuklos Confederacy stands against this act of Communist aggression against a sovereign nation which has done nothing excessively offensive to nations of conscience and piety. Messages have been sent to withdraw all excess diplomatic staff from Australia.

Edited by Sigurd Odinnson
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"May we inquire of the reasons behind this unnecessary antagonism and aggression against the Union of Arctica? As far as we can see, Arctica has been nothing but a peaceful and friendly nation."


Edited by JEDCJT
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[quote name='TheShammySocialist' timestamp='1325980025' post='2895143']
"The Swedish Commission of International Affairs and Trade watches this announcement with mild interest, and a large helping of popcorn."

[i]Karl Reinfeldt
Commissioner of International Affairs and Trade[/i]
"Ah, now we understand the Maize stock rise. Good for them."

On a more serious note, Parliament is questioning why Australia has decided to attack Arctica.

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The Empire of Pravus Ingruo demands an explanation as to why Arctica, of all nations, is being attacked by Australia. They are hardly imperialistic, certainly not antagonistic, and have done nothing, in our eyes, to warrant such an attack. We demand an immediate explanation of these actions by Australia, or serious repercussions could follow.

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[quote name='Kankou' timestamp='1325986536' post='2895235']
Grand Papua finds it strange that Pravus Ingruo is threatening Australia. Does Pravus Ingruo have any interest in the region or the government of Arctica?

We have known Arctica ever since the first incarnation of Pravus Ingruo. While a formal treaty has never existed between our nations, we have always held friendly relations with them and seen them as a stabilizing power in the southern part of Africa, a continent that we may add can often be exceptionally volatile. The fact that Australia is looking to attack Arctica without any apparent provocation, other than they are capitalist, strikes us as downright wrong. We are a free nation, free to act, I may add, to right wrongs we see in the world. Such an attack, without reason, would be one of those wrongs.

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[quote name='Kankou' timestamp='1325986536' post='2895235']
Grand Papua finds it strange that Pravus Ingruo is threatening Australia. Does Pravus Ingruo have any interest in the region or the government of Arctica?
"That reminds me of a funny story."

-Mr. Harold Cheve's tweet concerning Grand Papua's recent statement.

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"We here at Newfoundland find it strange that there seems no reason for this, except that they are capitalist. But nonetheless, we have more then enough popcorn to watch this."

Minister of Foreign affairs- Harley Kokoro

Edited by Shadow hawk
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[quote name='Pravus Ingruo' timestamp='1325986794' post='2895241']
We have known Arctica ever since the first incarnation of Pravus Ingruo. While a formal treaty has never existed between our nations, we have always held friendly relations with them and seen them as a stabilizing power in the southern part of Africa, a continent that we may add can often be exceptionally volatile. The fact that Australia is looking to attack Arctica without any apparent provocation, other than they are capitalist, strikes us as downright wrong. We are a free nation, free to act, I may add, to right wrongs we see in the world. Such an attack, without reason, would be one of those wrongs.
In other words, Pravus Ingruo is using a self-defined standard in dealing with affairs out of its jurisdiction. Very well, we shall keep that in mind should we ever find the occasion to do something in North America.

Grand Papua does not support this exporting of the revolution through purely violent means. However, we shall defend Australia if it is attacked within the sphere of Oceania. Our obligations do not extend to offensive actions, and as such we shall not interfere in this African affair except through diplomacy.

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"It appears that a lower level typist decided they thought it was funny to add an untrue statement onto our earlier official statement on this matter. We hereby revise our initial statement to one that is much more appropriate and should have been used in the first place.

That being said, the Union of Sweden questions the legitimacy and overall aim of launching this assault on the peaceful state of Arctica with no provocation, therefore, we are putting a halt on the procurement of the two afloat forward staging bases that the government of Australia has bought from Karlskrona AB and the Swedish government. This is a temporary halt on procurement, and the deal has not been terminated, yet. While we are not in the business of halting foreign contracts and transactions, Arctica has done nothing to wrong the Oceania in anyone's past recollections, and your blaming of your woes on them now is poor form."

[i]Karl Reinfeldt
Commissioner of International Affairs and Trade[/i]

Edited by TheShammySocialist
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[quote name='Kankou' timestamp='1325988692' post='2895271']
In other words, Pravus Ingruo is using a self-defined standard in dealing with affairs out of its jurisdiction. Very well, we shall keep that in mind should we ever find the occasion to do something in North America.

Grand Papua does not support this exporting of the revolution through purely violent means. However, we shall defend Australia if it is attacked within the sphere of Oceania. Our obligations do not extend to offensive actions, and as such we shall not interfere in this African affair except through diplomacy.

In other words, we are doing exactly what you have already done in Africa. Before you judge us, you may want to look into a mirror. Hypocrite.

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[quote name='Pravus Ingruo' timestamp='1325990276' post='2895294']
In other words, we are doing exactly what you have already done in Africa. Before you judge us, you may want to look into a mirror. Hypocrite.
Unlike you, we have a direct interest in arresting the genocidal terrorists who killed five million of our people in the past. This has specific support from the African countries themselves. Now, perhaps you should clean your eyes and get that blindness out.

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[quote name='Kankou' timestamp='1325990600' post='2895296']
Unlike you, we have a direct interest in arresting the genocidal terrorists who killed five million of our people in the past. This has specific support from the African countries themselves. Now, perhaps you should clean your eyes and get that blindness out.

So you're saying Australia has the support of the Oceanic nations in attacking another nation purely for !@#$% and giggles? Interesting. Arctica has done nothing to warrant such a blatant aggressive act, and we will move to defend them if they are attacked.

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[quote name='Pravus Ingruo' timestamp='1325990779' post='2895302']
So you're saying Australia has the support of the Oceanic nations in attacking another nation purely for !@#$% and giggles? Interesting. Arctica has done nothing to warrant such a blatant aggressive act, and we will move to defend them if they are attacked.
We specifically said we do not support Australia's actions, and perhaps Pravus Ingruo should just wait for the African countries to move first before bandwagoning.

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[quote name='Kankou' timestamp='1325990964' post='2895307']
We specifically said we do not support Australia's actions, and perhaps Pravus Ingruo should just wait for the African countries to move first before bandwagoning.

You may want to check the definition of bandwagoning. Leading a charge, or starting a charge, is in no way bandwagoning.

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[quote name='Kankou' timestamp='1325988692' post='2895271']In other words, Pravus Ingruo is using a self-defined standard in dealing with affairs out of its jurisdiction.[/quote] This statement highlights Grand Papua’s ignorance concerning Pravus Ingruo’s overall national character
Procinctia has years of experience, friendly and otherwise, dealing with Pravus Ingruo
Fortunately our expert Pravus Ingruologists are on hand to enlighten you on this subject
Pravus Ingruo have never limited themselves to ‘spheres of influence’ – believing anywhere and everywhere that catches their interest within their ‘jurisdiction’

Edited by Generalissimo
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